Rory's Promise (15 page)

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Authors: Michaela MacColl,Rosemary Nichols

BOOK: Rory's Promise
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ND CHILDREN,” Mrs. Chacon said to Sister Anna, who sat behind a small table. Rory tried to get close enough to see the paper, but the spiky handwriting was too difficult to read from a distance.

Sister Anna surveyed the room, her eyes resting longest on the dark-skinned Mexican women. “Where are the parents?” she asked.

Mrs. Chacon looked puzzled. “They are all here. No one wanted to wait another day.”

“But …” Sister Anna began.

Mrs. Chacon interrupted her. “Father Mandin chose each family with care, Sister. Over sixty people applied, but he only accepted thirty.”

Sister Anna took another look at the Mexican women. “Very well, let us begin.” Rory tensed as she waited for the first name. “Gabriela Welsh, number twenty.” Rory relaxed. Not Violet. Not yet. Rory liked Elena and knew that Vi would
too, but how could Rory be absolutely sure that Elena was the mother for Vi? Rory wouldn't get a second chance at this.

“Tomasa Alvidrez,” Sister Anna stumbled over the un-familiar name. “Gabby is going to her.”

Gabriela looked darling in her Sunday-best dress, her golden curls falling down her back. A tall, gaunt woman stepped forward to meet her. Sister Anna stared at the fair little girl and then at Mrs. Alvidrez, whose skin was darker than the aged oak beams that held up the mud roof.

“Is this right?” Sister Anna asked. Turning to Father Mandin, she spoke quickly. “I prefer to match each child to a family that resembles her. I find it helps the parents bond with the child.”

Mrs. Chacon translated, her voice flat. Father Mandin replied, “The important thing is that Mrs. Alvidrez is a good Catholic.”

“But … ,” Sister Anna began.

With a sharp gesture of his hand, the priest cut her off. “You are too choosy, Sister. Give her the child.”

Sister Anna opened her mouth to protest but closed it again. Rory couldn't help feeling a little smug that Sister Anna was getting a taste of her own medicine. By the look on her face, Sister Anna was no better at being biddable than Rory was. But nuns were bound by an oath of obedience. Another reason, in case Rory needed one, not to become a nun.

“Of course, Father, but please remember the Foundling has the final word on the adoptions,” Sister Anna said respect-
fully, but there was a hint of warning buried in her voice too. She turned to Mrs. Chacon and said, “Does she speak English?”

“Some,” Mrs. Chacon said. “We thought it best if every family spoke a little.”

“Quite,” Sister Anna said curtly. “Make sure she understands that in the next few days I will come to her house. If I am not satisfied, I will take the child back.”

Mrs. Alvidrez said, “
Sí, sí
.” Glancing at Mrs. Chacon, she pulled some coins out of her pocket and placed them on the table. Then she took Gabriela by the hand and led her away. Gabriela glanced back at the others but went willingly enough.

Sister Anna stared down at the coins then asked Mrs. Chacon in a sharp voice, “What is this money for?”

“Father Mandin asked the families to contribute to the cost of the wagons from the train since we are a poor parish.”

Sister Anna said, “If you had asked, the Foundling would have paid the cost.”

At Rory's side, Elena was chewing on her knuckle, her eyes fixed on Sister Anna's list.

“Are you all right?” Rory asked.

“We are so close to having a family, I don't want anything to ruin it now,” Elena said. “Would that Sister keep Violet and William from us?”

Rory's eyes found Violet across the room and then focused on Elena again. She had known the moment she had
seen Elena that she might be kind enough to make up for the awfulness of Clifton.

Rory reached out and touched Elena's hand. “I think you might be the mother for Violet. I'll tell Sister Anna so.”

“Thank you, Rory. Family means everything to me. If Violet's own sister did not approve, I don't know what we would do.” Elena abruptly hugged Rory. Startled, Rory froze then let herself enjoy the embrace. Now how could Rory convince Elena that two Fitzpatrick sisters were better than one?

