Read Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1) Online

Authors: Ward,Alice

Tags: #highschool sweethearts, #sports romance, #hot guys, #steamy sex, #big city new york, #temptation, #Baseball

Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1) (82 page)

BOOK: Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1)
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Luke was gushing over the little blonde sitting next to him, and Frank had started questioning Chase on his background. My fingers slid higher between her legs and eventually reached the red silk material that I was so fond of when she bent over. She was hot, like steaming hot, and my fingers instantly warmed as they teased her delicate skin through the material.

“Compliments of the chef,” Belinda snarled as she set down two large platters of appetizers.

Her face was red, almost as red as her hair as she looked, seeing that my hand had disappeared somewhere under the blonde’s skirt.

“Thank you, they look delicious.” I smiled and reached for one of the chicken wings.

The guys tore into the food, not even acknowledging the tension that fell across the table. “Is there anything I can get you?” Her tone was cold and irritated.
Oh yeah, we’re back to that now.

Man, I had a way of turning women on and off like light switches. I had to admit it amused me to see her so twisted after the ice queen performance she’d given earlier. “Another round,” I drawled, locking my eyes onto hers. She seemed to warm up a bit, even though it was obvious she hadn’t wanted to. Her lips curled into a smile that she tried to fight off, and her eyes danced at my attention.

She quickly turned her head and walked towards the bar. The blonde was pressing up beside me, her hand resting on my knee as her big baby blues batted in my direction. “What’s it like being a baseball player?” she asked.

I laughed as my eyes fell to Frank. “You wanna field this one?”

“Well, for the rest of us, it’s a lot of hard work, discipline, long hours and fear of being traded at a moment’s notice. For old Ace over here, well, I have no fucking idea what it’s like to be him.”

He grinned and reached across the table for a chicken wing. I was itching to knock it out of his hand for using that word again, but before I could react he was shoving it into his thick lips.

The blonde giggled and scooted even closer to me. Belinda brought the drinks, her eyes cold again. She left without speaking and stood at the end of the bar with one foot kicked back behind her, twitching sporadically.
Yeah, she wanted me bad!

“Excuse me, darlin’,” I said to the blonde and pushed gently to get her to let me out of the booth. I walked to the bar, leaned onto the thick wood and let my smile speak for me until I was standing toe-to-toe with Belinda.

“Have I upset you in some way?” With a flick of my hand, I motioned for the bartender. “Two Patróns please.”

“Your drinks are on the table,” Belinda snapped.

“Yes, I see ‘em. So, have I?”

Her face was turning a delicious shade of pink even as her lips curled into a sarcastic smile. “Shouldn’t you get back to your daughter?”

“Ouch.” Damn, that stung.

I took the two shots the bartender delivered and handed one to Belinda. “I can’t drink that,” she hissed.

“Why not?”

“I’m working.” She rolled her eyes, but I noticed her breathing was becoming unsteady.

“I’m sure this wouldn’t be the first time you broke a rule.”

My balls tightened as I could see her warming up to my charms once again. Her eyes were heavy and her mouth parted, she wanted me, and there was no denying it, even if she wanted to. She lifted the glass to her lips.

“Wait a second.” I stopped her from sipping the liquor. “You have to have a toast.”

She stopped and waited for me to come up with some words of wisdom or inspirational quote before she continued her drink. “Here’s to panties, not the best thing in the world, but damn close to it,” I boasted and then lifted my glass to hers. She grew even more pink, but she drank to the crass toast, just as I knew she would. As her lips were covered in the deliciously smooth tequila, I wanted nothing more than to be her tongue gliding across them.

“You’re bad,” she teased.

“You have no idea,” I warned. “Think you could get a break?” I looked over her shoulder towards the back room.

Her eyes went wild with curiosity and excitement. “Why?”

I chuckled deep in my chest and leaned closer, watching her watch me lick my bottom lip. I smiled when her nipples hardened, the tiny points pushing through the thin material of her uniform.
No bra, nice!

“C’mon,” I whispered and gripped her hand. I guided her to the back of the club, past the kitchen doors, and up the three small stairs that led to the owner’s office.

“What are you doing?” she gasped as I opened the door and guided her inside with my body hard against hers.

“What do you want me to do?”

My hands were on her ass, but I didn’t go any further. Instead, I waited for that sweet moment of consent.

“I want you to fuck me.”

I smiled and pulled up her skirt. I knew she wasn’t wearing panties, and my tongue was about to thank her personally for such easy access to her warm pussy.

“You’re gonna get me in trouble,” she giggled as her skirt made it past her beautifully smooth ass cheeks.

