RR&R 01 Real

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Authors: Katy Evans

Tags: #Real, #Raw & Ripped#1

BOOK: RR&R 01 Real
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By Katy Evans
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Smashwords Edition
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Copyright © 2013 by Katy Evans
Cover ©
Sarah Hansen
Edited by Erinn Giblin and Georgia Woods
Formatted by
JT Formatting
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This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents, and places are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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from the Motion Picture CITY OF ANGELS
Words and Music by John Rzeznik
All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC.
All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured Used by Permission
Reprinted with Permission by Hal Leonard Corporation
I Love You
Words and Music by Avril Lavigne, Max Martin and Johan Schuster
All Rights for AVRIL LAVIGNE PUBLISHING LLC Controlled and Administered by ALMO MUSIC CORP.
All Rights Reserved Used by Permission
Reprinted with Permission of Hal Leonard Corporation.
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Table of Contents

Real Playlist

Chapter One
“I’m Remington.”

Chapter Two

Chapter Three
To Atlanta

Chapter Four

Chapter Five
Dancing to the music

Chapter Six
Miami is not so hot

Chapter Seven
Come away with me

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine
An Adventure

Chapter Ten
A visitor

Chapter Eleven
Secret meeting

Chapter Twelve
Pictures of you

Chapter Thirteen
Seattle is rainier than ever


About the

to life, love, and music.
Real Playlist
These are some of the songs I listened to while writing REAL. The first two songs are so meaningful, you might enjoy listening to these particular two while Brooke and Remington do. :)
by Goo Goo Dolls
I Love You
by Avril Lavigne
That’s When I Knew
by Alicia Keys
Love Bites
by Def Leppard
High on You
by Survivor
Love Song
by Sara Bareilles
In Your Eyes
by Peter Gabriel
Kiss Me
by Ed Sheeran
Come Away With Me
by Nora Jones
All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You
by Heart
Anyway You Want It
by Journey
I Love You Like A Love Song
by Selena Gomez
My Life Would Suck Without You
by Kelly Clarkson
Flaws and All
by Beyonce
The Fighter
by Gym Class Heroes

I’m Remington.”
Melanie has been shouting in my ear for the past half hour and my nerves are so frazzled by what we’re witnessing, I can barely even hear anything. Only my heart. Beating like crazy in my head as the two fighters in the underground boxing ring lunge at each other, both men equal in height and weight, both extremely muscled as they pound each other’s faces in.
Every time one of them lands a punch, cheers and claps burst across the room, which is crowded with at least three hundred spectators, all of them thirsting for blood. The worst part of it all is that I can
the god-awful sound of bone cracking against flesh, and the hairs on my arms are pricked in utter fear. Any minute now I expect one of them to fall and never, ever, get up again.

Brooke!” Melanie, my best friend, squeals and hugs me. “You look ready to puke, you are
not cut out for this!”

I’m seriously going to kill her.

As soon as I take my eyes off these men and make sure they’re both breathing when they finish this round, I’m going to murder my best friend without mercy. And then myself for agreeing to come here in the first place.

But my poor, dear Melanie has a new man-crush, and as soon as she found out the object of her nightly fantasies was in the city participating in these “private” and very “dangerous” underground club fighting games, she begged me to come with her and watch him. It’s just hard to say no to Melanie. She’s effusive and insistent, and now she’s jumping in glee.

He’s next,” she hisses, uncaring of who won this last round, or if they even survived. Which apparently, thank god, they both did. “Get ready for some serious piece of eye candy, Brookey!”

The public falls silent, and the announcer calls, “Ladies and gentlemen, and noooww … the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the man you’re all here to see. The baddest of the bad, I give you, the one, the
, Remington ‘Riptide’ Tate!”

A shiver runs along my spine as the crowd goes crazy over the name alone, especially the women, and their eager shouts tumble one atop the other.

Remy! I love you, Remy!”

I’ll suck your cock for you, Remy!”


Remington I want your Riptide!”

All heads turn as a figure in a hooded red cape trots toward the ring. The fighters tonight apparently don’t wear boxing gloves, and I see his fingers flex and fist at his sides, his hands enormous and tanned, his fingers long.

Across the ring from me, a woman waves a poster reading “REMY’S #1 BITCH” proudly in the air, and she’s screaming at the top of her lungs in his direction—I guess in case he doesn’t know how to read or misses the neon pink letters or the glitter.

I’m so astounded, only now realizing my crazy best friend isn’t the only female in Seattle who’s apparently lost her head for this guy, when I feel her squeezing my arm. “I dare you to look at him and tell me you wouldn’t do anything for that man.”

I wouldn’t do anything for that man,” I instantly repeat, just to win.

You’re not looking!” she squeals. “Look at him.

She grabs my face and swings my gaze in the direction of the ring, but I start laughing instead. Melanie loves men. Loves to sleep with them, stalk them, drool about them, and yet when she catches them, she can never really hold onto them. I, on the other hand, am not interested in getting involved with anyone.
Not when my romantic little sister, Nora, has had enough boyfriends, and drama, for
of us.
I stare up at the stage as the guy whips off the satin red robe with the word RIPTIDE on the back, and the spectators stand screaming and cheering as he slowly turns to acknowledge them all. His face is suddenly before me, illuminated by the lights, and I just stare like an idiot from my place. My god.




Dark scruffy jaw.

Boyish smile. Man’s body.

Killer tan.

A shiver shoots down my spine as I helplessly drink in the entire package everyone else seems to be gaping at.

He has black hair, standing up sexily as if women have just had their fingers there. Cheekbones as strong as his jaw and forehead. Lips that are red-kissed and swollen, and as a souvenir from his walk to the ring, there’s lipstick on his jaw. I look down his long, lean body and something hot and wild settles in my core.

He’s mesmerizingly perfect and incredibly hard. Everything, from his beautifully slim hips and narrow waist to his broad shoulders, is solid. And that six-pack. No. It’s an eight-pack. The sexy V of his obliques dips into his satin, navy blue shorts, which gently hug his powerful legs, thick with muscle. I can see his quads, traps, pecs, and biceps, all gloriously tight and cut. Celtic tattoos circle both of his arms, exactly where his bulging biceps and the rigid square deltoids of his shoulders meet.

!” Mel shouts hysterically at my side, hands cupped to her mouth. “
You’re so fucking hot, Remy

His head angles to the sound, one dimple showing with a sexy smile as he faces us. A frisson of nervous energy passes through me, not because he’s extremely gorgeous from this perfect view—because he is, he definitely is, goodness, he
is—but mostly because he’s looking straight at me.

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