ROMANCE: The Lion Wish (BBW Paranormal Lion Romance) (Paranormal Mystery Alpha Male Romance Short Stories) (13 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: The Lion Wish (BBW Paranormal Lion Romance) (Paranormal Mystery Alpha Male Romance Short Stories)
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-The next level-


Of course, the first date went on incredibly well and the only thing that would have made so much sense would have been going for a second and third. And what made those dates so memorable was the fact that they kept on thinking about something brand new to enchant themselves with at the time.


Derrick had seen how the stories about the military had affected her negatively and so he opted out on them. And now he just talked about the lavish parties that his father forced him to attend on his behalf since, from the look of things, it also seemed as though he hated them as well.


And as soon as they had agreed on a second date, Derrick knew that it had to be something incredible and needless to say, out of this world. It had to be a date that will live in Nancy’s subconscious for years to come. And for that to be the case, then Derrick had to think outside the box.


Of course, he was a man filled with ideas and that explained why he was virtually the most successful trader in the region. And so after the first date, he made sure that he was in a position to come up with something that he knew was going to make her happy as well as excited. That was the most important thing indeed.


And it was at that moment that he remembered all about the yacht that he never uses. Ever since he got too busy, he never used to take the boat out. Besides, Derrick thought that maybe it was about time for him to stop getting to organize plenty of parties and maybe get a single woman who was going to settle down with him in the end.


Derrick decided to make a point of making the necessary preparations for calling Nancy the following day. They had left things on a very high note, and that said, it seemed as though everything was going to work out rather perfectly at the end of the day. He was to send Nancy a chopper to pick her from her apartment, and since Nancy was up for it, they set a date and time and all Derrick could do was hit the gym for a minute.


He wanted to get his muscles amped up for the date that was about to be. Of course, he had an incredibly fantastic body and it wouldn’t take that long before he got it back. He had just missed the gym for a little while.



As soon as she got the call, Nancy got all heated up and too excited for life itself. After the first date, she didn’t seem to think about anything else that didn’t include Derrick in it. And for the first time after her husband was presumed dead, she started having fun. It was the kind of life that both her mother as well as her friends were hoping she would have, and she was more than glad that it was getting to happen in the end.






First of all, Nancy had never been on a yacht before, let alone making love to it. And now that she was stripping her clothes and kissing this handsome former soldier and a definite bad boy, she couldn’t help but feel as though she was the luckiest girl in the world.


And thought it was rather random, Nancy thought that after that incredible experience, she should make sure that she had given her best friend a call and thanked her profusely for the incredibly convenient hookup that resulted in her being that happy at the end.


But after she felt Derrick pulling down her sticky wet panties from her midsection, Nancy immediately forgot all about lavender, for the second time. And her mind veered back to that one point that seemed to matter the most – the part where she was about to have her first sex in what seemed like an eternity.


Thankfully, Nancy had spent time preparing for it since with all of the mixed feelings that she had been having lately; it seemed as though she knew what she wanted and she wasn’t afraid to go for it.


And it was at that moment that the intense kissing begun, catching her off guard but making her fall in love nonetheless. It was so incredible that she could feel herself getting wet and her body having no control over itself – a sensation that she hadn’t felt for a very long time as well. And it felt as though Derrick knew all about this and that explained why he did all in his power to ensure that she felt as though she was on top of the world.


Derrick then made a point of gently spreading her legs, giving her butterflies in her stomach as soon as her legs flung open. It was as though she felt some power coming over her and there was nothing she could do about it rather than just kick back and watch as it all happened to her. Nancy loved it when a man was always in control, and it was a good thing since it meant that he also had the ability to satisfy her altogether.


Once he had placed his naked body in position on top of her, the next thing that he did was settle there and start caressing her as gently as he possibly could, arousing her even further. The hair on his chest carefully grazed on her chest, arousing her even more to the point that she didn’t have any other choice but to open her mouth wide agape and tried to release those incredibly sensual emotions. But from the look of things, it seemed as though Derrick was just starting.


Nancy discovered that he wasn’t doing a damn thing as far as getting her penetrating her was concerned. But instead, Derrick was investing so much time in ensuring that she was getting all wet and aroused. And it was at that point that she decided to turn the tables on him.












