Rough, Raw and Ready (3 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Red Hots!, #Western Romance

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“Yep. Has to be done when it’s not sub-zero outside and you volunteered, bucko.”

“Lead on, master.”


Lorelei James

She grinned. After she turned around, Trevor whacked her on the ass hard enough to elicit a yelp and she ran away from him, laughing.

Damn. He loved being married to this woman. He’d be wise to remember that.

Two hours later Chassie peeled the sodden clothes from her body. Her T-shirt was halfway over her head when the bedroom door creaked open.

Before she unstuck the wet cotton from her arms, Trevor’s big hands landed on her bare hips. She jumped and lost her balance, allowing Trevor to pick her up and lay her across the bed on her back.

“Well, well, who do we have here?” He crawled up her body, keeping her arms tangled up in the shirt so she couldn’t see. He squeezed her legs together with his powerful thighs. “A half-naked woman. Is it
half-naked woman? Can’t tell by lookin’

since your face is covered, so I’ll have to find another way to figure it out.”

The first flicker of Trevor’s warm tongue over her cold nipple had her bowing off the bed. Chassie’s arms and legs were immobilized—not that she tried to scramble away when Trevor started suckling the puckered tip.

“Sure tastes like my woman.”


He grazed her nipple with his teeth and she gasped.

“I recognize that gasp. You
my woman.” Trevor swamped her with the sensual attack of his mouth. Lapping. Licking. Nibbling. His hands came into play, the callused pad of this thumb sweeping the underswell of her breast, then his fingertips drawing ever-smaller circles around her beaded flesh. Plucking and twisting one nipple while his mouth suckled its twin.

Chassie’s face heated, her breathing escalated and the wet shirt molded to her face, making it difficult to draw a lungful of air. “Trevor. Get this shirt off me. I’m suffocating.” 19

Rough, Raw, and Ready

One fast yank and the shirt hit the carpet. She opened her eyes. Trevor’s face was flushed. His pupils were dilated so no color remained. Need pulsed off him and thickened the air.

“Want you, Chass. Want you bad.”

“Luckily you have me.” She reached for him.

“Uh-uh. Keep your hands above your head or I’ll get the ropes out.”



“What if I don’t wanna be bossed around today?”

“Tough. You’ll take whatever I dish out.”

Lord. He was in a mood.

He pushed off the bed, whipped his wet Wranglers and his pearl-snap shirt in a pile.

His beautiful naked body was back on top before she’d taken two breaths. His mouth crushed hers in a drugging kiss. He skimmed his rough-skinned hand across her belly and between her legs. Upon finding the inside of her thighs soaked, he dragged his lips free, growling, “You’re always so wet for me. That’s one of the things I love about you, Chass. I’m absolutely fuckin’ lovesick with everything you give to me, everything you are to me. In bed and out.”

His sweet, but reluctant confession surprised her.

Trevor wiggled two fingers into her pussy and swirled them in her slick cream. He withdrew and plunged deeper, grinding the bony heel of his hand on her clit as he dove back in for another thorough taste of her mouth.

As Chassie rocked her pelvis, Trevor’s cock left a slick trail on her hip. She wanted to circle her fist around that velvety male hardness, stroking until his ejaculate exploded on her stomach. She wanted to clamp her hands on his ass and force his cock to replace his fingers.

Trevor wasn’t swayed by her pleading whimpers. He maintained complete control, building her to the pinnacle.


Lorelei James

Every pulse point hummed on a different frequency. Chassie squeezed his fingers with her internal muscles.

He feathered openmouthed kisses to the base of her neck. “Come on, baby. You’re close.”

“Then use your mouth. Suck on me.”

“Later. You’re gonna come like this now.” Trevor rotated his hand, added a third finger and circled his thumb over her swollen clit, stroking and rubbing the spots in tandem.

The change from random to deliberate concentration sent her careening into a double-whammy orgasm. Her pussy throbbed around his fingers, sucking them deeper with each spasm, while her clit pulsed beneath his thumb. When Trevor bit down on her right nipple, Chassie flat-out screamed.

Trevor scattered kisses across her breasts. Followed by a lazy sweep of his tongue up her neck. His rapid exhalations stirred the hair by her ear when he murmured, “Better?”

