Rough Ride CV4 (5 page)

Read Rough Ride CV4 Online

Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #erotic romance eBook, #Erotic Romance eBooks; Erotica; Total-e-bound eBooks; Romantica; Books; Romance; ISBN#978-1-906590-13-0

BOOK: Rough Ride CV4
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Scratching his beardless face, Ezra studied the room, giving each person a thorough going over. “Those two at the counter?”

“Yep,” Wyn said, not bothering to turn around.

“Excuse me, baby. I think I need to change my order.” Ezra rose and walked towards the counter.

Wyn held his breath, only daring to glance back after a few minutes when Ezra hadn’t returned. He grinned at the fear in Henry’s eyes as Ezra held the neck of his T-shirt in a fist.

He couldn’t hear what was being said, but he noticed Bert, Henry’s accomplice, had backed away.

Ezra released Henry and walked back to the table. Out of the corner of his eye, Wyn watched as Henry and Bert beat a hasty retreat.

“What did you say to him?” Wyn asked.

The corner of Ezra’s lip curled in a grin. “I’ll never tell. Let’s just say if Henry bothers you again, he’ll be losing more than he bargained for.”

“You’re so bad,” Wyn said with a smile.

“Oh, you have no idea.” Ezra’s eyes bore into him.


Carol Lynne


By the time their food arrived, more than half the café had cleared out. Ezra rubbed his foot subtly against Wyn’s ankle. “I wish there was some place to have a beer and dance.”

“There is. Back at the old Wynfield place.”

Ezra gestured to Wyn’s untouched food. “Eat up. We still have a stop to make at the drug store for condoms.” Ezra said the last part loud enough for those around him to hear.

Wyn almost swallowed his tongue at the shocked faces. He happily picked up his fork and started in on the southern-style chicken fried steak. Ezra had been right. What did he care what these people thought. He’d be able to wash his hands of Pamona in no time.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. I talked to Richard earlier. He’s going to help us load the cattle and horses for the sale.” Wyn closed his eyes at the heavenly taste of the food.

Ezra was almost finished with his dinner. He took a drink of his water and nodded.

“That’s nice of him. Won’t his grandfather object?” Wyn shrugged. “I don’t know. I think this is Richard’s way of taking a stand.”

“Good for him.” Ezra finished up and pushed his plate away. “You sure you don’t want to keep at least one of the horses? We could have it shipped back to the EZ Does It.” Wyn shook his head. It touched him that Ezra offered. It spoke volumes towards the big man’s intentions of seeing him when they arrived home. “The horses don’t hold any sentimental value for me. They’re all fairly new purchases I think. There’s only one thing I would like to take back besides pictures and stuff.” Ezra nodded and waited. Wyn rolled his eyes. “Well, even though I doubt I’ll ever get it to run, I’d like to ship the bucket tractor back to Wyoming.”

“The what?”

Wyn laughed. “Bucket tractor. It’s what folks around here call an antique tractor that comes to you in pieces. Dad bought it at an auction years ago, but lost interest after I left. It was the one thing I enjoyed watching him do when I lived at home.” Remembering the nights spent watching his dad work held a lot of mixed feelings. “He never actually let me work on it, but I sat in the barn with him and we talked about other stuff. It’s what I was messing with earlier. The tractor’s only about half done, but I’d like to see it completed before it’s sold.”

Ezra reached across the table and covered Wyn’s hand with his own. “I’d like to see it.”

“Okay, but not right away. I have other plans for the rest of the evening.” Wyn turned his hand over and gave Ezra’s a squeeze before releasing it.


Carol Lynne


Picking up the bill, he gestured towards the cash register. “I’ll take care of this. You can leave the tip.”

When he reached the counter, he handed the bill to Maddie. “Good as usual,” he commented.

“That your
?” She asked, handing him back his change. He could tell by the look on her face the thought disgusted her.

Wyn looked over his shoulder to Ezra. “Yeah. He’s something, isn’t he?” He winked at Maddie and walked back to the table.

The first thing he noticed was the tip. Ezra had left a sizeable one. Wyn looked back at Maddie and shook his head, picking up two dollars and handing them back to Ezra. “She doesn’t deserve that much.” Wyn made sure he said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

Ezra gave him a questioning look before sticking the money back in his pocket. “You ready?”

“Oh, yeah,” Wyn said and grabbed Ezra’s hand before leading the way out of the café.

* * * *

After tending to the horses, they went inside. Ezra was already hard just by watching Wyn groom the horses. Taking off his hat, Ezra walked over and found something on the radio while Wyn grabbed them a couple of beers.

