Rum Cay, Passion's Secret (2 page)

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Authors: Hallie Collins

BOOK: Rum Cay, Passion's Secret
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“Oh Garrett, please take me,”
Liliana cried out. “Just the idea of you fucking me is making me swell inside.” He slid his hand softly down her back and lightly slapped her ass again, causing her to bite her lip with delight. “Garrett… please.” Hearing his beloved cry out for him to enter her, Garrett delayed no more. His cock smoothly slid between her legs, as he rubbed teasing circles around her clit. “Oh, yes Garrett… yes!” With his cock driving into her again and again, pounding her sensitive G-spot, one hand held her firm breast, pinching her nipple with great dexterity, as his other set of fingers strummed her clitoris relentlessly. Her entire body began to melt in orgasmic release, more powerful than she ever thought possible, ripping through her like lightning. Wave after heated wave pooled within her core, exploding into her clitoris and over her drenched petals, releasing her from the tormented desire she felt so often for Garrett. They both lay still for several minutes, breathless, exhausted, but satisfied beyond words. Eventually, Garrett slid out of her, his penis drenched from the lustful genital dance, slowly softening to a beautiful state of manliness. She could still feel his warmth inside of her while he gently turned her over and tenderly touched his lips to hers. The taste of his mouth was a sweet reminder of how beautiful a man he really was. Always so aware and considerate to show his tenderness, no matter the animalistic instinct that exploded during their passionate encounters.

Chapter II

Almost two hours had passed since
Liliana seduced him so effortlessly, but he was glad she did. Lili was right, he thought, only she could relax him that way, clearing his mind, sharpening his focus even more than he thought was possible. Even so, Garrett knew that he had to get himself back into the proper frame of mind. So much depended on this deal working out, especially when he considered the safety of two people that ultimately depended on him.

Lili… that was amazing, simply incredible. Thank you for refocusing me,” said Garrett softly.

Oooh, never heard it called that before… come and refocus me baby!” laughed Liliana.

“You know what I meant,” shot back Garrett, as the sound of his voice started to shift to a more serious tone. “
Lili, I’m sorry to say that there’s no more time to keep enjoying each other like this… we have to get ready, we have to be prepared. You need to get into character, and I need to make a couple calls before we leave.”

“Is Bobby ready
?... can he handle his part?” asked Liliana.

“I have confidence in Bobby… he seems to be a changed man, ready to act like a grown-up and pull his own weight as a true professional.”

“Okay Garrett, I know you wouldn’t say that unless you knew it to be true. I’m off now to become a more complete Miss Fleming. I hope to see you again in the near future sir.”

“Just get ready you little nymphet,” said Garrett smiling, as he gives
Liliana a playful push to the adjoining bedroom where her costume is fully laid out.

Liliana readies herself, Garrett finishes up his calls and assures that all is in place. He informs Bobby that one of his men will be picking him up in 20 minutes in front of the hotel. They would all have to arrive separately at the docks to make sure not to create any unnecessary suspicion.

Liliana walks out of the bedroom, Garrett knew that she will command great attention, more than what he even imagined. Her fiery red hair, deeply tanned body, poured into a tight black dress would distract the most ardent professional from doing his job properly, especially professionals of the criminal type, he thought.

Lili, I cannot even describe my thoughts right now. Looking at you like this, well, it’s good you already ‘refocused’ me young lady. You are a superb creature Miss Fleming.”

“Superb, yes, exactly
!… that’s what I was reaching for. Glad you think so.”

“Are you ready for this
?… I mean
ready for this?” asked Garrett.

“I’ve been ready since we left Rum Cay,” answered
Liliana with authority.

“Aright then… let’s go take us down a couple of scum balls!”

“Right after you sir, right after you.”

“We need to take separate elevators
Lili, can’t be too careful. My man Derek will be waiting… he’ll take good care of you; protect you with his life… he’s my most trusted man.”

“Thank you Garrett, I would expect nothing less of you.”

“Now, when you get there, just stay in the car until Barchano arrives. He should be in a black limo. After he gets out of the car, probably with one of his men, you’ll walk over to meet him. At that point, you will introduce one of the dock workers…”

“Yes, I know Garrett… Jerry. I introduce him to Jerry. We’ve been over this a hundred times. Don’t worry I got it!”

