Ruby Tuesday (9 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Ruby Tuesday
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He took a step closer. “So my lips on your breasts, my fingers in your cunt, that was all just a run-of-the-mill evening for you?”

She sucked in a breath and he saw it the moment she realized the error of her words. “I didn’t mean it that way.”


Ruby Tuesday

“You have a habit of saying things you don’t mean, gypsy. Since all those things we just did were so commonplace, it’s clear I’m going to have to put my energies into finding some different, unique experiences for you. I’d hate for you to feel as if you hadn’t gotten your money’s worth.”

“You’re angry and I can understand that, Sky, but—”

“Tomorrow night. Ten o’clock.”


“Tomorrow night. Same time, right here. I’m going to introduce you to things you didn’t even know existed. Good night, gypsy.”

“Sky—” she started, but he refused to give up the last word.

“Tomorrow,” he repeated as he closed the door to her bedroom behind him.


Mari Carr

Chapter Five

The following day crept by at a snail’s pace as Teagan waited for ten o’clock to arrive. Her trepidation affected her work with Sky on the music, but when she’d pointed that fact out, he’d remained unmoved and unconcerned. He insisted he would be in her room at ten tonight and he didn’t give a shit if they wrote a single note.

Of course, their work on the music would have been ruined anyway by the constant ringing of Sky’s cell phone. Apparently his number had been leaked to the press and after the twentieth call, he’d turned the damn thing off, furious at the invasion of his privacy. She had felt a twinge of sympathy for him, as he certainly did seem to live his life under a microscope.

At nine she’d called it quits, claiming fatigue, and Sky had simply laughed when she said she was going to bed…alone. As she’d slunk down the hall to her room, he’d called out that he would see her later.

Now she lay in her bed, staring at the bright red numbers on the digital clock, fighting to fall asleep. Why couldn’t she be like Riley? She’d tossed and turned for an hour, trying to deny the fact that her body was clamoring for Sky’s arrival. She’d poked the tiger last night and she would be lucky if she wasn’t mauled in the aftermath.

The clock flashed ten and, as if by magic, the door to her bedroom opened. She closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep and ignoring the fact he’d turned the lights on.

Sky chuckled softly as he sat on the edge of her bed.

“You aren’t fooling anybody with that lame deep-breathing routine.” She sighed and sat up. “You know, I apologized for what I said last night, Sky.” She’d said she was sorry about a thousand times today.

“And I appreciate that. Now take off your pajamas.”

“No,” she said.


Ruby Tuesday

His eyes narrowed. “Don’t say that unless you really mean it, Teagan.” She remembered the promise she’d solicited from him and she fell silent.

“Oh no, gypsy. That’s not fair. Tell me you want this.” Did she want this? Shit. She’d spent the majority of her day stressing out over what he would do. So much so that she’d lost track of the rest of her emotions. She had no idea what he would do to her, but now that she considered the fact, she supposed it didn’t matter. She wanted him to touch her, to teach her, to—please God—give her another one of those freaking orgasms. The rest of her anxieties faded away in the face of that.

“I don’t want you to leave.”

He grinned. It was the easy-going, fun smile she’d come to adore in just the short time they’d known each other and her fears melted away in an instant.

He bent down and kissed her gently. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured and she smiled.

“And you’re a player,” she teased.

“A rock star,” he added with a chuckle.

“So rock my world, rock star,” she dared. His eyes darkened at her taunt, the look hot enough to singe her hair.

“I want to see you naked. Completely naked.”

She sucked in a nervous breath. She’d certainly been seen in various states of undress with past boyfriends, but she’d never been totally nude in a well-lit room in front of a man. “You know,” she said, “the freckles don’t stop at my face.”

“I noticed that last night. I think your freckles are hot. Now stop stalling.” She sat up in bed and pushed the covers off. She started with the part he’d already seen, shrugging her T-shirt over her head. He gripped her waist once she’d tossed the shirt aside and studied her so closely she felt the cursed blushing start.


