Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) (90 page)

Read Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)
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“That’s why I hope we can salvage Dewey’s place.”

AJ focused her attention on the landscape outside her window. How many more times would she make the trek from her house into town? Twenty? Thirty?

“AJ? You okay?”

“I don’t know. I’m trying to be mature about the ranch sale, because I understand I can’t run the place from Denver.”


That single word made her think of Cord and the wicked penalties she’d earned last night. A shiver worked down her spine despite the unrelenting heat. “Part of me wants to throw a weeping tantrum about losing my home.” AJ sighed. “Do I sound like I’m about four?”

“Not at all. I never had a home up until the last year, so I have nothing to judge it by.”

“Is it a home because of Carter?”

“Yeah, that ‘home is where the heart is’ saying is true, because Carter is my heart and home, but Gemma and Dad’s ranch feels like my physical home now.”

“Does Carter feel the same? Isn’t he missing the McKay place?”

Macie was quiet for a little too long.


“If I tell you something, you have to swear not to tell anyone, AJ.” Macie shot her a glance. “Especially not Keely.”

“I swear.”

“I’m pregnant.”

AJ’s jaw dropped. “Get out. You guys haven’t even been married a year.”

“It wasn’t planned, but it wasn’t unplanned.”

“That’s cryptic.”

“After Dad and Gemma had the babies, Carter and I realized we wanted to have our kids while we were young. Plus, we want them to be raised around family—his and mine. Ky’s already four. Channing is pregnant, so our baby will have instant cousins and playmates. I didn’t have family growing up. Carter did. He says the best part of his life is that connection. Dad and I are figuring that out.” She smiled. “We are really excited about having a baby, but I promised Carter to let
tell his family the news.”

“Can I squeal now?”

Macie nodded.

After AJ did a happy dance in her seat, she demanded, “How far along are you?”

“Barely. Like three weeks. Carter insisted on one of those early pregnancy tests, so we’ve known since I was five days pregnant. One of the other reasons we wanted to wait to tell anyone was because Channing just announced her pregnancy.”

“Yeah, but she’s almost four months along.”

“Timing is everything in the McKay family.”

“Why would you be adding more work to your schedule with a baby coming?”

“I would oversee the one in Sundance, not run it. Remember my roommate Kat? She’d run it fulltime.”

“If you’re not quitting the diner that means you’ll be traveling. Won’t Carter demand to be with you all the time now that you’re preggers?” AJ whirled in her seat. “That’s it, isn’t it? Are you guys moving back here?”

“Yes…and no. We’ll be living here half the time and half the time at the Bar 9. Carter misses the McKay ranch and his brothers. And with all that’s going on with Colt, I know Colby and Cord would appreciate his help.”

“Where would you live? Someplace on the ranch?”

Macie squirmed.

Then AJ knew. “You’ll be living in my house, won’t you?”

“Yeah. Are you upset?”

During the moments she’d allowed herself to think about it, she’d wondered what’d happen to their home. Colby and Channing owned a gorgeous place a house of miles from Carson and Carolyn’s home place. Cord had a house. Cam was overseas, Keely was in Denver. Her biggest fear had been the house she’d loved and grown up in would be turned into a den of iniquity like the infamous Boars Nest that Colt, Kane and Kate lived in.

“AJ? Say something.”

“I don’t know what to say. When was this decided?”

“Colby and Carter had been kicking around an idea of putting a trailer up the road from your place, when Carson told us about them buying the Foster ranch. Cord suggested it’d be perfect for us with the extra large barn Carter can use as a permanent studio. And it’s close enough to Cord’s place that he could check on it when we were at the Bar 9.

“In fact, when Cord called us to tell us about Colt, he asked me to talk to you about it first, since we’re friends.” Macie’s hazel eyes were filled with concern. “We’ll still be friends, right, AJ? I can’t stand the thought that this would hurt you.”

“Hurting me is inevitable, you heard my mixed feelings about moving.”

AJ stared out the window and Macie let her.

“Nothing would make Mom happier than knowing the house was filled with a happy family. Why didn’t Cord tell me?”

“I honestly don’t know.”

Her cynical side thought Cord worried the news would lessen his chances of getting laid. But Cord probably believed hearing the news from Macie would be easier. She might’ve been resentful to the whole McKay family if it’d come from any of them—even Keely. Cord’s intuitive side surprised her. Lots of things about him surprised her.