“Mmm. Always better when you touch me.”

“Good. Roll over. I want your ass.”

His words sent dark excitement zipping through her again. He’d warned her from the start he was sexually demanding. If they became lovers, no part of her body was off limits to him. Ever. He’d fuck her pussy, her mouth, her tits and her ass, whenever, wherever and as often as he pleased.

Chassie’s limited sexual experiences had in no way prepared her for Trevor Glanzer ruling her in bed. His concession to easing her into anal sex consisted of fucking her first with his fingers, then with a rubber dildo. Finally in a hard, fast, primitive manner that proved his complete possession.

It was heady stuff to be the focus of total sexual energy from a man such as Trevor; wickedly gorgeous, wickedly experienced and wickedly virile. Trevor pushed her boundaries and she trusted he’d never hurt her in his quest to bring her complete sexual satisfaction. Sometimes Chassie wondered what Trevor considered kinky.

“Come on, baby, roll over. Keep them arms above your head.” 21

Rough, Raw, and Ready

As soon as Chassie was on her belly, Trevor hiked her hips into the air and kneed her stance wider. Then all that burning, brawny male flesh brushed the inside of her thighs.

His thumb swept across her hole, over and over, bringing those sensitive nerve endings alive. Making her want. Tingles shot up her spine until she trembled.

“You’re so sexy. This ain’t gonna be gentle.”

“I’m used to that by now.”

He flattened his tongue on her tailbone and licked straight up to the hairline.


“Hell no.”

His chuckle pealed in her ear, danced like electricity across her skin. Trevor spread cool, wet lubrication over the pucker, easing one finger in. The sound of his rapid breathing as his free hand slicked more lube on his cock was beyond sexy.

Trevor’s finger slipped out. His plump cockhead circled her anus before he pushed it past the tight ring of muscle and all the way into her ass on a single glide. He hissed. He withdrew slowly, even when she sensed his entire body vibrating with the need to pound into her. “Never get used to how hot and tight you are. Never.” With her ass cheeks in his hands, spreading her completely open to his cock and his hungry gaze, he rammed her with enough force the headboard smacked into the wall.

Chassie’s world boiled down to the basics. Male heat surrounding her and the burning friction from his powerful thrusts. The scent of his sweat and the underlying hint of her own musk. The continual
bang bang bang
of the headboard. The loud slap of skin on skin. Trevor’s rhythmic squeezing on her butt cheeks. Her fingers curled into the cotton sheets as he fucked her into oblivion.

His heavy breathing turned into grunts. “So fuckin’ close. Bear down. That’s it. So goddamn good.” He shouted her name as he started to come, his pelvis slamming into her backside. Every thrust was punctuated with a loud groan, more animal than human.

Liquid heat burst inside her.

She loved every second of making this man lose control. Her hand slid between her legs. She stroked her swollen clit as her ass muscles milked his cock and it wasn’t long 22

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before she was coming again. Trevor knew when her orgasm hit. When she cried out so did he. One last hoarse shout, and he quit moving.

She collapsed to the mattress with a sigh.

He layered his damp chest over her back and kissed the slope of her shoulder.

“I didn’t know being my cleaning slave turned you on so much.”

Trevor nipped her ear. “You turn me on. In every way imaginable.”

Time spent outside in the cold air always made her husband extra frisky. But it’d been different today. A sharper edge to his lust. A more desperate need. “Something definitely got into you today.”

“Something?” He rolled his hips and his semi-soft dick twitched inside her. “Who’s in who right now?”

“Get off me, you brute.” She sucked in a quick breath, even when he eased out with painstaking care. “I think you broke the headboard.”

“Was worth it. You oughta be talkin’. One of them shrieks rattled the damn light fixtures. If Edgard was sleepin’, he wasn’t after that.”

Damn. She’d completely forgotten about their houseguest. Chassie wondered if Trevor had forgotten too.

Or was that the reason for his overly amorous behavior? To prove to his buddy that marriage hadn’t tamed him? He was still a wild man between the sheets?

A ripple of anxiety surfaced again and it wasn’t as easy for her to shrug off this time.