Mari Carr

“Your turn,” she said, gesturing to his shirt. He pulled his shirt off without hesitation and she followed his lead, perusing him at her leisure. She’d seen him without his shirt on the first night they’d met. Unfortunately, she’d been too fixated on the absurdity of him flitting around in her skirt to fully appreciate the view. Now, she was seeing him as clear as day and the sight took her breath away. Smooth, tanned skin, chiseled-in-stone pecs and tight brown nipples she couldn’t resist leaning forward to lick.

He groaned as her tongue teased the small disks, his hands engulfing her head, holding her in place. “Jesus, that feels good.” Over and over she kissed, nipped and licked the sensitive flesh until he pulled her head away, leaning over to capture her mouth in a hungry kiss. He pressed her backward onto the mattress and covered her once more. There was something very addictive to being sheltered beneath the strength of his hard body. She ran her hands over his chest, his arms, his back. She couldn’t touch enough of him as the heat in the small room continued to rise. He pushed his covered cock into the vee of her thighs and she whimpered with relief at the glorious force.

She heard rather than saw him take off his belt, shocked when he engulfed her hands in his above her head. He laid the strip of leather beside her on the bed.

“I’m going to bind your hands.”

His words were spoken simply, matter-of-factly, yet the impact hit her like the shot from a gun marking the beginning of a fifty-yard dash and her heart raced so fast she feared it would burst.

“Sky,” she started.

“The promise still stands, Teagan. You say no and it all stops.” She nodded. She trusted him. “Okay.”

“Here,” he said, rising and pulling her up as well, “let’s get these pants off.” 70

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Her hands stopped him when he reached for the waistband and he looked at her questioningly. “What is it?”

“The red hair is sort of like the freckles. Everywhere.” He laughed. “Another benefit to hooking up with a wild Irish gypsy.” He lightly pushed her hands away, pulling her pants down until they hit her ankles. She kicked them off. “No panties?”

She crinkled her nose. “Can’t stand sleeping in them.”

“Me either,” he said and she tried to imagine sleeping with Sky, both of them naked and wrapped in each other’s arms. “Don’t do that,” he said.

“Do what?”

“Undress me with your eyes.”

She laughed as he threw her words from their first conversation in the pub back at her. “Can I do it with my hands?”

“Not if you plan to end this night still a virgin.” He turned her around, facing the bed, and she yelped when he placed a firm slap on her bare ass.

“What was that for?” she asked, rubbing the sore spot with her hand.

“Being cheeky. Lie down on your stomach and put your hands above your head.” She wanted to refute his “cheeky” comment, but his commands erased every thought from her head except the belt and the binding. She lay down, the position driving home to her just how hard her heart was pounding. She could swear the mattress was shaking under the force of it.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

“Do you really want to know or do you prefer the element of surprise?” She considered his question. She hated surprises. All the hours she’d spent stressing out this morning only reinforced that point. She’d worried and fretted until she couldn’t function.


Mari Carr

“I want to know,” she said. He sat down beside her, his weight on the small bed pushing the mattress down and causing her bare hip to brush against the rough denim of his jeans.

He bent forward until his chest pressed against her back and she shivered as he whispered in her ear. “I’m going to tie you up, spank you, and then fuck your pussy and ass with my fingers. Any questions?”

“Holy shit,” she murmured. “I changed my mind. I want to be surprised.” He laughed. “Too late. I’m not changing the melody this late in the song. You’re just going to have to be a good little virgin and take it.”

“If you call me a virgin again, I’m twisting your ear.” He shuddered with mock fear and she grinned. “So noted,” he said.

He picked up his belt and looped the soft leather around her wrists. “I’m not going to pull this too tight,” he said, as he knotted the free end to her bed frame. “Mainly because I don’t want to hurt you. I just want you to have a sense of being helpless, at my mercy.” He dropped his voice to a teasing, raspy whisper following the pronouncement by singing a few notes of a horror song. “Da, da, daaaa.” She giggled, trying to escape his bonds. While the leather wasn’t tight enough to cut into her wrists, she was definitely bound. She wouldn’t be able to get free until he released her. “You seem to like this part too much.” Her words were light, but his response wasn’t.

“More than I care to admit. There’s something wild about you that makes me want to tie you to my side and never let you go.”

