Rosalie's Player (2 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Rosalie's Player
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“He’s unattainable, and that intrigues you.”

“What makes you say he’s unattainable?”

“He’s a player, not at all up to your high boyfriend standards. I know what you’re looking for and Holt isn’t it, but that’s not going to stop you.”

“Holt’s not my type. He told me that in no uncertain terms, and I’m cool with it.”

“You are?”

“Yes.” Rosalie laughed, trying to convince herself more than her sister. “I’m not desperate. I came out here to start a new life with you and your appealing, ridiculously sexy baseball hunk.”

“Nic loves you too.” She stood and looked at the clock on the mantel. “Here.” She reached into her pocket. “He told me to give you a ticket to tonight’s game.”


“Holt’s pitching.” She smirked, but Rosalie didn’t give her the satisfaction of talking about him anymore. “We’re all heading to Bennet’s after. I have to do post-game interviews. Nic left your name at the door, so you’ll have no problems getting in.”

“I thought it was a public bar.” Rosalie had been there two times with Holt and Ryder.

“It is, but during the season, the team meets after home games. They have a back room for them, and they try to limit the number of fans as much as possible so the guys can unwind.”

“The whole team is going?”

“Probably.” She headed toward the door. “You in?”

“I’ll be there.”
Why not?
She didn’t have to hide from Holt. There was a team of baseball players just waiting for her. Maybe there were a few who didn’t think the only way the night had to end was with sex. Perhaps some of them would want to take the time to get to know her.

“I’ll help you unload your car, and then I have to head to the station for makeup and hair.”

“The glam life.”

“Yeah.” She snickered. “It’s a dream job. I get to follow Nic around the country. I love it.”

“You’re doing great. The fans love the way you personalize all the guys. The Crushers are becoming even more famous now that you cover them. They didn’t need to win the World Series.”

“I’m having a blast. I’m glad you’re here with me now.”

“Me too.” She’d missed her sister while she was away at school. “Now I just have to figure out what I’m going to do with the rest of my life.”

“Don’t sweat it. You’re just twenty-two. You have time to figure it out.” Sage tossed her arm over Rosalie’s shoulder. “Enjoy the trust fund and the summer. You earned it after the phenomenal years you had at Yale.”

“I’m sure Dad won’t be pleased with me doing nothing. He’s already worried that I came to live here with all those horny baseball players running around town.”

“Yeah, he doesn’t want you falling for one too.” She opened the door and headed out to the car. “He’s just getting used to the idea of me and Nic.”

“I think he’s finally accepted your relationship.” Their father hadn’t approved of Sage and Nic’s relationship when they were younger, but now that the two had found their way back to each other after their long break-up, he had no choice but to accept it. “He likes Nic.”

“It’s about time.” Sage motioned toward the car. “Let me help you bring some of these bags in.”

“Thanks.” When Rosalie stepped out onto the porch, she breathed in the clean spring air.
So many possibilities here in Kingston
, she thought. A new life was waiting for her in this town. First stop...Bennet’s Pub.

Chapter 2


The Crushers managed to hold on to the lead the last two innings and win their fourth game in a row. Holt pitched seven solid innings before relief was brought in.
Not bad
, he thought as he slugged back a beer and took in the sights around the bar. Nothing new was happening tonight. The same girls who were there after last week’s home game were there again. Going on the road was looking more appealing. New city, new chicks.

“Hey.” Paxton Hughes, the star pitcher of the Crushers, pulled up a seat at the bar. Holt had been signed to fill in while Pax recovered from a shoulder injury. Holt admired Pax and appreciated all the help the accomplished pitcher offered while he was on the disabled list. “Great game. You made those changes we discussed. Your delivery was perfect.”

“Thanks, man.” He motioned for the bartender to bring them a round. “You were right about my curve ball.”

“It just needed to be tweaked.” Pax yawned as he picked up the bottle of beer the bartender placed in front of him.



“I guess a new baby will do that to you.”

Pax and his wife, Sophia, recently had a baby girl. Pax had been famous for his partying ways. An inspiration to guys like Holt, but somehow he had settled down, becoming a husband and father over the course of a year.