-The proposal-


Once the two lovebirds had already set sail as far away from the shore as possible, the first thing that they did was kill the engines and started making out in the middle of nowhere. Of all of Nancy’s wildest dreams, she had never thought of shagging in the middle of nowhere. But now that it was all happening, all that she could think of was nothing other than having a good time doing it.


This time round, he didn’t want to give her a chance to breathe. So as soon as they were naked and he was safely positioned in between her legs, Derrick made sure that he had sneaked his hand in between his legs and directed himself all the way to her, making her open her mouth and bite her lower lip.


He was big, and Nancy figured that it would take a hell lot of getting accustomed before she could start enjoying him.


But thankfully, Derrick was well aware of what she was going through, judging from the way she was behaving as soon as he got himself inside of her. And so he started thrusting a little slower than usual, making sure that she was wet enough to accommodate him. Derrick did this for a little longer, and once she started moaning with pleasure rather than discomfort, Derrick made sure that he was in a position to get on top of her and start shagging her properly.


The sex was so good to the point that Nancy subconsciously wrapped her legs around him, making sure that he was getting to enjoy her just as much as she was enjoying him. Derrick groaned and grunted, making sure that he was going to hit her sensitive spots while having a good time himself.


Nancy just couldn’t bring herself to stop moaning. And it got to her point that she even forgot where the heck they were, and the only thing that she did was to scream. Thankfully, they were miles from the coast and so they could do whatever the heck they wanted without attracting unnecessary attention. And eventually, she started scratching his back especially when the thrusting became way too unbearable.


It was such an amazing site to behold and for a moment, it seemed as though it wasn’t going to stop.


Derrick decided to get a little bit creative, and it was at that moment that he started to massage her on her chest, giving her another reason to moan since she was now beginning to get pleasure from two very sensitive parts of her body, driving her crazy in the process. That was the point that she was always wishing for and needless to say, she was getting such an amazing response indeed.


They did this for about ten minutes nonstop, and it got to a point where Derrick just couldn’t penetrate her any longer. And that was when he let go, emptying himself inside of her, making her cum as well right before they collapsed on top of the yacht. And that was just the beginning. The night was still young, and they had a hell lot of places to make in.






Nancy woke up to the sounds of seagulls flying over her head, and this was right before her sensitive nose caught a whiff of the bacon that was being prepared for the rear part of the yacht. She clearly had way too many stories that she wanted to tell her best friend but for the third time ever since she started hanging out with Derrick, Nancy decided that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to think about her friend when Derrick was around.


The kind of moment that the two of them had shared the previous night was more than magical, and she opted out of telling anyone since the last thing that she wanted to do was spoil it by sharing. Nancy knew that her firm friends were most definitely going to ask her to spill the beans, and she will.


But she was going to be very careful not to give out all of the juicy details that she knew they were going to demand of her.


Then she heard the footsteps coming towards, and she quickly grabbed on the duvet and covered her naked body, blocking off the incredibly fabulous morning sun from tanning her naked body.


“There is no need to cover up. We are miles away from the shore, and I already saw your gorgeous naked body. Relax.” Derrick said with a smile on his face while kicking off the duvet.”

“I would have yelled at you, but then again I remembered that you were cooking something I like.”

“Yeah, you told me on our first date that you love bacon, so I made a point of preparing it for you.”

“Whoa! Didn’t know you were one helluva cook.” Nancy confessed as she took another whiff from the plate and then picked the juiciest brown piece and threw it into her mouth, chewing it tastefully as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.”


There was no other reason for Nancy to wait any longer. It seemed as though her body was craving for something delicious to eat especially after the kind of sex that she had the previous night. It was nothing short of epic and needless to say, took a hell lot of energy from her. But thankfully, it seemed as though she was back on track and nothing was going to give her such a hard time getting ahead of the curve after eating those bacon chops.


But then something strange happened. As she was sucking up the juice out of the bacon, she bit on a hard object that caused her to stop almost immediately. And once she had done this, the next thing that she did was put her finger in her mouth and took off the hard object which, to her utmost surprise, turned out to be an eighteen karat diamond ring!!!


“Before you panic, I just want you to know that it's not an engagement ring. But it’s a commitment ring. As long as you are my girlfriend, I will be loyal to you and nobody else.”












