Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance)
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''Okay I promise I won't touch her, but you have to admit she's the best looking woman we've had here and we've had quite a lot,'' Kerry said.



''Oh my God, sorry,'' Celia exclaimed when she saw Kerry stark naked in the bathroom. ''I should have knocked, please forgive me.'' She wanted to leave the
but she found her feet wouldn't move. Her eyes
were fixed
on his cock which was fully erect. She'd only ever seen two cocks
and Kerry's was
not like
the others had been. It was beautiful, long and very straight. What was he doing in there with a boner, she wondered. Was he knocking one out before band practice?

''Sorry, I forgot to lock the door,'' he said, making no effort to cover himself. Still she didn't take her eyes from him. He noticed that look. The look of desire he'd seen many times before in a woman's eyes.  When he noticed she was unable to take her eyes from him, he did cover himself.

''Er.....sorry,'' Celia said red faced as she scampered out of the room.

When Kerry joined the others
for breakfast,
he looked knowingly at
and she smiled at him. After breakfast, they set off to the studio to practice. Celia joined them in the minibus. She sat next to Kerry, not by
design; it
was just the way it happened.

''Sorry again, '' she whispered.

''It's okay. Did you like what you saw?'' he asked. Celia turned bright red and looked at the floor.

Celia's imagination was full of dirty thoughts. If he'd asked her to stay in the bathroom and fuck him, she would have. He was the most handsome man she'd ever seen. Tall and slender with bronzed skin, he was the kind of
who would look the same even when he reached seventy. She loved his hair. It was coarse, bleached blonde and shoulder length.

The instruments were all set up by the time they reached the studio.

''This is our last practice before the tour starts. We want you to wander around and snap whatever you want, okay? Vance said.

''Okay, I'll do that,'' she said.''

''Right guys, let's get going,'' Rufus shouted. ''We don't have all day.''

They began to
and the noise was deafening. Celia wished she'd borough ear plugs.  She spent a lot of time at the front photographing the band as a whole and then decided to walk in between the band members and
them individually.

Kerry was sitting at the back and the last person she got to. He'd removed his shirt and was sweating profusely with the effort of beating to song after song.
continued to drum, but he was painfully aware of the gorgeous woman with the camera. She was wearing a pair of
and her golden legs were so shapely all he wanted to do was open them and thrust into her. She got up very close to him and snapped away. He could smell her
and it began to drive him wild.

Vance unexpectedly stopped singing. The guitarists stopped. The last to
was Kerry.

''What the fuck are you doing Kerry?'' Vance asked.

'What?'' Kerry replied holding his sticks in the air.

''You're a mile off the beat. What's up with you.''

''Er...dunno,'' he said. But he did know, he was concentrating on Celia's body and not counting the rhythm.

They started up again, this time, Kerry forced himself to ignore her. When she reached to put the camera close to his face, her blouse fell
and he saw her breasts encased in the sexiest red lace bra she possessed.

''Fuck me, Kerry. What the fucks got into you today?'' Vance asked when he stopped again.

''Shit,'' Kerry said. ''Dunno what's up with me.''

''If you play like that at the first gig we'll sound like a bunch of crap. Buck you ideas up.''

The bus ride on the way home was a silent one until Vance spoke. ''Kerry, I've never heard you make a single mistake. Today you were all over the place. Are you feeling okay? You're not ill are you?''

, I'm fine. Fuck knows what happened. I think getting my photo taken doesn't agree with me,'' he said trying to make light of the situation.

''I was right in his face,'' Celia said
in an effort to
excuse him.

''Okay,'' Vance said. We'll put it down to that.

Celia's room was large and stately. It had high ceilings and a superbly decorated cornice. She sat at the Rococo dressing table and looked in the mirror. She was tired but elated that her first shoot had gone so well She took off her makeup and rubbed the skin around her blue eyes.  She stood up and got undressed. She'd brought plenty of big T-shirts to sleep in, but she
crept under
the covers naked. She'd decided hours earlier that she needed to masturbate to relieve the searing tension in her underbelly.  She closed her eyes and imagined Kerry's cock while her fingers played out a dance between her legs.

A few doors down the same corridor, Kerry had already finished jerking off to the image of Celia on all fours with her ass in the air and his cock buried deep inside her.

who fell asleep as soon as she'd had her orgasm, Kerry wanted to have a few drinks and unwind. Vance was sitting at the
and Joe was serving drinks.

a nice
girl,'' Joe said as he handed Kerry a vodka ice.

''Too right,'' Kerry said. ''She's

''You're not going all soppy on us are you?'' Vance asked.

''No. But I know one thing, she's worth five hundred of the women I've been fucking recently. There's just something about her,'' Kerry said.

''Fuck me, Vance, he's finally fallen in love,'' Joe said.

''Whatever, but just keep your filthy hands off her Kerry. I know what you're like. She's
and we don't want her father suing the band. We don't need any more bad publicity,'' Vance said.



''Where are we going today?'' Celia asked Rufus when she came downstairs the following morning.

''We're doing a video for the new single, in a swimming pool of all places. I hate the heat
in those places, it
makes my ankles swell.''

