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Authors: Cassie Alexandra

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“Okay,” I said, as she walked away.

“So, what do you normally do for fun?” he asked,
watching me as I took another drink of the soda.

“Not a whole lot,” I said, smiling. “With
school and all.”

“What are you going to school for?”

I told him and we started talking about the
classes I was currently taking.

“What about you?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you if you dance with me,” he said.

I took another drink of the Coke. “I don’t
know. I’m really not much of a dancer.”

“Either am I. We’ll look goofy together.”

“I doubt you’d look as goofy as me,” I said,
finishing the rest of my soda. Besides, he looked pretty comfortable dancing
with Tiffany, earlier.

He stood up. “Come on, let’s dance. You might
feel better.”

“What about Monica?” I said, looking toward the

“She’ll figure it out.”

Before I could protest anymore, he grabbed my
hand and pulled me toward the dance floor.

“There they are!” he hollered, pointing toward Krystal
and the others.

We made our way over to where they were dancing
and Krystal squealed when she saw us.

“I can’t believe it. You’re dancing!” she
hollered, as the music changed and Jennifer Lopez’s song, “On The Floor” began
to play.

“I love this one!” yelled Gary, who was
sweating and dancing next to two girls, who looked annoyed more than anything.

“Me, too!” cried Krystal.

“I need a drink,” said Brian, pulling Krystal
away from me. “You should get one, too. Cool off!”

“But I want to dance with Adriana,” she

“Fine. Let’s have a quick drink and come back
out, Birthday Girl!” he hollered over the music. “If you don’t keep drinking,
you’re going to get sober. You don’t want that, do you?”

She laughed. “When you put it that way...”


“You okay, Adriana?” asked Krystal, moving
toward me.

I nodded. “Just a little warm.” It wasn’t
helping that I was now on the dancefloor with dozens of other people.

“Where’s Monica?” she asked, leaning into me.  

“Bathroom,” I said, feeling lightheaded.
“Where’s Tiffany?”

Krystal pointed and I saw that Tiffany was
dancing with a guy that looked familiar.

“Isn’t that one of her ex-boyfriends?” I asked.

“Yup. Oh,” said Krystal as Brian grabbed her
arm again and hauled her away. She laughed. “I guess that I’ll see you soon!”

“You okay?” asked Jason, who was now staring at
my face with concern.

Suddenly it was hard to focus and the room
began to spin. “Oh, wow. I’m so dizzy. We should go back, too.”

“Nonsense,” he said, grabbing me by the waist.
“I’ll take care of you.”

“You know… I… I don’t… feel so good,” I said,
my tongue thick.

“You mentioned that your drink was really
strong,” he said. “It must be hitting you now.”

“But, I didn’t drink… much,” I slurred, staring
up into his eyes. “This is… weird.”

“You’re going to be fine. I’ll take care of
you,” he said, holding me close.  

I clung on to him, afraid that I was going to fall
or possibly even pass out. “I...Please…I need…”

“I know what you need,” he whispered in my ear
before everything went black.

Chapter Six




I woke up to find Jason helping me into the
backseat of someone’s car.

“What’s going on?” I mumbled, trying to focus.

“I’m giving you a ride home,” he said, smiling
at me. “You can lay down if you want.”

I tired looking outside, but it made me
dizzier. “I don’t remember leaving the club.”

“I walked you outside, to get some fresh air.
You were barely coherent.” He said something else, but I nodded off.

When the door slammed shut, I opened my eyes again
and watched him walk around to the driver’s side door. He got in and started
the car.

“Where’s Krystal?” I asked, feeling sick to my
stomach. I rolled down the window, to let some fresh air in.

“She’s fine. She wanted me to take you home. You
do want to go home, right? I mean, I can take you back inside, if you’d prefer.”

Bile rose to the back of my throat and I
swallowed it down. I felt horrible and still so dizzy. I closed my eyes and
curled up on the seat. “No. I just want to go home,” I said, laying my head
down. “Thanks, Jason. You’re… so… sweet to do this...”

“You’re welcome.”




The next time I woke up, I was sitting up and Jason
was in the backseat with me. One of his hands was under my sweater, the other
one was trying to get inside of my jeans.

“Hey,” I slurred, pushing him away. “What are
you doing?”

“Sh...” he said, trying to kiss me. “Relax. I’m
going to make you feel really good.”

I put my hand on his chest, stopping him. “Don’t.”

Ignoring me, he grabbed my hand and put it on
his bulging zipper. “Come on, Baby, I’m so hard for you,” he said, “Feel that?”

I removed my hand and shoved him firmly in the
chest. “What the fuck are you doing? You asshole!”

He stiffened up. “What in the hell is your

“Me? You’re acting like some kind of… rapist!”
I yelled.

His face turned white and this time he backed far
away from me. “No, I’m not. You were the one who was all over me! Now you’re
freaking out? What, are you some kind of a psycho?”