“She’s great, but doesn’t like to sleep through the night.” Pax sipped his beer. “I try to give Soph a break so she can sleep when I’m not on the road.”

“Have they cleared you to pitch yet?” Holt asked.

Once they put Pax back in the pitching rotation, Holt might not get as much play time, but he hated to see such a legend sitting out. Pax was a role model to up-and-comings like Holt. They were only a few years apart in age, but Pax had already won a World Series and the Cy Young award before he got injured. At twenty-five, Holt was well on his way to following in the seasoned player’s professional footsteps.

“I have an appointment with my orthopedic doctor next week. We’ll see. In the meantime, you keep doing what you’re doing.”

“Why aren’t you home with the lovely Sophia and that gorgeous baby girl who looks just like her mother, might I add?” Nic Cordova, the team’s second baseman, took a seat next to Pax. “What are you doing here?”

“Sophia says I hover when I’m home. I overcompensate for being on the road, or something like that.” Pax smiled. “She told me to grab a beer with the guys.”

“You’ve got one hell of a woman,” Nic said. “You’re a lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

“Don’t I know it.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “Want to see some new pictures of Ariella?”

“Of course.” Nic nodded. “Sage stopped by your house last week. She said little Miss Ari is beautiful.”

“She’s stolen my heart.” Pax handed Nic the phone. “Just swipe through. But I’m warning you, there’s a ton of them.”

Holt wondered how a guy like Pax had settled down after years of wild nights and even wilder women. Not only did Holt look up to him on the field, but the stories he’d heard about his mentor were notorious. Pax was a player. Now, as Holt watched him show Nic pictures of his kid, he couldn’t figure out what the hell had happened.

It wasn’t his business.

As he tuned out his teammate’s family talk, he looked around the bar. It was dead tonight. The rest of the team was trickling in, chatting about the game and ordering drinks. He spotted his roommate, Ryder, in the corner of the bar, checking his text messages and looking around the room. Just as he was about to go join him, he saw him smile at someone. Holt followed Ryder’s stare.
No fucking way.

Ryder crossed the room, stopping to wrap his arms around Rosalie Millan. He lifted her up and spun her around, hiking up her short skirt and giving Holt an eyeful of the bottom of her creamy ass cheeks. What he wouldn’t give to have some of that.

What the hell was she doing in town? And how had his roommate become so cozy with her? Holt hadn’t had any contact with her since that night he’d left her sister’s cottage. He was certain she would chase after him when he walked out and they’d hook up a few minutes later. His plan had backfired. That had never happened before. He still wasn’t over the blow his ego had suffered on that chilly January night. No one had ever shot him down before, and his pride wouldn’t allow him to contact her.


“You sure you want to invite me in?” Holt brushed her hair behind her ear. “Knowing there’s only one thing on my mind?”

“I don’t believe you only want one thing from me.”

“You’re right.” He grinned as he looked her over. The things he would do to this woman if given the chance. “I might have a few things on my mind, but they all have to do with you naked and willing.” He took her face between his hands, focusing on her full, pink lips before claiming them. “Still want me here?” He could taste her lip gloss on his mouth as he detected the conflict in her eyes. Most would say she wasn’t his type, but every woman was his type, especially when they looked as fuckable as she did. He wasn’t buying the innocent act. She was just playing hard to get.

She nodded.

“You don’t look too convincing, princess.” He turned her around so that she faced the foyer mirror. He needed to make her understand what the game was. “I don’t do relationships.” He trailed his lips along her neck as he let his words sink in. “I do sex.”

“Then do it.” She trembled when he skimmed his hand under her skirt, seeking out her panties. They would have to go, he thought as he held the side of her thong in his hand and ripped it from her. When she sucked in a quick breath, her eyes widened in the reflection of the mirror. He had her now.

“See, I’m not like those guys at Yale—all refined and gentleman like.” He smoothed his hand down her ass and between her legs. “I take what I want with no regrets.”

“What do you want?”

“This.” He brushed her sex, growing harder when her arousal soaked his fingers. “I can’t give you what you think you want, but I can give you everything you need.”