He pulled back at the end of his confession and she sensed he’d said more than he wanted to. More than he was comfortable sharing. Her chest constricted with the thought, the hope that her cocky rock star really wasn’t playing a game with her. Then she remembered his comments about his casual affairs. They would write their songs, explore each other’s bodies and then, as sure as the sun would rise tomorrow, he’d 72

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leave. She forced herself to remember that. She burned that knowledge on her heart, praying the words engraved there would protect her from forgetting that simple truth.

“Touch me,” she urged, anxious to erase the painful thoughts with sensation.

Her head lay against her pillow, facing him, and she could see him shrugging off his own uneasy feelings. He raised his hand, resting it on her bare bum, and she narrowed her eyes, recalling his words. “I haven’t been a bad girl,” she said. “You have no reason to spank me.”

He nodded slowly and she thought for a moment he was adjusting his game plan.

At least, until he spoke. “You know, some people consider spanking a form of foreplay.

The edge of pain turns them on, arouses them.” She couldn’t imagine that being true. “I have a low threshold for pain.”

“Is that right?” he asked. “Should we test that theory? If you hate it, you only have to say stop.”

His face betrayed his hope that she wouldn’t refuse this request. She remembered his rough touches last night as he’d sucked and bit her breasts. At the time, she’d been too out of her mind with need to register the fact that his mouth was hurting her. In a very sexy way.

She wiggled her ass. “Spank me,” she whispered, surprised to realize the husky, needy voice speaking was hers.

He didn’t smile as she expected but she could see how much her request pleased him. His hand drifted down to his jeans, tugging against the constricting material. His hard-on looked bigger than it had the previous night and she thought he must be in pain.

“Unzip your pants,” she said. “Let me see you.” He shook his head. “I can’t.” The words were spoken in a short, clipped breath and she realized exactly how much restraint he was exercising to give her what she wanted without breaking his promise. She felt a tiny piece of her heart break away and she 73

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knew it now belonged to him. Her mind screamed
, but she couldn’t call a halt now. She simply couldn’t step off this path until she saw what lay at the end.

She was too lost in her thoughts to realize he’d raised his hand, too preoccupied with her worries to see what was coming.

“Ouch!” she yelled when his hand came down hard on her left buttocks. Her reaction fell on deaf ears as he lifted his hand, spanking her three more times. He certainly wasn’t pulling his punches; his slaps were firm and painful. Her ass felt as if he’d set it on fire and for a moment, she considered stopping him. Then, just as a brush fire jumps, the flames he’d lit on her ass turned inward and her pussy began to spark, then burn.

“God,” she gasped.

“Yes or no,” he said between blows, his hand resting lightly on her sore ass.

“Yes,” she cried. “God, yes.”

He continued the spanking for several moments, breaking up the blows with soft, gentle rubs that only stoked the fire higher. She felt herself anticipating his swings, raising her ass to meet his hand as it lowered.

She trembled after one particularly hard smack, rubbing her legs together, trying to create the friction her body was demanding.

“Open your legs,” he commanded and she complied, screaming with relief as he drove two hard fingers deep inside her cunt. “So wet,” he murmured, his fingers moving fast within her.

Her climax rumbled through her like a freight train and she shuddered for several moments afterward, feeling very much as if she’d been run over by a bus.

She suspected she’d drifted off for a few minutes. Sky was lying beside her and it wasn’t until she reached over to touch his handsome face that she realized he’d released her. His hand lay limp on her ass and she grinned as she recalled how much she’d 74

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enjoyed his spanking. She never would have suspected such a seemingly violent act could feel so…well, wonderful.

“You back with me?” he asked, confirming that she had indeed been unconscious.

“Mmm hmm.” She closed her eyes, overcome with a contentment she’d never experienced. She smiled to herself as the thought grew. She’d never experienced anything like this.

“That’s a pretty smile,” he whispered. “Wonder if I can build on it.” His hand rubbed her sore ass for a few moments before he sat up, kneeling by her hips. “Get up on your hands and knees. I promised you one more experience.” Her foggy mind tried to recall what he’d said and for an instant she thought he was mistaken. Then his words came back to her as she rose up and for a moment she considered crying halt.

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