“I know you do, it just makes me feel better to go over it one last time.”

“It’s all locked in, just trust me.”

And with one last soft press of her lips onto his, Liliana softly brushes her gloved hand across Garrett’s face and was off. Garrett couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with the set-up, no matter how prepared everyone was, anything could still go wrong. Was he leading his new beloved into great danger, or was he preparing a new life for the both of them, a new life without regret or need for revenge. Garrett had to make sure the ruse went as planned, it had to.  After Liliana had left, Garrett called his other man, Ian, to make sure Bobby showed up on time.

“Did he show?” asked Garrett.

“No problems Garrett, we’ll be at the docks in 15.”

“Excellent, just make sure he does what he’s supposed to do.”

“I got ‘em covered Garrett… he’s under my protection.”

‘Thanks Ian, you’re a good man, just be careful.”

As Garrett reaches the bottom floor of the hotel, he calls to make sure that his own private car is waiting for him. He knew that he had to keep his distance, but would have to be prepared to move in if something went awry. The drive to the docks went smoothly as Garrett coordinated with the other two cars that escorted Liliana and Bobby. The evening had turned to darkness now with the meeting set to take place just prior to midnight. The docks should be void of anyone except for the expected guests. After pulling his car into an embankment that overlooked the meeting area, Garrett spotted both Liliana and Bobby’s car. They were in perfect position. Close enough, but not so close that it looked like they were related in any way. Suddenly, two long black limousines pulled up, right on time. And out of the lead limo came Barchano escorted by one of his gunmen. He was approached by Garrett’s dock man, Jerry, as planned, and led over to the two small crates that housed the fake product. After Barchano’s man thoroughly checked Jerry for weapons as well as any type of concealed listening device, he had him take a crow bar to the top of the first container. When Jerry handed Barchano a select pouch of the fine white drug, Barchano had the worker open the bag just enough to sample a small taste. In putting a small amount against his tongue, he looked around suspiciously as if he suspected something. Immediately, Garrett felt a need to call Derek and abort Liliana’s part in the mission, when her door unexpectedly opened earlier than planned.

Garrett knew that she could handle herself, but was uncomfortable with the early entrance as well as
Barchano’s suspicious look. As Liliana walked slowly toward the crime boss, his man began to approach her.

“No need, I’m sure she’s clean,” ordered
Barchano, stopping his man from moving any closer to her. “From all indications, I’m sure you are the lovely Miss Fleming?”

Barchano, I assume?”

“The one and only.
It was good of you to follow through with the product Miss Fleming because I usually do not take well to being stood up.”

“I assure
you, that would not happen, not with my employer.”

“Yes, the famous
Puchak, or should I say infamous recluse, Mr. Puchak.”

“He would be here himself, but I’m sure you understand, he is a very busy man, and this product became available without much notice. I was positioned in the States, so he entrusts me with this type of business at all times.”

“I’m sure he does Miss Fleming. How could he not instill such confidence in a woman as worldly as you? Even so, on second thought and before we go any further, I need my man here to at least check you for a wire, that is, unless you would like me to do that for him.”

“Not to worry Mr.
Barchano, there will be many opportunities to feel your way around my personal effects. But right now, we must conclude the transaction. So please feel free to have your little friend here look around… it would be very difficult to conceal anything in this tight skirt though.”

“Yes, I would have to agree. No need.
Although, there is one more thing.”

“And what would that be Mr.

“I would like to sample an additional pouch in the crate if you don’t mind.”

Knowing that request from Barchano was a possibility, Liliana shut down any remaining thoughts of who this man really was and went into action. “Now, Mr. Barchano, one sample should be plenty; don’t you trust that I would furnish you with the best… I find your request quite insulting and a genuine waste of time,” stated Liliana as she approached Barchano rubbing her hips up against his, grinding slowly back and forth until she felt his manhood grow into a hard throbbing rock, gliding her hand down to give it a gentle cradling squeeze. “Now, please, let us dispense with all the formalities and get on with business… that way we can get to what we both really want, that is, unless you have changed your mind and no longer desire what I have to offer.”