-Back from the dead-


It was only a month into the relationship, and both Derrick and Nancy seemed to be gearing up for a couple of the year award. Derrick had turned out to be a bad boy after the proposal and in the end, always made her think of him virtually each and every single time without failure. Even the mention of his name would make her feel as though she had been aroused beyond normal and she could just get wet all of a sudden.


And it was because of the latter reason that Nancy never wanted to think about Derrick especially when she wasn’t with him.


But she was always finding it a little bit hard especially when all of her friends kept asking him what Derrick did to her recently. And that said, it was now getting to a point where she was obsessed and couldn’t help but get all hot and bothered as soon as she got a text message from him.


Derrick, on the other hand, didn’t even slack down after getting the girl. From the look of things, he made sure that he was always working as hard as possible just to ensure that he was getting her all sorted out as far as her needs were concerned. He called and texted her randomly and also made a point of getting her flowers as often as possible. And without a doubt, theirs just became one of the best relationships ever.


The good thing about Derrick was that he never bothered to bring up the issue of being a billionaire like most guys always made a point of doing if they are loaded with some extra change. If anything, he always acted as though he was an ordinary man and even frequented normal joints – another characteristic that made Nancy fall in love with him even further.


Her friends and colleagues were also first-hand beneficiaries of the relationship. First and foremost, they made sure that they were getting to enjoy virtually every single box of chocolate that Derrick made a point of sending her. They also got to drink most of the liquor that he sent, and so it wasn’t unusual for them to keep on pestering her about how things were going on. In the end, it seemed as though it was all going to be alright without a doubt.


And for that matter, the relationship continued being intense with each day and needless to say, they both got happy. It had even gotten to a point where Nancy was seriously considering to start a family with him if at all everything went on fine.


The other person who was also jubilant and very much approved of their relationship was none other her mother. Nancy’s mom always loved seeing her daughter euphoric. And as long as the two seemed like they were headed somewhere great, Nancy’s mom didn’t hesitate to give him a thumbs up. And that was also another thing that made her feel as though she was on top of the world.


Eventually, the most important thing was making sure that every single thing was going on according to plans. And thus Nancy, who was happy and satisfied with Derrick, decided to make plans for the future even before telling him. Besides, wasn’t it his idea to give her a promissory ring? At the end of the day, it was an amazing thing for her to make sure she had a path to follow just in case the relationship worked out.


In the end, everything seemed fine. But little did Nancy know that fate was about to take one helluva twist, and then she wouldn’t have been so relaxed that Sunday afternoon.


Her man had promised that he was going to come over, and so she decided to groom herself and had a couple of glasses of wine just to get her in the mood. And once everything had been all sorted out, the next thing that she did was make sure that she was sitting in the pouch, ready for him.


And as usual, Derrick showed up on time, and they made love, for the umpteenth time. And once they were done, he made a point of leaving for the adjacent kitchen to look for some more booze while Nancy made a point of cleaning herself and getting to prepare for the next round of kissing and shagging.


And it was at that moment that she heard a slight tap on the door. She wasn’t expecting anyone and so she delayed a little bit, trying to figure out whom the intruder might end up being. But even before she could get her mind settled down so that she could think (thanks to the mind blowing sex she just had a couple of moments ago), the door got knocked once again.


And so she made a point of standing up, putting the gown loosely over her body and made it to the door.


As soon as the door opened, Nancy looked as though she had been stricken by lightning. She could neither move nor utter a damn word. And for a moment, it seemed as though she had seen a ghost.


“Honey, I am home.” Kendrick said with a smile on his face. “Am I going to get a hug or something of that sort?”

“I-I-I thought you were dead!” Nancy stammered, trying to remain calm despite the fact that she knew whatever was going to happen wouldn’t be that useful.


All that time, she thought he was dead. And that explained why she moved on with Derrick and chose to put everything she had with Kendrick behind her. And now it seemed as though he was back from the dead and came back thinking that they could get back to where they left things. But that was when the plot decided to thicken.


“Honey, who is that on the door?” asked Derrick as he peeped through the door. He was half naked and didn’t understand why Nancy was taking way too long by the door. The two men glanced at each other for a moment without uttering a word.


“Honey, who is this?” Kendrick asked without tearing his gaze from the stranger

“I was about to ask you the same thing. Who are you?”









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