Rough, Raw and Ready (21 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Red Hots!, #Western Romance

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Not just her pussy, not just her nipples, every single inch of her skin buzzed.

As she struggled for air, soft lips brushed her mouth in a passing kiss. Once. Twice.

Three times.

Chassie blinked her eyes and Edgard kept his gaze on hers. He murmured in Portuguese and nuzzled her jawline before straightening up.

Trevor rested on his knees and kept a grip on the top of each of her thighs. He grinned and licked his lips with great gusto. “Mmm. Mmm.”

“I want a taste.”

Both Trevor and Chassie looked at Edgard as he angled forward and kissed Trevor.

Edgard broke free and challenged, “Maybe next time I can get it directly from the source.”


Lorelei James

An odd sensation unfurled in her belly when Edgard came closer. He did that seductive nuzzle again, all warm breath and teasing caress of hot skin. He pressed his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Sweet Chassie. I want to fuck your husband. And then I want to fuck you.” 163

Rough, Raw, and Ready

Chapter Twenty

Edgard wanted to pounce on Trevor. Bend him over the mattress and pound into that tight little ass so hard Trevor would be walking bowlegged for days.

“Chass,” he whispered loud enough for Trevor to hear, “do you have a strap-on dildo?”

“No. Oh
, I like your lips right there, Ed.”

Edgard smiled and sucked a little harder on the tendon straining in her neck. “So you don’t have any sex toys?”

“Well yeah. A couple of different vibrators. Flavored lube. Handcuffs. Rope. A velvet mask. Why?”

“Just curious.”

“Why’re you so curious?” Trevor asked.

He straightened up. “Honestly?”

Trevor’s cheekbones were flushed with color, his pale blue eyes intent as he nodded.

Want want want
kept echoing in Edgard’s head whenever he was near the man.

Edgard inhaled and exhaled slowly before answering. “I wondered if Chassie ever used a strap-on on you.”

Something dark and unidentifiable quickened in Trevor’s eyes. “No. Not interested.”

“Why not?”

“Because the only thing I’ve ever wanted, or ever had up my ass, is your cock, Ed. It was you or nothin’.”

Edgard couldn’t stop from reaching for him. Touching those strong arms and that vulnerable face. “Next time I wanna look in your eyes while I’m fucking you.”

“Or when it’s my turn to fuck you.”


Lorelei James

A heated pause filled the air. Edgard nodded. “Right now I believe hands and knees will be best for everyone.”

Chassie lifted halfway and reclined on her elbows. “Do you want me just to watch this time?”

“No,” Edgard and Trevor said simultaneously.

“Good. Although, I’m probably gonna wish we were in front of a mirror so I can see the looks on both your faces as you’re together again.” Another one of those mysterious expressions crossed her pretty face before her gaze skittered away.

Trevor was highly intuitive when it came to his wife, because he immediately crawled across the bed until he hung over Chassie’s prone body. “Baby? What’s goin’

on? Tell me. No more secrets, remember?”

“Will you still want to be with me? After you’re with Edgard? After he gives you what you really want?”

“Hey now. I’ve had what I wanted the minute you agreed to become my wife.”

Edgard tried not to intrude. He didn’t want to be hurt by Trevor’s declaration, even when it was the truth, but it sliced clear to the bone.

“This is all so confusing,” Chassie whispered. “I love you, Trevor. I don’t wanna lose you. I’ll do anything to make you happy. Anything. I can’t expect you not to feel something for him when you so obviously do. And I don’t think what I’m feelin’ is jealousy at seein’ you with him.”

“Then what is it?”

“Just plain old fear I’ll come up lacking again when he and I are compared.”

Damn. Damn. Damn.
“We’ll stop. I’ll go,” Edgard said softly. “This isn’t working for you, Chassie, and I won’t hurt you again. Not ever. Not for anything. Not even for a shot at”—the only man I’ve loved—“being with Trevor.”

Chassie shook her head and grabbed Edgard’s hand. “See? This isn’t what I wanted either. I won’t cast you out like some soap opera diva, even though I’m feelin’ like one, laying here dissecting this situation when I should just go with it.” 165

Rough, Raw, and Ready

He studied Chassie, flat-out amazed by her. By her generosity, by her caring and concern not for herself, but for Trevor. For him. For what they’d lost.

