Run with the Moon (6 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Run with the Moon
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Valen growled and pushed his tongue in deeper, pressing Aaron’s down, dominating the kiss.

Aaron liked it, a lot. He liked the way Valen tasted—dark and mysterious, addictive. He liked the sounds Valen made, the possessive growls and grunts, the feel of Valen’s hands on him.

With the way Valen was taking over, Aaron could even lie and tell himself that he was only giving in, fearful of the big bad shifter. He’d fantasized, hadn’t he? So many times he’d masturbated to thoughts of being held down by a man, of being handled by someone who possessed hard, bulging muscles and a stiff, prodding cock.

He’d had more twisted fantasies than that, but there was no need for them now as Valen eased him down onto his back. Valen covered him almost immediately, save for fiddling with Aaron’s waistband. He unfastened Aaron’s pants with ease, then pushed them down, just as he’d said he would. “Lift your uninjured leg up.” Valen stripped Aaron almost fully, leaving his leathers beneath the knee of on only from the knee of his other leg. The rest of him was bared to Valen.

Aaron had a second to feel self-conscious about his genitals being exposed to someone else before Valen touched his shaft. Immediately, his body was suffused with such strong arousal he almost embarrassed himself by coming on the spot. All it would take was another caress to his penis like that first one from Valen and Aaron’s release would follow unless he found some restraint. Aaron did so because he wanted more touches, more of the experience Valen was giving him, and that meant no coming three seconds into it.

“Yes,” Valen muttered against his lip. “Sweet sounds.” He stretched out on top of Aaron, propping up on his elbows.

Aaron had no idea what that meant and couldn’t figure it out when Valen was thrusting, driving his length harder and harder beside Aaron’s. Pleasure suffused his body so quickly that Aaron shouted in amazement.

“Yeah, keep on telling me you love it.” Valen dipped his head down and nibbled at Aaron’s neck. At the same time, he let more of his weight come down on Aaron.

The added pressure to Aaron’s cock was too much to bear. He shouted again as his body lit up inside with ecstasy. The orgasm that hit him was so much stronger than the ones he had when he masturbated. Aaron felt it from the tips of his toes to the top of his skull.

Valen grunted with every thrust, then he cursed and straddled Aaron’s hips.

Aaron wanted to stare at the big, thick cock Valen was stroking. He also wanted to watch Valen’s face. He settled for darting his gaze back and forth between the two beauteous sights.

“Touch me,” Valen demanded.

Aaron hadn’t ever touched another person sexually. He wasn’t sure how. Still, with Valen ordering him to do it, Aaron couldn’t resist. Besides, no one would know he’d done it—no one other than him and Valen, and maybe Rivvie would have a clue. Then again, maybe it didn’t matter. They didn’t know him and wouldn’t go telling people in the village.

Assured that this would remain a secret he could carry in his heart, Aaron let himself give in to the temptation Valen presented. He ran his hands up Valen’s muscular thighs and after only a second’s hesitation, reached between Valen’s legs.

“Fuck, yes!” Valen raised up onto his knees more and leaned over Aaron. “Cup ‘em. Touch my balls.”

Aaron couldn’t believe he was doing it, or had done most of what he’d done lately. Sneaking away from the village was going to land him in trouble, but this… This was so worth it. When he moved his hands lower to palm Valen’s balls, it was as if someone else were actually doing that, and Aaron was merely an observer.

Until he felt the warm weight of Valen’s sac in his hand, and the crinkly press of pubic hair on his palm. It told Aaron that yes, he was awake, aware, and not lost in the best dream he’d ever had.

He cupped Valen’s balls more firmly.

“Yeah, that’s it, just keep—ungh!” Valen dropped down on one hand, bracing it beside Aaron’s head. “Yeah, fuckin’— Oh, oh gods!”

His balls pulled up, the skin casing them wrinkling as the nuts went hard and tight. A heartbeat later, wet heat splattered Aaron’s chin.