After they’d pulled up to the Sandstone building, AJ felt Macie staring at her. She knew she had to keep things light. “So tell me the truth, Macie McKay, were you mentally redecorating my house while we were eating lunch?”

“No.” Macie reached over and whapped her on the knee. “Being around my sis-in-law has made you a real smart mouth, AJ.”

AJ laughed and it didn’t feel as forced as she’d imagined.

The lunch rush at Dewey’s was over. AJ trailed behind Macie as Dewey gave her the nickel tour. As many times as she’d been in the restaurant, she hadn’t noticed the details that made the interior unique until Dewey pointed them out to Macie.

When they started discussing ventilation systems in the kitchen, AJ excused herself and loitered outside the empty storefront next to the diner.

A woman riding a motorcycle parked next to Macie’s SUV. A tattooed and pierced woman with short, jet black hair, the ends of which were dyed bright pink. She bounded up the steps, the jangling of the keys in her hand rivaled the jangling of the rings in her nose, ears, lip and eyebrow. She stopped when she caught sight of AJ lurking by the door and looked up.

Double whoa. The woman was absolutely stunning. Her face was sharp angles—razor blade cheekbones, a square jawline. Her features were softened by pouty lips the envy of Angelina Jolie.

The woman didn’t smile. “Can I get you to move please? That door opens out, which is the first thing I’m going to change.”

AJ’s ears perked up and she shuffled aside. “Change?”

“My sister and I are opening up a shop here once we can get the changes approved from the landlord.”

“Landlord? Doesn’t Dewey own this building?”

“It’d be easier if he did. He sold it last year. Any changes have to get approval from this mysterious owner.” The woman’s vivid blue gaze narrowed. “Why?”

“Because Dewey neglected to tell my friend that. She’s talking to him about taking over his restaurant.”

Blue eyes finally smiled. “Dewey is a miscreant. Let’s crash their meeting and see how old Dewey reacts.”

AJ led the way. Dewey blinked rapidly when he saw the woman behind her.

“Now, Dewey, please tell me you aren’t misleading this lady? She does know you don’t actually own this building anymore?”


Macie said, “Dewey, Velma is gonna be majorly pissed if that’s true. And you know what she’s like when she gets a burr under her saddle.”

“B-b-but it’s not what you think. The owner gave me full authority to turn over the restaurant to you, Mrs. McKay. You still have to submit your remodeling plans, but he already gave the go-ahead to proceed, if you’re interested.”

“Who the hell owns this building?”

“I’d say that I can’t say, but the truth is I don’t know. All our communication is done through email. I send my rent checks to a P.O. Box in Denver.” Dewey swallowed nervously. “Never talked to a live person, it’s some sort of architectural firm specializing in historic Western preservation.”

The blue-eyed woman demanded, “I still haven’t received approval on my proposed changes and I signed the goddamn lease a month ago.”

“Maybe because you’re putting in a tattoo parlor, Ms. Ellison? Not the same as upgrading a restaurant.”

AJ whirled around. “A tattoo parlor? In Sundance? That is so cool!”

“Yeah,” Macie chimed in, “I’d like to hear what you’ve planned for the space, since it appears we’ll be neighbors.” Macie thrust out her hand. “Macie McKay. This is AJ Foster.”

“India Ellison. Come on over and take a walk on the wild side.” India winked. “I’m prepared to be the new resident bad girl who leads this sleepy Wyoming town into the temptations of body art.”

Macie filled India in her tentative plans for the restaurant while AJ explored the space, which had been a hair salon in a former life. A couple other eclectic businesses had tried to make a go of it, but none succeeded.

“Only half is for tattoos and piercing. We’ll use the front half as a salesroom for the products my sister manufactures.”

“What’s she make?”

“Natural skin and hair care products made in Weston County. Ever heard of Sky Blue?”

“I have,” AJ said. “But you can’t find it here. You have to drive to DeWitt’s Pharmacy in Moorcroft to get it.”

“Which is why Sky wants to expand to Sundance. We both fell in love with this building, plus the third floor spans the entire length. I’m waiting for approval on changes to make it an apartment for when I move here permanently.”

“Where do you live now?”

