Rum Cay, Sweet Surrender (Rum Cay, Sweet Surender)

BOOK: Rum Cay, Sweet Surrender (Rum Cay, Sweet Surender)
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Rum Cay


Sweet Surrender


A Romantic Novella


Hallie Collins



Kindle Edition

Copyright © 2013 by Hallie Collins



Kindle Edition, License Notes


All events and characters appearing in this work are fictitious
. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events, is purely coincidental. All rights reserved by the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another individual, please purchase an additional copy for each person. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This work contains scenes of graphic sexual nature and it is written for adults only (18+). All characters depicted in this story are over 18 years of age.

Rum Cay


My Sweet Surrender


Chapter I

The future of any man or woman can be molded to fit the expectations of all who show respect for the present. But without
ultimate control, the future may illustrate a bleakness that overshadows lustful desires or needs, revelations that pour indelicately into one’s soul. To be presented with unwavering love, only to have life invert itself, can alter the mind of even the most ardent romantic optimist. 

Filtering out the inner trappings of insecurity and despair can be a difficult prospect to say the least, but
Liliana had no choice in the matter. Her relationship with Garrett, the protection he availed her, even her very life, could all be in jeopardy, if he were to ever make the connection between Angelo Barchano and the Father that she never knew…. and never wanted to know. Could Garrett ever forgive her if he were to discover the truth? At first, Liliana was skeptical and afraid, but knowing she had little choice, she convinced herself that he would find it in his heart to separate her from the villainous monster that raped her Mother and left her for dead so many years ago. But there was no guarantee that Garrett would ever feel the same and protect her from Stagnoli and his men from finding her. Just when it looked like she found her champion, she thought, a horrific past re-enters her life, haunting her with the utmost irony. How is she to function, now that she knows about her dubious connection to Garrett’s life, and the tragic evil that turned it all inside out?

woke with a start to the bright and rising sun bursting through the huge glass windows of Garrett’s bedroom. At first she thought, maybe this was all a dream, maybe she was still back in Miami with her family looking after her sister. But instead she quickly realized that those thoughts were clouded feelings from missing her home and the simplicity of it all before the nightmare took hold.

“What’s the matter
Lili? You jumped up so fast, it startled me; and that’s usually pretty hard to do.”

“Oh yes, sorry Garrett. I was just, I uh, I was having a terrible nightmare about
Stagnoli coming after my family, then I was suddenly running from him in a wide open field, but he kept catching up, no matter what I did or how fast I ran. Then, out of nowhere, I saw the edge of a cliff but could not stop running until the ground disappeared under my feet. I felt myself falling, looking down at jagged rocks below, hitting them with such force… I thought I was dead!”

down, slow down, everything’s alright. You’re not being chased, and you’re not falling on any jagged rocks, not while I have you in my life. I probably scared you too much with my descriptive plans to fake your death. I’m sure I was too graphic when relating them to you. Your subconscious can really do a number on your mind, and it looks like yours really got a hold of you. Here, let me rub your shoulders and relieve all that stress.”

could not stop from hyperventilating, as her mind swirled with thoughts of Garrett finding out who her Father really was. There was no longer a clear path. But she had to remain calm as if there was nothing to worry about, except for the obvious concern with Stagnoli. She had to pretend that nothing has changed. As she calmed herself, Garrett sweetly stroked the back of her neck, kissing her cheek gently to further calm her nerves and put her into a soothing state… he was so good at that, she thought.

As she felt herself begin to relax,
Liliana allowed herself to be immersed in Garrett’s considerate touch. “My my, you seriously better stop what you’re doing to me Mr. Ross, or it may lead to something much much more.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for young lady… I would think you would know me better than that by now.”

“Yes, but I can’t let you just have your way with me any time you want, now can I?” said Liliana with a nervous smile as she finally felt herself calm down to the point where she could act normal around him again.

“Actually, what I was really hoping
for, was your famous pancakes you always bragged about when we were hiding out on Rum Cay.”

“Well, I can see where your head is at… and it’s definitely not into me right now,” grumbled a dejected Garrett.

“I’m sorry Garrett; it’s just that I’m so famished after everything, especially the bedroom gymnastics you so skillfully provide… I had no idea I could twist and turn like that and still have those incredible orgasms.”

“There’s no end to my talents my sweetness, I keep telling you that,” said Garrett as he jumps out of bed wearing nothing but the same gold necklace he had on when she first met him in the secluded bar on Rum Cay.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that necklace…” said Liliana softly.

“What, this?”

“Yes, you wear it wherever you go. I’ve never seen you take it off. You had it on when we met, and even in bed, I see it flying around as you show me all those masterful positions you seem to have perfected… must mean a lot to you.”

“Actually it does. My wife gave it to me two weeks before she was killed. It’s an infinity symbol. She told me it meant that our love would be forever linked, that nothing would ever come between us, no matter what happened in our lives. Little did either of us
know, that a short time later, Barchano and the Mayor would destroy that promise.”

“She must have meant the world to you,” replied
Liliana sweetly.

