ROMULUS (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: ROMULUS (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 1)
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Alien spies, Aster interpreted with a queasy feeling, until she read a little further. There were only a few events in recent history when emissaries had been used. One was the sabotage of Germany's atomic bomb research during World War II. No one would ever know how close the Terrans had come to doomsday. Aster shuddered to think of what her world might have been like without Innerworld's selective interference.

There was so much more she wanted to know but decided on just two more subjects for today. The first was the air filtration Romulus mentioned. When she got back home, and somehow she would, she wanted to take a treasure with her.

* * *

The faint sound caught Romulus's attention and he noted the blue flashing dot on his monitor, notifying him that someone had just accessed a Code II file containing Innerworld's most sensitive information accessible to the public. Code I was strictly confidential, like Operation Palomar, and could only be accessed by a few authorities. Out of curiosity more than concern, he pulled up the visual of the inquirer and the researched information.

When Aster's studious face appeared, he didn't wait to read the bio running across the bottom of the screen. He stormed out of his office and headed for the library. He had no doubt her questions about the filters went beyond casual interest. She didn't seem to comprehend the meaning of the word no.

* * *

For the first time in her life, Aster wished her background had been in science instead of economics. It was going to take more than a quick read to understand the construction of the filters. She would have to learn how to access the library files from her apartment where she could take extensive notes in private.

Now to find out about Edward's remarks. Since she knew so little about the near-rebellion he had referred to, it seemed to Aster the most expedient route to the information was through the man involved. She activated a keyboard and typed
Romulus Locke
. As though typing the letters generated the power to conjure up the subject, she heard his voice behind her.

"Hello. Learn anything interesting?"

Her fingers quickly switched off the screen. When the ripple stopped at the bottom of her spine, Aster stood and turned to find herself within inches of Romulus's imposing form. She could not back up and he seemed intent on crowding her.

"How long have you been standing there?" she asked, hoping he could not sense her momentary panic.

Romulus blocked her escape. "What were you reading?"

"History." It was suddenly so stuffy she could barely breathe. "Do you have the time?"

"About 1800 hours. Do you have another appointment?"

"No. I just wondered. I was so involved with what I was learning, I lost track of time. Let's see, that would be six o'clock, right?"

"Right. May I give you a lift home then?"

Aster paused only a moment before accepting his offer. It would be easier to let him take her home than trying to find her way on the shuttle.

En route, Romulus encouraged her to share what she had learned.

"As a matter of fact, I covered about twelve thousand years of history. That was plenty for starters."


"I was fascinated. I always thought there were too many holes and myths in our early history."

"What did you want to know about me?" He kept his eyes on the road.

Aster cringed. He had seen his name. Compose yourself, she thought. "I heard you prevented a rebellion but it wasn't mentioned in the history I read. Will you tell me about it?"

"It wasn't much." Wasn't much? Just the most important event of my life. He had planned to question her about her interest in the filters when he walked up behind her. Then she typed his name on the screen and his stomach had done a somersault.

"For many years the handful of Outerworlders who got trapped here were easy to deal with. Unfortunately, as their numbers grew, some reacted violently to their circumstances. Terrans were considered too dangerous to be allowed to live among Innerworlders. They were contained in camps, taken care of and... studied.

"About twenty years ago, one group refused to live out their lives under such controls. They escaped their encampment and took over the central mine and Car-Tem's Administration Building. I was a junior administrator at the time and they held me as one of the hostages. To make a long story short, I convinced their leader and Governor Elissa to meet and work out some compromises. She had the tougher job. She had to convince the Tribunal on Norona that we needed to update the laws concerning Outerworlders."

They pulled up in front of her building and Aster regretted that they had arrived so quickly. She had so much more to ask him. "Would you like to come in for dinner? It's the least I can do for a living legend. I really would like to hear more." Wouldn't Cherry be pleased she had taken the initiative?

"Great." What happened to his good resolutions of only hours ago to stay away from her? He rationalized that he still had to discuss the matter of her curiosity about the filters.

Throughout their meal, Aster pumped him for details of his exploits. She couldn't help but notice how his eyes turned greener the more she showed interest in his accomplishments. "I apologize for the snide comments I made about your work, Romulus. You've earned the right to be proud."

His stomach did another flip. She had called him Romulus
praised his work, all in one breath. In the case of this female, he considered it real progress. Suddenly he knew why he had accepted her dinner invitation. It was his curiosity, not hers, that had to be dealt with.

Aster watched his green eyes soften to a warm brown as his gaze drifted over her and settled on her mouth. He rose from his dinette chair and came toward her with an expression on his face that seemed to be desire.
Had Cherry been right about his being interested in her personally?
Her chest constricted with apprehension but, when he reached for her hand and led her to the sofa, she didn't hesitate to sit next to him.

His head dipped down until his lips brushed ever so gently against hers. He lightly pecked the corners of her mouth. When she closed her eyelids, he kissed her lashes then the tip of her nose.

A small sigh escaped her, involuntarily encouraging him. His arm slid around her back, pulling her snugly against him, while his other hand removed the ribbon from her hair.

"I want you very much, Aster. You understand that, don't you?" Rom breathed the words into her ear between kisses that burned her throat and neck.

Aster squeezed her eyes tightly against the expected assault. His mouth took possession of hers, yet she wasn't at all repulsed. To the contrary, she wanted more. Her fingers snaked their way around his neck to tangle in his hair. An unfamiliar pulsing had begun deep within her and settled between her legs. She arched against him, seeking a satisfaction she was not certain existed for her. Amazingly, she found she
quit thinking and just feel.