“Quite the contrary Miss Fleming, I want all of you, massaging me with your heavily oiled naked body from head to toe. That is what I want… that is what I expect,” retorted
Barchano with a strong ordering reference to his voice as his cock had now reached full hardness pressing into Liliana’s firm ass, barely covered by her panty-less dress. “Why Miss Fleming, it feels as though you have nothing on under this amazingly skintight skirt.”

Barchano, don’t you remember? I told you I would bring my wet panties to drape over your face while I engulf your strong shaft. They’re waiting anxiously for you in my car. Before you know it, I will have you begging me for mercy to stop; and just when you no longer can take any more of my womanly wilds, your world will suddenly change Mr. Barchano,” stated Liliana with dry sensual promise, knowing there was much deeper meaning to her words than Barchano could ever venture to guess. “One thing you will quickly learn about me Mr. Barchano… I always follow through on my promises.”

“So far, I can see that you do.”

“Now, if you don’t mind, time is always of the essence when it comes to these types of transactions, as you know. Let’s get these cargo packages into the trunk of your car… the end-buyer should be here any moment,” declared Liliana, sounding authoritative and confident.

“Yes, of course… how could I resist such strong sensual means Miss Fleming? Please proceed with moving the full package into both limos. Mario, Freddie, help this young man; Jerry I believe it is, move the product into the cars.”

Garrett was relieved to see that everything seemed to have gone smoothly enough with Barchano taking possession of both small containers without any more objections or suspicions.

“I trust that the remaining $10 million will be wired into Mr.
Puchak’s account, now that you have secured the product,” declared Liliana.

“Yes of course, I will have Mario here relay the message. He should have full payment within the hour. Too bad you had the end buyer arranged already Miss Fleming; I would have purchased straight out, in fact, if your so-called end buyer does not show in the next 30 minutes, I will expect to hold onto the coke myself, paid in full.”

“Do not worry Mr. Barchano, I was told he would be here shortly.”

Liliana could finish her declaration, two silver gray SUV’s pull up about 50 yards away from where Liliana and Barchano stood, partially insulated by the many large crates that dotted the spacious docks.

Garrett knew that this was the moment he waited for. A moment that he needed to see take place up close. It was time for Garrett to make his presence known, but only after his nephew breaks the ice with
Stagnoli. There was a protocol that Garrett wanted to adhere to without deviation, no matter how driven his concern was.

Stagnoli and his men move through the fencing that surrounds the dock entrance, Bobby waits in the car for a signal from Garrett before approaching. Both SUVs swing past Bobby’s car and park near the front entrance. Garrett gives Ian the signal as Bobby slowly opens his door. Once Bobby approaches the two silver vehicles, one of the car’s headlights switch on as a voice begins to bellow out.

“That’s far enough Bobby.”

Immediately Bobby knew that Stagnoli is the one behind the voice, happy that he showed up in person instead of just sending one of his henchmen to consummate the deal.

Stagnoli, it’s good to see you again. I have instructions to take you to the swing buyer for final purchase.”

“And who is this swing buyer Bobby, and why are you the one introducing me? Where is the unflappable Garrett Ross?”

“Well, he will be here soon sir. I was just told to escort you to the shipment and introduce you. The product is packaged and ready for purchase.”

“Not until I say so Bobby. I need a sample and guarantee from the swing buyer that he stands behind the product.”

“I don’t see a problem with that Mr. Stagnoli, I’m sure he will oblige.”

“You seem very sure of yourself Bobby, almost as if this is some sort of set-up.”

“I don’t have the resources for that sir, I just follow orders,” stated an increasingly nervous Bobby.

“Indeed you don’t Bobby, but Mr. Ross has the resources, and I am not sure I trust everything he has told me. I think that he is the swing buyer and I may be the one being set-up. Any of this sounding
like the right scenario to you Bobby?”

“I can assure you Mr.
Stagnoli, that is not the case. I listened in on Garrett’s conversations with the seller, and he is big.”

“Yes I know… Steel Gate Landing, I understand. But it is the swing buyer I am most concerned with.”

“I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised who that may be Mr. Stagnoli.”

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