Trevor hadn’t moved. He hadn’t taken his eyes off his wife. “Ed is right. We can stop.”

“No!” She squeezed Edgard’s hand. “I won’t do that to any of us. God, I’m thrilled you’re wantin’ me to be a part of it and not sneakin’ off to the barn when I’ve got my back turned.”

“Chassie, darlin’, we’d never do that.”

“Don’t you think I know that? Don’t you think I know how damn…
you both are? Don’t you think that makes me feel like shit for stopping this before you even get started? When I know it’s killin’ both of you?”

Edgard attempted a different approach. “While noble is hardly the word I’d use to describe anything happening in a barn…I will ask if you were having fun with both of us before, when we were both touching you?”

“Well, yeah.”

“So don’t think beyond that right now.” Edgard brushed his mouth across her knuckles. “That’s what I do. Live in the moment.”

“Does that work?”

“Ask me after I’ve gotten what I’ve been dreaming of for the last three and a half years. Ask me when I walk down that hallway and go to bed alone and he’s in your arms all night.”

Another weighty pause hung; no one budged, no one seemed to breathe.

Chassie’s lips curled into a watery smile as she touched Edgard’s face. “Sounds like we oughta be pissed off at Trevor for makin’ both of us love him. The jerk is gettin’ the best of both worlds.”

“He is a bit of a bastard,” Edgard said with mock sternness.

“Hey, I can’t help that I’m such a damn loveable bastard.” Trevor kissed Chassie’s forehead and rubbed his cheek against Edgard’s. “I have an idea. If you still wanna do this.”


Lorelei James

Edgard made himself nod rather than shout out,
Fuck yeah we’re still doing this.

“Flat on your back, Chass. Let’s prop your hips under a bunch of pillows. So I’m fuckin’ her like this and you’re behind me. That way she can see my face and yours, Ed.”

He refocused on Chassie. “Will that work, baby? So it ain’t like we’re pullin’ train on you and you’re in the lead car with no idea what’s goin’ on in the caboose? So you can look in my eyes and I can look in yours while we’re all lovin’ each other?”

Again, Edgard realized Trevor’s instincts were dead on when it came to his wife.

What had Trevor understood about him that he’d never bothered to share? What else had he assumed about this man but had never taken the time to verify? Edgard’s tendency to blame everything on Trevor had been part of the problem, a problem he hadn’t acknowledged until right now.

“That sounds way better than a mirror,” she murmured.

“I’ll grab the pillows from my room.” Edgard needed a second to clear his head. He paced, letting his conflicting emotions wash through him before he had to don the mask of casualness.

He returned to see Trevor’s face buried between Chassie’s thighs again, but he was on his knees, not flat on his belly. Edgard clutched the pillows to his chest until Chassie quit giggling and they both noticed him.

Talk about awkward. “Maybe I should…”

“Grab the stuff outta the nightstand while I finish proppin’ up this pretty pussy.”

Trevor snatched the pillows.

Edgard’s anticipation was waning. Until he saw the brand of lubricant he and Trevor had always used. Strange, that a squeeze bottle of lube would bolster his spirits, but it did.

He turned around and Trevor was right in his face.

Trevor spread his hands over Edgard’s chest, digging his fingertips into the springy hair. “We seemed to have lost our momentum. Maybe this’ll get it back.” Trevor’s mouth ate at his as he rubbed their cocks together.

The swollen heads were bumping and sliding, mixing the slick beads of pre-come on bare bellies until Edgard couldn’t stand it. He wanted to bury his cock in Trevor’s heat. 167

Rough, Raw, and Ready

Feel Trevor’s body clamping around him. Hear the surprised moans rumbling from Trevor’s chest every time he nailed that gland as he rode him.

When Edgard began to grind with more force, Trevor broke away. His eyes said everything his mouth couldn’t.

“I’ll be gentle,
meu amore
.” Edgard brushed his lips over the shell of Trevor’s ear and whispered, “At least until you beg me not to be.”

Trevor shuddered.

Edgard wouldn’t be denied this bit of foreplay. He tugged on Trevor’s earlobe with his teeth, not bothering to hide his ragged breathing. “Get in position so I can touch you.”

Trevor levered his body over Chassie. He stole a kiss and her slender fingers curled into his shoulders as he pushed inside her.

