Royal Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Royal Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 1)
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Coal shouted “No!” and Blaze nodded yes.

“No.” Coal repeated… with just as much ardor.

“Yes.” Blaze murmured, a hint of irritation in his voice. “I want you mated and pregnant or—”

“Or nothing,” Coal growled.

Julie shook her head. Her hair flew wildly about her face. “I just need to know one thing. Did you have plans to mate with Scarlet before I came?”

Blast and damn
. How did Julie know? He had planned to tell her himself. “Yes, but…”

Julie clutched at her chest. She grimaced, it looked like she was in physical pain.

“It’s not what you think. I can explain…”

“Did your brother, the king…” She sniffed and her eyes were filled with tears.

His heart hurt just looking at her. There were sharp pains inside his chest.

Another sniff. “Did he”—she pointed at Blaze—“command you to win me, for lack of a better word, to go after me and lie to me and…” Her eyes locked with Coal’s. “Twenty-four hours. Is that why you’re being so nice even though I’m a lowly human?” She made a noise that only someone in pain would make.

“No. It’s not like that. I was tasked… yes… but it isn’t like that… It was but—”

“I don’t need to hear any more.” She shook her head. Her eyes looked wild. She wasn’t listening to him. “You’ll just say whatever it takes, won’t you?”

“No.” The word came out sounding agonized. It matched the pain he was feeling inside his chest.

“Yes, you will.” She glanced at him.

“I…” He needed to explain, to make her understand. He had kept some things from her but she had kept many things from him. He’d told her everything that was important and planned on telling her more as time wore on. She wasn’t ready to take in everything at once… clearly. “Julie, I—”

“Save it!” She yelled. Julie turned and walked out the door which was standing wide open.

“Wait. Let me explain. We need to talk!” He shouted after her, feeling helpless.

“Let her go,” Blaze said.

“No!” Coal shouted. “I’ve listened to you enough. I need to…” He growled and followed his female.
His dammit
. He needed to make her understand.

“Let her calm down first.” Blaze called after him but Coal ignored him. “Save it for behind closed doors.”

“Julie!” He shouted, putting every bit of anguish he felt into her name. he sprinted after her, catching her easily. “We belong together. Please let me explain.”

“There is no
!” She shouted, without turning back.

“Don’t say that.” He felt his heart rate pick up. Maybe his brother had been right about waiting to confront her. Adrenaline surged. He looked around the room.

Torrent stood calmly in the corner.


Hell no.

Coal roared. He had to work to suppress his flames for fear of harming his female. His.

Julie turned so sharply, he almost walked into her. “Let me just tell you something.” She pointed a finger at him.

“Not now,” Coal ground out.

“Oh, I’m only permitted to talk when it suits you?” She stabbed him with her finger. “Well sorry for you. It doesn’t work like that.”

“Julie, listen to me—”

“No damned way am I listening to you. I’ve listen to you enough, don’t you think?” She didn’t wait for a reply.

He was tempted to grab her and to lock a hand over her mouth or to throw her over his shoulder and to carry her off.

Julie put her hands on her hips. “You are an asshole. A jerk of the highest order. I’m done listening to you. All you seem to be able to do is talk a bunch of bullshit.” She swallowed thickly.

“There were a couple of things I kept from you, but they—”
Weren’t the most important things.

“No!” She yelled, cutting him off. Making him swallow his words. “There were more than just a couple of things.”

“I have never lied to you about the things that truly mattered. I swear. Please.” He tried to touch her but she pulled away with a sharp jerk. “Let’s go back to my chamber, we can discuss it.”

“There is nothing to discuss. I want to leave. I’ve already packed, although, the stuff isn’t mine. Where is my backpack? I’m leaving.” Her eyes welled even though she didn’t shed so much as a single tear.

“No. Don’t say that. Please.”

“No, Coal. There is no we or us. There never will be.” She snarled. “Do us both a favor and let me leave. We are done.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Torrent pushed up off the wall. “I’m glad you’re packed. We are leaving right away.” The male’s gaze was on Julie. On his female. Coal clenched his teeth so hard he felt a molar snap. Thank the lord for advanced healing. Torrent had wanted her during the hunt. The male still wanted her.

“Who the hell are you?” Julie looked Torrent up and down.

“I’m the water king and you are quite lovely.”

Coal snarled. It couldn’t be helped. “Touch her and I’ll—”

“You’ll what?” The bastard king took a step towards them. “You’ll do nothing. Your female has renounced you. Your king has already given permission for me to take her… not that I need it after that display, but…” he shrugged. “It’s good to have anyway.”

“What is he talking about?” Julie stepped in behind him. Not close enough to touch him but enough to put Coal between her and Torrent.

