Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) (4 page)

Read Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)
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“The Silver Spur.”

Damn. She could’ve been in the room right next to him, listening to some strange chick suck him off. For the first time in a long time, his actions made him ashamed. “What room?”

“One eleven.”

“Did you check on her this morning?”

Trevor nodded. “Cash knocked. She didn’t answer. So he came and got me and I tried. She wouldn’t come to the door for me either. I don’t think she’s here. The maid wouldn’t let us in.”

“Did you ask the front desk if she’d checked out?”

Cash and Trevor exchanged a sheepish look.


Colby pushed away from the trailer and headed toward the motel office.

“Hey, Colby. Where you goin’?”

He didn’t answer. He just kept walking. And tried like hell not to run.


Channing nursed a
Bud Light in a corner booth. She picked at her second bowl of pretzels and listened to the jukebox wailing another sad song about love gone wrong. In her life even lust had gone wrong.

The cowbell on the front door clanked against the wood as the door opened again, then slammed shut. This was a busy place. Maybe if all else failed she could get hired to sling beer. Her focus strayed to the list of options she’d jotted in her journal, none of which appealed to her.

The bench seat across from her creaked. Thinking Moose had swung by to flirt, she smiled and looked up.

But Colby McKay grinned back at her. “Thought I might find you here, darlin’.”

Channing suppressed a feminine sigh. His dimples ought to be illegal. “I figured you’d already taken off.”

“I could say the same. I heard what happened last night.”

She reached for her pencil. “I’m sure everyone has heard by now.” Her gaze narrowed. “Why didn’t you tell me Jared was married?”

“Because you’d be pissed off at me thinkin’ I had some ulterior motive in tellin’ you the truth.” He spun her notebook around and studied it. “Which is entirely true. But it don’t matter now.”

“That ulterior motive why you’re here?”


Her heart thudded. She struggled to project an image of absolute calm. “As I’m short on options, I’m open to suggestions.”

“Fair enough. Tell me something first, before we get into those options.”


“What are you runnin’ from?”

It was tempting to hedge or flat-out lie. She did neither. “My past. My future. Take your pick.”

“Maybe you oughta explain that confusin’ comment to this dumb ol’ country boy.”

She rolled her eyes. “Dumb, yeah right. You don’t fool me, Colby McKay.”

“And you don’t fool me, Channing Kinkaid.”

His meaning settled on her thick, sweet and sticky as wild honey.

“My story is not that interesting, actually. I’ve followed the rules—my parents’ rules—my whole life. Just like my older sister, I graduated from an Ivy League school of their choice. Got my Masters degree because that’s what offspring of the people in their social circle
. My dad lined up a teaching job for me at a prestigious private prep school starting in the fall.”


She gripped the wooden pencil so tightly it cracked. “And when Mom and Dad introduced me to a wimpy accountant who reeked of Old Spice and old money, and they encouraged me to accept his marriage proposal after
lousy date, I snapped. I realized I wasn’t living my life; I was living theirs. I needed a break and ran away with the rodeo.”

Colby smiled and gently removed the gnawed-on, broken pencil from her death grip. “Regrets about that?”

“Besides my poor choice of a traveling partner? Strangely enough, no.”

His thumb swept across the vein on the inside of her wrist, sending tingles up her forearm. “What are your plans now that Jared is gone?”

“That’s what I’m sitting here trying to figure out.”

“Do you want to go home?”

“God, no.”

“Good.” Colby angled across the narrow table and repeatedly brushed the back of his knuckles over her cheek. “Run away with me, Channing. At least until we get to Cheyenne next week.”

He’d spoken the words she’d wanted to hear. Yet, her sole focus was how the continual rasp of his rough skin on hers caused her insides to quake. Her blood to burn. Her sex to moisten.

Her breathing grew ragged when he trailed those callused fingertips down the gentle curve of her neck. He traced her collarbone with a touch as fleeting as the flutter of butterfly wings. Then he drew circles progressively lower on her chest. All while watching her reaction with his electric blue eyes.

“Naturally, there’d be conditions if I take you on.”

Oh yeah. She’d agree to any conditions as long as they included hot, wet, raunchy, shaking-the-rafters sex with him every single night. “You can be damn sure I’ll know
what I’m getting into this time before I go anywhere with you or anyone else like Jared.”

“I ain’t like Jared at all,” he scoffed.

“I know. That’s why I didn’t smack you with my purse when you showed up.”

“I still scare you, though, don’t I?”

“A little.”

“I shouldn’t. We’re more alike than you know.”

“Hmm. You think that’s why I kinda like you, cowboy?”

“Yeah. And the feeling’s mutual, shug.”

She smiled. “First things first. I can pay my own way to Cheyenne.”

Annoyance flitted across his face. “We’ll see.”

“Is there a sweetie—wife or girlfriend—baking apple pies and waiting for you on the front porch back at home?”

He shook his head. “After this summer rodeo season ends, hopefully I’ll have enough points accumulated to qualify me for the NFR in Vegas come December. If not, I oughta have enough to compete in the Dodge Circuit Finals in Pocatello in March. I’ll keep up in the points standings by goin’ to events closer to home. In the meantime I’ll be back in Wyoming to help my dad and brothers run the ranch.”

“And more likely than not I’ll be teaching on the East Coast.”

Something dark shifted in his eyes.

“Then we understand each other?” she prompted.

“For now.”

She frowned, not understanding his cryptic answer. “So, about these conditions.”

Colby studied her carefully from beneath the brim of his hat. “You’ll be in my bed.”

Her pulse fluttered. “I figured that much.”

“As well as Trevor and Edgard’s.”

