Romance: Menage Romance: The French Quarter Hostages (Paranormal Action Shapeshifter MFM Bear Shifter Romance) (Fantasy BBW Taboo Interracial Love Triangle Werebear Mates Short Stories) (17 page)

BOOK: Romance: Menage Romance: The French Quarter Hostages (Paranormal Action Shapeshifter MFM Bear Shifter Romance) (Fantasy BBW Taboo Interracial Love Triangle Werebear Mates Short Stories)
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Micah had learned everything she knew about computers and gadgets from her good ole friend Stan. Even if he was currently in hiding, she could feel his presence as she rapidly typed and tapped on the touchscreen computer monitors in the office. She entered and re-entered passwords. Time was running out. She needed to figure this out fast. And suddenly a name popped in her head.
Last Standing Renegades.
No way. He wouldn’t. She entered the words and gained access to the main server. She would contemplate
password at a later time. Right now, she was in his files. She popped in the extra special flash drive that Stan had created for her, that downloaded files in quarter seconds and Micah got to download a bunch of files before they heard a commotion outside the General’s office.

The cyborgs had arrived, along with the General. Drake and Micah blasted away as they backed toward the other end of the room. Many went down injured or dead. But the General, who'd been cowering behind them, had suddenly shown himself. He was armed too, and was quick to shoot at both of them.

Micah yelped as she felt a searing pain in her shoulder but she kept firing back. Adrenaline was rushing through her body and she barely felt the pain.

"Run to the elevator at the other end!" Drake shouted, as he fought with the General. "There's a secret passageway from there."

"You traitor!" the General roared, clawing at his face.

Micah wanted to stay and help him, but when he yelled "Run!" again, she found her feet dashing toward the secret elevator and going down a narrow underground passageway. She kept going because she knew that she still had to destroy the laboratory and factory of the happy pills and other medications the New Government had been working on.

When she reached the end of the tunnel and pushed open the heavy metal door, she was greeted by bright sunlight. She refused to think about Drake's condition as she made her way toward the next building. There wasn’t anyone else around, as they were probably all on red alert inside the police tower.

She came upon the modern structure that housed the laboratory and factory. She snuck toward the back and found the lever that Drake had told her about. She pulled it down with all her might, to sound the warning alarm. In less than a minute, people were spilling from the building to the outdoor area of the compound. These were doctors, technicians, and other workers whom she did not want killed in what she was about to do.

When she was positive they were all outside, she pulled the bomb out from the bottom hidden part of her pants. She threw it into one of the open windows, screamed for everyone to run, and ran with them too.

The loud explosion made people run faster, and scatter off in all directions. She blended in with the crowd, but was determined to get back into the headquarters. Just as she was nearing it, though, she was tossed back by the impact of yet another explosion. The building was consumed in large flames of fire.

She stopped and stared in stunned belief. "No," she screamed, color draining from her face as she thought of Drake.

Behind her, Shelley was running, screaming, and crying. Micah caught her before she could enter the building. "Drake, no!" she cried. Micah held her tightly as another part of the building erupted into more flames.

"Maybe he'd gotten out already," Micah whispered. Her eyes scanned the grounds around her while Shelley continued to cry hysterically. Drake was nowhere in sight.


Micah gazed up at the night stars while leaning against the side of the abandoned van where she had first made love with Drake and shared her dreams with him. A tear fell down her cheek and she quickly brushed it away.

I have to remain strong.
I have yet to find where Stan is now. I will look for him tomorrow and he will help me with the completion of my mission.

She was one step away from victory, yet she felt so empty and miserable. Her thoughts kept on drifting back to Drake, even though she wanted to just forget about him. Besides, she had no proof whatsoever if he had been able to get out of the building or not, before it had exploded.
I must have faith.
She told herself repeatedly.

"Hey," she heard a low voice say from afar, making her look up. She squinted, trying to make out if there was someone in the shadows.

And there he was there. A well-built figure stepped out of the darkness. Half-illuminated by the moon, she could barely see his features. But she would recognize him anywhere. His brown eyes seemed to glow with joy at seeing her too. And before he could close the gap between them, she met him halfway and threw her arms around his neck.

"You're here," she kept saying.

"Yes, I'm okay," Drake confirmed, wrapping his arms around her waist and bringing her closer to his body. "I'm definitely okay."

