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Authors: KyAnn Waters

Rough Justice (2 page)

BOOK: Rough Justice
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The closer the vehicle came, the more adrenaline surged through her system. Finally the marked sheriff’s cruiser pulled alongside her coupe.

Sheriff Ivan Soto to the rescue.

She smiled and the brightest pair of green eyes stared back. Flutters swarmed her stomach. His eyes pierced her soul, made her toes curl and her cheeks flush with warmth. A wholly different sensation than what she experienced when the men at the club stared. Ivan consumed her with a glance.

Roxie pressed the power button and lowered the window the rest of the way. “Nice night, Sheriff Soto.”

“It’s late, Roxanne. Are you out here alone?”

“Had to work.” She rested her arm along the window’s edge, cocked her head coyly and tickled her earring with her fingertips. “I just got off.” Not technically, not yet, but she
get off—and hard, now that she had a visual of Sheriff Soto to take to bed tonight. She’d imagine his vibrant green eyes while she used her vibrator.

His mouth tilted into a smile and his deep, seductive chuckle closed the space between them and caused a fluttering in her tummy. Heat from his stare tingled along her exposed skin and her nipples stiffened beneath her tight black tank. The sensation traveled to her clit and she pressed her thighs together as a rush of cream dampened her panties.

“Sit tight.”

Sheriff Soto reversed his vehicle and pulled up behind her car. From atop the patrol car, blue, red and yellow lights abruptly cut through the night. Then a harsh, bright glare spotlighted her in the vehicle. She peered into the rearview mirror but could only blink at the blinding light.

“What the hell is he doing?” She pushed open the driver door and swiveled her legs out of the car.

“Step out of the vehicle with your hands in the air.” The mechanical tone of the sheriff’s amplified voice sent a shiver down her spine.


“Hands in the air!”

Roxie stared. “Is this a joke?” she yelled.

“Walk to the rear of your vehicle, face away from me, put your hands on your hot little sports car and spread your legs.”

“Are you serious?”

“Do it!”

She was under arrest! “Asshole,” she muttered. To think she was about to masturbate to the man in order to pass the time and instead he had her assuming the position. She strode to the rear of the car, put her hands above the bumper and spread her legs.

She heard the release of the handle as he opened the cruiser door. Gravel crunched under Sheriff Soto’s boots. Her heart hammered against her ribs with each step of his approach. Her breathing became shallow.

He stopped behind her. “Normally I catch you hauling ass.”

“I swear your radar gun has it out for me.”

“Yeah, could be something like that. Also might have something to do with your car. Apparently it idles at eighty.”

She gave a snort and glanced over her shoulder. Sheriff Soto stood, his eyes locked on her ass. With the bright spotlight she imagined he could see right through her skirt. That was an arousing thought. A rush of liquid heat flowed through her veins and a flicker of awareness pulsed in her core. A familiar effect whenever the sheriff was around. “My car isn’t even running.” She hitched a hip and tapped the toe of her boot. “I called you for a ride.” She glanced over her shoulder again. “Do you want to give me a ride, Sheriff Soto?”

He closed the distance between them, standing close behind her. Hot breath fanned against her flesh. “Are you soliciting a police officer? Prostitution is a felony.”

Her pulse jumped. “No! I didn’t say anything about
for a ride.”

“I can haul your ass in for that.”

“And I could lodge a complaint for police harassment.” She straightened and flipped her hair. Her knees might be weak from his authoritarian presence, but she didn’t have to show it.

“Is that a threat?” His voice deepened.

“If you weren’t on duty, I’d ask if you were drunk.” She tried to turn but he leaned into her.

“Technically I’m off duty as soon as I deal with a woman stranded on the side of the road.”

“Deal with? I’ve always been nice to you.”

“Oh Roxanne…I can be nice too.”

“Then why are you giving me a hard time?”

“I’m not—
.” He nudged the side of her boot with his. “Now spread your legs.”

