Rout of the Dem-Shyr (The Ascendant Series) (11 page)

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Authors: Raine Thomas

Tags: #FICTION / Romance / Science Fiction

BOOK: Rout of the Dem-Shyr (The Ascendant Series)
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That would be wonderful. I’m pretty sure my head is going to explode

You’re a quick healer
, he returned.
You’ll be fine in a minute

She wanted to give him a teasing comment about not really caring about her, but the truth was, her headache eased almost instantly when she lifted the mental barriers. There was an undercurrent of mental activity running through her mind, but since most of the thoughts were from far away, it wasn’t overwhelming. She should have known that Ty would be right. He had dealt with this for much longer than she had.

It occurred to her that many of her abilities as the Ascendant mimicked Ty’s. She was growing in strength and mental power. She could heal from things no other Alametrian could. Were there other things? Could she influence people to do what she wanted?

Kyr, the Guardians are strong enough to know when you’re using your abilities on them
, Ty warned her as he deduced where her thoughts were heading.
Many Alametrians are. Influencing involves a deeper intrusion of a person’s consciousness than just perceiving thought

But you influenced Shaya to spill her tea on that horrible dress
, she reminded him.
She didn’t seem to realize it

He sighed.
There are ways you can accomplish subtle influencing while implanting the suggestion that it was an accident. But that will take training

Fine. Then you’ll train me

“Did you get enough to eat at the celebration, Ma’jah?” Zasha asked as she put the brush down.

The truth was, Kyr hadn’t eaten anything at the celebration. The thought that it could be poisoned was enough of a deterrent. Her stomach was still twisted in knots over the entire ordeal, as well.

“Actually, Zasha, I’d just like some tea before bed, if that’s all right.”

“Of course. Heshi has some waiting for you.”

Kyr wasn’t surprised. Her every wish was anticipated by the Wrym. Although it should have been nice, she had to admit that she missed the level of privacy she used to have on Earth. At least on Earth, she and Ty could have entered a life together without it becoming a planetary ordeal.

Zasha led her out to the couch, in front of which sat the tray of tea. Ty had already prepared the beverage with sugar and was taking a sip to test it. Her body tensed until he handed the cup to her, telling her that it was okay to drink.

That he was okay.

“Is there anything more we can get you, Ma’jah?” Zasha asked.

“No, thank you. I’m going to bed the moment I finish this tea. It’s late. Why don’t you go to your chambers and get some rest?”

Zasha and Heshi, the only two remaining Wrym, both bowed. “Thank you, Ma’jah,” Zasha said. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

Kyr sipped her tea and nodded, waving the two females out of the room. Not long after their departure, Ty also excused the two Mynders who had been standing inside her chambers. This had become standard procedure at night ever since Ty started sleeping on her couch. She had come to value this time alone with him, even when all they did was sit together in peace and silence.

What a day it had been. She pondered the fact that her parents hadn’t been at the celebration. There was no way her mother was still too ill to participate. It had been many days since Hemmel reported that she was healthy enough to receive visitors. So why was her mother continuing to avoid her?

Never mind her father. He didn’t even have poor health to blame for not bothering to stop by to wish her well.

Was it really so ridiculous that she longed for more support from her parents? Her Kyndred, Wyk and Ullah, had treated her with so much love during her lessons. Coming home to anything less than that seemed cruel.

But here she was, alone and depressed on her own Day of Life.

You’re never alone, Kyr

Her eyes moved to Ty at his thought. He hadn’t joined her on the couch, but remained standing near the doors. It was like he was waiting for an invasion from which to protect her. Would there ever come a day when he could just relax with her?

Putting down her empty cup, she rose. “I’m ready for bed,” she said.

He headed to her bedchamber to do one last scan before she entered. As he completed his search, she moved into the room and closed the door behind her. He paused as he got to his feet after looking under the bed. Confusion colored his thoughts.

She walked over to him, untying her robe as she went. She let it drop from her shoulders, leaving her in just the thigh-length nightgown.

