Roosevelt (113 page)

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Authors: James MacGregor Burns

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Election night account: NYT, Nov. 6, 1940, pp. 1-2; Lash, pp. 191-193; Eleanor Roosevelt, “My Day,” Nov. 7, 1940. Roosevelt’s comments on the election: Rosenman, p. 236; to Lash: Lash, p. 194. Roosevelt dictated a letter to Henry Luce denying that pencils were laid out, his necktie loosened, etc., but he did not send it; see Robert T. Elson,
Time Inc.
(Atheneum, 1968), pp. 443-444; I have corresponded with Judge Samuel I. Rosenman on the matter and believe that
and the above sources were essentially accurate. The President spoke later in the evening to a second group that assembled; some accounts refer to both meetings. Roosevelt’s fears of “fifth column” activity: Roosevelt to King George, Nov. 27,1940, PSF, Diplomatic Corr., Great Britain, 1933-45, King and Queen, Box 7. Roosevelt to Attorney General, June 18, 1940, enclosing clippings from Eleanor Roosevelt, OF 4022; see Friedländer
, pp. 97-101, 152-155. Purported ties between elements of the Republican party and fascist elements: HHP, Box 297, “Confidential Political File—Corr.—Misc.”
Nazi plans re the United States: copy of confidential memorandum from Alexander Kirk to State Department, left with Missy LeHand, June 17, 1940, PSF, Diplomatic Corr., Germany, 1934-41. See, generally, Niles Papers, especially N5.211, N5.44 (1940); Alton Frye,
Nazi Germany and the American Hemisphere
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967), especially pp. 136, 142, 150.

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