"Thank God," she whispered. And then their lips were on each other once more, the hunger and passion and fear dragging them in. They kissed desperately, expressing how they truly missed and cared for one another. Their bodies seemed to merge as clothes slipped off piece by piece.

Drake opened the back of the van and grabbed the raggedy blanket from the cold metal floor of the van. They stumbled their way toward a clearing of grass under a tree and Drake pushed Micah gently down to the ground. He kissed her soft pouty lips. “I never doubted I wouldn’t see you again,” he said against her lips, and kissed her deeper. His hands slid over her body and caressed her skin gently. Drake felt goosebumps rising against his fingers. She moaned and writhed under his touch. “Drake.” She moaned breathlessly. “Pleaaaase. I need you.” Drake dragged his lips down her neck and sucked on her skin before continuing down to her chest. Both of her nipples puckered as he wrapped his hot, hungry mouth around one turgent nipple, and her back arced up from the blanket. Micah dug her fingers into Drake’s biceps and squeezed. He was devouring her slowly, and it was killing her. She was desperate for him. She squirmed her body and pulled Drake further over her body. He dug his erection against her hip and Micah moaned. She spread her legs open and his body slid between hers. He rubbed against her and she thrust against him. He was reaching his hand between their bodies but she stopped him. “Let me,” she whispered.

Their hearts were pounding against each other. Drake watched as Micah slid her hand between their bodies and wrapped her long fingers around his erection. His cock throbbed and pulsed at the sweet sensation of her fingers squeezing around him. He moaned. He raised his head and looked Micah straight in the eyes. “Put me inside you Micah.” She moaned and squeezed her hand tighter around him. He gasped. She rubbed him against her hot, wet center and spread her legs wider. She pushed the tip of him into her body and pulled her hand away. “No, put your hand back around me.” He moaned. “Just for a minute. I love feeling your hand where we are joined.” He kissed her deeply and she slid her hand down and wrapped it around his shaft. Drake slid one hand up and intertwined his fingers with Micah’s free hand, and slowly pushed into her body. They moaned in unison. “God.” He laughed. “No, not God. Drake.”

She leaned in and kissed him. Drake pushed himself fully into her body. Micah pulled her hand away and thrust back against him. Intense heat spread through her body and she gripped every inch of her body around Drake. Their movements were slow and sensual. They were finding a rhythm with their bodies and kissing deeper, hungrier. “Micah.” Drake moaned. “You feel so good wrapped around me sweetheart. I’m so close. I want you with me. Cum with me, Micah.” Micah moaned at his seductive tone. Her pleasure accelerated through her body.
He was begging her. So hot.
Every inch of her tingled. She was thrusting and clenching and squeezing Drake as he thrust hard and stopped moving. She felt him. Pulsing inside her. It was incredible. She could feel his heat. They kissed through their mutual orgasms. Their connection sealed with the intimate encounter.


In the midst of the forest, they lay on their backs and visualized the future world they had been dreaming of. Now there was hope, there was a light they had been waiting for in the dark tunnel. And now there was love sparking between them, connecting their souls somehow.


"Ready?" Stan asked, adjusting the video camera he had set up which was now directed at Micah.

She nodded and smiled confidently at the camera. They were actually in an old basement which Stan had converted into a makeshift TV studio. Hiding from the authorities had not done him well, as he was now thinner than ever. His cheeks seemed hollow and his skin was dry and coarse. Micah felt sorry for him, but knew that it was going to be all over soon. They would finally be able to fulfill the mission and become free, just like the rest of the humans.

Behind Stan, Drake smiled at her and gave her a thumbs-up sign.

She nodded at him and mouthed "thanks." Then she faced the camera, took a deep breath, and began her speech about the secret plans of the New Government. She talked about what the happy pills actually do to people and the long-term damaging effects they had on human beings. She showed all the supporting information she had uncovered from the General's computer files.

All across the globe, her video was being shown… and watched. She knew there would be a lot of people who wouldn't be ready to accept the truth. But there were bound to be supporters. This exposure would surely awaken some from the trance induced by the drugs from the government.

Micah then thought of her best friend, Elise. She looked forward to being seeing her again someday, just like old times. Then she thought of her family in heaven, who were probably looking down at her now with pride and happiness.

Her heart soared with relief and gladness as she ended her presentation.

"It's a wrap," Stan declared. "You did it, Micah. I'm so proud of you. You really did it."

"Thanks, Stan," Micah replied. She went over to join hands with Drake. "We both did it. And of course without you, we wouldn't be able to bring the news to the whole world. So you are part of this victory too."