“No,” I said, trying to think back. Everything
was hazy. The last thing I remembered was him promising to bring me home. “You’re

Jason glared at me. “I’m lying? You’re completely
nuts! I was going to drive you home and you had your hands all over me. Said
you wanted me to come back there and fuck the shit out of you. So, I pulled
over. Now, you’re accusing
of rape? What is wrong with you?”

I touched my forehead. My head was pounding and
I was confused.
Fuck the shit out of me?
That certainly didn’t sound
like something I’d say. But, to be honest, I really couldn’t remember anything.
“No,” I said, frightened. “You have to be making this up.”

He laughed coldly. “I see how it is. You’re
just a cock-tease. Coming on to me and then crying ‘rape’. Fuck this.”

Thoroughly baffled, I tried to think back, but
I couldn’t even remember leaving the club. But, I had.
I also come
on to him?

“Please, just take me home?” I asked, trying
not to cry.

“Why should I take you home? I’m a rapist,
remember?” he said sharply.

“Look, I’m sorry,” I said, not knowing what to
think anymore. “I just want to go home.”

He sighed. “After the way you’ve treated me?
You think I should just drive you home now?” He crossed his arms over his
chest. “Honestly, I feel like I’m the one who’s been raped.”

I felt so nauseous and wondered what the hell
was wrong with me. “I said I was sorry,” I said, trying not to throw up. “Please,
just drive me back to the club, if it’s closer. I’ll find Krystal or Tiffany.
They’ll take me home and you’ll never have to see me again.”

Jason’s face relaxed. “I can do that, if you
prefer. But,” he leaned toward me and brushed a strand of hair away from my
cheek. “I think you should try being a little nicer to me.”

“Yeah. Sure,” I said, desperately trying not to
be sick.  “Whatever you want. If you’ll just drive me back.”

“Whatever I want?”

I didn’t say anything, I was too busy fighting
the urge to puke.

 He cupped my chin and dragged his thumb across
my lower lip. “I think you know what I want,” he whispered.

I could hear him unzipping his jeans and my
stomach rolled. Instead of getting the blow job, he obviously wanted, I leaned
over and threw up all over his lap.




“You asshole!” I cried as Jason threw my purse
out of the window and it landed in the gravel. I picked it up and glared at

“Have fun walking,” he shouted, before speeding

Trembling, I looked around the empty parking
lot, trying to figure out where I was. From what I could tell, I was at some
kind of rest-stop. Unfortunately, it was dark and there wasn’t anyone around.

I opened up my purse, grabbed a couple of
tissues, and wiped my mouth. The jerk had gotten so pissed off at me for puking
on him, that he’d pushed me out of the car, totally abandoning me. Fortunately,
most of the vomit had landed on him and all I was left with was the horrible
taste in my mouth.

When I was done wiping my face, I walked over
to a garbage can and threw the tissues away. Then, I pulled out my cell phone
and dialed Krystal. When she didn’t answer, I left her a voicemail and then a
text. Next, I called Tiffany, but she didn’t answer either.

“Dammit,” I mumbled, noticing that the battery
on my phone was nearly dead, and it was almost two in the morning. As I
considered who to call next, at such a crappy hour, I saw Raptor’s number.

Fuck it
, I
He was the one who told me to call if I had problems. This
would definitely qualify. Sighing, I pressed the Call button.

Chapter Seven





“Get the fuck out of here,” I ordered, shoving
Brandy away from me. I’d found her waiting for me on my porch after leaving
Griffin’s. She’d been sitting there, alone in the dark, just like always.
Needing me to get her off before returning to her new lover.

Always loving a challenge, she ignored me. “Come
on, Baby, don’t be like that,” she pouted, snuggling up against me. She reached
down, below my button, and began caressing my cock through the fabric. “See, he
already wants to come out and play.”

“You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve,” I
muttered, letting her stroke me. The truth was I was still hornier than a
mother-fucker and needed to do something about it. I didn’t care for the whores
at Griffin’s and with everything that had went on at the club, there hadn’t
been time to go looking for a woman that would take my mind off of Adriana’s tight
little ass.

“I’m sorry,” whispered Brandy, rubbing her tits
against my chest. She was dressed in a skirt that barely covered her crotch and
a tank top that displayed her fake breasts, the ones that I’d reluctantly paid
for last summer. She’d hated her B-cups, said that they didn’t make her feel up
to par with some of the other Old Ladies. Hell, I missed the old
The one before the fake boobs and even fakier smiles. The one who’d promised to
follow me to the moon and back.

“You’re lucky I don’t fucking kick your ass off
of my porch,” I replied in a husky voice. I looked around the neighborhood and
noticed the other houses were dark. Most of my neighbors were in their twenties
and thirties. Apparently, everyone was asleep or busy fucking each other. The
thought made me even harder.

