Rough Ryder (7 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Veatch,Crystal Smith

BOOK: Rough Ryder
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              Just when he was about to blow his cool and go after her, he watched her stroll out.  His breath caught.  His cock stood at attention instantly as if she were his drill sergeant or something. 
Damn woman.

Chapter Three

(The Ride)

              Trinket walked up to where Ryder stood.  The look on his face had her puzzled.  Again, his eyes roamed over her body and this time she didn’t understand it.  She had dressed simple.  On her way out the door, Mel had stopped her though making her change out of her sketchers to a pair of Ropers. 

              Seeing the horses that stood behind him made her nervous.  If he thought she was getting on top of one, he had another thing coming.

              “I don’t know what you have planned, but I’m not riding one of those.”  She would walk them, she would even help him do whatever it was he needed to do, but getting on top of a horse that she could easily fall to her death from was not her plan.

              His lips grew into a smile.  Had she just challenged him?  “We’ll see about that.  First, we are going to see how they react with you.  From what I saw earlier, it appears you’re a natural.”  He turned away, feeling her eyes roam over him.

              Her eyes latched on to back of his Wranglers and wouldn’t let loose.  His firm ass filled the jeans out perfectly.  She felt her pussy react with each blink. 


It took some doing but she was able to break her eyes away.

                    “First, you need to bond with your horse.  Let him know that no matter what, you will take care of him.  Watch.”  His hands smoothed down the neck of the large, brown horse.  His eyes locked with that of the horse for only a moment. He whispered something in the horses ear that she couldn’t hear before moving to the side of him and placed his foot in the stirrup and in one smooth movement brought his other foot up and over to finally settle himself into the saddle.

              Watching him being smooth and moving so fluidly made her butterflies start to flutter low in her belly. 

How can someone mounting a horse be such a turn on?
Great why  did I have to use the word mounting? 

Still she was not moving any closer to her horse.

                   Getting down from his horse, he moved closer to her.  Placing his hand to the small of her back, he applied pressure to push her forward.  Feeling her resistance, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “It’s okay. I’m here. I’ll not let anything happen to you.”

              Tingles went up her neck when she felt the warmth of his breath on her skin. If that is how the horse had felt when he whispered in its ear, then she understood why it let him do whatever he wanted.
Stumbling slightly, she moved to stand in front of the horse.

              “Now, reach up and stroke his face while looking in his eyes.” Still whispering in her ear, he ran his had softly down her arm until he reached her hand. 

Shivers went up her spine as he grasped her hand and placed it on the horse’s face.

                   Standing still as his body pressed against her back, every breath he took was sending her over the edge.  Stroking the horses face as she looked into his eyes, she could see the reflection of Ryder leaning down so close to her neck. 

              “Let him in. Let him see the way you really feel.” He moved his hand back up her arm to her neck, brushing her hair back.  His eyes met hers in the reflection. He kept her gaze trapped as he leaned in and pressed his lips to the nap of her neck.

              Oh my god, I don’t really think this has anything to do with the horse.
Watching him watch her was intense.  Taking a deep breath, she broke the trancelike contact. Stepping away from him, she felt alone and almost abandoned.

              “I think I got it, Ryder.  I still don’t think I should be trying to ride a horse.  Why put this poor innocent animal through that.”

              “You can do it, Trinket.  There is nothing to it and the feeling of freedom is something that can’t be explained.”

              He walked towards her.  Watching her with every step.  Her breathing increasing with each step he took.  Why did she have to pick this man to find so incredibly sexy?  She literally wanted to jump his bones and show him she could ride him better than any horse.  The closer he got, the wetter her panties became.  She couldn’t help but remember the time in the club.  Her gaze flying to his hand.

              The smile on his face made her realize he knew exactly what she was thinking about.  With the next step, he raised his hand and put his finger in his mouth just like before, smiling briefly.

              He placed his hands on her shoulders, leaned in to her ear and with a whisper, “How about if you ride me, I mean with me first.”

              Tugging on her arm, he pulled her towards his horse. 

              Trying to pull herself together, she took a deep breath. 

we will be on a horse, what can happen? 
Suddenly, she remembered what Lisa had said
.  Oh my. No, that’s not possible. Is it?
Her face turned red at just the thought of it.

              He let go of her and pulled himself up onto the horses back.  Leaning down he reached for her hand.  “Come on, I promise I’ll be good and you’ll love it.” 

She had no doubt he would be good.  She felt a heat surge to her cheeks.

                   Letting him pull her up and settle him in front of him, she couldn’t help but wonder what he meant by that statement.  Did he mean the way her mind automatically went, or in another way. 

“Lean on back against me,
get the feel of the ride.”

              She leaned back and he pulled her in to his chest as he nudged the horse.  The horse took off at a slow walk.

, there is nothing to be afraid of.” With a gentle tap of his foot, they took off at a canter.

              The wind was blowing in her face.  She felt the safety of his embrace. She could feel the muscles of his abdomen contract as he kept them balanced on the horse.  She relaxed back into him even more. As the horse began a slow run, she could almost feel some of her anxiety fly away with the wind.  This felt like living again.

              Bringing the ride to an end, he stopped the horse near a large tree.  She went to dismount after he did but he stopped her.