“Denver.” India sighed. “So, help me out, guys. I’m looking for a reputable construction company to do all the remodel work if I ever get approval. You’re local. You won’t bullshit me.”

Macie said, “West Construction. My husband’s cousins Remy and Chet own it. Not to be biased, but they do outstanding work. We’d planned on using them for the diner remodel and ah…a house remodel.”

AJ ignored the house remodel portion of the comment and added, “They built a couple of beautiful homes for the McKays. I’m not related to them, so I can honestly say they’re the best around.”

“Cool. Do you have their number?”

While Macie and India chatted, AJ wandered over to another door. “Hey, India, mind if I look in here?”

“Go ahead.”

“Will this be part of India’s Ink and Sky Blue?”

“No. That’s a connecting hallway to the other store and the access to the upstairs.”

AJ brushed aside cobwebs and stopped in front of another door. She pushed it open and ventured inside. Dusty, dirty and the windows were covered with soapy grime that filtered out most light. The space was identical in size to India’s place, a long narrow single room with high ceilings, accented with crown molding at the top and parquet floor beneath her feet. With a little elbow grease and a couple of well-placed walls, this would make a perfect massage studio. And it was close to home.

Her excitement lasted about ten seconds. She realized when she finished school she wouldn’t have a home around here. Not an insurmountable problem if Keely had planned to come back. They could rent a trailer, split the rent and the workload.

But AJ was realistic. Massages would be a hard sell in Crook County. It’d take a few months to build up a clientele and a couple years to make enough money to earn a living. Whereas in a bigger city she’d start making money immediately. After one last regretful look, she returned to Macie and India.

“This is karma or something,” Macie said. “Did you know my middle name is Blue? And my mother considered naming me India?”


Macie nodded. “India the Indian. My mom was slightly nuts.”

India whirled on AJ. “If you tell me you have a monarch butterfly tattooed above your butt crack, I’ll freak out.”

“Nope. Sorry. No tattoos.”

India smiled slyly. “We’ll see about changing that tattoo virgin status sometime soon.”

Macie’s grin rivaled India’s. “Losing one’s virginity is always a good thing. Nice meeting you, India. Keep in touch. If all goes according to plan, we’ll start the remodel in about four weeks.”

On the way back, AJ managed to keep Macie talking about Carter’s upcoming art show, the horses Cash expressed an interest in, and not the situation between her and Cord McKay.

“Do you mind if we stop at Carolyn and Carson’s house first before I take you home? I’m feeling a little woozy all of a sudden.”

“No problem.” It drove home the point how intertwined her life was with the McKays’ when she noticed Cord’s truck parked out front at his folks’ house.

Her stomach pitched. Be hard to act normal around him after last night.

Carolyn McKay was in her usual spot in the kitchen. She beamed at Macie. “Hey, sweetie, how’d it go?”

“Great. But I actually feel nauseous from the excitement. Do you mind if I lay down before supper?”

“No, go ahead. Can I get you anything?”

Macie shook her head and made a mad dash for the bathroom.

Carolyn’s worry lines faded when she saw AJ. “How are you?”

“Good. Any problems with the lawyer today?”

“Nope. Once the money is squared away and Florence pens her signature to the deed, you and your mother are officially squatters on McKay land.”

AJ’s face fell.

“Oh, honey. I was kidding.”

“Nice goin’, Ma,” Cord said dryly. “Got salt in your hand, wanna throw that in her eye too?”

“I need to get going.” AJ purposely avoided the word
. She frowned. “Shoot. I don’t have a car.”

“I’ll take you. I’m headed that way.” Cord pecked his mother’s forehead. “Behave. No pestering Macie about you-know-what.”

“Like I have a choice. Carter made me promise.” Carolyn winked at her. “Have fun at your girls’ night. Call if you need a designated driver, but I believe you’ll be the only one drinking.”

She and Cord didn’t speak at all until they were in the truck and a mile down the road. “Macie told me she and Carter will be living in my old house.”

“You okay with that?”

. “I guess. Thanks for suggesting Macie tell me.” She looked out the window. “So are the McKays officially land barons? Buying up everything in Crook and Weston County?”

Cord didn’t answer.

“Sorry. It’s just hard.”

He slowed down at the next pullout and parked. “C’mere.”

AJ buried her face against his chest. He didn’t say a word; he just held her.

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