Rough [02] - Roughhousing (26 page)

Read Rough [02] - Roughhousing Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Gay Men, #Fiction, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories, #Gay Couples, #Architects

BOOK: Rough [02] - Roughhousing
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"I figured you'd get around to it when you were ready to deal with it better.” Bram bent the arm under James’ head and tenderly pushed a few strands of dark curls off James’ forehead. “We can talk about it in the morning."

"Can't sleep.” James grimaced and gnawed on his lower lip.” Too many things on my mind."

Bram immediately used his thumb to coax it back out from between James’ teeth.

"Okay. Tell me. I'm all ears.” Bram ran his hand over James’ lean abdomen, stroking the skin and sliding his fingers just under the waistband of James’ shorts. James found it soothing, arousing, and very distracting, but he didn't want it to stop.

"Remember Art Wheeler, the lead architect on the project originally? He sat across from us at Dunn's dinner party? The quiet guy that seemed all distracted?"

"The one that didn't know about the additional building in the original plans? Yeah, I remember him."

"He tried to commit suicide that weekend. His wife left him last week."

"That's terrible, Jamie. I'm sorry to hear it. He seemed like a nice guy."

"He is. Dunn gave me the project because he needed someone who already knew the plans and he needed them fast. Even though he's taking a chance on me with this being my first big project, I was the logical choice."

Eyes narrowed, Bram stared down at James, then pointedly said, “You're saying you got picked because you were the best man for the job? That you earned it all on your own and everything then?"

Face burning, James swallowed down his embarrassment, steady gaze locked to Bram's critical, pale blue one. James took a deep breath and exhaled a shaky, “Yes. Just like you said I would."

After a tense pause that threatened to stretch into an uncomfortable moment, Bram squeezed James’ hip reassuringly and dropped a quick kiss on his lips, playfully proclaiming, “Told you so."

After giving an unsteady chuckle, James ran his hand up the arm Bram had over his torso and kneaded the hard muscles of Bram's upper arm. He gazed up, his eyes searching his lover's face, trying to convey all the wonder and deep, aching love he felt for the man. A love he was beginning to feel freer to verbalize. “You believed in me more than I did, Bram. I can't tell you how much that means to me."

Suddenly James knew what he had to say and that he needed to say it frequently until he got used to hearing his own voice speak the words and not just in the heat of passion. “I love you, Bram. I love you more than I ever thought I could love another person. I love you.” James fought back the burn of tears, deeply moved by the thrilled gleam that brightened Bram's eyes. “I think that lifetime you were talking about earlier sounds just about right."

Leaning over James, Bram lowered his head until their lips brushed together as he talked. “Love you too, baby.” He softly kissed one corner of James’ mouth, then the other. “With all of my body and soul.” He kissed James’ chin and whispered roughly, “Love you so much."

Bram captured James’ lips in a kiss that was both tender and ravenous, with a decidedly feral quality. He kept the kiss under control, pouring heated passion into it, but reining in the natural response to take it to the next level of intimacy.

James moaned when Bram pulled back. “Ssh, baby. You're tired. Let's get some sleep. We can pick up where we left off,” he said, rolling his eyes slightly, “both times, after you've gotten some rest.” He glanced over his shoulder toward the closed bedroom door. “And your sister leaves."

Running his hands up the corded muscles of Bram's neck, James pulled his lover down to kiss those lips again, his own mouth insistent and hungry. He ended the kiss only when he was breathless and panting, holding Bram's head close to gaze up into questioning, pale blue eyes. “I don't want to wait. I want you to love me now."

"I'd love to take you long and hard the way you like it, baby, but we make enough noise some nights even Miss Em next door turns up her TV.” Rolling his weight more firmly between James’ legs, but holding himself mostly off James’ chest with one elbow, Bram ran a hand over James’ side again and again, rubbing at the faint tremors vibrating James’ body. “Aren't you afraid of Julie hearing and being upset?"

"I don't care. It's our place.” James didn't know if he was shaking from the chill air, from being overly tired, or from sexual need, but he couldn't stop them. He knew Bram could. Whether it was with his body heat, his shared energy, or by satisfying James’ renewed arousal, Bram was his man. Being in Bram's arms made everything better, if not completely all right.

"Besides,” James traced the line of Bram's lips with his thumb. “I want quiet and tender this time. Like you said I deserve."

Staring into Bram's eyes, James saw the moment when his lover understood James’ attempt to take their relationship to a stronger level. The bright light in Bram's eyes matched the lopsided grin James loved so much, both reflections of the big man's inner goodness and loving nature.

"You got it, baby.” Bram caressed the curve of James’ throat, his fingers softly brushing over the soft, thin skin like a feather's touch. James shivered. “Tender, just like you deserve."

James gasped when Bram suddenly dipped his head and captured James’ thumb with his mouth. He sucked it deep into his mouth, pressing his tongue against it. He applied enough suction that James’ cock immediately filled while his eager ass clenched and his hips jerked in response.

Transferring his questing mouth to James’ lips, Bram kissed him until James was moaning and grinding his hips up to press his cock against Bram's own erect shaft.

The slide of a drawer touched the edges of James’ hearing, between his own moans and faint grunts. The snap of a plastic lid told him Bram had found the lubrication. The sound made his ass spasm and flare in anticipation.