Channing’s jaw dropped. “I’d be sleeping with all three of you?”

“No. You’d be fucking all three of us, ain’t gonna be much sleepin’ involved.” Colby scooted forward, his handsome face serious, his blue eyes intent. “Forget about what other people might think, and consider what
want, Channing. What you’ve always wanted but have been denied because it’s been against those blasted rules you’ve followed.”

She swallowed hard. “I’m still listening.”

“I’m used to havin’ a different woman every night if I choose.”

“And these women you pick up have no problem being passed between the three of you?”

He grinned. “Shockin’, ain’t it? What America’s youth has come to?”

Despite the surreal conversation, she smiled at his cheeky grin. “What do you do with these willing women?”

“Fuck them. Sometimes one on one. More often than not, two on one. The really darin’ gals will take on all three of us at the same time.”

How did that work? Which body parts went where?
Don’t ask. Act nonchalant
. She murmured, “Really?”

Colby reached over and twined a curly brown lock around his fingers. He tugged her closer by that hank of hair until his warm breath flowed over her cheek.

“Does that fluster you? Thinkin’ of some young, naked woman sandwiched between Trevor and me? With my cock deep in her ass and Trevor’s cock in her cunt? And if Edgard’s playin’ with us, a cock in her mouth, too. Or does that make you wet with want?”

Her vaginal walls throbbed and her clit spasmed, making her slit weep. Images of being pressed between all that hot, hard male flesh. Being overfilled and stretched and used purely for pleasure? Hadn’t she secretly fantasized about that very scenario? Giving up all control. Being…

A small helpless noise erupted from her mouth.

“What?” Colby asked and sat back. “Tell me what you’re thinkin’.”

“It doesn’t shock me.”

His nostrils flared. “It excites you, don’t it?”

“Yes. But, I’ve never been with two guys at once or…”

“Or what?”

Channing paused for him to fill in the blanks.

He didn’t. Instead he swiped her beer and took a sip. “Say it in plain English, darlin’. You’d better be able to say it if you want us to do it to you.”

She reclaimed her beer from him, knocked back a fortifying drink and muttered, “I’ve never tried anal sex.” There. That hadn’t been so hard.

A secret sexy smile bloomed on his face. “And you want that?”

She nodded, glancing away from the gleam in his eyes to study the sawdust and peanut shells strewn across the floor.

“Then say it,” he demanded.

Channing remained mute.

Gently, Colby tilted her face up, placing his lips to her ear. “Say it, sweetheart. I ain’t being a jerk. I need to be perfectly clear on what you want.” He licked the shell of her ear and blew softly. “Besides. It’s sexy as hell to hear those naughty words comin’ out of such an angelic mouth.”

Channing rubbed her face against the rough stubble on his cheek, lost in the sharp contrast of his male hardness to her female softness. He smelled heavenly. She whispered along his jaw, “I want you to be the first man to take my ass, Colby McKay. I want to know what it’s like to be with more than one man. Doing whatever you want to me.”

He sucked in a harsh breath. “Whenever we want it?”

The outer door opened and a beam of light slanted across the bar, bouncing off the mirror and blinding her. She scooted away and nestled her spine against the Naugahyde booth. “Within reason,” she said. “I’m not into exhibitionism. I’ll do whatever you want as long as it’s not in front of an audience.”

“What constitutes as an audience? Because Trevor and I share most everything.”

“An audience is any other cowboys on the circuit.” She frowned, remembering Jared’s description of Trevor and Colby’s saddle-breaking exploits.

“I know that look. What have you heard?”

Channing told him.

Colby swore. “That’s a damn lie.
and some fella from Canada did that, not me and Trev. We’ve done some crazy things, but never nothin’ like that. We’d never disrespect a woman that way.”

Right then she realized Jared leaving her was a good thing.

He shifted uncomfortably on the creaky bench seat. She could see the outline of his cock through his tight jeans. She squirmed in her already wet panties, imagining all the delicious things he planned to do with it.

“You object to bringin’ in another woman into our playtime?”

“Yes. Not something I’m interested in trying.”

He lifted a dark brow. “Can I ask why?”

She raised an eyebrow right back. “Besides the fact three cocks will be more than enough to keep me occupied?”

Colby grinned. “Homophobic?”

“Not at all. Girl-on-girl is just not for me.” She chomped a pretzel and pointed the jagged end at him. “And I don’t want to watch you fucking another woman either. Is that a problem?”

“Nope.” He brushed salt from her chin; his blunt fingertips leisurely traced the outline of her lips. “You’ve got the prettiest mouth.”

Everything inside her went hot and tight. “Then kiss me.”

“In a minute. A couple last things I need to know. You’ll suck me off, jerk me off, anytime I demand it?”

“Within reason. I’m not going to get on my knees right here.”

“Too bad. But sex toys and domination games are okay? I’m wicked good with ropes.”

An image arose. Her arms tied helplessly above her head, her legs spread-eagled. A blindfold covering her eyes. A bandana plugging her mouth to stifle the screams of raw pleasure. Powerless and begging under Colby’s towering body and punishing hands. She never would’ve dreamed that scenario would make her absolutely dripping wet. “Yes.”

“Would you let me spank you?”

Holy shit. That suggestion caught her off guard. People really did that? And liked it? “Umm. Would you hit me anywhere else?”

Colby frowned. “No. I ain’t that kind of man. But there is something about seein’ a rosy red ass that appeals to me. And don’t discount how sweet I can make punishments when you’ve been bad, shug.”

“This is starting to scare me,” Channing muttered.

“Nuh-uh. This is startin’ to excite you. So do we have a deal?”

Chapter Three

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