ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Bad Boys of Sports: A Complete Collection (Alpha Male, Football, Hockey Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Sports Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Bad Boys of Sports: A Complete Collection (Alpha Male, Football, Hockey Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Sports Romance)
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“My brain hurts,” Bruce whimpered, his head in his hands.

“Come on babe, you got this,” Angelica urged, one hand on his back and one hand pointing to a page in the large textbook. “Just take a breath, and try reasoning it out loud with me.  The mitochondria can make their own proteins by generating ATP, which is like energy, and the protein is synthesized from mtDNA–”

“I’m tired, and I have to get ready for tonight’s game,” Bruce said abruptly, standing up. His sudden movement had Angelica stumbling back for balance. She knew he didn’t mean it, but it felt a little abrasive.

“You know I’m just trying to help,” she said.

Bruce nodded his head, throwing his books into his backpack. “I get totally get it, and I couldn’t be more thankful. But I lost track of time, and now I’ve got to get going.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek before heading towards the library doors. “I’ll see you later.”

Angelica sighed in frustration as she watched him leave. There were several people watching her, and she felt slightly embarrassed that they’d seen her stumbling. Deciding to ignore them, she gathered up her stuff and headed out to the sun-filled quad. She had a mini notebook tucked into her backpack for such circumstances, so instead of writing her paper in the confines of the library, she could do it in the warm, sunny greenery, where no one had seen her little tussle with Bruce.

She got about ten minutes into her paper when Chris walked up to her and took a seat on her blanket.

“What’s up, buttercup?” He asked cheerfully, handing her a coffee and a pastry. “These are for you.”

Angelica smiled radiantly at him and took the coffee. “Thank you,” she exclaimed.  It was just what she needed right then. “Hey, wait a minute. Aren’t you going to be late?”

Chris raised his eyebrow. “Late for what?” He asked.

“Getting ready for the game. Bruce just left.”

Chris shook his head. “Angie, it’s only three. The game doesn’t start until seven. We have plenty of time.”

Angelica’s heart sank as she heard the truth. “But Bruce just cut off our tutoring session for–”

She stopped, her eyes glued on something that was behind Chris’s left shoulder. Following her line of sight, Chris looked over his shoulder, immediately spotting the sight that Angelica was staring at.

“Shit,” Chris growled. There, between two trees, was Bruce another girl. Locked in a battle of lips and tongues. They both looked pretty distracted, and no doubt had forgotten that they were indeed in a public place.

Chris turned back to Angelica, reading the look of betrayal on her face. “I’m so sorry Angie,” he whispered, reaching out to touch her knee. A tear threatened to fall down her cheek, but she quickly moved to wipe it away and suddenly stood up.

“I need to go,” she said abruptly, gathering up her books. “Thanks for the coffee Chris.”




Half Time at the game



Coach Green slammed Chris’s body into the lockers, forcing him away from the fight he was just in with Bruce. “You two need to simmer the hell down,” Coach growled, looking from Chris to Bruce. “That shit ain’t gonna fly on the field and it sure as hell ain’t gonna fly in the locker room. Chris, you need to leave Bruce the hell alone, got it? He’s our last chance at winning the game, and if you get in the way, I swear I’ll beat your ass myself.”

From behind the coach, Bruce smirked, pleased to see Chris get put in his place. He was becoming really annoying to him, and now thanks to coach, he didn’t have to deal with it himself. Chris snarled at him as the coach walked away, but didn’t say anything else. He’d gotten at least one good punch in at Bruce, leaving his left eye swollen. That would have to do. It had all started with Chris warning him to stay away from Angie, and ending with Chris’s fist slamming into Bruce’s face.








Angelica’s heart fluttered as she saw the players run back onto the field. At first, she didn’t want to go to the game, but Nikki had forced her. After catching Bruce in a lip lock with another girl, any feelings for him she may have harbored for him had immediately vanished. Judging by how quickly she was able to get over it, she must’ve not been as into him as she thought.  She felt like she was coming out of a spell, and was slowly realizing how naïve she had been.

On the field, Chris had charged Bruce unprovoked, and she was sure that it had something to do with her and how Bruce had cheated on her. Chris had been there for her the entire time, only trying to protect her.  She smiled as she watched him run around on the field.  She had to admit, she was glad she could count on him at times like these.

“I can’t believe you like my brother,” Nikki said suddenly, rolling her eyes.

Angelica’s head jerked up in surprise. Her eyes went wide as she looked over at Nikki. “What are you talking about?” She asked.

“Please,” Nikki said. “If there are two people I know how to read in my life, it’s you and my brother.”

Angelica’s jaw dropped at the accusation, not knowing what to say in response.

“Don’t look so surprised, Angie.  It’s totally obvious.  Douchebag Bruce just cheated on you, and instead of being mopey, you’re all smiles and watching my brother all night.”

Angelica’s face burned bright red.  “I haven’t been watching him all night.  I’m just, you know, looking in that general direction.”