He sucked in a gasped breath when Bram's lips allowed him, as a warm, callused hand wormed its way between their bodies and a handful of cool gel was slathered over his cock and balls. The weight on his body shifted as Bram lifted himself to one side then slid his gelled fingers down James’ perineum to his opening.

After only a few slow, firm circles around James’ fluttering hole, Bram pressed his fingertips into James, stroking the blunt, slick tips in and out in rhythm to the thrusts of his tongue teasing James’ mouth. Each thrust went deeper, until Bram was rubbing over James’ sweet spot.

Hips bucking in time to Bram's fingers and tongue, James groaned and sighed, his muscles relaxing to welcome Bram in, and tightening to grab on to him as if they feared he'd never come back with the next sizzling touch.

As he eased the passage into James’ body open, Bram's mouth, lips, and tongue explored James’ mouth, jaw, throat, and the responsive curve of his neck. Tantalizing thrills sizzled along his nerves as Bram licked, sucked, and lapped at his flesh. Every stroke into his ass was a welcome sensation that filled him with delight and fueled his need to have Bram inside of him. The familiar burn at the stretched ring of muscle to his channel sent thick threads of electric passion from his ass directly to his cock. Heaviness filled his lower abdomen.

A rising sense of desperation made James moan, wanting more, yet afraid to move and dislodge the hands, lips, and arms that were giving him so much pleasure. Flushed with passion, James let his restless hands cling to Bram's shoulders, fingers kneading the iron hard flesh that rippled under his touch.

The mattress dipped as Bram rose up and positioned himself between James’ thighs. He slowly opened James’ legs wider and wrapped them around his own waist. Then Bram layered the remaining lube from his hand on his own shaft and gently guided it into James’ stretched and eager opening. He slid in with a sigh and settled his torso over James', hands seeking out his partner's hands. He entwined their fingers in a possessive, adoring grip beside their heads on the pillow. He ran a thumb lightly over the palm of James’ hand, making James shiver.

James moaned and opened his eyelids to focus on Bram's face, its high cheekbones and strong jaw highlighted by the soft light in the room. The tender, lustful expression in Bram's eyes contained so much emotion in the pale blue depths that James was rocked by it. He felt his heart pound faster and his stomach flutter.

He strained his hips up to pull Bram in deeper, to make it faster, but his lover weighed him down and forced the tempo to remain slow and seductive, each stroke and thrust deep and long. The buildup of tension and need took time, and James was barely hanging onto sanity by the time Bram finally sped up his thrusts and added a little hip grind to his movements. The grinding motion rubbed Bram's washboard abs over James’ neglected cock with just enough friction to make James pant and see stars.

Keeping his strokes long and lazy, Bram started to make them deeper, adding a jutting snap to his lovemaking that rubbed the blunt, spongy tip of his satiny cock over the swollen nub buried inside James. It only took seconds for the new, exotic caress to set James’ climax spiraling up out of his balls to erupt between their sweat-plastered bodies. His cock jerked and spasmed, finally finding release.

He froze in place, every muscle taut, his skin covered in gooseflesh as tremors shook him from head to toe. Stilling flying high, James felt Bram stiffen and a burning heat filled his ass, his slicked channel bathed in Bram's offerings, branding him with scorching heat.

Bram grunted and arched his back, burying himself to the very base of his thick cock, widening James’ opening until the burn of being stretched flushed James’ skin all the way up to the roots of his dark curls. The pleasure was more intense than his orgasm had been.

James made to bite his lip to keep from crying out, but Bram covered James’ mouth with his own and swallowed down James’ cry. His massive weight crushed James to the mattress and his arms engulfed James in an urgent embrace that left James dizzy and disoriented by the time Bram released him and rolled off to one side. He hadn't regained his bearings before Bram pulled him in close, curled around him, and gently, almost chastely, kissed his chapped and swollen lips.

Voice raw and shaky, James whispered, “That was amazing, Bram. I don't know how to describe it.” The look of adoration Bram gave him made him falter, but he managed to admit, “I-I didn't think sex could get better between us, but it has."

"Slow and tender has its place, baby.” Bram's hot palm flowed over James’ shoulders and down his ribs, mapping the contours of his body, reading his emotions like he was written in Braille. “The sex isn't better. It's our feelings for each other that have grown.” Bram seemed to devour him with those eyes, leaving James yearning for more despite the sudden lethargy that was rapidly invading his limbs and mind. A heavy, breathy, “Love you, Jamie,” rumbled into his neck, made his tired nerves tingle.

As sleep crept up over him like a beckoning fog, James struggled to stay alert for just a little while longer to be sure Bram understood how he felt. “Don't get me wrong. I still like it the other way best, but this was ... awesome. I could do both."

"You could, could you?” Bram chuckled and lazily ruffled James’ hair with his jaw. “I think we can arrange that now and then."

A sharp, hesitant knock rapped loudly on the bedroom door, jolting them both. Julie's voice seeped through the stout wood, a cautiously playful but still uncertain tone to it.

"Aren't you guys done yet? I need another blanket. It's cold in there and I can't find one in the closet. Take a break already.” The door shook with the impact of what sounded like the flat of a palm striking it. “You know sound carries
well in the heating vents in this old house, don't you?"

Both men buried their faces in the pillow, Bram to muffle his laughter and James to hide his blush. Soft lips found James ear and growled, “How long did she say she going to stay?"

The End


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