Rose In Bloom (2 page)

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Authors: Mia Michelle

Tags: #New Adult

BOOK: Rose In Bloom
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“No, Sebastian. You don’t understand. This baby is–”

The medical team barging into the room interrupts us.

“Miss! You’ll have to step outside for a moment. We need to check him over.”

“No, I need to talk to him, please,” she begs.

I see how upset she is getting. Even though she’s pregnant with another man’s child, she shouldn’t be worked up like this, especially over me.

“Skylar–” I begin to speak, but a heavyset nurse clamps a breathing mask over my face. I give her a hateful frown in return and try to fight against her, but I am too weak and sore to put up too much of a challenge.

“Relax, Mr. Thorne. Take a few deep breaths. That’s it. You don’t need to get him so riled up, miss.” She scowls at Skylar, and I want to punch her in the mouth.

“I’m sorry. I’ll leave.” Skylar looks down in defeat.

Fuck this butchy bitch of a nurse! She isn’t getting away with this.

“No!” I shove the mask off my face. “Skylar, don’t go.” I turn to the nurse. “Just give us a minute, please. I’m fine! See?” I point to the monitor next to me. “It goes beep, beep. Last time I checked, that meant I was alive. Now please, leave us alone.”

“Mr. Thorne, you just had major surgery to stop internal bleeding. We need to examine you.”

“Fine! But she stays,” I growl at the nurse taking my vitals.

Skylar backs herself in the corner and crosses her arms in front of her chest. She only does this when she is nervous.

“How are you feeling, Mr. Thorne?” The tall doctor walks over to examine me.

“Like I’ve been hit by a car,” I reply, trying to inject humor, but no one else around me thinks what I said is too funny.

I groan as the bitchy head nurse checks my incision and changes the dressing. The others take orders from her as they bustle around the room getting what she needs. She rips the last of the tape off my skin, and I fight the urge to scream.

Jesus! Does she have to be so fucking rough when she does that shit?

After what seems to be hours, the torture is finally over and they leave us alone in the room once more.

I want her back in my arms, but I know she isn’t mine anymore. Why is she even here? She says she feels guilty for lying to me, but she shouldn’t blame herself for the accident.

“Come here.” I motion her towards me.

She takes slow, measured steps closer to me. She looks so damn beautiful, standing there fidgeting, but still I can’t get over how pale and thin she is.

“I’m okay, Skylar. What happened wasn’t your fault.” I try to make her feel better, but it isn’t working.

“It’s not all right. You don’t understand, Sebastian.” She glances down at the floor and then raises her tear-filled eyes to look at me.

Trust me, I understand. My beautiful girl no longer belongs to me.

“Don’t you need to go find Lucas?” I ask, trying to ease the discomfort in the room.

She breaks down crying, and I manage to grab her hand before she covers her face with it.

“Hey,” I say softly.

“Oh, Sebastian. I’m so sorry! I never meant to hurt you.”

“I’m pretty sure the car did this, sweetheart,” I joke and motion at my body, but it only makes her cry more.

“No. You don’t understand. Everything is all my fault. I lied to you. What I did was unforgivable.” Her voice shakes with every word. “Oh, God! When I saw that car hit you, and how I almost lost you, I finally realized how you must have felt all this time. When you do something so unforgivable to someone you love, how do you ever make it right?”

“What are you talking about? None of this is your fault.”

“Yes… yes it is. I never expected to see you here. When I saw you, I didn’t know what to say or do. I did what I thought was the right thing, but I never knew how horrible my actions were. The minute I lied to you, I knew I could never take the pain in your eyes back. I wanted to tell you I was wrong. I tried to make you listen, but you wouldn’t stop.”

“I don’t understand, Skylar.” I don’t know what to think of her shocking words.

So, she forgives me? She isn’t with Lucas? She isn’t pregnant? What the hell is she saying?

“This baby? It’s our baby.” She places her hand on her abdomen.

My heart pounds in my chest. Love fills my body.

Our baby.

“I love you, Sebastian. I have always loved you, and I always will. I forgave you a long time ago. It just took this to make me realize that. Can you ever forgive me?” She drops her head in defeat as her body begins to tremble.

Wetness slides down my face, and I realize it’s tears. I am so unbelievably happy that I’m crying.

“Oh baby, come here.” I pat the bed beside of me. Her eyes lock with mine, and I can’t wipe the smile off my face as my eyes drop to her stomach.

Carefully, she climbs up on the bed, and I don’t waste a second before wrapping my free arm around her. I trace her face with my fingertip, ignoring the IV tube attached to my hand and the pain in my body.

“I’m so sorry, Sebastian. I never meant to hurt you.”

