Ropin' Trouble (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Ropin' Trouble (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 2)
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“Cara, it’s a shirt. Not a kidney.” He grinned.

She headed for the bathroom and he watched her firm bottom until the door was shut. His cock twitched and he warned his body to behave. For now, he had to finish his chores, but later he’d take all of the time needed to pleasure Cara until she squirmed with need and screamed his name.

The thought didn’t do much good for easing the strain in his zipper, but it sure did give him something to look forward to.

He was glad she liked the boots. Glad they fit too.

When she came out of the bathroom, she was wearing his shirt. It was a little big but she had the hem tied in the front showing off a sliver of flat stomach. Her shorts hugged her rounded thighs, fit close enough to cause a man to lose all logic. The boots clicked the floor as she swayed closer to him…the image of removing them made his groin ache. Damn! It was going to be one long morning.

And later, while they were in the barn and Cara was awwing and cooing over the baby calf, Ben was smiling. “Bet you didn’t know you had a country girl bone, after all.”

Her cheeks were flushed from the morning air and her hair was wildly framing her face, and she was the best thing he’d seen in a long time. “There’s something about Nirvana that clears the head and puts everything into perspective. And the calf is the cutest thing ever.”

Mama cow was feeding the baby calf, but another scene had him as hot as a desert in the afternoon sun. Cara was leaning against the gate to the stall, her back slightly arched and her bottom perfectly rounded as she stood on her toes. She was a sexy woman, but the combination of short shorts and the boots made him salivate. Damn if he didn’t want to take her then and there, over the top rail of the gate, giving a shit less who walked in. He’d never been this far into throwing caution to the wind and following every desire, no matter what path it led him down. Hell, he’d already predicted this wouldn’t end well for him. Cara was here, breaking down walls, having orgasm after orgasm, and when the end of the next week came, she’d bid him a thank you and farewell.

That was the name of the game. The guests came and they went. But he’d never been sadder at the thought of seeing her leaving.

He didn’t realize she was watching him.

“Ben, are you okay?”

“Peachy. How about you?” He pushed his hat down his forehead.

“Wonderful. Absolutely, positively wonderful.” Her eyes were as bright as the sun on a cloudless day.

“That’s a smile worthy of meeting each and every day.” Without thought, he reached out and ran the back of his knuckle down her cheek.  An electric current swept up his arm and he dropped his hand. “We’ve missed second breakfast and it’s closer to lunch. I bet Motley would love having a beautiful side-kick in his kitchen. He teaches cooking lessons, not that I’m saying you need them, I mean, how would I know. And you already signed up. ” Hell, could he make more of a mess of things? He’d never been this tongue-tied before when asking a guest if they wanted cooking lessons. “You did say you wanted lessons, right?” This was a sign his lines weren’t only blurred, but rather, they were gone.

“Yes, I’d love to check out his kitchen, maybe steal some ideas.” Her eyes twinkled and he realized inviting her had been the right thing to do. Anything to light up her baby blues would be worth a trek across coals on hands and knees.


Ben had left Cara with Motley while he excused himself to take care of business. She didn’t ask, and he didn’t supply but a vague excuse.

But watching Motley expertly dice and slice vegetables for a stew for dinner had her attention.

“Did you attend culinary art school?” she asked.

Motley, an Italian with dark busy hair and prominent features tossed the cut up vegetables into a large stock pot of boiling liquid on the stove. “No. Self-taught. A man like me didn’t have the means of attending school.”

“Well, no one would ever know you didn’t have professional lessons. You’re amazing.”

He beamed and she could swear his cheeks turned rosy underneath his olive complexion. “I’m glad I delight you. And because you are making my head bigger, you will be the first to try my newest dessert. It’s to die for.” He kissed the tips of his fingers.

“There’s nothing I like better than dessert.” And then Ben came to mind. Well, there was something…

Motley reached into the refrigerator. He dipped a spoon deep into the confection and handed it to her. She licked the spoon, savoring the sweet delicacy. “That’s amazing. Now, what is it?” She wanted more.

“A new recipe for Tiramisu. I’ve been working on it for a cooking competition coming up next month. If I win, I will get the jackpot. Ten thousand dollars.” His eyes lit up. “I could open another restaurant.”

“With a dessert this yummy, can’t see how you won’t win.”

“You’re a kind woman. And I will share.  Want to make some?”

“That would be great.”

An hour later, Ben strolled into the kitchen. He had changed, was clean shaven, and had on a nice blue plaid shirt and worn jeans. He was a sight for sore eyes. “Is Motley giving away any secrets?” Ben chuckled.

“She is a pleasure and easy to teach.” Motley grinned.

“I don’t know how easy I was to teach, but I know good food when I taste it. Motley, you’re a great chef,” Cara said.

“Are you ready?” Ben asked her.

Grabbing her take out container of tiramisu, Cara bid Motley goodbye and followed Ben to the golf cart. She was climbing into the seat when she heard the purr of an engine and looked up as Maverick drove by. He had a silver-striped-haired woman in the passenger side who was waving herself with a fan. Ben and Maverick exchanged nods.

“So, is that one of the lodgers?” Cara stared until Maverick’s cart disappeared on the narrow lane.

Ben climbed behind the wheel. “Yes.”

She eyed his profile. “If you traded spots with Maverick, I’m assuming that’s the woman you had for the day.”

He smiled. “Yes.”

“Okay, I’m sure you don’t want to expand your answers to complete sentences, but how was it?”

He looked at her. “What do you mean, Cara?”

“Would you have been sleeping with her, too?” Once the words were out, she wished she could fish them back in. She shook her head. “Never mind. That wasn’t a fair question.”

He shifted in his seat until he faced her. “Sweetheart, I don’t sleep with the lodgers.”