“Not the first time I’ve heard that one.”

He chuckled and she melted a little more. “As long as it’s the first time tonight.”

Oh hell, there was definitely a double meaning in that. She shivered from the press of his utility belt in her back. Everything about him was hard, including what she knew to be his cock and
his gun. The rush of blood to her pussy had her clenching in want. “I need a ride home.” Yeah, she needed a lot more than that. She shifted slightly, arched just enough to brush against him. He pressed closer and cradled his erection in the crack of her ass. “I ran out of gas.”

Ivan Soto had pulled her over for a speeding violation for the first time six months prior. Since then, he’d given her four tickets for speeding and more warnings than she could count. On each occasion she’d flirted shamelessly. But Sheriff Soto had always remained professional. He’d played along a bit but had never once crossed the line of professionalism. Had he given her more of an indication he was interested, she would’ve made a move weeks ago. Her panties had been wet for the hot cop since their first encounter.

Sheriff Soto’s hands trailed over the silky smooth material of her miniskirt. “I’ll need to search you for weapons before I can allow you into my vehicle.” His lips feathered against the shell of her ear. “How badly do you need a ride?”

“Why are you fucking with me?”

His hands moved up her sides, his fingers detailing each rib. “I’m not fucking with you.” He inhaled, drawing in her scent. “But I want to.”

Roxie stifled a moan and bit into her bottom lip. Jeezus!
Ivan Soto
, the man of her wet dreams, had her pressed against her car. Her blood heated, thickened like honey and surged hot through her veins. Warmth infused her pleasure points—nipples, clit, deep in the core of her pussy. She breathed, drinking in the masculine scent of his cologne.

“Do you know why I continue to pull you over?”

She laughed. “Because I have a lead foot and can’t seem to drive the speed limit.”

“That too. But no…” He slid his hands around her rib cage and cupped her breasts, pressing her stiff nipples into his palms. “Because you have perfect tits. Because I sit in my car after I write you a ticket and fuck my fist.” He pinched her nipples through her tank and she sucked in a sharp breath.

“Well, could you stop giving me tickets and get me off— I mean,
me off with a warning?”

“No, I’d find a reason to pull you over even if you obeyed the laws.” His voice lowered and he whispered closer. “But you don’t play by the rules.”

“Rules?” His hand continued to track over her figure. Then his fingers trailed between her legs, and his calloused touch on her bare inner thigh sent a shiver over her flesh. “Are you playing by the rules, Sheriff?” she asked, breathless.

A feral growl from Ivan vibrated though her. “Oh yeah—
rules. Are you going to do what you’re told?”


“I didn’t think so. If you don’t you could find yourself handcuffed and in the back of my vehicle.”

“Would I be under arrest?”

“No.” His soft dark whisper tickled her ear. “You’d be

Sinful warmth washed over her at the husky words and her pulse raced with the images of him, hovering above her, confining her movements while she writhed in erotic pleasure.

Somewhere in the stars above them she must have made a lucky wish. “I wasn’t speeding tonight, Sheriff. So should I assume I committed some other violation?”

“I’ve warned you more times than I’ve fined you for speeding, but we both know that has little to do with why I’m out here tonight.”

“And I’m grateful you came to my assistance. Sheriff, do you know why I won’t stop speeding?”

“Because you’re a reckless woman and you want to be bad.” His grip on her thighs tightened.

Breath hissed between her lips and she shook her head. “Because I want to give you a reason to pull me over.” She pressed her ass into his groin and angled her neck to feel more of his heated breath against her quivering flesh. “I don’t have a concealed weapon but I know
do. I can feel it.”

“My cock is hard for you twenty-four-seven.” His lips brushed her neck then nipped her lobe.

She widened her stance. “You obviously pulled over to rough me up. Do I need to give you a reason to brandish your weapon?”

He gripped her hips and ground hard against her. “Are you a prick tease?”

