Royal Exile (55 page)

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Authors: Fiona McIntosh

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‘She can make people obey her will, you mean?’ Faris asked, astonished.

Leo nodded. ‘That is the magic Loethar is chasing, why he ate my father and would probably do the same to me. He doesn’t know, he obviously doesn’t realise that the power to coerce is carried only through females.’

‘Ssh!’ Faris cautioned. ‘Keep this between us for now. It needs thinking upon.’

Before any more could be said, both Tern and Lily arrived, breathless and looking anxious.

‘What’s happened?’ Faris asked as they blundered into the clearing.

‘It’s De Vis,’ Tern said. ‘The three warriors who captured him are dead, arrows right through them.’

‘What?’ Faris demanded.

Lily answered, her voice icy with repressed fury. ‘And Gavriel’s gone.’

The outlaw’s gaze narrowed. ‘Who did this?’

Tern shrugged. ‘We saw nothing. It happened in the brief period of time I spoke to you and returned — barely minutes. I can’t see any tracks. It was very deliberate. There was nothing accidental about the accuracy of those arrows.’

‘I hate you, Faris. I told you I wouldn’t forgive you.’ Lily walked away, obviously distraught.

‘That you did,’ he replied, frowning. ‘Don’t go too far.’

She stomped away and Faris nodded at Tern to follow. The man disappeared after Lily.

Leo’s mind felt as though it were working in a blur. Too much was happening, too fast. But there was one thing he was now sure about. ‘Kilt. We have to rescue Gavriel.’

Faris hesitated, but Leo was not to be persuaded otherwise. ‘Now! He holds the key to help unlock the secret my father shared.’

‘Why didn’t De Vis say something to you earlier?’

‘I don’t know but I’ll never find out if we don’t go after Gavriel. Whoever took him, took him for a reason. We have to find him. He is my only link to my sister.’

Lily returned reluctantly with Tern. ‘Call your man off!’ she scowled.

Faris nodded. ‘Tern, wait for Jewd. Tell him what has happened but keep it between him and yourself. The fewer who know about this, the better. Lily, you’re staying with Tern.’

‘You have no right to tell me what —’

‘Lily.’ Leo spoke up, his voice stern, suddenly commanding. ‘Do as he says.’

Faris nodded at the king. ‘I have no idea what we’re running toward, but I’m willing to run. Let’s go, your majesty.’



Sergius held his raven, always marvelling at its fragile network of bones and lightweight body, despite its size. He bent and kissed its head.

I will miss you

And I you
, Ravan replied.

Thank you for the news of Cyrena’s appearance. Continue to see for
me, look for me, hear for me


Be safe, Ravan. We must be very careful. The Valisar Legacy is a
dangerous force

It’s no longer in this world. Do not fret

It will return. When it’s ready, it will be drawn like iron to a magnet
In the wrong hands it can destroy the land

Then we must not let it fall into the wrong hands, Sergius. You will
know when it comes, will you not?

The man nodded.
I will feel it even though I cannot see it or hear it

Then we will be well warned. Farewell
, the bird spoke into the man’s mind and lifted from his arms effortlessly as Sergius flung him into the air.

Warned against what, though?
Sergius wondered, frowning as he watched his raven beating its wings and gathering speed as his fear coalesced into something hard and dark in his gut.






King Cormoron: The first Valisar king.

King Brennus the 8th: 8th king of the Valisars.

King Darros the 7th: 7th Valisar king. Father of Brennus.

Queen Iselda: Wife of Brennus. She is the daughter of a Romean  prince from Romea in Galinsea. Comes from the line of King  Falza.

Prince Leonel (Leo): First-born son of Brennus and Iselda.

Prince Piven: Adopted son of Brennus and Iselda.


The De Vis Family

Legate Regor De Vis: Right-hand of the king. Father to Gavriel and Corbel.

Eril De Vis: Deceased wife of Legate De Vis.

Gavriel (Gav) De Vis: First-born twin brother of Corbel. He is the champion of the Cohort.

Corbel (Corb) De Vis: Twin brother of Gavriel.



Cook Faisal: Male cook of the castle.

Father Briar: The priest of Brighthelm.

Freath: Queen Iselda’s aide and right-hand man.

Genrie: Household servant.

Greven: Lily’s father. Is a leper.

Hana: Queen Iselda’s maid.