When his tongue outlined her lips, she parted them and his tongue touched hers. She tensed again but his teasing movements tempted her to return the pleasure. He tasted wonderful. How could she have known such bliss existed?

Abruptly, he pushed her away. In one savage move, he ripped her blouse from her shoulders, leaving shreds hanging from her wrists. He shoved her onto her back and yanked down her bra. The mouth that had been so tender a moment ago, viciously closed over one exposed nipple.

The scream was inside her head but the sound never escaped. Her entire body had frozen and gone numb the second she heard her blouse tear.

He finally noticed the change in her. He stopped his attack to look at her face. Her unblinking eyes were filled with terror, not lust, and her skin was more ashen than her hair.

"Aster? Is something wrong? Didn't I do it properly?" She stared straight ahead, not answering him. When her body started to tremble, he knew he had made some terrible mistake. "Aster! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was trying to please you. I read it in an Outerworld book! It was supposed to be a classic romance. I wanted it to be perfect for you. Do you hear me? Aster!" He took her in his arms and hugged her hard. A minute passed with no response from her. In desperation, he resorted to the only other way he knew how to reach her. He placed his two fingers at her temple.

What he saw when he touched her mind brought tears to his eyes. How could he have known? The heroine in the book fell madly in love with the pirate who had treated her in the same fashion Rom had imitated. He relayed all of this to her and hoped she could forgive him.

Touching her mind was like grabbing hold of a lightning bolt. Never had he experienced anything so powerful. He had to use every bit of his will to break the contact, but before he did, he gave her a gentle suggestion to have a good night's sleep with pleasant dreams. Rom held Aster tightly until he felt her tremors stop and heard her soft whimper. She fell asleep with her head next to his heart.

* * *

Aster dreamed the old dream again but this time the handsome man had finally kissed her. And, oh dear god, what a kiss it was.

"Good morning, Aster. It is 0700. Are you awake?"

"Mmm. Not now, Grandmother," she moaned, irritated by the interruption. What bad timing! Slowly, she became aware that she was on the sofa, not in bed. She'd been covered by a blanket, but beneath that her blouse was torn.

"Good morning, Aster. It is 0715. Are you awake?"

"I heard you the first time. Yes, I'm awake."

"Please remember to respond to your wake-up call if you do not wish me to repeat it."

Aster wondered how a computer managed to sound insulted. She should be able to grumble at a stupid machine without feeling guilty about that too. She wished she had not insisted on starting her new job this morning, but then she never could have anticipated what happened last night. What a fool she had been. She had actually begun to think Romulus was different, that he could awaken something exciting hidden inside her. Instead, he put it deeper to sleep.

In the past, she shut out her fears by staying overly busy. Today would be the same. She just wouldn't think about it.

At the Economics Center her supervisor, a shy, grandfatherly man named Keshu, showed her around then stationed her in the Center's Research Room.

Once she assured him that she had no questions at this time, he left her to her own devices. For hours she poured over volumes of material, purposely not stopping for a lunch break. The possibility of running into Romulus in the dining room effectively killed her hunger pangs.

At the end of the day, the five-minute shuttle ride to her apartment contrasted sharply with ugly memories of driving in traffic to and from the foundation offices every day. She admitted that there were a few things to appreciate in this new world and she could hardly wait to get back to her studies tomorrow. It was a good sign.

Cherry dropped in while she was having dinner and, before she thought about it, Aster told her about the episode with Romulus. "You see what happens when I follow your advice?"

"Whoa, kid. My advice was good. After what you told me the other day, I understand how he would have scared you and that bit about him talking to your mind is really freaky. But he told you what his mistake was. His only crime was reading the wrong book while trying to do the right thing. More than likely, if he had just acted naturally, we'd be having a much more interesting conversation tonight. Aw, c'mon, kid, give him another chance."

"He won't want another chance. He knows. He saw it in my mind." Until she said the words, she had not realized that his reading her thoughts and knowing her secret had upset her almost as much as what he had done.

Cherry twisted her features into an expression of complete exasperation but refrained from giving more advice. "Okay, my turn. Starting this Friday, I'm going to work in the Indulgence Center."


"God, what a face! I'll be working in Fantasy World as an actress! I'll play parts in other people's fantasies, bit ones at first, but when they see how good I am, I know I'll be doing lead roles in no time. The best part is, because it's in the entertainment field, even the small roles pay fairly well.

"This is a dream come true for me. When I was a kid, I would pretend I was a star and everyone came to see me, begging for my autograph. My parents swore I'd burn in hell for such thoughts but I never forgot that dream."

Aster managed a genuine smile. "I know you'll be great too. I always thought you were a big showoff."

Cherry beamed under Aster's encouraging words. She never felt as confident as she acted. "Geez, I only meant to visit for a minute. I assume you got a job working with numbers. Do you think you'll like it?"

"I think so. I'd tell you about it but I know you'd be totally bored by the details."

"You're right there. I've got to go, kid. Keep your chin up. I have a good feeling about this guy. You'll see."

Aster gave her friend one last skeptical look before closing the door behind her. Try as she might, it was impossible to deny that from the first moment she saw Romulus, Aster felt drawn to him. And not simply because he had the power to assist her. She could not forget the unfamiliar longing that had accompanied the touch of his lips on hers, a kiss so sensuous that the memory of it made her sigh.

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