Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4 (7 page)

Read Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4 Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Dom/sub;kink;role playing;Daddy/baby girl;western romance;cowboy romance;brat;ménage;red hot

BOOK: Ropin' Hearts: The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 4
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Outside, she found her voice—and anger.

She whirled on him. “How dare you? You barge in, beat up my Master then cut me off the cross?”

“Your Master,” he spat, feeling that deep internal itch in his blood. “Stowe’s the Master of many women. You’re one in a long line, sweetheart.”

She didn’t seem to care. “You had no business stopping what we were doing!” She stamped her little foot on the turf, and damn, that riled him. Heat built in his groin, making his fly strain against his cock.

“Don’t test me, woman.”

She jogged alongside him, breasts jiggling, driving him mad with the need to pin her against the nearest wall and fuck her silly.

“You can’t do what Stowe did to me, so you run in and use your fists to stop it.”

He glared at her. “You think I’m less of a man than him?”

“Hell yes. You’re nothing like him, nowhere near his caliber of expertise.” Blue lightning flashed in her eyes.

They reached his truck and Ty practically threw her inside. She sat there, facing forward, clothes bundled against her nudity. Satisfaction swam in his head. Maybe he’d finally shut her up.

As soon as he climbed behind the wheel, she started again. “Where’s your client, Ty? Why aren’t you with her?”

“My work is none of your business,” he ground out, almost twisting the key off in the ignition. Why did Bree urge him to grind his teeth until they all broke off? He ran his tongue over them. Hell, one of them felt loose after meeting with Stowe’s fist.

“You’re probably going to say your client is satisfied because you’re that good.”

He swung his head to look at her. In the darkness, her eyes glittered, her lips were swollen as if she’d bitten them during her play with Stowe.

With a growl, Ty grabbed her and hauled her across the console and into his lap. Soft, sweet curves landed smack on his hard cock. Her eyes opened so wide a sliver of white appeared around each iris.

that good.” He kissed her, giving her the harsh rasp of his beard on her skin, marking her. Plunging his tongue into her mouth until she was gasping. When he let her up for air, though, she started talking again.

“You think you can kiss me now? You arrogant assho—”

“Don’t you ever call me that.” He opened his truck door and flung her facedown over his lap. Her head hung out the door, her calves waved in the air near his face. But her ass was right where he wanted it. He gave her a bare-handed slap that yanked a blood-curdling scream from her.

“You like being a bad girl, but I won’t allow it. Not on this ranch. I’m going to teach you a lesson.” He spanked her again, warming the other cheek. She cried out, fighting like a crazy woman, even as goose bumps broke out on her skin.

“You’re not getting away. This is what you want, Bree. Admit it to yourself because I figured it out long ago.” He delivered four more slaps to each ass cheek. Her screams turned to whimpers and finally pants.

He rubbed a circle over one hot cheek. God, he wanted to plunge into the shadow between her thighs and make her beg. She hung over his lap, hair dangling around her face.

“What I wouldn’t give to see your face.” He massaged the other cheek. He couldn’t push her too far or harm her. But if she sassed him again, he wouldn’t let her get away with it.

He let his fingers travel over her flesh, under the curve, close to her weeping pussy. His mouth watered.

Suddenly she squirmed. He held on to her. “You’re not going to live this down, Ty. I’m going to—”

“What? Tell Daddy? I bet he holds a parade in my honor when he finds out I finally spanked your ass.”

“Shut up!”

“Give me a safe word. Now.”

“No. You don’t deserve it.”

“You don’t like this then? You don’t want this?”

There was a beat of silence. Then she rasped, “Longhorn.”

“Oh, baby girl. Why do you misbehave?” Throbbing with need, he spanked her again. Right cheek, left. Each crack fueled something primal in him, and he knew there was no going back. They either killed each other or fell into bed for the biggest, longest, hottest satisfaction of their lives.

As each vibration of Ty’s hand on her ass rocketed through her system, she bit back a cry. This was so much more intense than what she’d experienced while Stowe spanked her nipples with the crop.

No, Ty’s hand felt unbearably intimate, and his words set fire to her.