“Next on the list,” Sister Anna said. She hesitated and looked around the room until she caught Rory's eye. “Is Elena Martinez here? She is assigned William Norris and Violet Fitzpatrick.”

Elena came forward. She was fairer than the other women and Sister Anna looked at her with approval. Sister Eileen brought Violet and William to stand in front of the desk. Rory made sure that she was in Violet's line of sight. Sister Anna always made the small children a little nervous. Vi's eyes sought Rory, and Rory winked.

“Mrs. Martinez,” Sister Anna said, “this list says you are to receive a boy and a girl.”

“Yes, Sister.” Elena stared at Violet and little William. She started to chew again on her knuckle but stopped herself.

“What does your husband do?” Sister Anna asked Mrs. Martinez.

“He works at the smelter.”

Mrs. Chacon stepped up to Sister Anna's elbow. “It is a very good job. Aboveground,” Mrs. Chacon interjected. “He
spoke for the miners against the Anglos during last year's strike.”

“Anglos?” Sister Anna asked.

“The white mine workers. We call them Anglos.”

“Oh.” Sister Anna was taken aback.

“And Elena is educated. She will teach the children well.”

Sister Anna's pen scratched on the list. “Do you have clothes for the children?”

!” Mrs. Martinez nodded eagerly. “I brought them— and also these toys for the
.” She reached in her bag and pulled out a cloth doll in a purple dress. “This is for Violet. I thought she would like this color.”

Violet looked to Rory for permission. Rory nodded and Violet clutched the doll to her chest. Rory mouthed the words “thank you,” and Violet remembered to whisper, “Thank you.”

“And for William.” Mrs. Martinez gave him a wooden horse. “My husband is skilled with his hands. He made this.” William wasn't afraid to step forward and take the toy.

“William … ,” prompted Sister Anna.

“Thank you very much,” he said, eager to start playing.

Father Mandin, who had been watching the proceedings with a broad smile on his round face, spoke rapidly to Mrs. Chacon. She nodded and translated for Sister Anna's benefit. “Elena is one of the Father's most devout parishioners. She helps to clean the church and decorate it for every holiday.”

Sister Anna searched around the room until she met Rory's gaze. She raised her eyebrows as if to ask Rory's opinion. Rory nodded slowly.

“Very well, you may take the children. But I will be visiting you in the next few days. The Foundling reserves the right to take the children back if everything is not satisfactory.”

Elena said, “You will be satisfied, I promise.” She started to move off with the two children.

Violet broke away and darted to Rory. Burying her face in Rory's skirt, she whispered, “I don't want to leave you!”

Elena's eyes appealed to Rory for help.

“Trust me, Vi. She's really nice. Just do what the Sisters want for now—it's part of my plan.” Rory swallowed hard. “Remember how well my last plan worked?”

“We'll be together?” Violet asked with a sidelong look at Elena.

“Always,” Rory said, praying she could keep her word. And if she failed, at least Vi was going to a good place.

“I'm keeping Mama's necklace just to make sure you keep your promise,” Vi said.

“Fine,” Rory said impatiently. “Now will you go with Elena?”

“Yes,” Violet said.

“Good,” Elena said, her words floating on a long sigh. “Here is the money Father Mandin asked for.” She reached into her pocket and slid a small stack of coins across the table.

As Elena turned back to Rory and the children, the door to the church slammed open. The breeze blew out half the candles in the room. A group of angry women stormed the building, led by Mrs. Gatti. Her booming voice followed
the wind like thunder after lightning.

“No! Stop! Those are
babies!” Mrs. Gatti cried. One of the women tried vainly to hold Mrs. Gatti back as she strode through the crowd. Shoving Elena to one side, Mrs. Gatti stood in front of Sister Anna, her hands on her hips. “The children can't go off with that … person. She'll poison them with her tacos, burritos, and spicy food. They should go to me. I'd give them a good home with lots of good American food.” Without warning she reached for Violet.