She was a dreamer. They’d only known one another a few days, but in that time he’d learned enough about her to know she had high standards when it came to relationships. She was obsessed with Nic and Sage. Always going on about how they were meant for one another. There was nothing wrong with her living in a fantasy world, as long as she knew he was never going to be that guy. The romantic one who would promise her the world and disappoint her in the end anyway. He was honest from the get-go.

He continued to finger her, delighting in those sexy noises she made. “So what do you think?” He pulled out of her, waiting for the answer he wanted to hear. “Can you play my way?” He ran his finger over her lips, almost coming undone when she sucked her arousal from him. “On my terms?”

“I can handle you.”

“There’s no doubt in my mind you can handle me physically.” He turned her to face him. “You’re the hottest babe I’ve ever met. A walking sex dream.” He smirked, but it was true. He’d had plenty of women, but none as sexy as this little kitten. “It’s here.” He touched her forehead. “And here.” He set his hand over her heart, noting how fast it beat. “Those are the places you won’t be able to handle me.”

She didn’t say anything, but he knew he had her all twisted and confused. He hoped she would make the right choice and take him to her bed.

“I’m not hearts and flowers, princess.” He lowered his lips to hers, making sure she was clear on who he was and what he wanted. “Not now, not ever.”

She held his stare with her mesmerizing gray eyes.
It would be so easy to give this girl anything and everything she asked for. She could demand it of him and he’d do it. That was new.

“Do you still want me to stay?”
Say you do. Don’t make me go. We can find a common ground.

“No,” she whispered.

Fuck me!
He’d never heard that word before.

“Not if it’s only going to be about sex.”

What else is there?
“I can respect that.” He kissed her softly, cursing the fact that he would be heading out the door instead of to the bedroom. “I don’t like it, but I can respect it.”

“Why are you so sure it will only be about sex?”

Don’t try to persuade me, kitten.

“’Cause that’s all it ever is for me.” He winked before turning and leaving. “Safe travels back to school.”


Rosalie Millan was most certainly not his type. She wanted a fairytale, but he was damn sure those didn’t exist. Why was he so pissed off that she was now sitting at a corner table, laughing and getting reacquainted with Ryder? Why did he care? Girls didn’t get to him this way. He wouldn’t allow it.

“Isn’t that Sage’s sister?” Pax asked Nic. “Over there with Ryder.”

“Didn’t take her long.” Nic groaned. “She moved into the cottage today. She’s going to spend the summer in Kingston while she figures out what to do with herself now that she’s graduated college.”

“Trust fund baby.” Holt snorted, trying not to care.

“And you should talk.” Nic finished his beer. “Isn’t your father a senator?”

“Yeah, but I have a career.” His family might be loaded, but Holt made his own way. He didn’t want to rely on his old man for anything. It wasn’t worth it.

“Rosie will too,” Nic said. “There’s nothing wrong with her taking a little break this summer. Sage is bringing her on the road with us. That’s a pretty sweet opportunity.”

Maybe he’d get another shot at her. Letting her get away didn’t sit well with him.

“Then I guess I better go say hello.” He stood from the stool and tossed some cash on the bar to cover his tab. “I don’t want to be rude.”

“Watch your manners, cowboy,” Nic warned. “She’s like my little sister, and I don’t want any of you crass players screwing her over this summer. I’ll be keeping a close eye on a few of you.”

“Hypocrite,” Holt challenged. “It wasn’t that long ago when you and Pax were nailing everything with a pus—”

“Don’t go there.” Pax stopped him. “There are plenty of girls in this bar and on the road. No need to piss Cordova off.”

“We’re cool, dude.” Holt studied his roommate chatting with the sexiest woman he’d ever seen. He remembered why it would never work with her, but that didn’t factor in at the moment. “I’m just gonna say hey.”

* * * *

Rosalie caught Holt staring at her from across the room as she and Ryder took a seat at a hightop bar table. She wanted to smile in his direction, but every time she thought she could, she remembered his hand under her skirt, ripping off her thong and bringing her to the brink of what would be the best experience of her short sexual history. Too bad she couldn’t go through with it. If he had her that worked up before they took their clothes off, she could only imagine what it would be like to make love to him.

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