Did she want this? More than anything. But how could she? It was so confusing. She kicked at him. One broad palm pinned her spine as he brought his other hand flat on her ass. The sting echoed through her veins. A quiet moan left her—the sound more a reflection of her need than any pain. God, was she finally getting what she’d been looking for?

He spanked her more lightly—several times on each buttock. For a moment she hung there, exposed, aching, aroused as hell.

His breathing was labored, and, judging by the huge bulge against her legs, he was as turned on as she was. She parted her thighs ever so slightly.

“You want me to touch you here?” Without warning he slid his fingers over her soaking folds from bottom to top. He circled her clit then drew his fingers down again. He let them linger near her entrance but didn’t plunge them inside. She wiggled backward.

“Do you want this, baby girl?”

Did she? Shit, she was confused. Her body hummed with need, and the feel of his hand and his command of her body had twisted her all up. She didn’t even like Ty, did she?

He grazed the übersensitive space between her ass and pussy. She cried out.

“Your body says yes. But I need the words from you.”

Seconds ticked by while blood rushed into her head from hanging upside down. Night insects raised a chorus.

She could tell him no and he’d take her home. Maybe if she threatened to tell Daddy about the spanking Ty would just drop her at the border between properties and not tell her father what she’d been doing.

But if she walked away now, she’d never know the pleasure Ty’s voice promised.

She struggled to right herself. She wasn’t agreeing to anything while dangling over his lap.

He hauled her upright with no effort. She sat on his lap, too close, too aware of her nudity and that blazing look that was back on his face.

“Why do you want me?” she heard herself ask.

Something flickered in his eyes. “Because you need someone to make you behave and the fact that I know I can is just what I need too.”

“You think a few smacks on the behind will keep me from coming back to the ranch?”

His lips tightened, turning her inside out. She wanted those hard lips on hers, on her breasts and between her legs. “I plan to show you who’s in charge, Bree. And to give you what you need.” He skimmed a fingertip over her nipple, strumming it along with every nerve ending in her body.

“What do I need?”

His eyes lit up as if someone had switched on a bulb. “I’ll show you. Give your consent.”

She stared into his eyes, burning up with the fierce need she saw there.

“I’ll take you someplace where it’s just the two of us.”

Her body screamed,
Yes, finally!
But what happened afterward? And what if this was only a trick to ditch her?

She stared at his mouth for an eternal heartbeat.

He made a noise deep in his chest that made her gaze flash to his. Their stares held. “Yes,” she whispered.

He kissed her—taking her lips and tongue with a possession she’d never known. Shuddering, she wrapped her arms around him and gave him the lead. Power thrummed beneath his muscles.

He flipped his tongue against hers, and they shared a moan. He tasted like cinnamon gum and something earthy she couldn’t get close enough to. She wiggled restlessly and his cock hardened further.

While they kissed he plucked at her nipples with calloused fingers. Had her breasts ever been this sensitive before? She felt as if the switch that had turned the lights on in his eyes also powered her body. She arched into his touch.

“Baby girl.” It shouldn’t be so damn erotic when he called her that, but it was. He scooped a hand under her thigh, bringing her closer. “I have to drive. That means I need you in the passenger’s seat.”

“Wh-where are we going?”

“Someplace where I can make you scream with ecstasy until your throat’s raw.” With that, he lifted her over the console and placed her on the seat. She settled back to watch him, drinking in his hard profile. Straight nose, strong jaw. It was stubbled and not clean-shaven. His eyes hooded.

When he shifted the truck into gear, the moonlight caught the hairs on his arms and accentuated the muscles. She shivered again.

He didn’t look at her, just drove. They bounced across the field and clattered over a wooden bridge spanning a shallow creek. In rainy times, the creek would swell and probably swallow the bridge. She didn’t ask where they were going.

It was hard to draw a normal breath. She was nude in a man’s truck, giving him control of her body and needs.

“You aren’t tricking me, are you? Taking me home?”

He sent her a look that raised steam from her. “Long way around, isn’t it?”

She lifted her jaw. “Why should I trust you?”

A muscle in the crease of his jaw leaped. “Because I’m going to give you exactly what you want.”

“How do you know what I want?” Irritation grew, his kisses too distant now that they were away from the ranch and she wasn’t in his lap.