“I know. I can’t help it, though. I need to
feel you inside of me, Raptor. I miss you so much.”

Should have thought of that before you fucked
me over
, I thought. “You miss me, huh? Tell me what you miss.”

Brandy unbuckled my jeans and reached inside.
“This,” she whispered, pulling out my cock, which was as hard as a rock. “Oh my
God, I miss this so much.”

Looking up and down the street again, I pulled
her further into the shadows of my porch. “Get on your knees,” I ordered.

Brandy didn’t even hesitate. She got down and
began sucking me off. As I watched her head bobbing and her lips sliding back
and forth, I grabbed the railing, behind me, and closed my eyes. Instead of the
lying bitch who was now getting me off, the one who’d cut me to the core with
her cheating, I imagined the kitten with the green eyes and sexy smile. Adriana.
Her tongue, circling the head of my cock, while she cupped my balls. Her hot,
wet mouth, urging me on, so she could suck me dry. It didn’t take long before
my hips were bucking and I was shooting my load into her mouth. Adriana’s

“That was fast,” said Brandy, wiping her lips.

I opened my eyes and sighed. Not fast enough,
as far as I was concerned. I took off my T-shirt and wiped my dick off.

“Mm… I love your muscles,” she said, running
her hand over my chest.

I didn’t say anything, I just stared at her,
unable to believe I’d wasted two years with someone like her.

“My turn, right?” she whispered, giggling
nervously. “On the porch?”

I smiled coldly. “Oh, I see. You want me to
munch your box on my porch?

Brandy leaned against the railing and spread
her legs apart. Then she raised her skirt, exposing her hot-pink panties. The
ones I’d purchased for her at Victoria’s Secrets. “Yeah. Mm… I’m already wet
just thinking about your tongue.”

Grunting, I zipped up my jeans, bundled up the
T-shirt, and walked toward the front door.

“Raptor?” she pouted.

I looked over my shoulder. “Don’t come back
here, again, Brandy.”

“What the fuck? I just gave you a fucking blow
job and you’re going to leave me here, like this? I need to get off, too, Trevor,”
she whined, calling me by my real name.  

“Get off?” I opened the door and walked inside.
Then I turned to look back at her. “Why don’t you
get off
my damn porch
and go home.”

Her face darkened. “That’s not funny.”

“Not trying to be,” I said. “Get out of my life
and stay the fuck out, this time.”

She crossed her arms under her chest and
smirked. “You’re just saying that. I know you.”

She had me there. Last week I’d been so drunk,
I’d even broken down and fucked her. But, I’d had enough. “Just like I thought
I knew you. You made your bed, Brandy. It’s time to lay in it.”

She dropped her hands and took a step toward
me. “But, I want to lay in
bed,” she pouted. “Come on, Baby.”

I raised my hand. “Sorry, but I don’t allow
whores in my bed. Not anymore. Thanks for the blow job, by the way. I’ve got a
twenty in my wallet, if you’re charging for it, now.”

She glared at me. “You asshole.”

“I prefer ‘dick’ but you can call me whatever
you want. Just don’t… call me, Baby,” I said, before shutting the door in her

“Fuck you!” she hollered from the other side.

 Smiling to myself, I went upstairs and took a




Thirty minutes later, I was unwrapping a frozen
pizza when my cell phone rang. Not recognizing the number, I answered it


My eyes widened. “Adriana? Is that you?”

“Uh, yeah. Listen, I need a ride home.” She
sighed. “You know what, I’m sorry to bother you. I should just call a cab.”

“No. Wait,” I said, putting the pizza back in
the freezer. “I’ll give you a ride. It’s not a problem. Where are you?”

“I’m really not sure. Hold on.”

“You at one of the clubs?”

“No,” she laughed humorlessly. “Actually I’m at
some rest-stop. There’s a sign over here. Hold on.”

“What do you mean, you’re at a rest-stop? Is Krystal
with you?”


“Where is she?”

“I don’t know,” she said and then it sounded
like she was crying. “Some guy brought me here. He said that he was going to
take me home.”

My gut clenched angrily. “What?”

“Yeah. He, um,” she sniffed, “he tried making a
move on me and I threw up on him.”

I relaxed. “You did?”

She laughed nervously. “I don’t even know what
really happened or why I threw up. I mean, I hardly drank anything all night.
Then, I guess that I passed out. When I woke up, he had his hands all over me.”

“Where is this fucker?” I growled, wanting to
kill the bastard. It sounded like Adriana had been slipped some kind of a
date-rape drug. “The guy who did this to you?”

“Jason? I don’t know. He left. Okay, I’m at
Pinefield Rest Area. Do you know where that is?”

“No,” I said, trying to calm down. “But, I’ll
find it. I’m leaving right now.”

“Thanks, Raptor,” she said softly.

“Call me Trevor,” I said, surprised at myself.

“Thanks, Trevor.”

“Watch for me. I’ll get there as soon as



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