“Good thing I like country music,” he commented taking the beer.

Wyn took off his boots and socks before kneeling at Ezra’s feet. “You need help with these?” Wyn asked, lifting Ezra’s foot.

It was such a domestic scene, Ezra’s heart warmed. “That would be nice, thank you.” After stripping Ezra’s feet, Wyn stood and straddled his lap. “Thanks for what you did in town. It won’t help matters, but I appreciated it all the same.” Ezra ran his hands down Wyn’s spine to land on his ass. “I’ve dealt with plenty of bigots in my day.” He rubbed Wyn’s crack through the seam in his jeans.

“Right now I have more important things on my mind.” He pressed against Wyn’s hole.

Wyn jumped off Ezra’s lap and unbuckled his jeans. Ezra grinned and Wyn shrugged.

“No sense in playing hard to get.” Wyn pushed his jeans and underwear down and off before removing his shirt.


Carol Lynne


Standing nude in front of him, Wyn was a wet dream. Ezra licked his lips and started on his own clothes. “Grab that sack.”

As his clothes joined the pile on the floor, he watched Wyn walk across the room to retrieve the pharmacy bag. He gave his cock several strokes as Wyn sauntered back.

“Do you think we should go upstairs?” Wyn asked.

Ezra shook his head. “Later,” he said spreading his legs further apart.

Wyn straddled his lap once again. “I thought we were going to dance?” Ezra ran his cock up the cleft of Wyn’s ass. “We are. You don’t like my style?” he joked.

Wyn took over, moving back and forth as he bent to take Ezra’s nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, I like your style just fine,” Wyn said working his way across the mass of hair to Ezra’s other nipple.

Grabbing the bag from the cushion beside him, Ezra pulled out the small bottle of KY. It wasn’t the best, but it would do. He uncapped the bottle and slicked his fingers. He knew it had been a while for Wyn and the last thing he wanted was to rush things.

Reaching between Wyn’s legs, Ezra rimmed the tightly puckered hole. “Nice,” he moaned.

“Mmm hmm,” Wyn agreed. “More.”

Pressing the pad of his finger against the hole, Ezra slowly pushed in. “Yes,” Wyn groaned, and kissed him.

Ezra wrapped his free arm around Wyn and pulled him closer, as he pumped his finger in and out of the smaller man’s body. Soon, he introduced another, and Wyn broke the kiss.

“Good, oh shit, you feel good.”

“Just wait until the fast dance starts.” Ezra inserted a third finger, noticing the wince on Wyn’s face. He started to remove it but Wyn shook his head.

“Leave it. Feels good.” Wyn took over, fucking himself on Ezra’s hand.

God, Wyn was sexy like this. “Get me ready.”

Wyn picked up the box of condoms and dug one out. Maintaining eye contact, he ripped open the package. “Will it fit?” Wyn questioned, looking from the condom to Ezra’s long thick cock.

“It’ll fit,” Ezra said with a grin. “You can’t roll it down though. You’ll have to cover the head and stretch it down my length.”


Carol Lynne


After a few moments, Wyn finally secured the condom. “Lube me up,” Ezra said. He was on the edge and he knew it. The heat of Wyn’s body around his fingers was fantastic, but he wanted them replaced with his cock, and now.

Once lubed, he leaned forward and kissed his man. “You sure you’re stretched enough?”

“Oh yeah,” Wyn replied and stood.

With his feet on either side of Ezra’s thighs, Wyn’s cock was in the perfect position for a quick taste. Wasting no time, Ezra closed the distance and took the perfectly shaped head into his mouth, tasting the pre-cum on his tongue.

Wyn’s taste along with the moans coming from the smaller man almost tipped Ezra over the edge. Pulling off, he looked up into Wyn’s eyes. “Need in you.”

“Good, I was feeling pretty empty,” Wyn answered. He lowered his body until the well stretched hole was poised directly above Ezra’s waiting cock. With a teasing smile, Wyn slowly impaled himself, groaning as he descended.

“Fuck, fuck,” Ezra said over and over as Wyn’s body enveloped him.

It took some time, but eventually Wyn was fully seated, balls resting on top of Ezra’s.

He ground his teeth as Wyn bottomed out and swivelled his hips.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been so stretched,” Wyn moaned. “I never thought I’d be able to take you. But it feels good, right?”

“Mmm hmm,” Ezra agreed. The only real experience Ezra had with a man was twenty years ago. This? This was a lot better. Not only because Wyn was able to take his full length, but because his heart was involved for the first time in his life.