“You used to watch Bruce with the same expression on your face, you know.”

Angelica didn’t know what to say, so she just sat there quietly.  She couldn’t possibly like Chris!  Even though she denied it at times, he was truly like a brother to her.  Annoying at times, funny at others, and always caring for her.  Besides, she only denied his sibling-like status because he was always refuting it, and it was just a knee-jerk reaction to agree with him.  Wasn’t it?  Well, to be fair, they weren’t actually related so if they were to kiss, it wasn’t like they’d be committing incest or something.

She turned bright red again realizing she’d been imagining herself kissing Chris.

“Angie, you should see your face right now! It’s lit up like a neon sign like you’re thinking naughty thoughts about my brother or something. Gross!”

“Damn it, Nikki, how are you able to read me so well?!” she screamed in frustration. 

“It’s true that Chris and I both know you better than you know yourself. And by the way, you just officially admitted to liking him.”

Angelica face-planted, trying to hide the fact that she wanted to die of embarrassment. 

“Can we please change the subject, Nikki?  I can’t deal with this right now.”

Her best friend laughed, and patted her on the back. 

Together they counted down the remaining minutes of the game and watched in shock as Chris scored the winning touchdown a few milliseconds before the buzzer went off. The crowd erupted into wild cheers, and Angelica and Nikki shrieked with joy.  Before she knew what she was doing, Angelica ran towards the field. Bruce opened his arms towards her when he saw her coming, but she ran right past him, surprising Chris by jumping onto his back.

“Wow, hi!” He laughed, seeing that it was her. “Aren’t you a little spider monkey today?”

“Chris, you did great tonight!”  She screamed. 

As soon as he took off his helmet to get a better look at her, his team splashed the icy contents of the water cooler all over him and Angelica.  She screeched in surprise as the cold water streamed down her head.  Chris hooted in laughter at her, as the team surrounded him, slapping his back in congratulations.  He put his arm around Angelica’s shoulders and headed off the field with her, all smiles and laughter.  They passed a stunned Bruce without giving him a glance.




The team was celebrating the win at an after party at a local lounge.  Not having had the chance to change from her wet clothes before coming, Angelica found herself shivering a little as the night went on.  She got up from the excited group to find Nikki.  When she spotted her dancing with a cute boy, she just waved to her and mouthed that she was about to leave.  She didn’t want to interrupt her fun.  Nikki waved and nodded in understanding.

On the way out the door, Angelica bumped into Bruce, who was several drinks in and had his arm around the brunette Jessica, who was wearing a tight pink dress this time. 

He turned to apologize for bumping into her and saw that it was her.

“Well, if it isn’t for the hot librarian!  Not wearing your glasses tonight I see.  Good, I hated them anyway!”  He and Jessica laughed like he said something hilarious.

Angelica crossed her arms at him angrily.  “I didn’t take them off for you, Bruce, so don’t get any ideas.”

“Aw, come on.  You know I’m just playing.  Here, let me buy the two of you ladies a drink at the bar, let’s go.”  He tried to put his other arm around Angelica, but she shoved him off. 

“Hey, there’s no need to get feisty, babe. Save that stuff for the bedroom.”

“Okay, that’s enough.” Chris stepped between them, protectively hiding Angelica behind him. 

“Jessica,” Chris nodded toward the brunette.  “I see you’ve moved on to someone more of your caliber.”  She rolled her eyes at ignored him.

“Fowler!  There you are, the star of the night!” Bruce says in a mocking tone.  “How does it feel not to be a nobody for once?  But hey, don’t go getting too used to it, ‘cause it’s not gonna last. Trust me.”

“You’re right; I wouldn’t have scored that touchdown if you hadn’t fumbled the ball trying to make that stupid play you told me about, and failing like I said you would.”

“What did you say to me?” Bruce straightened up and got in Chris’s face, threateningly.  Chris was as big as Bruce and didn’t have any intentions of backing down.

“Stop,” Angelica’s hand grabbed Chris’s from behind with a tug.  “Chris, I’m cold, and I want to go home. Can you walk me?”

With a last glare at Bruce, Chris turned around to oblige her. 

“You two deserve each other!” Bruce slurred from behind them.

“Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment,” Chris yelled back.  Angelica tugged harder on his hand to lead him out of the club.




The two of them walked silently towards Angelica’s apartment, not letting go of their interlocked fingers.  The usually talkative Chris would’ve made a joke to lighten the mood, but he couldn’t think of anything to say.  He only gave another squeeze to her hands, and she turned to him with a shy smile. 

“Look–” they both said in unison and laughed.

“You first,” Chris said.

Angelica bit her lip and looked down to brace herself for what she was about to say.

“Chris, I just wanted to tell you that you were right.”

“Woah, you’re admitting I was right?  I think this is a first!”

Angelica laughed at that, shaking her head.  “Yeah, and I probably won’t ever say it again, so you should revel in it while you can.”