“Will you slap your cuffs on me if I am?”

“It doesn’t seem like you need restraints, Roxanne. You’re dressed to fuck.”

“I’m dressed for work.” She glanced over her shoulder. “If I was still working I couldn’t fuck you. You should know it’s illegal for strippers to engage in sexual activity while working.” She pursed her lips. “But then, I think you might be courting a few infractions yourself, Sheriff.”

“I’m willing to break a few rules. So Roxanne, do you want to get fucked, right here against the car?”

“If you want to fuck me you have to call me Roxie.”

“Mmm Roxie, I definitely want to fuck you.”

“Aren’t you worried you’ll draw attention with your spotlight?”

Sheriff Soto glanced right then left. “There isn’t anyone around.” Slowly he hiked up her skirt, exposing her bare ass to the night air. His large palm gripped her cheeks and kneaded the muscles. “I love your ass.” He slid a finger beneath the thong string and pulled it higher into her crack.

Roxie brushed against the rough texture of his uniform. Heat from his body blazed into hers. Hunger for the sheriff, fierce and carnal, rent a moan of need through the night. Pressure built in her clit. A few strokes and she’d be screaming though an orgasm. Muscles in her stomach tightening, she rocked her hips, inviting Ivan to ease the intense ache between her legs. She burned, desperate to have the thick length pressed against her filling her instead.

“Touch me,” she said on a breath. “Please.”

Ivan ran his hand over the flat plain of her tummy, down between her legs, and cupped her mound. “Here?”


He inched the front of her skirt up and slipped his fingers into her panties. “Fuck, you’re wet.” He traced the seam of her soaked folds with the blunt tip of his finger, probing deep inside. “And hot.” Her walls gripped and trembled. He eased his finger out then plunged inside her slick channel again.

“More!” Oh god, she wanted to come.

“Do you have anything in your vehicle I need to know about?”

Roxie panted, her nerves strung tight and ready to shatter with the slightest touch to her clit. “Yes,” she gasped. “A condom.”


Ivan’s head buzzed. What was he doing?

Fuck, he knew exactly what he was doing. This was taking advantage of an opportunity. For the first time in he couldn’t remember how long, he was in the right place at the right time.

Ready to go off duty, he’d been about to pass the call for a motorist in need to a deputy just coming on to his shift. Then he heard the license plate number. He’d run the damn thing enough times, he had it memorized.

Roxanne Savage.

The woman had been driving him mad with lust for months. He made SR4, the state road running the length of his county that took him past Roxie’s place, part of his nightly patrol. The house wasn’t big, a country rambler, but the property had potential. A couple acres and the nearest neighbors were about a half mile away.

Often he caught her hauling ass down the road. The woman didn’t know the meaning of speed limits. Apparently she didn’t have any limits at all.

He was supposed to be a servant of the law…an
servant. He had a reputation to maintain, but damn if he didn’t want to break laws and drive fast with the feisty, reckless dancer. He knew in the end he’d have a broken heart. But Roxanne was worth the pain he’d feel in the future for pleasure he’d have with her in the present. Tonight he didn’t want to think about anything…just Roxie.

A few times he’d slipped into the club to watch her dance, but he really wanted a private show. He glanced around at their isolated surroundings. Highlighted in his spotlight wasn’t exactly clandestine, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from taking her.

When he’d approached her car he hadn’t been sure of his intentions, but that delicate pink tongue had slipped out from between full, luscious lips and all he could think about was getting her to wrap her wet, wicked mouth around his impatient cock.

Technically his shift was over. Wearing his star, driving in his county-owned vehicle and positioning her against the rear of her car were all violations. He’d risked losing his job if she hadn’t been willing.

But she was willing, enthusiastic even, as she ground her beautiful bare ass against his straining erection. His cock swelled another inch and he had to lower the zipper in his uniform pants.

BOOK: Rough Justice
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