He gripped Wyn’s hips, guiding him up and down the length of his cock. As much as he enjoyed this position, it wasn’t enough. He wanted deeper, faster penetration.

With a loud growl, Ezra lifted Wyn off his cock and deposited him on the couch. “Sorry, need more of you,” he panted as he knelt on the floor and repositioned Wyn.

Facing the back of the sofa, Wyn nodded. “Do it.” Before he entered Wyn again, Ezra bent and licked one ass cheek and then the other, ending with a tiny nip. Pushing inside Wyn’s tight heat, he groaned. “Yes.” Placing his hands on Wyn’s hips, Ezra pounded his cock as hard and fast as he could in and out.


Carol Lynne


One of Wyn’s hands released its grip on the sofa back to wrap around his cock. “Good,” Wyn said.

Ezra knew he was probably being too rough on Wyn’s ass, but his lust was out of control for the first time in his life. All he could think about was getting deeper. He watched as his cock disappeared over and over at lightning speed.

A loud “Fuck!” from Wyn, signalled the other man’s climax. Ezra felt his lover’s body grip his cock, milking it. Ezra gave a grunt of ecstasy as he buried himself to the hilt, shooting his seed into the condom.

The orgasm lasted much longer than he was used to, as spurt after spurt shot from the end of his cock. By the time he was dry, he was also exhausted. Slumping over to cover Wyn’s back, Ezra felt like he’d never regain his breath.

He wasn’t sure how long they lay like that before the ringing phone brought him back to his senses. “Sorry,” he said, uncovering Wyn.

Wyn scrambled over to the end table and picked up the cordless phone. “Hello?” Ezra fell back to the floor and removed the condom. Giving it a quick tie, he laid it on the floor next to his hip. He felt completely sated and ready for a long nap.

The alarm in Wyn’s voice finally got his attention. Opening his eyes, Ezra studied his lover. Something was definitely wrong. He sat up and reached for his jeans.

Wyn hung up and reached for his as well. “That was Richard. He was out checking his heifers when he heard one of dad’s. Evidently she’s having trouble delivering. Richard’s on his way over with a come-along just in case.” Ezra nodded and pulled on his clothes. When they were both dressed, he pulled Wyn into his arms. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Hell no,” Wyn said, shaking his head. “I may be sore later, but I’m fine now. As a matter of fact, it still feels like you’re inside of me.”

“You’re my fantasy lover,” Ezra said and kissed Wyn.

“No fantasy. I’m the real thing,” Wyn answered.

“Yes you are.” Ezra reluctantly pulled away and put on his hat. “Is Richard meeting us out front or in the pasture?”

“Out front.” Wyn pulled on his boots.

With one last kiss, Ezra headed towards the door. “Let’s do this. I still owe you a round of tenderness.”


Carol Lynne


“I don’t know, I kinda liked the rough side of you.”

“Oh, there’ll be plenty more of that, but you deserve both.” ROUGH RIDE

Carol Lynne


Chapter Six

By the time they got going, it had started to rain. Richard’s battered truck pulled down the old dirt path that led to the pasture. After Ezra opened and closed the second gate, the rain began pouring from the cool night sky.

“It’s gonna be a muddy mess,” Richard commented, trying to steer around the deep potholes.

Ezra’s hand gripped Wyn’s thigh. “Why don’t you stay in the truck? The last thing you need is an infection.”

Wyn wasn’t sure whether to be touched or pissed. “I can help,” he finally said.

“I know you can, but if that momma needs more help than Richard and I can give her, I doubt there’ll be much you can do.” Ezra kissed his temple. “I promise, if we need you, I’ll tell you.”

Wyn watched as the wipers slapped the rain from the glass. He didn’t really relish the thought of sitting in mud and cow shit anyway. Nodding, he leaned forward in the seat, trying to see the heifer in distress. “Where abouts do you think she is?” he asked Richard.

“Should be up ahead another hundred yards or so,” Richard answered.

As they slowed to a crawl, Ezra pulled his leather gloves out of his pockets and put them on.

Richard spotted the heifer first and pulled up beside it. Wyn could see she was definitely in a lot of pain. He turned to Ezra as the big man started to get out. “Do you suppose the calf’s breech?”

“Most likely,” Ezra said. He gave Wyn a quick kiss before closing the door. Richard got out next, and he was left alone in the cab.

He felt helpless watching as Ezra assessed the downed heifer. With the rain pounding against the truck’s roof, he couldn’t hear what they were talking about. He saw Ezra shake his head. That didn’t look good. Ezra took off his jacket and started rolling up his sleeves as Richard walked back towards the truck.

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