“You said it, sister,” he said with a hearty laugh. Angelica’s face fell when he called her that. Seeing her reaction, Chris immediately followed up by saying, “I mean, ‘sister’ as in the general sense. Not like literally my sister. That’s Nikki. She’s my sister, and you and I are not related, as you know.”

Angelica let go of his hand then and looked down in embarrassment.  “Well, it looks like we’re here now.  Thanks for walking me, Chris.  Good night.” she squeaked.

“Wait, Angie. Can I speak to you?”  She waited for him to continue.  “No, I mean in private. Can I come up?”

When they got to her room, he plopped himself down on her bed like he always did, and indicated Angelica to sit next to him. 

“I know you forgave me already for acting a fool that day at the bar with you and Bruce.”

Angie held up her hand to stop him. “Please, Chris. Can we just not talk about him anymore?  Like I said, you were right about him.  And thanks for trying to warn me, but I guess I just had to learn the hard way.”

Chris’s jaw clenched at her words, and he punched the pillow next to him. 

“That asshole!  I knew he was just going to have his way with you and then break your heart.”


“I know you wanted to have fun too Angie, and you have every right to choose what you want to do with your body, and I respect that. But dammit if it doesn’t make me furious to think he slept with you and then threw you away like some piece of meat.”


“That son of a bitch thinks he can just chew up anyone he damn well pleases!”

“I didn’t sleep with him, Chris!”  Angelica blurted out before he could say another word.

He looked at her in confusion, and then elation.  “You didn’t?  But you said you were looking to lose your virginity this year. And then you were seeing him for so long, and with his reputation, I just thought–”

“I know,” Angelica said. “And to be honest, I had every intention to… you know.  But I thought about what you said, and I knew it would burn if he treated me like a one-night-stand.  I wanted to wait to make sure he was the nice guy I thought he was.  It turned out he was a jerk after all, just like you said.” She smiled meekly at him.

Chris couldn’t hide his satisfaction, as he grinned stupidly at her.  He lay back on her bed, with his arms crossed under his head.  He felt Angelica lay down next to him, and when he looked over, he realized she was facing him.  Her big green eyes were sparkling at him, making her look more achingly beautiful than usual.  He couldn’t help but reach over and cup her cheek.  She reached up and put her hand lightly on his.  They continued to stare at each other for a moment before Angelica broke the silence.

“Chris, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much you’ve been looking after me all these years, protecting me.  And I know I can be bratty, but I want you to know how much I appreciate you.”

“You were just trying to keep my smothering in check, I know that. It’s just that I can’t help myself when it comes to you.”  He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Her ear burned where he touched her, and her heart was in her throat.  She was completely aware of his body lying there with her on her bed.  The lines of his muscles were visibly protruding through his t-shirt.  She wondered how she had never noticed how large he’d gotten while in college.  Thinking back to how lanky he was in high school, she couldn’t believe how blind she’d been not to notice the changes in him. 

She gazed at his face, which was also not that of a boy’s any longer. His well-defined cheekbones and jaw line made his face so incredibly handsome.  It was like she was seeing him for the first time.  His soft, dark eyes were on her, devouring her much as she’d been doing to him. 

“Chris,” she said inching in closer.  “Remember when you squeezed me here.” She reached over and gave him a squeeze on his low hip, letting her hand linger there.  “You asked me if my panties were wet,” she whispered, “and I said no.”

The corner of Chris’s mouth turned up, his gaze on her taking on a wicked gleam.

“I lied.”

She leaned in and kissed him softly, and he returned the kiss with urgency, holding her waist.  His tongue stroking hers, he decided she tasted so much better than he’d imagined all these years.

Her light hands reached over to undo his belt.  He put a hand to stop her for a moment, looking at her. 

“Are you sure?” he asked her, his voice hoarse.

She took his hand and twined her fingers with his. “I realized something today.”

“What’s that?”

“I realized that you’re the one I want for my first time.  There’s no one that’s sweeter. Or knows me better. Or sexier. There’s only you.” 

She stood up and took off her top, and unhooked her bra, revealing herself to him.  He got up too and hungrily helped her out of the rest of her clothes. Together they undressed his clothes even faster.  When they were fully naked, he picked her up by the hips, letting her straddle him, and settled back down on the bed with his back against the wall.  He picked her up slightly and gently pushed himself inside her. She let out a wince of pain, and then her eyes lit up in pleasure.  Pushing her hips back and forth with his strong hands, she panted in a frenzy as she felt his every movement inside her. It didn’t take long before she couldn’t take the building pressure, and cried out in ecstasy.  He was soon to follow.

“Are you okay?” he asked shortly after, as they cuddled in each other’s arms.

“Better than okay,” she told him, smiling with her eyes closed.  He hugged her tighter.




The next day, Chris and Angelica were at their usual breakfast spot at the student center food court. 

“There you are!” Nikki exclaimed, sitting down next to her best friend.  “I didn’t see you leave this morning, why didn’t you wait for me?”

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