Room for You (36 page)

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Authors: Beth Ehemann

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Contemporary

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Everything Sophia said that morning was rattling around in my head.

“Kacie was damaged.”

“She blamed herself for her and her dad’s failed relationship.”

“She fought like hell to keep her family together with Zach, but ultimately it didn’t matter.”

“To protect herself now, she panics and she runs.”

This was it, Kacie’s defense mechanism rearing its ugly head. “Get them before they get me,” like Sophia said. The feelings were becoming too real for her, and instead of dealing with them head on, it was easier for her to push me away and pretend they didn’t exist. If she admitted that she loved me too, it meant leaving herself vulnerable to the possibility of more pain and that was something Kacie was clearly willing to go to great lengths to avoid.

What Kacie didn’t know was that she may have met the one person on the planet more stubborn than her. When I set my sights on something, I get it one way or another. I’d never given up easily and I sure as hell wasn’t starting now.




“I can’t believe they’re six.” I pouted as I plopped myself down at the kitchen table.

Mom handed me a cup of coffee. “I know, where did the time go?”

“Seriously. It feels like I just had them.”

“I feel that same way about you.” She smiled sadly as she sat across from me. “Now look at you. You went and grew up and had kids of your own when I wasn’t looking.”

“You know, none of this would have been possible without you.”

“Of course it would have, Kacie. You’re a strong girl, way stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

“I don’t know about all that, Mom.”

“Well, I do and Mother knows best, so hush.”

I grinned at her as I sipped my coffee.

“It’s been one hell of a week, huh?”

“That, my dear, is an understatement.” Mom stared outside and her mind went somewhere else. It had been almost a week since that bastard plowed over my baby in the lake, and while Piper was mending, she wasn’t completely back to normal yet. Her bruises had faded to a dark yellow and she wasn’t having headaches anymore, but her nightmares were off the charts. Every night since we’d been home from the hospital, she woke up with an ear-piercing, blood-curdling scream that almost made me jump right out of my skin. The only thing that made her feel better was sleeping with me and that made Lucy feel bad, so she’d been sleeping with me too. Needless to say, I was beyond exhausted.

Mom had suggested pushing their party back a couple weeks, but that wasn’t an option. School was starting in a couple weeks, for all three of us, and it had been such a bad week, I wanted them to have something good to look forward to this weekend. However, I threw it together so quickly, hopefully I hadn’t forgotten anything.

“Okay, so today … the food has been ordered and should be here by noon. Alexa is bringing the flowers and balloons later, you took care of the cake … was there anything else?” I asked.

“Nope, I think you got it all. What time is everyone coming?”

“Two o’clock.”

“Good. You should go nap, Kacie.” She pushed back from the table and took our mugs to the kitchen sink. “You haven’t been sleeping well and today might be a long day.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” I yawned just thinking about how tired I was.

I left the girls snuggled up on the couch watching Snow White under Mom’s watchful eye as I tiptoed down the hall to my room for a quick snooze.

My body was completely relaxed in that last stage right before you actually fall asleep, where you’re still aware of your surroundings, but your arms and legs feel heavy and out of control. My mind was starting to drift, when I heard my bedroom door open and then close again.

I didn’t even open my eyes. “Girls, go back out with Gigi, Mommy needs a nap.”

“They’re watching Snow White, but you look more like Sleeping Beauty.”

My eyes snapped open, and I sat up straight at the sound of Brody’s voice. He was leaning against my bedroom door with his hands shoved in his jeans pockets, his signature hat on backwards and the killer smile accented by those irresistible dimples cemented on his face.

“What are you doing here?” I scrambled to stand.

“Relax, sit down.” He pulled the desk chair next to my bed. “I came to drop off the girls’ birthday presents.”

“Oh, thanks.”

My heart soared at the sight of him and I wondered if that would ever go away. How much time needed to pass before I could be in a room with him and stop worrying that my chest was going to explode?

Leaning forward in the chair, he rested his elbows on his knees as a crooked smile rolled across his face.

“I love you, Kacie.”

My heart sputtered to a complete stop as his soulful eyes searched my face.

“I’ve loved you since that night out on the pier when we looked up at the stars, then I fell in love with you again the next day when you peeked at the sunset from the top of the Ferris wheel, then I fell in love with you again when I saw you in that blue dress, then I fell in love with you again on my kitchen counter, then I fell in love with you again at the cake tasting, then I fell in love with you again at Lauren’s wedding, then I fell in love with you again in that hospital room when you stared at your daughter lying unconscious in that bed…”

I swallowed, unable to speak.

“I fall in love with you every single time I watch you interact with Lucy and Piper. The love you feel for them is so vast and overwhelming, it absolutely amazes me. I sometimes wonder if there’s room in your heart for me too, but then we’re alone … and it’s there. Whatever it is, it hangs in the air between us, so fucking thick I can hardly breathe.”

Tears ran down my cheeks, it was almost physically painful to listen to him. “Brody, please…” I pleaded, not wanting to hear any more.

“You’re not a summer fling.”

My breath caught in my throat as my mouth fell open. How did he know about that?

“I know what Blaire said to you in that bathroom and she couldn’t have been more wrong. You’re not a summer fling, a winter fling, or any other fling,” he continued. “You’re my
Kacie. I know where the door is and I know how to walk through it if I want, but I
want to. I want to be here with you, with the girls. Every. Single. Day.”

I nervously thumbed the cuff of my sweatshirt under the scrutiny of his intense gaze.

“I also know that Kendall was in that bathroom, and I can’t even imagine how excruciating that must have been for you. I told them both to go to hell and I fired Andy.”

“You did?” I whispered in a shaky voice.