He stopped the truck. Put it in Park. When he turned to her, her heart slammed into her ribs. Before he could speak, she rattled off, “Are you going to tell me you’ve met dozens of women like me and satisfied all their needs?”

He gave a slight shake of his head, almost as if confused. “No, because I haven’t. But that doesn’t stop me from knowing what
need, baby girl.”

“Stop calling me that.”

“Do you prefer sugar tits?”

“No!” Her damn traitorous nipples hardened as if his words had summoned them to peak. She folded her arms over her breasts but he only eyed them more wolfishly.

“I’ll call you baby girl because it fits you.”

Her stomach did a loop-the-loop.

He caught a tendril of her hair, gaze flaying her open, exposing parts of her she didn’t know she had. Her mind tumbled with emotions and her breaths came faster.

“I’m not childish.”

“No, but you like being a brat. And I’m here to tell you…you won’t get away with it. Not with me.”

Her mouth fell open.

He got out of the truck and came around to her door. She sat there, torn. Frightened. Alive. Needy as hell. And she wanted more of his kisses. But something else had risen in her—and it felt strangely like an electric current when they looked at each other.

She climbed out into the moonlight, clothes abandoned on the truck floor. He captured her ass in his hands, reminding her of the ache he’d raised. “Ow, I’m sore!”

“You’re not sore enough and you know it.”

Her pussy squeezed. Juices soaked her inner thighs.

“Turn around and put your hands on the truck.”

His dark tone slithered through her, spearing her with need.

“I’m not sure I want to be at your mercy. Not sure you can handle the job.”

“Bree.” His voice was a warning.

Her clit throbbed. Something about taunting him really pulled the trigger for her. She wanted to drive him crazy.

She pushed harder. “I’m going back to finish what I started with Stowe.”

“Like hell.” His eyes flashed. He whirled her, pressing her against the metal still holding the heat of the day. He reached past her and into the truck. She shook at the sight of rope—both with trepidation and desire. When he looped it around her ankles, she grabbed his head and tried to guide him where she wanted him most.

He slapped her ass—hard. She screamed. Nipples burning from being so tight, her inner walls shaking under the pressure building inside her, she found herself truly at his mercy. But she had no desire to use her safe word.

He tied her ankles together then bound her hands behind her back. As he gained his feet, he let his hard chest slide over her stinging ass and up her body. She trembled, mind spinning with the force of her desire.

“You’re lucky no one can see you out here.”

She twisted her head to try to see him. If she could just look at his face, she’d know if she’d pushed him far enough. His voice gave nothing away. “Maybe I’d ask them to spank me.”

“No.” His tone was dead, but his mouth on her throat was not. She gasped as he sucked hard enough to leave a love bite. She squirmed closer even as she tried to get away.

“So far you haven’t given me…”
pant, pant
, “…any pleasure.”

He curled a finger over her clit. She bucked, crying out as need crashed over her. Red-hot lust seared her core, but he removed his finger.

“You jerk,” she whimpered.

He bit into her shoulder, depressing the skin lightly, but it was enough to stimulate her beyond reason. Her pulse thundered and the throbbing in her pussy increased. “Call me that again and you’ll pay,” he rumbled.

Was he baiting her? Of course she wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to speak her mind. “You’ve been an incredible asshole, tearing me away from pleasure. First with Elliot, then that other guy—twice! And Stowe…” She drowned in memories of Stowe’s crop on her nipples and the dark, promising look in his eyes.

“They aren’t going to lay a hand on you unless I tell them to.”

She shuddered. Would he do that? Invite other men to touch her? Her chest rose and fell.

“I can see that works you up. But don’t think you’re going to get away with calling me an asshole.” He spanked her with rapid taps that jarred her from head to toe and pussy to nipple. She stopped crying out after only a few taps, swallowed by calm.

At least until he thrust two fingers into her pussy. She splintered, coming with such force her knees buckled. As she pulsated, he supported her against the truck, kissing her neck, whispering.

The orgasm flooded her with a warmth she’d never known.

Ty’s mouth was at her ear. “That’s it, baby girl. Come for me. Be nice and I’ll give you anything you want.”

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