“You publicly announced that you no longer wish to be with the fire prince, that makes you available. Free for someone else to claim you.” His bright blue eyes sparkled with… not excitement like he expected. In fact, the water king looked… not entirely under control. He looked angry. He looked… upset. There was no excitement. No smug grin.

“I’m not available.” Julie tried to step from behind him but he gripped her waist and pushed her back.

“This female does not understand our ways. She does not wish to go with you.”

“Her wishes are no concern of mine.” Torrent spat, he shook his head.

“Stop this, Torrent.” Blaze tasked. “Don’t do this.” He stepped in between them. “When I said that you could have the female, I didn’t realize what she meant to my brother. He just told me that he has feelings for her.”

Torrent laughed. “Feelings. How unimportant. Their feelings do not concern me.” He growled. “The female renounced Coal and I am stepping up. You”—he pointed at Julie—“are coming with me. Now.”

“No. I’m not. I want to go home.” There was a slight quiver to her voice but she also sounded angry.

This elicited another laugh from Torrent. “Not happening.” He finally ground out. “You’re coming with me and that is final.”

“Be reasonable,” Blaze said. He took a step towards the water king. “There will be another hunt next month. Coal and the female are having an argument. They care for one another.” He grimaced as he said the word care. “Don’t do this.” His voice took on a harsh edge.

Torrent shook his head. “I tried to be reasonable but look where it got me. I don’t have a female to show for it. She left.” He looked beyond angry. “I will take this one in her place. This is the one I wanted from the start.” Torrent reached past Coal.

No damn way. Coal lunged at the male but Blaze pulled him back, taking him in a headlock. “Don’t do this, Torrent!” His brother shouted.

“It’s already done.” The male grabbed his female. He put his hands on Julie. On his female.


Coal roared. Flames erupted.
Do. Not. Hurt. Her. No!
He roared a second time as Torrent gripped a kicking Julie to his chest. She punched him in the face, screaming in both pain and rage. She squirmed so hard, he was sure she would fall. Torrent only gripped her tighter.

“Stop,” he choked out. “Behave,” the water king growled.

Julie fought harder. So did Coal but Blaze held him tightly.

Julie sank her teeth into his neck. Torrent growled in pain and rage as he strode from the room. Coal could already hear the male’s clothes ripping as he shifted.

“Stop him!” he screamed. “Julie!” His female called his name and it felt like his insides were being ripped apart. She sounded afraid. Like she was in a full blown panic.

“I’ll come for you!” He yelled at the top of his lungs.

“Calm down,” Blaze said. “She renounced you publicly. Torrent is well within his rights. You would’ve been wrong to stop him with force. We will work this out.”

“How?” he yelled, trying to free himself.

“We’ll find a way.” Blaze spoke calmly. It didn’t help one bit. The turbulence inside him only grew worse. Although Blaze was the strongest king, their lores still needed to be obeyed. There were things even the fire king couldn’t change.

“Julie!” He screamed, even though she was long gone.

Chapter 17


Torrent dropped her onto a balcony. It was similar to that of the fire dragons, only, their view was of the ocean. The vast blue sea. The cliffs into which their lair had been built were chalky white instead of volcanic black. Her legs gave in and she fell in an unladylike sprawl. Julie jumped to her feet and ran inside.

It was stupid because she couldn’t hope to outrun him. She also didn’t have anywhere to go. “Let go of me!” She yelled as he grabbed her from behind. Julie twisted, there was a slapping noise as her hand connected with his face.

The water king’s head didn’t give an inch despite the impact. Her hand felt like it was broken.

“Feel better?” the shifter raised his brows.

“No. I wish I was stronger.” She nursed her hand. “I would punch the snot out of you. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I’m going to kiss you now, female.” He looked angry and upset. He seemed agitated.

Kiss her? Yeah right. “Touch me and I swear to god I will hurt you!” She yelled, keeping her eyes firmly on his. She pulled away from him and he let her go. Julie turned to face him, sure to keep a few feet between them.

“We just established that you are not capable of hurting me.” His ice blue stare bore holes through her. His mouth was pulled into a semi snarl.

Julie swallowed thickly. “I’ll just have to find a way.” She glanced down at his nakedness. Not to admire him but to check if she could lift her knee high enough to get him where it hurt. Namely, in the junk.

“Don’t even think about it.” He shook his head.

“Let me go, you big… horrible… disgusting ape.” Way to go with the insults. Her brain wasn’t functioning at full capacity. She’d just been kidnapped for a second time in a short time, so sue her.

Torrent frowned. “I’m not a primate, I’m a dragon.”

“You’re an asshole of epic proportions.”

The king – Torrent, what a weird name – sniffed at her.

“Stop that!” she shouted. She was tempted to slap him again but refrained. Only just.

He ignored her and sniffed harder.

Julie kicked him in the shin. It felt like all of the bones in her foot cracked on impact.

