Roughneck Cowboy (16 page)

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Authors: Marin Thomas

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Cole escorted Sara down the aisle, and it felt like forever before they stopped in front of Travis. Cole placed his sister's hand in Travis's and said, “Make her happy. That's all I ask.”

“I will.” Travis squeezed Sara's fingers and smiled. Her lips curved behind the gauzy veil as Cole lifted it over her head.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”

Before Travis realized it, the reverend pronounced, “You may kiss the bride.”

Travis stared at Sara's beautiful face, soaking up the love that shone in her eyes—love for him. A peace settled over Travis. Today marked a new beginning for both families. He and Sara couldn't change the events of the past, but their union represented hope for a brighter future.

“Travis,” Renée whispered. “Hurry up and kiss Sara.”

Startled by his sister-in-law's voice, Travis did as instructed and kissed his bride.

When he and Sara came up for air, Renée muttered, “Thank God.”

“What's wrong?” Duke asked.

“My water just broke.”

Chaos erupted in the church as family members argued over what to do next, which hospital to take Renée to, who should drive and who would watch the children. Amidst all the shouting and panic, Sara and Travis stood at the alter staring into one another's eyes.

“I love you, Mrs. Cartwright.”

“I love you, Mr. Cartwright.”

“Looks like this will be a Christmas to remember,” he said.

“One I'll always treasure.” Sara smiled.

“Hey, you two coming or what?” Wade called from the back of the church.

Travis and Sara stared around the empty parish.

“The guests are heading over to Beulah's. The family's going to the hospital,” Wade said.

“You want to go to the hospital or wait for word on Renée and the baby at Beulah's?” Travis asked.

“Let's go to the hospital.”

“Are you sure, Sara? I want this day to be special for you.”

“Being your wife makes every day special. Let's go find out if another niece or nephew is joining the family,” Sara said.

Hand in hand, they left the church and followed the family to the hospital. The small clinic, staffed by a semiretired doctor and three part-time nurses had never seen so much excitement as they did when the wedding party arrived. Two hours later, Laura Rachel Dalton entered the world.

“Well, Dad,” Matt said. “Looks like you'll need to set up another college fund.”

Dominick grinned as he passed out cigars to the men. “I'll probably be broke by the time my children finish procreating.” He narrowed his eyes on Travis. “See that you and Sara don't trail too far behind. I'm not getting any younger, you know.”

Charlie wanted to remain at the hospital with her cousins, so Travis and Sara bid their goodbyes and headed to their wedding reception at Beulah's. “I feel like the luckiest woman in the world right now.”

“Because you've got me.” Travis smiled smugly.

“Yes, and Charlie and all of your family. I just wish Gabe had come back for the wedding.”

Beulah's pink Victorian was lit up with spotlights shining on the huge sign in the front yard.
Congratulations, Travis and Sara!

“Look, that's Gabe's truck!” Sara pointed out the windshield.

Travis parked in the back, then said, “I want to kiss you properly before we go inside.”

As far as wedding kisses went…theirs was a gusher.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8512-9


Copyright © 2011 by Brenda Smith-Beagley

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