Jynes: The castle librarian (steward).

Lilyan (Lily): Daughter of Greven.

Morkom: Prince Leo’s manservant.

Physic Maser: The queen’s physic.

Sarah Flarty: A girlfriend of Gavriel.

Sesaro: Famous sculptor in Penraven.

Tashi: Sesaro’s daughter.

Tatie: Kitchen hand.

Tilly: Palace servant.


The Penraven Army

Brek: A soldier.

Commander Jobe: Penraven’s army commander.

Captain Drate: Penraven’s army captain.

Drey Faro: An archer and traitor.


From outside Penraven, but still in the Set

Alys Kenric: A resident of Vorgaven.

Claudeo: A famous Set painter.

Corin: Daughter of Clovis.

Danre: Second son of the Vorgaven Royals.

Delly Bartel: Resident of Vorgaven.

Elka: From Davarigon — a giantess.

Jok: Poacher.

Jed Roxburgh: Wealthy land owner of Vorgaven.

Leah: Wife of Clovis.

Princess Arrania: A Dregon princess.

Tomas Dole: A boy from Berch.


The Vested

Clovis: A master diviner from Vorgaven.

Eyla: A female Healer.

Hedray: Talks to animals.

Jervyn of Medhaven: Vested.

Kes: A contortionist.

Kirin Felt: Can pry.

Perl: Reads the Runes.

Reuth Maegren: Has visions.

Tolt: Dreams future events.

Torren: Makes things grow.


The Supernatural

Algin: Giant of Set myth.

Cyrena: Goddess. The serpent denoted on the Penraven family crest.

Sergius: A minion of Cyrena.


The Highwaymen

Jewd: Friend to Kilt Faris.

Kilt Faris: Highwayman, renegade.

Tern: One of Kilt’s men.


Outside the Sets

Emperor Luc: Emperor of Galinsea.

King Falza: Past king of Galinsea.

Zar Azal: Ruler of Percheron.


Loethar and his followers

Barc: A young soldier.

Belush: A Drevin soldier.

Dara Negev: Loethar’s mother.

Farn: A Mear soldier.

Loethar: Tribal warlord.

(Lady) Valya of Droste: Loethar’s lover.

Steppes (Plains) People: From the Likurian Steppes. Known as

Stracker: Loethar’s right-hand man and half brother.

Vash: A soldier.

Vyk: Loethar’s raven.



Aegis: Possesses the ability to champion with magic. Is bound to a person by the power of trammelling.

Binder or Binding: The person who binds himself to an Aegis.

Blood Diviner: A reader of blood.

Diviner: Gives impressions and foretells the future.

Dribbling: A small push of prying magic.

Prying: Entering another’s mind.

Reading the Runes: Ability to foretell the future using stones.

The Valisar Enchantment: Powerful magic of coercion peculiar to the Valisar line.

Trammelling: Awakening an Aegis’ power.

Trickling: Low level magic.



Willow sap, Comfrey balm (for pain)

Clirren leaves (powerful infection fighter)

Crushed peonies (for pain)Henbane (for pain)

White lichen (used for dressing wounds)

Dock leaves (soothes itching skin)


: the seven realms are sovereign states, self governed with a king as head.








The Hand: The continent that the Denova Set sits on.


Cities/towns within the Set

Berch: close to Brighthelm. Home of the Dole family.

Brighthelm: The city stronghold (castle) and capital of Penraven.

Buckden Abbey: Religious place South of Brighthelm.

Deloran Forest: The Great Forest.

Dragonsback Mountains: They separate Penraven from Barronel.

Droste: A realm not part of the Set.

Lo’s Teeth: Mountain range in Droste.

Garun Cliffs: Where chalk is mined.

Merrivale: Where shipbuilding is renowned.

Rhum Caves: Caves found in the hills outside of Brighthelm.

Skardlag: Where the famous Weaven timber comes from.

Vegero Hills: In the realm of Barronel. Famed for the marble quarried in its hills.


Places outside the Set

Galinsea: A neighbouring country.

Lindaran: The great southern land mass.

Likurian Steppes (or Steppes): Treeless plains. Home to Loethar and his tribes.

Romea: Capital of Galinsea.

Percheron: A faraway country.



Throughout the Sets: Trents



Span: 1000 strides or 2000 double steps.

Half-span: 500 strides or 1000 double steps.