His eyes narrowed. “Stop that. You do know that dragons heal at an alarming rate, so even if you were to harm me…” He pulled a face like the possibility was too remote to contemplate. “I would heal too quickly for it to mean anything?” His nostrils flared. “You’re nearly in heat.”

“Don’t even think about it. You barbaric piece of shit.”

“We should rut. I am a skilled lover. I have made humans weep from the sheer pleasure.”

Julie pretended to yawn. “Tell someone who cares. I wouldn’t have sex with you if you were the last person left on the planet.”

“I am not looking for love.” His eyes clouded and he frowned. “I”—he swallowed thickly, pausing for a moment— “we… could work. No love or any of the other emotions. Let’s test compatibility. We could mate and procreate. I would look after you. It could be a win win.” He looked totally serious.

“More of the same bullshit!” She yelled. Then she choked out a hysterical sounding laugh. “You assholes are all the same. What’s so wrong with love? Why don’t you want it? Love is amazing. It’s wonderful. To feel like that about another person is—”

“Heartbreaking,” the water king growled. His face contorted in pain. “To let someone else in enough to break you. No. It is a mistake. One I will not make again. Get on the bed. We are rutting now.”

“Heartbreaking.” She looked up in thought. “Yeah, I suppose there’s that too.” Why had she forgotten that part? “You don’t want to have sex with me.” She spoke more softly this time.

“I do. You are almost in heat. You have a delectable scent.” Torrent glanced out the window and then ran a hand through his hair. He sucked in a deep breath.

“You really don’t.” She couldn’t help but notice that he wasn’t in the least bit interested in her unlike Coal who sported a hard-on for the last week and almost non-stop.

The big shifter clenched his teeth. He looked distraught.

“What happened with Candy?”

He growled, the sound anguished. “I don’t wish to discuss it. She is gone and you are here.”

“Oh my god. You’re in love with her.” A lightbulb went on. He was being a guy and trying to forget about the person he really wanted by sleeping with another.

His eyes burned more brightly. “No. I feel nothing for her.”

“Rubbish. What happened between the two of you? Maybe I can help.”

“It doesn’t matter. She is gone. She’s not coming back.” He moved to the nearest sofa and sat down heavily. His shoulders were slumped.

“It wouldn’t help, you know? Sex with me.”

He glanced her way before looking at his hands, which were interlaced on his lap. “I feel empty inside.”

Julie felt sorry for the poor guy. “Sex with me will only make you feel worse. When you finally stop moping and go after her, she might actually forgive you if you don’t screw anyone else. You have no hope if you fool around with other people.”

He lifted his gaze to her. “I don’t wish to rut anyone but her. I am a fool. I won’t go after her though. She made her decision when she left me.”

“You really should put your pride aside and go after her. You have it really bad.” Julie smiled.

“No.” He shook his head. “I did something I should never have done. She won’t forgive me for it.”

“She will if she loves you.” Julie felt something lift inside her. It only brought feelings of confusion. She was really angry with Coal. Her trust had been misplaced. Why was she so shocked that he had betrayed her? Why did she have this feeling that there was a rational explanation? This need to forgive him. Argh! She was so weak where he was concerned.

Torrent shrugged his huge shoulders. “Maybe. I will think on it.” Then he paused. “Would you like me to take you back now?” He sort of smiled. It only made him look more upset.

“You can take me to Walton Springs. Do you know it?” The last thing Julie wanted was to go back but what other choice did she have?

His face clouded again. “It is where Candy lives.”

“I’ll tell you what, drop me off and go after her. Two birds with one stone.” She held up her fingers.

“You have given me advice and I feel that I need to do the same in return. Coal loves you.”

“No. You’re wrong. Do you know that he asked someone else to mate with him just the other day? He goes through women like I go through shoes. Not that he wears shoes but… you know what I mean.” She mumbled the last part.

“I know that people make mistakes.”

“He lied, a lot.”

“I don’t know what happened between you two, but I do know what I saw. That male was a like a puppy dog in your hands – did I say that human saying correctly?” He raised his brows.

“Yes, it’s only because his brother commanded him to mate me though and…” She didn’t finish the sentence.

“Nope.” Torrent looked to be deep in thought. He shook his head. “He was desperate and needy. He is in love with you. It doesn’t matter about previous females in his life or things he didn’t tell you, probably to protect you. The male is desperately in love with you. He looked completely pathetic. Maybe it is better that the female is gone.” His whole frame tensed. “I don’t ever want to be that pathetic.”

He already was, but she didn’t say anything. “It’s not better that Candy is gone and you know it.”

He looked like he was deep in thought but didn’t say anything. She knew that her feelings for Coal had grown by the day. She had let him get under her skin and now she was paying the price. Blaze had also mentioned that Coal had feelings for her. Feelings were one thing, but love. Love was another thing entirely. Love was intense. Love was all consuming. Love was as trusting as one person could get with another. It was scary. More scary than the highest mountain or the steepest cliff. That was falling good and proper.