“My family was everything to me. But like most people, I took it all for granted.
Didn’t appreciate the small things.” Garrett suddenly caught himself just before getting emotional, changing the subject. “But that was another place in time… I’ll never forget them. I have had to look ahead, adjust my focus, and you my dear have helped me turn that corner… you are such an amazing creature, someone that I could see in my life for a very long time.”

was speechless, listening to Garrett talk so sweetly about his family, just made her love him that much more. Unfortunately, fate has thrown her new found happiness into a downward spiral, unless possibly, she can help Garrett exact his revenge. But how could she lead him to Barchano, she knows nothing about the criminal minds of such people, and even if she could, it probably would just get them both killed. There has to be a way to … then it dawned on her, Stagnoli! He worked for her Father many years back when he was just another henchman trying to make his mark in the gambling arena. He mentioned to Liliana that he had something on Barchano before leaving the family to start his own syndicate. Stagnoli said that the information he possessed could bring down the whole Barchano family. That had to be the reason he was released from the grasp of her Father. If only she could find out what that information was, she could help bring down Barchano… then Garrett could never hold her family ties against her, she thought. It was a flimsy plan to say the least, but a plan nonetheless.

still felt the need to get far away from Garrett before his men dug any further into her background… before she could implement her plan. But how was she going to convince Garrett to take her back to Rum Cay, especially after putting his plan into place to fake her death. She had to come up with something, and quickly.

“Garrett, honey, what do you think about taking me back to Rum Cay to lure
Stagnoli out of his hole.”

“Why in hell would you ever want to do that? After all the precautions we’ve taken to keep you safe and then bringing you here, where you’re far away from anyone that could hurt you… you’re talking complete nonsense!”

“Yes, but we can’t stay here forever. We have to have a plan …”

What about my idea to fake your death?”

“I understand that you want to make me disappear, I get that. But you know
Stagnoli will eventually figure it out somewhere down the line and I don’t want to be looking over my shoulder forever. I want to take Stagnoli down, not just hide from him!”

“Wow, Miss Washburn… sounds like you’re serious about this idea. You do know how dangerous it could be to take down someone of that magnitude don’t you?”

“I have to do something Garrett, my family depends on me… and like it or not, you depend on me as well. We’re in this together,” demanded Liliana.

“I like the way you think young lady.”

“You better, cause the creative juices do not stop there. Now, let’s get some breakfast, I need to get my energy level up to face all this insanity.”

“Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll get those cakes on the griddle that you seem to long for so much. Then I’ll make the call to
Stagnoli about my discovery.”

“Thank you for understanding Garrett, I know we can do this together.”

Liliana felt very uncomfortable working with Garrett to bring down Stagnoli, but she had no choice, at least for now.

After slowly easing into the day, she decided to put her plans aside for the time being; slipping into the shower, and tossing on a slinky sun dress that she knew Garrett would love… she was so completely drawn to him sexually and could not resist his charm no matter the dyer circumstance that faced her.

Both said very little as they ate, looking almost right through each other, thinking about their impending plans to destroy Stagnoli’s operation and then set their sights on Barchano.

After giving
Liliana an assuring smile, Garrett slips into his study to make the call to Stagnoli, as Liliana began to clean up, allowing her a chance to think… If she could only come up with a scam that links both Stagnoli and Barchano together. Taking down both at the same time, her life could resume… with or without Garrett, was the only question. She knew about Stagnoli’s penchant for the horses and of course his casino in Atlantic City. It was a small time operation but it allowed him to run his cocaine business through it without interruption. When trying to persuade Stagnoli to pay the $250,000 for her sister’s surgery, she was able to get him to talk about how he constantly looks for viable suppliers and exactly how he checks them out. What if she were to set up shop as a supplier, thought Liliana, then sell the same fake supply to both Stagnoli and Barchano, blaming each one on the other when it all goes bad. It could work, but she would need Garrett involved to stage such an elaborate scheme. Running from Garrett was not the answer, the more she thought, it would only cast suspicion on who she really is and destroy any possible relationship they could ever have at the same time… he would never trust her again. Having him find out about Barchano was a chance she would have to take, no matter the consequences, Garrett and his men had to help her.

After finishing up his conversation, Garrett returns to the kitchen to find
Liliana deep in thought. “Alright, I spoke to Stagnoli.”

“And did he take the bait?” asked an anxious

“He did, but… I’m not sure he’s going to back-off completely. I think its best that we stay here for a few more weeks while things settle down. I can conduct my financial dealings with him from here. My men will handle everything on Rum Cay with the fishermen and crematorium… they’re a good group that I trust with my life.”

“I can’t take that chance Garrett, he may get to my family before I have a chance to protect them.”

I’ve already sent one of my men to look in on them. Don’t worry, I have it covered.”

“Thank you Garret, but…”

“But nothing, why don’t you relax and show that move you used on me so well last night once again. My body shivers every time I think about it.”

“Alright, but only if you agree to listen to a plan that I’ve put together to take down Stagnoli AND Barchano at the same time.”

“Sounds like your little minx mind has been hard at work this morning. Why the interest in
Barchano? I mean, I appreciate the sentiment and all, but I don’t want to mix you up in my own personal hell… it’s too dangerous.”

“My life has always been haunted by men like these and I’m not going to be a victim any longer. I want to take both of these murderous scums down, killing two birds with one stone! It’s the perfect way of fighting filth like this.”

“You’re a very ambitious young woman Lili, I certainly give you credit for that. I can’t tell you if I’m on board just yet though… I need to hear the plan you’ve concocted. But first I need some distraction, to feel your sweet body against mine, that is, if you’re still interested after all this intense plot hashing.”

knew that she had to keep the passion strong even if she felt the need to break away and think, there were so many details to work out to be able to take down two mob bosses at the same time… but that would have to wait, she had to relax and keep Garrett close and interested.

“Well, Mr. Ross… I’m sure that I can oblige someone that wants me that badly and then asks so politely. How could I ever resist the urge to engulf your incredible body, especially after all that dangerous
talk. I don’t know about you, but these plans we’re making, I don’t know, the adrenaline, the excitement, it just makes me want you more Garrett… I need to feel you inside of me again.”

“I know what you mean
Lili, I can’t really explain it either… I feel much more alive when I’m with you, almost as if I have purpose again… purpose to share with the one I love.”

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