After Trevor returned from the bathroom he flipped her on her back. “
I’m ready to taste that sweet spot.”

Definitely in a mood. 23

Rough, Raw, and Ready

Chapter Three

Thump thump thump

Edgard sprawled on the bed in the guestroom next to Trevor and Chassie’s bedroom, staring at the ceiling fan, listening to them having sex.

For the second time.

Which was pure torture.

No doubt in Edgard’s mind that Trevor was fucking his hot little wife just to prove a point: Trevor didn’t want him. Trevor didn’t need him. Trevor knew full well that Edgard heard every squeak of the bedsprings, every deep male groan, every feminine plea, every collective gasp and pleasured scream through the paper-thin walls. Every telltale bang of the headboard.

Thump thump thump.

How fucked up would it be if Edgard unzipped his jeans and started whacking off to the sounds of their passion?

Seriously fucked up. Pathetically fucked up. Perverted.

“What you do with other men is perverted and wrong. You disgust me. You disgust
all of us. You should be ashamed.”

Yeah. Great timing for that ugly memory to pop up.

With the life altering events he’d suffered recently, Edgard wondered if he’d ever be happy again. Through his haze of melancholy his mother’s lilting voice reminded him,

“You find happiness where you least expect it. When in doubt, go back to the beginning.”

Thump thump thump.

Was it sheer idiocy that Edgard considered Trevor a beginning? When Edgard was the one who’d ended things between them? Yet here he was, wishing for things he couldn’t have. Creating more miserable memories to drown in.


Lorelei James

Thump thump thump.

Then silence. No squeaking. No groaning.

Was Trevor indulging in his softer side with his wife? Kissing her sweetly and cuddling her to that amazingly hard, sweat-covered body? Giving Chassie the intimate connection in the aftermath of loving that Edgard used to revel in? That rare affection he’d been so desperate to have?

Feminine giggles followed by male laughter echoed against the wall and put an ache in Edgard’s soul.


Edgard pushed to his feet, adjusted his throbbing cock and headed downstairs. The burning need to tuck tail and run was riding him hard as he slipped outside, but once again he was reminded he had nowhere else to go.

Later, when they’d sat down to supper, Chassie said, “So, Edgard, you feelin’ up to a little honky-tonkin’ tonight? There’s a great band playin’ at the Rusty Spur.”

Startled, Edgard peered up from his bowl of stew. “Is there a special occasion for going out dancing?”

“No. Why would you ask that?”

Edgard shrugged. “Because if I remember correctly, Trevor wasn’t all that crazy about dancing.”

“He isn’t.” Chassie grinned at him. “But he convinced me he loved two-steppin’

when we were dating. So I figure him tryin’ to skip out on it now that we’re married is cheatin’ at best, false advertising at worst.”

Trevor snorted.

“Besides, I refuse to let us turn into one of those married couples who are old before their time. Don’t do anything fun, don’t try anything new, just work or become homebodies watchin’ the boob tube as entertainment.” 25

Rough, Raw, and Ready

“Right. You just wanna flaunt your hot little ass at all those horny ranch hands who didn’t pay attention to you when you were single,” Trevor said dryly.

“Can you blame me? It’s such sweet revenge to see them trippin’ over their boots and tongues when they see me shakin’ my groove thang.” Chassie snagged a dinner roll.

“Please make my whole night, Ed. Tell me you love to dance and you were Brazilian national tango champion or something.”

He smiled back, absolutely charmed by Trevor’s wife. “I can’t claim champion status, but I know my way around a dance floor.”

“Yay! I take it you and Trevor went dancin’ once or twice when you were traveling together?”

Chassie didn’t mean he and Trevor danced together as partners, but it did remind Edgard of the few times he’d convinced Trevor to dance with him when they’d been alone. It’d been disastrous. The man had two left feet. “Ah. Yeah. We went out to the rodeo or community dances sometimes.”

“Come on, dish the details on my husband’s bad behavior on the circuit.”

Another loaded question. Edgard countered, “You trying to get me in trouble, Miz Chassie?”

“No, but I’d like to hear an insider’s point of view since Colby won’t tell me nothin’


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