While Chassie and Trevor rocked together, Edgard knelt in the space between Trevor’s calves and rolled on a condom. He squirted lube on his fingers and coated his cock.

Trevor’s beautiful, strong back, ridged with muscles, was stretched out before him like a feast. Edgard rubbed his stubbled cheek and chin over the arched section of Trevor’s lower spine, reacquainting himself with the feel and the scent of Trevor’s skin.

He slowly ran his tongue up Trevor’s backbone, refreshing his memory of the taste of Trevor’s sweat. In the years they were together, he always wanted to fuck Trevor before Trevor washed off the grime of rodeo, loving that distinctive dusty, salty, leathery tang.

Ignoring his own pounding heart, Edgard nipped the tips of Chassie’s fingers, still clutching Trevor’s shoulders. He traced the path of Trevor’s spine down, not stopping at the cleft of his ass, but zeroing in on that puckered hole.

Even as Trevor automatically clenched, he tipped his hips up, wanting more. Edgard swept his finger over the most sensitive portion of the outer ring of muscle. When he felt that pucker relax, he slipped just one finger in.

Trevor lifted his head from Chassie’s neck and groaned.

Didn’t take long before one finger became two. It also didn’t long for Trevor to start thrusting back instead of forward.


Lorelei James

He removed his fingers and kissed the scars on Trevor’s back. The one from Tulsa.

The one from Cheyenne. When Edgard reached the one he’d given Trevor in Denver, courtesy of a broken beer bottle and his temper, he dragged his mouth over it several times. Edgard pushed back to his knees and, without warning, grabbed a butt cheek in each hand, pulled them apart and fit himself into Trevor’s ass in a single smooth glide.

They both hissed.

When Edgard began to thrust, he followed the rhythm Trevor had set with Chassie, long and slow. Too slow.

Chassie gasped, “Trevor, move faster.”

That’s when Edgard knew to cut loose. His strokes grew deeper. He curled his hand on Trevor’s hips for leverage. Needing a deeper angle, he slid his left palm up to Trevor’s shoulders only to encounter another hand. Chassie’s.

Their passion-fueled gazes clashed and she laced their fingers together and they held on to the man they loved. Edgard’s head spun at the eroticism of fucking Trevor while holding Chassie’s hand and looking into her eyes.

“Shit. More. Ed. Come on. I’m fuckin’ close.”

Edgard pulled all the way out of that clenching channel and slammed in. Once.

Twice. Thrice. Four deep strokes. Trevor’s anal muscles became vise-like, clamping down on Edgard’s cock as he pumped into Chassie.

Chassie arched beneath Trevor, grinding her sex side-to-side until she came with a surprised gasp.

The visual and physical stimulation was too much and Edgard came in a long groan of satisfaction, his cock motionless inside Trevor as those tight muscles did all the work, milking every hot spurt. Edgard rested his head in the space below Trevor’s neck, rubbing his cheek over the damp skin, letting that salty scent coat his face. When his breathing leveled out, he licked Trevor’s hairline, placing a kiss below his ear. “Still good as ever,” he murmured and slowly pulled out of that molten heat.

Trevor tossed all the pillows to the floor and stretched out on top of Chassie, burying his face in her neck. 169

Rough, Raw, and Ready

“Mmm.” Chassie didn’t appear to mind Trevor’s full weight on her.

It didn’t appear either noticed when he left them and snuck back to his room alone.

Chassie didn’t know how she’d fare facing Edgard, if things would be awkward or what. She took care of Greta early the next morning. She made a list of supplies and sat down at the kitchen table with her first cup of coffee when Edgard entered the kitchen.

Good Lord was the man magnificent. He rarely sported a scruffy morning beard, preferring to be freshly shaven and cleaned up, but not in a fussy, prissy way. She smiled.

“Mornin’. Would you like coffee?”

“That’d be great.” When she started to get up, he waved her back. “No need to wait on me. I’m used to fending for myself.” Edgard took a cup off the dishrack, filled it and grabbed the milk from the fridge before he sat across from her.

“You hungry?”

“I’ll let you know after I’m fully awake.” Once he’d doctored his coffee to his liking, he drank half in one gulp. “Ah. Better.” His golden eyes focused on her. “How is Greta?”

“Funny. She is the oddest little thing.”

“How so?”

“She’s curious as a kitten. Gets remorseful when your tone is stern. She’s playful and affectionate.”

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