“Shh!” I place my finger against her plump lips.

“I forgive you. I love you so much, baby.” I pull her face to mine. The moment our lips meet, it’s as if the heavens collide. With each swipe of our tongues, I pour my love into her. I love this woman so fucking much.

When we break for air, I feel dizzy. I know I should be taking it easy, but that will wait. Nothing can stop me from sharing this moment with my beautiful girl.

“We’re having a baby,” I whisper while pressing my forehead against hers. I have never been happier than I am right now, in this moment.

“Yes,” she says and smiles.

When she glances up at me, I gently wipe her tears away with my thumb.

“I love you so much,” Skylar says as she grabs my hand.

“Not as much as I love you.”


Running past the nurses and doctors in the hall, I bolt for the exit. The brisk night air hits my face, slapping reality to what I am doing. From behind me, Kylie screams my name, but it isn’t enough to stop me. She thinks I am running away, I‘m sure, but right now, I just need to get my head straight and calm the fears still racing through me.

When we arrived at the hospital, and they told me she was in the critical care unit, I panicked. I darted away before giving the nurse a chance to clarify that Skylar wasn’t the one hurt. The minute I heard her beg him not to leave her, I had to get out of there. No way could I stand there and watch the two of them.

I love her. Truth is, I always will. But that certainly doesn’t mean I have to watch her throw herself at him. Not again.

He isn’t good for her. Even now, through this horrific accident, it isn’t healthy for her to be here, this worried and upset. That is why I am leaving. I don’t want to make her anymore upset than she already is. I know she didn’t plan for this to happen, but it has. Maybe I knew it would all along. Even so, if she thinks I am running like last time, she is very much mistaken. I’m not leaving her, not until she sees that she is making a mistake.



I feel her.

I smell her.

Opening my eyes, I smile down at her beautiful sleeping face nestled against my chest. I don’t want to wake her. I want to lay here and look at her for as long as possible. For so many months, I’ve wanted nothing but this. I play with the lock of hair that frames her face. I love her more now than I ever possibly dreamed. Now that I have her, I will never let her go again.

Her hand rests against her stomach, and as I place my hand over hers, my insides are filled with even more love. Her touch radiates through my body, electrifying my soul and bringing me back to life inside. She smiles in her sleep when I kiss her forehead. I would love to kiss her delicious lips, but I’m still so sore that I can’t move my body enough to reach them.

Her hand limply falls to the side, and for the first time, I am drawn to where it had been resting. My hand shakes as I reach down and place it on her abdomen. I know her body better than I know my own. The small bulge does not go unnoticed as I rest my hand against it.

Our child

We created this tiny wonderful creation, this miracle that every day I have wished for, to bring her back to me. Even through all the physical and emotional pain we have been through, this is all we need to remind us of how deep our love is. She is my life. This is my future. They are my world now.

Nothing else matters. No one else matters.

We have hurt each other in ways no one else will ever understand. We love each other in ways no one else could comprehend. The lies. The guilt. The sorrow. These will all be something we struggle with, but we have given each other something priceless. We have given each other forgiveness. Nothing she can ever do, nothing she can ever say will make me stop loving her. It is finally time for us to be happy and have the family we deserve. The time has finally come to get our second chance at happiness. Thankfully, nothing can ever tear us apart.

… Or so I thought.


“Pops, you got to get me out of here.”

“I told you, Son, I‘m handling it. You just gotta hang tight a little longer.”

“You’ve been telling me that since I got in here.”

“This kind of thing takes time. I can’t just snap my fingers and make it happen overnight. You should learn to keep your dick in your pants, or you wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.”

“I’m telling you, Pops, they got it all wrong! She wanted me!”

“Is that why the medical report said she suffered a severe concussion and bruises?”

“What can I say, Pops? She’s a wild one. My girl likes it rough. This is all because of that damn ex-boyfriend of hers. He’s the jealous type I tell you! That Thorne guy is the one who put the bruises on her, not me!”

“You need to leave that to me, Son. I told you that
will handle Sebastian Thorne.”

My father leans in and motions for me to come a little closer. Normally, close contact isn’t allowed, but when Maverick Larson is your father, anything goes. The guard looks away as I lean in to listen to what my father has to say.

“This has cost me a fortune, Brandon. I’ve had my lawyer, Tate, on this from the beginning. He’s managed to get them to review the case again. It seems they didn’t properly handle your arrest, and you weren’t read your Miranda rights at the scene. Looks like between that, and them not being able to locate a witness from your other case, you should get out for time served. But I can’t help you if you get your ass in trouble again. I’m already calling in one too many favors as it is now.”

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