Julie huffed out a breath. She’d spoken about love earlier like she was an old hand at it. Like she understood it’s dynamics. The truth was, she had no idea. None whatsoever. Did she?

She needed to see Coal. She owed him a chance to explain. She owed it to herself as well.

“Are you ready to go?” Torrent raised his brows.

She nodded once.

“I take it I’m taking you back to the fire prince?” Torrent smiled. Now that she was no longer in fear of life and limb, she realized that he was actually quite a good looking guy. Shifters were gifted with some really good genes.

“How did you know I’d changed my mind?”

“You gave a little smile just now and your cheeks are flushed. I can tell that you were thinking about the male. It seems that you have it just as bad as he does.”

She shook her head, preparing to deny it all but sighed instead.

Torrent laughed and although she first rolled her eyes, she couldn’t help but smile along with him. “Let us go.” He put his hand on her shoulder as they walked towards the balcony.

The double doors leading to the balcony flew open. Glass exploded out as both panes of glass were obliterated. Coal stepped into the wide opening, taking up the whole space. He was a bundle of tension. Every muscle was corded. Smoke curled around him. Small flames erupted from his nose and mouth. His eyes were slitted. His frame enormous, just barely contained within his human skin.

Julie sucked in a breath.

“Get your filthy hands off of my female!” His voice boomed. He’d never looked more alluring. So damned hot, in every aspect of the word, that her mouth dried and her throat worked. His whole stance evoked both fear and excitement and in equal measure.

Torrent took his hand from her shoulder. She couldn’t see him because she was a step behind him. “I’m glad you are—”

His words were cut short by Coal. “Step away from him, Julie. Do it now.” His words were barely understandable.

“No… you don’t…” Julie tried to reason with him. She tried to…

Torrent gave her a light shove which sent her sprawling to the right. She landed a few feet away with her knees on the rug. She felt a sharp pain as she skidded over the woolen surface. There were better ways to get carpet burn. This was not one of them.

There was a loud snarling noise. “You bastard!” Coal snarled as he leapt on Torrent, knocking him back.

“Wait!” Torrent shouted as Coal let it rip. “Let me—”

Julie turned away because the heat was blinding. It was almost unbearable and she crawled further away. It felt like her hair was melting. She squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face in her hands.

Torrent growled. It sounded like he was in agony. Julie felt sick to her stomach when she smelled burning flesh.

“The female is mine,” Coal snarled.

“I was bringing her back!” Torrent shouted.

Julie opened her eyes just as Coal leapt on the water king. She heard a snapping noise. Coal had just broken the other shifters ribs.

“Stop!” Julie shouted. She could see that Torrent wasn’t even fighting back. He was only trying to block the worst of the blows. His face was contorted in pain.

“Wait,” Torrent growled as Coal advanced. His eyes were dark, she could see golden scales on his chest. His fists were clenched. His mouth a tight line.

“Coal. Stop it!” She shouted but he ignored her. Coal punched Torrent solidly in the face. There was a crunching noise as his nose flattened.

Blood gushed. His hair was singed. His face blackened. Torrent had skin peeling on one of his cheeks. His chest was blistered. His bones were broken. He staggered backwards but kept his balance, which amazed her after the beating he had taken.

“Mine,” Coal snarled. He pummeled Torrent. There were grunts snarls and the sound of his fists connecting with Torrent’s face. It was the most revolting thing she had ever seen or heard. It was so violent. So savage. Blood poured, flesh peeled and split. Bone cracked. Torrent fell to his knees.

Julie screamed. She wasn’t sure whether she was saying Torrent’s name or Coal’s or whether it was just noise but it was loud enough that her throat hurt.

In an almost elegant move, Coal kicked in a swiping motion. His feet connected with Torrent’s head, which snapped to the side. There was a snapping noise to accompany the movement. Torrent slumped to the floor.

“You killed him.” She ran to Coal and beat at his chest. “You went and freaking killed him! What the hell is wrong with you?”

He grabbed her hands and held them. Julie tried to yank them free. Her hair covered her face. She tried harder to escape and failed, looking up at him instead.

His eyes were still the color of midnight. Every muscle tense. His mouth was set. Coal gave a silent snarl. “You are mine. Not his.” Then he huffed out a breath. “Did you move on so quickly?”

“You are one hell of an asshole. I hadn’t moved on. You’re a psycho. You killed him. Oh my god…” She was panting. “I can’t believe you killed him. You looney, crazy—”

“He’s not dead.”

“What do you mean he’s not dead, of course he’s dead. You broke his neck. I can not believe you just did that. I thought I was in love with you but I can’t love a lunatic, barbarian, savage, caveman.”

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