“Oh no,” I assured her. I ducked my head and glided my tongue between her soft mounds, searching for an easy entry into the material. The dress was tight. With her large breasts, too tight.

Her arguments were gone, and all that was left was heavy breathing and moans. I moved her to the desk, her ass against the wood, and I lifted her just enough to let her body rest on the edge. Her legs were open, her skirt around her waist, giving me the first glimpse of that beautiful pink pussy. Fire red hairs were neatly groomed in a tiny patch above her engorged clit. Her lips were thin and long, spread out like wings against her thighs, gleaming with her slick arousal.

“Gorgeous,” I muttered and fell to my knees in front of her. Sliding my tongue up her thigh, I stopped at the apex, breathing her in. My nose rested on her clit, inhaling the scent of her sex while my cock hardened in my jeans. She cried out as I wrapped my lips around her clit, sucking it hard into my mouth. She moaned and fell back onto the desk; her legs wide open for me to play as I wished. I spent a few minutes getting acquainted with her while she moaned and squirmed. Slipping two fingers inside, I twisted my fingers, finding her g-spot while I tongued and sucked her clit. When she exploded, she clamped a hand over her mouth to silence the screams ripping from her throat. I knew she was fully satisfied and ready to return the favor.

I stood, unzipped my pants, unleashing my cock. Her eyes widened in full approval as she slid from the desk and to her knees in front of me. She stroked me slowly at first and then picked up the pace, my hips thrusting to show her the speed I wanted.

“Wrap those beautiful lips around that, darlin’.”

Her dark green eyes looked up at me as her lips parted and her tongue snuck out to taste the tip of my erection, wiping away the drop of pre-cum.

My head fell back on my shoulders, and a long sigh of satisfaction escaped me as her mouth closed down and slid along my shaft. It was wet and tight, her tongue stroking even as she sucked me into her throat.

Sweet ecstasy, I was going to come.

I gripped her hair and pulled her face from my erection in warning. Instead of letting go, she suctioned her mouth around me and latched on tight, determined to finish the job she’d started.

Spots exploded in front of my eyes as I exploded into her mouth, and I clutched onto her head for balance, the fucking pleasure ripping a growl from my chest. Vibrations shot through my groin and down my leg as she sucked every last drop.

A sound penetrated the roaring of blood in my ears, and I slowly opened my eyes to locate it. Belinda beat me to it.

“Your phone,” she said as she handed me the black device that had fallen from my pocket. Shit, it was Holly, probably to talk about the dates. When I reached for it, ready to cancel the call, Belinda’s thumb slid over the screen, answering the call prematurely.

“Oops,” she giggled. “Sorry.”

Why the hell did I care that Holly had heard that?



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Standalone Novels

Blitzed by the Billionaire

Recipe for Lust

Unbridled Love

Complete Box Sets

Bad Boys: A 16 Book Collection of Sexy Badasses, Broken Billionaires, and Hot Alphas

Love All Out The Complete Series

Reckless The Complete Series

Sexy Bastards: A Collection of Hot Alpha, Stepbrother & Billionaire Romance Stories

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Taming the Billionaire The Complete Series

The Billionaire Prisoner The Complete Series

The Bluegrass Billionaire Trilogy

Unraveling the Billionaire The Complete Series

Lords of the City

Torn (Lords of the City)

Secrets (Lords of the City)


Alice Ward is the bestselling author of dozens of hot and steamy contemporary romances. She’s an amazingly prolific writer, releasing a new book almost every single month. Her books are widely read, especially by women and any other lovers of the romance genre.
My Stepbrother, My Lover
, was her first smash hit.

Alice has been in love with love since she was a little girl. She had quite the collection of Barbie dolls growing up and spent much of her playtime crafting the perfect Barbie wedding day (and when she wasn’t doing that, she was working on attempting the perfect cartwheel).

When Alice outgrew Barbie dolls, she began to write her thoughts down in her diary. This was how she discovered that she had a knack for telling romantic stories. Her first fans were her close girlfriends, and her stories were a hit among them. They, along with her family, enthusiastically encouraged her love for writing.

Alice now lives in Miami with her wonderful, hunky husband. The beach is her all-time favorite place to relax with her laptop and write. When she needs a break from writing (and when no one's looking) she loves thumbing through celebrity gossip magazines. It’s her guilty pleasure. She also might or might not have a thing for Gerard Butler (it’s the accent).

Official Website
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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2016 Alice Ward


All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

Table of Contents

Title Page



























A Note from the Author


Book Description
BOOK: Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1)
12.86Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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