Rough Surrender (34 page)

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Authors: Cari Silverwood

BOOK: Rough Surrender
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“This is my vow to you, Faith.

Then he spoke firmly in a litany of promises, and each word was said with such intensity, such honesty and devotion, they seared into her like a fire-heated branding iron.

“If you’re ever lost or alone, I will find you and show you the way back. If you’re frightened, I will comfort you. If you’re in danger, I will rescue you. I will love you with all my heart. I will stand by you through thick and thin. Though you grow old, I will grow old with you and never forget that you, and only you, are the woman I have given my heart and soul to.”

By the end, tears were trickling down her cheeks. She sniffed. “Oh, Leonhardt, that is so beautiful.” Where had those words come from? So beautiful indeed.

He kissed the top of her head. “And you?” She could feel the curve of his lips through her hair as he smiled. “You don’t have to repeat all that. Not now anyway. Later though, I will expect it.”

She sighed. There was no doubt in her mind, none at all. “I too avow those words. I give my heart and soul to you. I love you, sir.”

“Good. Then I suppose that officially makes you mine to do with as I choose. Very, very good.” He moved away then ran two fingers down her from nape of neck along her spine, down the divide of her bottom and between her legs to slick them both through her wetness. Slowly he slipped one finger into her anus, making her gasp and jerk, and the other into her vagina. “Now, sweetheart. I’m going to gag you and bite on every inch of your delicious, womanly body until you come and come. I want to transform you a sweaty mess. Is that to your approval?”

She whimpered as his fingers slid farther inside her. “Yes, sir.”

“My whip is over there, and there it will stay. I won’t use it today. But I don’t want you to ever be afraid of anything you don’t need to be. One day, when you let me, when you say yes, I will show you how I can take you to heaven with it.

“Today, however, this body will soon have a bite mark wherever I look. When all that is done, I am going to fuck you ever so thoroughly.”

She pressed her forehead to the timber. Already she was panting. She didn’t mind at all for she was his toy to play with. She thrust her bottom back into his slow pumping fingers. Her words were thick with lust. “Yes, sir.”

“One last thing, Faith.” His voice dropped to a heavy growl at her ear. “Are we aiming for July or a January wedding?”

Oh, heavens above
. “Whichever sir wishes?”

“Good answer. Brace yourself, dear.”




About Cari Silverwood


As an Australian BDSM romance author I have been delighted at how easy it is for writers to reach worldwide. When I have a big tree goanna trudging by outside my window and kookaburras laughing from the gum trees, yet my books are read from the UK to the USA to probably a toilet in Turkistan, the world isn’t just shrinking, it’s getting to be way more fun.

Rough Surrender
was my first historical romance and digging up the facts on the history kept me enthralled for days. If nothing else, I hope readers take away an appreciation of the bravery of early aviators. Now you know that women were among the first in the skies.


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This story is very heavily researched. I did move back in time, by a year or two, some of the building completion dates and some of the fashion facts. I have a lovely map of Heliopolis from 1910 showing all the streets, the aerodrome, the hotel, the baron’s palace, Polo Club, Hippodrome and numerous other palaces. Before then the place was twenty-five square miles of desert. The Heliopolis Palace Hotel is now one of the government’s official palaces. Baron Empain’s palace is an extraordinary building and there are oodles of material on the net about it.

The Baroness Raymonde de Laroche obtained the first pilot’s license for a woman soon after this week of aviation, almost died in a plane crash a year later, recovered then did die in one soon after World War One when she started flying again. Out of twelve airplanes, three were destroyed during the Week of Aviation. Ouch.

I have a website dedicated to this book. If you’re curious about many of the historical facts behind
Rough Surrender
or the evolution of the writing of this book, go here:



Table of Contents

Cover Copy


Rough Surrender




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

About Cari Silverwood

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