              “How about you ride around a bit?  Get the feel of riding by yourself?  I’ll be right here holding the reins.  You just hold on and enjoy yourself. Marlin will be a lot gentler ride then I will be.  I promise you that.”

              Her face flaming, she nodded her head yes.  At this moment, she thought she would say yes to anything he asked of her.  Assuming Marlin was the horse.

              “Okay, then, let’s go.” Turning he picked up the reins and began walking.  She grabbed hold of the pommel and held on with all her might.  Her eyes glued to the ground sure at any moment she was going to be lying on it. 

              “Trinket, talk to me.  Tell me what you do?  Where you’re from?”  The soothing tone of his voice calmed her down.  The nauseous feeling melted away to nothing.

              Slowly, she raised her gaze to his. “Umm, I work in PR.  I’m a people person believe it or not.” She couldn’t help but to think she could absolutely lose herself in his eyes.  Eyes that either knowingly or unknowingly demanded attention.  They called to her in a way she couldn’t explain.  And sexy, addicting enough to make her do anything he wanted.

              “I believe it.  So where you from? You don’t have the same accent as most folks around here and I don’t know a soul who doesn’t ride.”

              “East coast.”  She really didn’t want to go into her past.  She knew the tears would start again and she didn’t want to be drying her eyes on him again.

              “What made you come out this way?  We’re a long way from the east coast.”

              “I just needed a fresh start.  Can we talk about something else…please?”  She was desperate.  If there was anything in the world that she didn’t want to discuss with him, that was it.  She refused to let him thing that she was emotionally unstable because each time she thought, or talked about it, she cried. 

              “For now.” 

She knew the minute he said it, exactly what he meant.  Sure he could drop it for now, but at some point he would push the conversation.

                   They had wandered quite a ways from the big tree he had stopped at.  He turned the horse around. Pulling himself up behind her, he handed her the reins.

“Just let the horse do the work.  Enjoy it and guide us back ov
er there.” He nodded his head in the direction of the same tree he had led her away from.

              She gently nudged Marlin and they set off at a slow pace.  With her hands occupied with making sure she didn’t fall and guiding the horse, she couldn’t prevent him from gently rubbing her arms and snuggling up against her back.  By the bulge she could feel pressing against her, she knew he was enjoying the ride as much as she was.

              Stopping under the tree, he dismounted and helped her down. Holding her a lot closer then was necessary as he slid her down his body.  Stopping to breath in her scent when her breast slid to his face. 

              As soon as her feet touched the ground, she stepped away from him.  “I think this is moving way to fast.” Was all she could get out between breaths.

              Tying the reins to a low limb, Ryder turned to her.  “Maybe.”  He reached into the saddle bags and pulled out a blanket, a bottle of wine and two glasses.

              Walking over, he spread the blanket and set down the bottle and glasses.  He turned and walked purposely towards her. 

              Holding up her hand, she took a step back.  This was moving way too fast for her.  Sure she wanted it, but she was only beginning to get to know him.  Could she just sleep with someone and not know anything about him?

Trink darling, you are a very sexually, exciting woman.  It’s time
for you to move on.  It’s time for you to think of yourself for once.”
She could hear Sam talking to her, just like he was standing there.  She didn’t have time to react to what she was hearing.

              Ryder didn’t stop.  He continued towards her purposefully.  Like he had a plan and intended to carry it out.  Reaching her, he brushed the strands of hair from her face.               

“So the way I see it, we can do this one of two ways.  First, you can let me show you what you missed out on at the club, or we can go on having this damn attraction for each other.  I can continue to jack off in the shower and you can continue to meet up with BOB.”  He leaned his head down as his words fell to a whisper, brushing his lips over hers.  “I choose now.”

                   He closed his lips over hers.  She felt his tongue coaxing her mouth opened.  The minute she opened them, his tongue darted in, tasting her.  Teasing her as he played with hers.  Brushing lightly over hers.

              His mouth began moving away, first he tugged at her lips before moving down nipping at her chin, her jaw, and her neck.  She could feel his hands working her shirt out of her jeans.  His fingers brushing over her abdomen.  Her eyes grew heavy as she let them close.  Relishing the feel of his hands on her body, his mouth and teeth teasing her into a frenzy of wild need.

              “Don’t close your eyes.  Keep them open.  I want to see your eyes.  I want to know when you are completely fuck drunk.”  His tone was soft, but she heard his order.  Surprisingly, her eyes opened.  Not quickly, but slowly.  Once open, she didn’t have a problem keeping them open as she locked stares with him.

              His fingers began working the button of her jeans, his other hand sliding up the flat of her abdomen, grasping the weight of her breast.  She felt her body tremble as the sound of her zipper was heard.  She was growing wetter by the second.

              His fingers slid down, brushing over her clit.  She gasped at the contact.  The contact that her body had been craving since that first time at the club.  The contact that was quickly bringing her the rush that her body screamed for.  Craved. 

              Her lips parted, a tiny moan slipping out as her hips began to move against the circular motion the pad of his finger made. 

              “Don’t hold back.  I want to hear every noise you make.”  Slowly he lowered his head again.  This time trailing the tip of his tongue up her neck, her chin, tracing her lips before claiming them as his own. 

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