Academy of Learning: At Cremond. It is the seat of learning for all of the Denova Set.

Anni: A year.

Aspenberry: Used to distil Kern liquor.

Asprey reeds: Used for support inside leather bladder balls.

Blossom: Late spring. Blow: Winter.

Branstone: A very special silver coloured stone with sparkling silver flecks.

Chest: Coffin.

Cloudberries: Forest berries.

Cohort: A group of youngsters trained to be elite sword fighters.

Crabnuts: Grow wild in the forests. They are a sweet nut, purplish
in colour.

Dara: Word for ‘king’s mother’ in Steppe language.

Darrasha Bushes: Planted around the castle of Brighthelm.

Faeroe: A handcrafted sword that belonged to King Cormoron.

Fan-tailed farla hen: A bright coloured bird with a fan-tail.

Freeze: Late winter.

Harvest: Late autumn.

Ingress: Secret passages within the Brighthelm castle.

Kellet: A spicy fragrant herb that can be chewed.

Kern: The local and notorious fiery liquor of Penraven’s North.

Lackmarin: Place where the Stone of truth lies.

Leaf-fall: Early autumn.

Leaf of the Cherrel: Chewed as a breath freshener.

Lo: Set god.

Oil of Miramel: Exotic essence.

Roeberries: Wild berries growing in forests. They are blood red.

Shaman: Spiritual healer.

Sheeca Shell: Found on the local beaches.

Shubo: In Steppes language it means second.

Stone of Truth: This truth stone is at Lackmarin. All Valisar Kings must take the oath at this stone.

Strenic: A poisonous herb growing wild on the Steppes.

Summertide: Summer.

Tatua: Tattoos on the face, shoulders and arms.

Thaw: Spring.

The Masked: Magic users of the barbarian horde.

The Vested: Magics users of the Set.

Thaumaturges: Miracle weavers.

Thaumaturgy: The study of the craft of miracle weaving.

Weaven Timber: From Skardlag. It is scarce.

Wych Elder Tree: Used for woodworking.



So, where did this idea come from? The seed of story came from The Quickening; King Cailech’s threatened cannibalism of his foe was chilling but also precisely the sort of activity I imagine a barbarian ruler might indulge in to ensure his enemies feared him. The notion never left me, quietly festering for years before it bubbled to the surface of my thoughts at the oddest time. I was in Tasmania for Christmas in 2006, busily working on the final volume of Percheron and this odd, very small scene kept nagging at me of a man smirking at a woman as he eats someone she loves. I couldn’t get it out of my head and so rather than fight it, I went with it and from this one tiny vignette that took all of five seconds to glimpse in my internal film theatre, grew the tale that is sprawling behind this page. With all my stories I have little to go on and no idea where they are headed, but I really enjoyed writing this story, particularly as it does return me to some familiar scenery and an atmosphere reminiscent of The Quickening. My sincere thanks to all of my regular readers and the new ones I’ve gathered up along the way of this last year, or who may discover me through this story. Thank you for reading
Royal Exile
and I do hope you enjoy this opening volume of Valisar.

There are always people to thank because books don’t just write themselves and the author usually has a cheering squad, ready to read and offer support whenever required. I’d like to thank Ian McIntosh, first reader and ruthless critic, alongside Pip Klimentou, Sonya Caddy and Judy Downs in Australia, as well as Phil Reed and Steve Hubbard in the US for their time and suggestions.

Special and enormous thanks to Sonya Caddy who encouraged me to work with a glossary for the first time (this was Robin Hobb’s idea — thanks RH!) and then set to and designed a working model that I soon found invaluable. She has also designed an abridged version for readers. If you see anything in the story that you think needs inclusion in the glossary, email me via my website and we’ll fix. And I must acknowledge the lovely work of Matt Whitney with regard to the map of the Set that he has created from the very strange markings I scribbled over a coffee one day. Thank you, Matty. Trent Hayes continues to maintain a brilliant and active website – congratulations, Trent, and my best wishes to all the members at the bulletin board who chat to me daily. My thanks to those who offer ongoing support in my work – especially Bryce Courtenay, Monica McInerney, Lynne Schinella, Jenny Newman, Samela Harris, Gary Havelberg, Sue Hill, Mandy Macky, Margie Arnold and Linda Eldredge. There are many more family and friends, of course, but you know who you are and understand how much I appreciate your support.

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