Stan grinned. "Glad to be of service."

As he packed up all the stuff, Micah and Drake headed upstairs to the cozy, beautifully designed home that used to be owned by one of the members of the Last American Renegades.

"So…" Drake began. "How about celebrating with me- just the two of us, over dinner?"

A smile spread across Micah's lips as she turned to look at him. "You mean… like a date?"

He smiled and touched her chin with his finger. "Yes, a real date. We deserve it, don't you think?"

"I guess so," Micah agreed hesitantly. "But why are you asking me out?"

"Why not?"

"I thought…" Micah didn't know what to say. She had never had an actual romantic relationship with anyone before. Now that her mission was over, she still hadn't thought much about her plans for the future. Perhaps this was going to be a good start. "I just didn't think…"

"That I'm serious about you?" he teased. With his brown eyes sparkling, he leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "This is just the beginning of our adventure together, Micah. I'm so glad that among all the cyborgs, I was the one who was able to capture you."

You captured my heart
Micah said in silence. But aloud she said, "I'm glad too. So where are you taking me for dinner tonight? I hope they let rebels like me inside."

"Beautiful rebels like you are always welcome, especially when accompanied by a handsome cyborg." he said jokingly, enfolding her in an embrace.

She laughed. Deep inside, her heart was pounding like crazy. This was certainly nothing compared to all the life-and-death situations she had been in but it felt just as equally terrifying. She smiled. She would risk it. She was ready to explore, risk, and fall… in love.


Bonus Story 4 of 20

Just in Time


The drunk guy next to me leaned over to blow his beer-laced question in my face. “So who do you think’ll win, huh? Nets or Celtics?”

I scrunched up my nose and leaned away slightly while he wobbled in his seat. He had a leathery face from many days working out in the sun. His eyes were an unfocused soupy green color and pointed in my general direction. He wore a black trench coat over a blue work shirt and jeans. His muddy boots kept slipping from the ledge under the bar. I chuckled and then pointed to the flat screen directly in front of us, hanging over the bar.

“The Nets man. All day,” I said. A few New Yorkers within earshot cheered, and the drunk guy grinned.

“Nah. So what they’re up this quarter, all the Celtics have to do is catch up in the last two minutes and they’ve got this,” the guy said, slurring his words. The Brooklyn crowd at the bar heard him, and he got booed and pelted with peanuts. I chuckled again.

“They’re going to catch up twenty points in two minutes?” I said. “Not a chance.”

“I got a huge bet ridin’ on this, I can’t afford to lose it,” said the drunk. I shook my head apologetically.

“You shouldn’t have bet on the Celtics man. The
? Really?” I said in disbelief. The guy groaned while he gulped down the rest of his fifth beer.

“Guy is gonna get iced,” the man on my left said with a laugh. I patted the drunk on his back.

“I suggest you start running now guy, maybe you’ll be able to hide from your bookie,” I suggested. The drunk guy looked up with wide eyes that were surprisingly alert and he slapped two twenties on the bar top before he bolted out of the door. Three seconds later three huge guys ran out after him. Half the bar was loud with laughter.

I snorted and then paid attention to the screen once more as I brought the bottle of lager to my lips. Got to love this city, there was a never ending supply of entertainment if you knew where to look. With the life I had, I’d just about seen it all.

I’ve been nearly everywhere on the globe, but had no frequent flier miles to show for my kind of travel. I had the ability to teleport. Create my own wormholes and jump through them to any point on the globe. Often the cracks I created in space and time close right up after I travel through, but sometimes I create large pathways that lead not only to a different place, but a different time. I’ve sometimes gone full years back and forward in time; it was wild. Of course I used my gift with as pure intentions as possible. After I set myself up financially I only jump for largely recreational reasons or if I see that someone truly needs help. Like the drunk guy who made the wrong bet.

I haven’t done a good Samaritan act for the week yet, so I figured I’d let him get his beating and then jump back in time to stop him from at least making the
bet. He left his wallet in his seat before he bolted from the bar and as I looked through it I found his address. It wouldn’t be difficult to fix that guy’s mistake. I’d leave a note on his refrigerator telling him to bet on the Nets or don’t bet at all. I sat and watched the rest of the game and celebrated with the bar as the owner came out and bought every patron a beer when the Nets won.