Ty’s throat worked as he tried to swallow.
Kyr, we’ve already pushed our luck today

I know
, she agreed, reaching out and unfastening his velvety tunic.
But after everything we went through at that celebration, I think we both need this. We need each other

His expression showed how conflicted he was. She knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him. The pants he wore were tight enough to show her that much. But he stopped her hands before she could fully remove the tunic.

No, Kyr. You don’t understand. The repercussions—

Are severe. I get it. But we’ve faced them before and it didn’t stop us. Why now?
She couldn’t help but think of Juwal’s open interest in him.
Has something changed?

He made a tortured sound in the back of his throat before he pulled her against him and claimed her mouth. She felt mildly guilty for trampling right over his reservations, but then she sank into his kiss and felt nothing but pleasure.

His tunic fell to the floor as they kissed. She ran her hands over his hard chest, marveling in his strength. She could touch him all day. As it was, they just stood there kissing for the longest while.

When her hands started moving lower, though, Ty apparently decided that wasn’t going to work for him. He pressed her back until they both ended up on the bed. He settled himself between her legs, causing her nightgown to ride up to her hips. She wanted to continue driving him crazy by caressing him, but he took her wrists and pinned them above her head as he kissed her. His thoughts told her that she was pushing him too far.

But this was what she wanted.
She needed him

Suddenly, he stiffened against her. His head lifted from hers. He must have heard something. She tried to shove him off of her, but it was too late.

The door to her bedchambers burst open. Kyr’s world came crashing down as she watched the Guardians and a host of Mynders rush inside.


Chapter 14



The light of multiple de’llums filled the room as the Mynders saw what was taking place on the bed. Ty felt Kyr fighting against him, trying to get him off of her to minimize the damage, but his instincts had him wanting to protect her. The best place to do that was right where he was. Besides, the damage had already been done.

“What in the name of Yen-Ki are you doing,
TaeDane?” Brunyr demanded, his eyes wide. “Remove yourself from the Ascendant this instant.”

Ty wanted to know what the Guardians were doing in Kyr’s bedchambers at this hour, but he was in no position to question anyone. Easing off of Kyr so he stood beside the bed, he kept himself between her and the armed Mynders. His fear mingled with Kyr’s, creating a riotous storm in his chest.

Shaya stepped forward, looking remarkably well for someone who couldn’t attend her own daughter’s celebration. She was fully dressed. Her cold blue eyes honed in on him, accusation all over her face.

,” she said. “We order you to tell us what’s going on here. Did you just attempt to rape Ma’jah Kyr?”

The question snapped through the air like a whip. It made the breath seize in Ty’s chest. It also gave him the out he needed in order to spare Kyr.

“No!” Kyr cried, scrambling to get off the bed.

“Yes,” he said in a louder voice. His heart clutched over the awful lie.

“No!” Kyr shouted again, now standing beside him. “Ty, we need to tell them the truth. Don’t—”

“I used my abilities to influence Ma’jah,” he said, the words tripping over themselves as he rushed to talk over her. “I manipulated her…made her think she’s in love with me so she wouldn’t fight me.”


Kyr’s gasp came out like a sob. Her sharp pain over his words made his throat tighten. Silently, he begged her not to fight him.

Shaya stepped closer to him, her nostrils flaring. “How can this be? We trusted you!”

“Don’t listen to him, Mother,” Kyr insisted, trying to get around Ty so she could face her parents. “Let go of me, Ty! Let me talk to them. Guardians, I’ve been trying to tell you that we love each other.
Ty, please

Her tone and her attempts to get past him grew more and more desperate with each word. He saw the tears trailing down her face, the despair in her lovely eyes.

But Ty knew. He read it in the Guardians’ thoughts. Someone had put them on the hunt, and they wanted blood.

“She doesn’t know what she’s saying,” he said, struggling to keep his voice steady. “My influence is too strong. She’ll continue to argue until you intervene.”

Shaya’s lips pressed together. She nodded at the Mynders, who turned towards Kyr. It took everything Ty had to keep from moving to protect her.

God, Kyr. I’m so sorry
, he thought as he stepped aside to let the Mynders past.