''Why a swimming pool?''

''Someone had the brainwave of doing a video underwater, but then we learned that Kerry can't swim, so that fucked that idea up. We'd already booked the pool, so we're
use it

''Okay. So I'll just do the same as yesterday, hang around and snap away?''

''Yes, get it all on camera.''

When they arrived at Sunshine Baths, it was like a circus. There were a lot of sexy women dressed in swimsuits, a couple of men dressed as court jesters and a few engineers making the finishing touches to
a lift
that was to propel Vance over the water.

Celia walked around and snapped anything that she found interesting. After an age, they were ready to do the first take. The sexy ladies turned out to be synchronized
and they bobbed up and down in the pool. Kerry was sitting on a raised platform with the two guitarists to his right and left. Vance was to be transported back and forth over the pool and the swimmers as he mimed the song. The overhead lights
were dimmed
, and the underwater lights the engineers had installed, turned green. The synchronized swimmers began their
and the musicians pretended to play the song.

It was the most bizarre scene Celia had ever witnessed. She had no idea what the court jesters were supposed to mean, in fact, the meaning of the whole video
was lost
on her. The director, a short man with
a huge
belly, wasn't satisfied until the seventh take,  by which time Celia had taken hundreds of photos. She sat at the side of the pool and watched as proceedings came to an end.

''Thank fuck for that,'' Kerry shouted when the director told everyone he was satisfied. It appeared he and the director didn't get on. ''Next time I'll remember to bring my fucking bed with me.'' Kerry came and sat down next to Celia. ''Did you manage to get some good shots?'' he asked.

''Yes loads. I'll upload them this evening and show you.''

''Okay. It's so fucking hot in here I'd dive into the pool if only my ass-hole parents had taught me to swim. It's one of the responsibilities of parenting, to make sure your kids can swim. Useless fuckers.''

''What was your childhood like?'' Celia asked.

''Shit. We lived in a trailer in the middle of nowhere. My dad was a thief and my mom a part-time whore.''

''So how did you get involved in the band?''

''I don't know why, but I've always had rhythm. I used to drum with a couple of twigs on the milk churns the local farmer left out for collection. Then I found some old trash can lids and made a drum kit. Rufus discovered me playing in a school band. What about you? Where are you from?''

''New York. My dad's a stock broker and earns a fortune which he squanders on my mom, who in turn fucks other men. Do you want to go in the water?''

''I can only go in the kiddies end, as soon as I get above waist high, I shit myself,'' he said honestly.

''Tell you what. Let's wait until all this lot have gone. Then we can cool off,'' Celia suggested.

Kerry didn't much like the idea of showing himself up in front of a woman, but he wanted to spend time with her. ''Okay, but no crazy stuff

When everyone had gone, Celia and Kerry had the place to themselves. ''I suppose you want to see me in my shorts?'' he said

''I've seen more than that, so why not.''

''Okay, but you've got to strip off as well.

''Bra and panties no less,'' she said.

He watched mesmerized as she slipped her tiny skirt past her thighs and stepped out of it. She had the best legs he'd seen on any woman. When her blouse came off, he wanted to grab her and lose himself in the valley between her luscious mounds.

Go on fuck her, a voice inside his head said. You know you want her, just look how ripe she is. Ripe for your hard cock.

''Come on, let's go to the shallow end,'' she said. He followed her
the pool, all the time watching her buttocks sway inside her tight panties. By the time they reached the
his cock was pushing hard against the material of his shorts. He quickly climbed down the steps and put his hips under water.

''That was fast. I thought you were scared?'' Celia said.

Scared of showing you another boner, he thought. ''No, all okay.''

''Come here'' she said.

He walked to her and stood in front of her. She could see he was uncomfortable in the water, and she'd already noticed his erection.

''Lie back and let me support you,'' she said.

''Er... no. It's okay you go ahead and swim. I'm okay splashing around here.'' He was out of his comfort zone. He
was used
to being in
and he wasn't enjoying
being told
what to do by a
even if she was a woman he liked more than any before.

''Here, I'm standing behind you. Lie back and let me support you.''

''Fuck off, no.''

''Jesus Kerry, I'm only trying to help. Don't be so scared.''

''I'm not fucking scared, I've got a rock hard
and I don't want you to see it again. Okay.''

Celia thought about it for a moment, swam away and disappeared under water. Kerry couldn't see her and decided to get out of the pool.

''What the fuck...'' he shouted as he felt a hand cup his balls. She'd swum up behind him under water and put a hand between his legs. When she
she rubbed her breasts against his back and kissed his neck.

''Celia, no.''

''What do you mean no. Come on, let's fuck. I want you,'' she said.

He looked at the curve of her breasts as they strained against the sodden material and the nape of her neck which seemed to be begging him to kiss it. Go on fuck her brains out, his demon voice said. He pulled her to him and was about to kiss her when he
was overcome
by a superhuman amount of self-discipline. He shoved her away.

''No Celia. I don't want to. You're getting into
a world
that you're far too
for. I'm a
like to party hard. You don't deserve all that.''

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