I left the bar and stepped out into the cold New York night. The city was never quiet that was for sure. I walked around to the side of the building and leaned against the brick façade as I pulled a cigarette and lighter out of my pocket. I lit the cigarette and inhaled the bittersweet taste of tobacco smoke. I watched people walk by on the busy sidewalks as I savored my cigarette. I only allowed myself one per week to keep the cravings at bay.

As I blew out a plume of smoke I caught sight of a shock of red hair. She stood out, like in one of those cheesy romance films; caught under the moonlight all ethereal in her pale-faced beauty as the background melted into indistinct watercolors. She had a small smile on her lips as she walked along the sidewalk, seemingly lost in a sweet memory. She wore a long red pea coat and had a cream colored scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. One strong winter wind and the thing would fly away. Then, as if I had summoned it, a sudden cold breeze swept the scarf from her shoulders and blew it into the empty street. She looked up, her bright blue eyes startled and she went after it. Even I stepped forward to help her get the scarf. Because hell, I needed to find out who she was.

Before I could step out into the street I saw the huge semi turn the corner. It was going just as fast any other city driver, and the woman had no chance to get out of the way. I froze and watched the macabre scene in slow motion.  She skipped out into the middle of the road and bent to pick up her scarf and looked up just in time to see the grill of the semi before it slammed into her, sent her flying twenty feet into the air before she landed on the street with a thud. All traffic stopped. The entire block stopped all movement as everyone looked at the horrible scene and took it in. After the two seconds of tense silence, people started screaming and yelling at the driver who wasn’t paying attention to the road.

I could faintly hear the sound of sirens and that’s when my body burst into motion. I could save her; I
save her. I’d simply go back and stop her from ever stepping out onto the road. I’d change her future for the better. I ran over to her fallen, broken body. I moved faster than the other bystanders and was by her side in the blink of an eye. I wasn’t aware of having jumped the space until I was holding her head in my lap. She was still alive, but just barely.

“Wh-what’s your name?” I asked her, and her eyes fluttered open. She looked at me as if she knew she was dying and was resigned to her fate. I had to jump back before she actually died or I’d change things too drastically, and only disasters would amount from that. The woman’s body was twisted at an extremely odd angle and before she answered she coughed up blood and it trickled down her chin.

“Melina…” she whispered. I nodded and then gently laid her down on the ground once more.

“I’m going to save you Melina,” I said before I ran and disappeared into the crowd that was forming around her. I sprinted to a nearby alley and then took several deep breaths before I held out my palm and summoned the familiar resonating power that started with my pulse and quickened into a sort of magnetic pull. The air in front of me wavered as if vapor was rising from the cold ground. The familiar thundering sound echoed through the alley as the wrinkle in space gained too much energy and ripped through time to create a pathway into the past. The thunder sounded once more and I felt the air charge as a flash of lightning nearly touched down right next to me. That was my cue to step through. I took a step, and was sucked into the other side of the rip I had created.


Three Weeks Before…

The bright sun pierced my eyes and I squinted as I let my body recover from the jarring feeling of being sucked through a really narrow tunnel. I took a few deep breaths to stretch my lungs and then opened my eyes. I was back in the alley I hid in to jump back. I looked up and saw the sun directly overhead. I knew it was midday. I needed to know the exact time and date. I hadn’t been focusing and I didn’t time how long I let the rip in created charge up. The longer the charge, the farther back or forward I jump. It was an inexact measure but I was much better now at it than I had been in the past.

It was still cold so I couldn’t have gone that far back. I jogged up to the street and rounded the corner. The sports bar was just opening. One of the bartenders was wiping down the storefront outside. I walked up to him and smiled politely.

“Hey, can you tell me the time and date?” I asked him plainly and he glanced at me before he pulled his phone from his pocket.

“Yeah it’s noon on the dot, November eleventh.” The bartender went back to wiping down the glass and I wondered how I would ask him the year without freaking him out.

“Hey uh, you guys gonna show the Nets—Celtic game here?” I asked innocently enough and the bartender looked at me as if I was stupid.

“Of course we are man. We’re in the heart of Brooklyn. But that game is like three weeks away. What, did you place a bet on it or something? My boss don’t like to have bookies in the bar.”

I held my hands up innocently. I said, “Just wondering is all. You have a nice day.” I nodded my head to him before I walked off down the street. Great, how was I going to find Melina in a city as huge as this one with nothing but her first name? It wasn’t like I could jump forward again because I might overshoot and she could be dead in that instance. I just had to wait it out and hope for the best. If worst came to worst, I’d simply camp out on that damn sidewalk and wait for her to happen by again. I sighed heavily. For the time being I would simply come by that spot where the accident took place every day around the time I saw her that night, and wait until I found her again.