“Kacie, you can’t listen to anything Blaire says. She only cares about how I perform on the ice—that’s why she wants you out of the way. She thinks you’re a distraction.”

My brain was moving so fast; I couldn’t keep up. I lowered my head to my hands, struggling to process the mountain he was laying at my feet.

“I agree with her about that, you are a distraction,” he said quietly.

I snapped my head up and locked eyes with him.

“The best damn distraction I’ve ever had in my life. You
the twinkies.” He scooted over to my bed and cupped either side of my face with his warm hands. “Before you guys, I didn’t know life outside of the rink existed. You’ve made me realize I want more. I want everything, and I want it with you.”

“I’m afraid, Brody.”

“I know you are. It’s a big leap, but I promise it’s worth it.”

Still holding my face, he leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against mine. There was no hidden intent with that kiss; it was just that, a kiss. Neither of us was in a hurry to break it.

I wanted this; I wanted him, and I needed to tell him. He just laid it all out for me. He needed to know how I felt too.

I pulled back but didn’t let go of his hands. “Brody, I’m scarred. Zach did so much damage to my heart, sometimes I feel like he ruined it for anyone else. He mutilated it and even though I put it back together, it’ll always be a little tainted.”

“I know, but that’s the thing about scars, Kacie, over time they fade and get smaller. It’s time for yours to disappear.”

The thought of Brody being mine forever forced a small smile to tug at my lips.

“Talk to me … what are you thinking?” He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumbs.

I took a deep breath. “I’m thinking that I love you, Brody Murphy. I love you a lot.”

A grin slid across his face as he pressed his forehead against mine.

“I’ve loved you since you first called my girls twinkies, then I fell in love with you again when you made me jump in puddles with you, then I fell in love with you again when you went fishing with Fred, then I fell in love with you again when you bought twenty kinds of shampoo, then I fell in love with you again in your bed, then I fell in love with you again when you let the girls paint your nails, then I fell in love with you again with a pair of hospital slippers in my hands.” I sniffed and looked into his eyes.

He opened his mouth to respond, but I put my finger on his lips, stopping him.

“My heart knew I loved you before my brain did.”

That was all he needed to hear. He leapt forward and crashed into me with so much force, he knocked me backwards on my bed. The weight of his body was heavy on top of me, but there was nowhere else on this planet I’d rather be.

He pulled back just enough to look me in the eye. “I love you, Kacie. I love you so damn hard.”

“I love you too, Brody. Completely.”

We lay on my bed, lost in each other and completely oblivious to the world happening outside of my room. We kissed and hugged each other so tight; afraid of what would happen when we let go.

“We should probably go out there and see what’s going on with everyone.” I finally sighed.

“Screw that, we have a couple weeks worth of kissing to make up for.”

The laugh that escaped me almost drowned out the sound of the soft knock on my bedroom door.

Brody and I sat up, “Come in,” I called out, rubbing my tingling lips.

Lucy and Piper came barreling through the door with the biggest smiles I’d ever seen on their faces.

“Mom, come see our cake!” Lucy squealed.

“Oh, it’s here? I didn’t know Gigi went to get it,” I said, as Piper grabbed my arm and pulled me off my bed. Lucy took a hold of Brody’s hand and they led us out to the kitchen.

My eyes almost fell out of my head when I saw the cake sitting perfectly in the middle of the island. It was the princess cake that Brody and I saw in the book at The Great Cakery.

“What the … how did Mom…” I was thoroughly confused.

“I asked your mom to let me handle the cake,” Brody said from behind me.

I spun around to face him. “
did this?”

He grinned and nodded, wiggling his eyebrows at me. “Cool, huh? I just hope my twinkies like Oreo cake because I couldn’t resist.”

I smiled as Lucy and Piper ran over and wrapped their arms around him.

“This is so awesome, Brody. Thank you.” I looked at him with sheer adoration as I walked over to the pantry to make sure we had candles for later, something I’d completely forgot to check before.

I pulled the pantry door open and gasped when I caught my mom and Fred groping each other like a couple of teenagers against the cereal shelf. The girls started to run toward the pantry to see what I was staring at when I slammed the door.

“What was it?” Piper asked with Lucy and Brody standing behind her, just as confused.

“Uh … a really big spider,” I stuttered as my mom walked out of the pantry, smiling like nothing ever happened.

“Gigi, did you kill the spider?” Lucy asked.

“Yes, I got him.” She smiled.

“I bet you did.” I stared at her incredulously before I turned back to Brody. “Can you take them in the family room for a minute while I clean up after that spider?”

Brody frowned, clearly still confused as he led the girls over to the couch and out of ear shot.

I whipped around to Mom, who was grinning at me like a proud teenager. “What’s going on?”

“What do you mean
what’s going on
? It was pretty obvious, no?” She beamed and walked over to the pantry door and opened it, letting Fred out.

“How long?” I looked back and forth between them.

“Well, you’ve been a little preoccupied lately,” she waved her hand toward the couch where Brody was sitting, “and I’ve been with the girls a lot. Fred was helping me out and … you know, it just happened.” Her gaze met his and they smiled sweetly at each other.

“Oh my God … I need a vacation,” I mumbled into my hands in a delirious giggle.

“It’s kinda fun though, right?” she asked.

I pulled my hands away from my face and stared blankly at her.

“Think about it, we can double date.” She winked at me as Fred put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek.

“I can’t. This is too much.” I chuckled as I walked across the kitchen. “I need to hop in the shower, I’ll be right back, okay?”

I headed toward our apartment as I looked over at Brody, who was sitting on the couch with the girls watching Snow White. He had one arm tucked behind each of their heads as they all focused intently on the TV. I slowed my pace to stare at them for a minute. The sight of my three loves, snuggled up on the couch together made my heart warm.

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