Violet flinched and scurried under the table, near Sister Anna's feet. Elena pulled William to her side. Sister Anna rose to her full imposing height.

To Rory's surprise, Elena spoke first, loudly and clearly. “Father Mandin chose me to have these children!”

Rory was impressed. She wouldn't have thought the gentle Elena had so much fight in her.

Mrs. Gatti cried, “I saw them first. If it's a question of money, I'll pay more!”

Sister Anna looked down her long nose and said, “Mrs. Gatti, you are out of order. There is no question of the Foundling accepting money for children.”

“There's money on the table,” Mrs. Gatti insisted. “Something crooked is going on here!”

“Why should I have to buy the children when they are rightfully mine?” Elena asked scornfully.

Father Mandin hovered at the edge of the group of women, chattering in French. No one paid him any attention. The
Mexican women were talking excitedly among themselves in Spanish. And Mrs. Gatti was shouting in English. Rory finally understood the point of the story about the Tower of Babel; she could only hope things in Clifton would end better.

“Louisa!” Everyone turned to the open doorway and to an enormous man wearing a bloodstained apron under his coat.

“Jacques,” she cried. “What are you doing here?”

“I'm looking for you and my dinner,” he bellowed.

Mrs. Gatti hurried toward him, speaking softly as though she hoped he would follow her example. “Make it yourself. I'm not leaving here until I get a baby.”

“A baby?” He raised his bushy eyebrows and didn't lower his voice in the slightest.

“I told you about the baby train,” she said. “It's here. The children are beautiful and I don't want to miss my chance.”

Mr. Gatti peered around the gloomy room, noting the nuns and the remaining children. “I'll handle this,” he said, striding over to Father Mandin. They began speaking rapidly in French.

“My husband is part French. He'll soon get me my babies,” Mrs. Gatti announced proudly.

The conversation between the men ended and Mr. Gatti said goodbye to Father Mandin and returned to his wife. “Come, Louisa,” he said, taking her arm and leading her to the door. “There's nothing for us here and I want my dinner.”

“But my babies!” She jerked her arm away from him. “I won't leave without them.”

“Just go,” Rory said under her breath. “You're not welcome here.”

“The priest told me they are out of children.” Gatti said it the same way he might tell a customer that he had no more bacon to sell.

“But there are so many.”

“They're already spoken for, Louisa,” he said impatiently, tugging vainly on her arm. “You're making a scene. Can we go home now? I'm hungry.” He glanced at her friend. “Mrs. Abraham, help me get her out of here.”

Mrs. Abraham spoke up for the first time. “Who gets to have the children? Not these women.” She pointed scornfully to the remaining Mexican women. “I won't permit it.”

“Who does that woman think she is?” Rory whispered to Elena.

“Mrs. Abraham's husband runs the hotel. He is very important in town. But even she cannot tell Father Mandin what to do.”

Mrs. Abraham spoke loudly, not caring if her words offended. “The little darlings are as white as snow. They can't go with Mexicans! They belong with people who look like them!”

Rory's eyes flew to Sister Anna. Sister had expressed the exact same concern.

Even though Sister Anna had repeatedly told Rory it was
rude to point at people, she leveled her index finger at Mrs. Abraham. “You have no authority here. Take your friend and go.”

“Not without a baby,” Mrs. Gatti said stubbornly.

Mr. Gatti looked to Father Mandin and again tried to usher his wife outside. “Louisa, I know how much this means to you, but there will be other children. You've made enough trouble. Let's go.”

Mrs. Abraham gestured to the remaining white women to follow her. “You haven't heard the last of this,” Mrs. Abraham said with determination. “Those babies don't belong with drunks and savages.”

“To keep them safe, I'm willing to take the little boy and the redheaded girl,” Mrs. Gatti called from the doorway.

“Louisa, be quiet,” her husband said as he closed the door behind them.

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