“You never have?” She realized she was traveling down a touchy path, but she couldn’t help herself. Her curiosity was getting the better of her.

His jaw clicked. “I can’t say that I never have, especially after last night.”

Her chest tightened. “Oh, I see.”

“No, you don’t see. If you think for one minute I have the same relationship with everyone as I do for you, you’re way off the mark.” His exhale of breath brushed her cheek.

“Then, what we are doing is different?” She moistened her lips.

“Darlin’, you’re different than anyone I’ve ever met, hands down.” He turned, started the cart and they drove away.

Cara wasn’t sure how to take his words. Although he didn’t come out and say yes, he’d admitted that he’d slept with other lodgers, and although she knew she shouldn’t be upset, it did hurt ever so slightly. Heck, she was plain out jealous. Even if she had no right to be, it stung all the same.

Having sex with Ben didn’t give her some special place in his life. He worked at Nirvana. He had a job and that meant pleasing the lodgers. She was a lodger. Point blank.

She turned her cheek and stared at the scenery, but seeing nothing but unshed tears. As happy as she was, she realized it would all come to an end in a week. She would leave the ranch and go home, where nothing awaited her. No friends, not really. No family. No dog or cat. She swore she was going to get a pet. Maybe two or three. James hated animals. She happened to love animals.

Cara also decided she’d tell James’s sister to shove her negative, bad comments where the sun doesn’t shine. There came a point that Cara had to stop letting people treat her badly. She’d allowed it to continue for far too long. She’d felt sorry for Tammy. Although she wasn’t close to James, Cara did realize how hard it would be for Tammy to accept the truth about her brother when their father had been the dictionary definition of evil.

“Here we are. I realized you and I never did go down to the waterfall like I’d promised.” Ben pulled the cart over in the same place they had before for the picnic.

“No bees, I hope.” She smiled, forcing her brain on the present.

“While we’re in the water, we’ll have no worries.” He grinned and slipped out of the seat.

Cara absorbed his words as she crossed the front of the vehicle. “Did you say ‘in’ the water?”

He nodded. “Yes. I have towels.” He grabbed them from the backseat.

“Okay, but there’s a problem.” She folded her arms over her waist as fear threatened to make her sick.

“And what’s the problem?” One brow cocked.

“I don’t swim,” she admitted.

“You can’t swim?”

She shook her head, sending hair around her cheeks. “I never learned.”

“No big deal.” He shrugged. “The water isn’t deeper than your waist and I won’t leave your side, not for a second. I’ll keep you safe.”

Together they walked the field and they made their way down the slope to the edge of the water. The sound of the water was soothing and the space was shaded. It was beautiful.

Ben toed off his boots, his socks, and started for his jeans.

“What are you doing?” She swallowed.

“Sweetheart, I didn’t bring trunks. Have you never gone skinny dipping?” His eyes searched her.

“As in swimming naked?”

“Skinny dipping doesn’t refer to anything but.” He grinned and it warmed her insides.

“I-I’ve never thought of swimming nude.” Her heart skipped a beat.

“There’s a first time for everything.” He continued to remove his clothing. “Would you be too embarrassed if I took off my boxers?” His eyes shone like diamonds. “You have seen it all.”

“No, yes, I mean, sure take everything off.” She watched as he slid his underwear down his legs. Was the man ever flaccid?

“How about you, sweetheart? You coming in with me?” He held out his hand.

She stared at his palm for five heartbeats. What did she have to lose? Ben wouldn’t let her drown and, if she did, she’d die a happy woman. With only a sliver of shyness, she stripped her clothes off until she was completely nude in front of him. He scooped his gaze over her and his erection grew full and long. The power in his physical change boosted her self-image by miles.

He took her hand and led her to the edge of the water. She dipped her toe in and goosebumps washed over her skin. “That’s cold.”

“Won’t be for long.” He winked and walked into the water until he was knee deep.

“I guess now I know it’s true what cold water does to male parts.” She giggled.

“Once you’re in here I’m sure you’ll see it’s only a theory.” He motioned for her to join him.

“Is there anything I can say no to when it comes to you?” She huffed and took a step toward him. The water swirled around her ankles. Higher to her knees until it moved across her heated thighs. She moaned.

“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. Let’s go back on land.” He grabbed her hand and started toward the edge.

“No, Ben. Let’s do this. I’m here and I like how you encourage me to do things I’d never do. I’ve never felt so alive.”

He nodded. “Well, then, let me take very good care of you. Although swimming nude isn’t on your schedule, or anyone’s for that matter, I wanted to see your body slick in water.” He reached for her, lifting her off her feet and held her in the safety net of his arms. He walked her toward the middle. All of the fear faded as she stared into his sparkling eyes. “Are you okay, baby?” He gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

“Never better. “

“Can I put you down?”


He slowly lowered her, but didn’t remove his arms around her waist. He kissed her cheek, her jaw and her neck. “Mm, you smell delicious.”

“Ben, I’m sor—I mean, I shouldn’t have bombarded you with so many questions earlier about other women. It’s not any of my business.”

“First, thank you for not apologizing. That’s a change for the better. Two, believe me baby, no one has ever come close to making me feel this way,” he whispered next to her ear.

“I’m not just a job?” Her voice cracked.

“Never.” He rounded his hand to the back of her neck. “Any man would be lucky to be with you—to have your love.”

And when his mouth touched hers, she was lost to the feelings in her veins. She didn’t care that there would come an end because, at this moment, she was here with Ben. Although it was dangerous to allow her emotions to become involved, she knew it was too late. She was falling for Ben.



Chapter Ten


Cara had a busy morning. Time was flying here at Nirvana and she couldn’t believe she had only three days before she had to leave.

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