“No!” she screamed as the guards moved in. “Don’t come near me.”

The Mynders hesitated and looked at the Guardians, clearly not sure what to do.

“Tell them the truth, Ty,” Kyr implored, reaching out and grabbing his arm so fiercely that her nails sunk in. “We’ll face this together. Don’t do this!”

Her words were breaking his resolve. She was right. They should face this together. Why was he trying to take all of this on himself?

It took him a moment to grasp that she was influencing him.

“She can keep them at bay with her abilities,” he said out loud, pulling his arm from her grasp.

Kyr’s expression reflected confusion and betrayal. “

This time, the Guardians stepped forward and took each of her arms. She fought like a cornered animal, screaming for Ty to tell them the truth. For a moment, he almost gave into his own instincts and intervened. He had to remind himself again and again that he was doing this to protect her.

It took several Mynders in addition to the Guardians to subdue her. Eventually, they administered a sedative with a pressure syringe. Seeing Kyr go limp and silent made Ty unintentionally step forward to check on her. Several de’llums swept up to point at his neck, reminding him of his new place. Before he was really ready, one of the other Mynders left the room with Kyr’s unconscious body in his arms.

Ty’s lungs ached with every breath as he watched the woman he loved get taken from him. He knew he’d never see her again. He believed what he had done was for the best, but this parting was going to destroy him.

“Did you send for Advisor Vycor?” Shaya asked one of the Mynders.

“Yes, Guardian. He should be here momentarily.”

Ty’s fists opened and closed. He had known this might happen, but part of him, the part that wanted to share Kyr’s faith in the idea of a happy future together, had hoped it wouldn’t. He knew Vycor would advise the Guardians to impose the most extreme penalties for this. The Advisor wouldn’t be able to wait to get his revenge.

, he sent out, hoping his friend responded. He didn’t. Ty could tell he was asleep.
Gren, please take care of Kyr for me. She’s not going to understand…she’ll need you. If you get this, please let Kyr know I love her

He hadn’t ever implanted a suggestion into a sleeping person’s consciousness before, so he had no idea if the thought got through. He could only pray that it did.

“Why is it his arms didn’t glow when he touched Ma’jah with ill intent?” Brunyr asked.

Shaya frowned. Ty struggled to think of a plausible explanation. If the Guardians found out that Kyr had used her abilities to stop the painful punishment for his touching her, they’d realize he was lying.

“He must have influenced Ma’jah Kyr to use her abilities to stop it,” Shaya said.

Ty had to be content with that theory. Vycor strode into the bedchamber before he could say anything. The Advisor’s expression revealed nothing, but satisfaction radiated from him. Knowing he had nothing more to lose, Ty opened his senses, focusing on all of the thoughts in the room. He had to know what he faced.

“Now, now,
,” Vycor murmured as he came to a stop beside the Guardians. “That doesn’t seem wise, does it?”

“What doesn’t seem wise?” Shaya asked, her gaze moving between Ty and Vycor.

More thoughts got through as Ty tried to piece together what was going on. He caught enough to learn that Vycor had somehow discovered what was happening in Kyr’s bedchambers that evening. He had forewarned the Guardians, thinking that Ty wouldn’t fulfill his threats against him if it was the Guardians who discovered their relationship. Before Ty could pick up anything else, that strange barrier fell across Vycor’s mind, blocking him.

All of this had been set up.

“You son of a bitch,” Ty said, the words barely audible.

“I believe that title belongs to you,
,” Vycor said with a mocking smile. “Am I to understand that you were interrupted while forcing yourself on the Ascendant?”

You’d better think twice about what you’re doing, Vycor
, Ty thought, fury searing through him.

“Or was Ma’jah Kyr engaging in sexual relations with you of her own free will?” Vycor asked.

His eyes glittered, telling Ty that he heard the thought but was choosing to ignore it. Ty’s hands once again balled into fists. His hatred for the other male radiated from him. The Guardians looked uncertainly from Ty to Vycor, likely sensing that something more was going on than they knew.

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