I started walking towards the nearest subway. I had an apartment in the city for when I time jumped, so that I wouldn’t bump into myself, and I kept careful document of the times that I stayed in each one so I wouldn’t overlap.

I took the C train to Fourth Street and then caught a cab into Midtown, where my apartment building was. There I’d sync my phone with the date and time and I’d be able to regroup. Gathering that much energy to break through time wiped me out more than simple jumping through a shortcut in space did. I hardly remembered the doorman greeting me or the elevator ride up to the top floor. All I remembered was finally collapsing onto the soft couch cushions in my living room and knocking out.


* * *


When I opened my eyes the room was dark. I bolted upright and hurried into the kitchen to look at the time on the stove. I sighed with relief, as it was only six in the evening. I still had time to get to the bar in Brooklyn and wait for Melina to walk by. I shrugged off my coat and tossed it over the back of the couch. I went over to the clipboard on the fridge. My last visit was a month ago; there hadn’t been any recent entries so I was clear to stay.

I quickly showered and then dressed in a green turtleneck and jeans with a pair of brown boots. As I combed through my curly hair while in the closet I quickly changed the date and time on my phone. Since it was difficult to jump back considerable lengths of time in the past I usually kept it recent. I had houses and apartments all over the globe and only just thought to dedicate a few to when I time traveled. Especially after what happened that one time…I couldn’t chance messing with the whole butterfly effect thing too much. I checked myself in the mirror. My hair was the same shoulder length curly brown locks that they always were. My jaw just as square, brow just as intense. My nose had that familiar little crook in it from when I got into a bar fight in Istanbul.

I ran my hand over the day-old stubble on my jaw and chin and decided to shave the next day. I needed to find Melina.


I didn’t go into the bar, I simply stood outside and leaned against the brick wall. My eyes met the face of every person that passed by and they were especially sensitive to any hint of fiery red hair. It was already nearing midnight and I was losing confidence that I would find her that way. Just as I was getting ready to turn tail and head home, I saw her. She was crossing the street and heading towards me. Her head was down so she didn’t notice me staring at her.

“Excuse me…is your name Melina?” I asked when she got close enough to hear me. Melina’s head snapped up and her eyes widened as if she recognized me. They were so much bluer up close.

“Yes…who are you?” she asked suspiciously, though her voice was beautiful and musical sounding. After all I
the stranger who knew her name and approached her on the street.

“I’m Caleb. We, ah, met briefly at the…” my mind moved at a thousand miles an hour as I tried like hell to think of a general venue where we could have met. Melina captured her bottom lip in between her teeth and she studied me a moment. I had become completely distracted by the small gesture.

“I think I’ve seen you before, yeah. You always get coffee at the bagel shop on Madison right?” my eyes widened. She was
. I always went to get bagels at O’s, they had the best damn lox in Manhattan.

“Yeah, yeah I do. You go all the way out to Madison for bagels?” I asked her and she smiled.

“I work at the Lincoln Center so I pass by it every morning on the way to work.” I rocked back on my heels as I slipped my hands into my pockets. I tried to appear causal.

“So what brings you all the way out to Brooklyn?” I asked her conversationally and she smirked.

“Visiting a friend, what about you?” I wondered if this
was a guy.

“I’m kind of fond of this sports bar so I come here for a drink every so often,” I said, evasively. Melina nodded and she looked like she was getting ready to make up some excuse to leave. “Um, so I know you’re going to visit a friend and stuff. I’d really like to…maybe go out with you sometime?” I asked hopefully. Melina kept chewing on her lip and then she shrugged as if to say, ‘why not.’

“Sure, that would be great. Let me give you my number and then we can set something up,” I handed her my phone and she quickly programmed her number. I couldn’t believe this was already turning out to be an easy save. I must have jumped back to the past just in time before she died in the present. The cycle wouldn’t repeat itself, I could still save her! She handed me back my phone. She registered the glee in my eyes, and gave me a lopsided smile. She even had a dimple in her left cheek.

BOOK: Romance: Menage Romance: The French Quarter Hostages (Paranormal Action Shapeshifter MFM Bear Shifter Romance) (Fantasy BBW Taboo Interracial Love Triangle Werebear Mates Short Stories)
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