“Gods, yeah, gotta…mark,” Valen was saying.

Aaron assumed Valen meant the cum that kept landing on him. After it hit Aaron’s chin, Valen arched his pelvis closer and Aaron’s cheek and neck were the recipients of the next two shots of spunk. The fourth one landed on Aaron’s shoulder.

Aaron opened his mouth up to speak. He got no further than a startled sound when Valen swiped his fingers through his own cum then held them to Aaron’s lips.

Aaron’s belly fluttered and he debated what to do for all of a half second. He stuck his tongue out tentatively in case he absolutely hated the taste of cum, then moaned happily when he discovered that the salty flavor wasn’t bad at all.
A little bitter
. Aaron had always preferred that over sweet.

“Gods, that’s so sexy.” Valen pushed his spunk-covered fingers into Aaron’s mouth. “The things we could do together…”

Aaron sucked eagerly, both appalled and thrilled with his own daring.

“Fuck,” Valen gritted out. “Your tongue feels so silky. It’s made for my—” He pressed his lips together and yanked his fingers from Aaron’s mouth.

Aaron was confused. Everything had been beyond good, and he’d had his first sexual release with another person, and even better, it’d been with a strong, sexy man. It might have violated the rules he’d been raised with. Even so, he wouldn’t have changed the experience for the world.

“Come. Let me take you to a more secluded spot. We are still vulnerable here. I wasn’t thinking,” Valen admitted, a crooked grin showing off his white teeth. He picked up the one shoe that he’d taken off of Aaron’s foot. “Up you go.”

As if Aaron could even move. Somehow he managed, even with his pants hanging awkwardly on one leg, and Valen scooped him into strong arms.

Aaron squealed and wrapped his arms around Valen’s neck. “What are you doing?”

“Seems obvious.” Valen jostled him lightly. “Carrying you. Your knee is hurt, and I’m not done with you yet.”

Aaron’s cock was softening from his release, and if Valen kept talking like that, it’d get hard again very quickly. “Oh. Oh, well, that’s okay then.”

Valen chuckled and strode toward the stream. “Rivvie, keep a watch out.”

“Oh ho, gonna get some,” Rivvie snickered. “More, I mean. Get some more.”

Aaron buried his face against Valen’s chest, wishing he could just disappear. Except that would mean he wouldn’t get to find out what else Valen wanted to do to him.

“Rivvie,” Valen growled. “Cut it out. Watch for people searching for Aaron.”

“Yes, sir.”

“There’s a den I passed not far from here,” Valen said several strides later.

Aaron kept his face pressed to Valen’s chest. He liked hearing the steady thump of his heart and the rush of air in and out of his lungs. “A den? What kind of den?”

“Likely an abandoned one.” Valen didn’t supply any more of an answer. After another stretch of silence, he stopped. “I’m going to put you down then help you get in.”

“I can stand up,” Aaron protested. “It’s not like I’m in a bunch of pain.”

Valen leered at him. “You’ll be feeling nothing but pleasure again very soon. I want you more than I’ve wanted anyone, I think.”

Aaron was flattered, and eager. He bit back a grimace when he had to stand on his own. His knee ached. It wasn’t a horrible pain. It reminded him of when he’d tried to race Jason Elderberry and had twisted his ankle. Aaron had lost the race. Jason had had to carry him back to the house.

It hadn’t felt nearly as good to be carried by Jason as it did to have Valen holding him.

Valen knelt and looked into the den. “It’s got more room a few feet in. It’s not quite a cave. Could look for one. I’m sure there’s many on this mountain.”

“This is good.” Aaron wanted Valen to hurry up before all the reasons why Aaron shouldn’t be doing this screamed louder in his head than all the reasons he should. Right now, he only had one reason for going through with this—he wanted Valen. It was a darn good and strong argument for standing there and waiting.

Valen entered the den. “It’s clear. No critters besides me.” He scooted out of it then stood. His eyes burned with a hunger even Aaron could understand despite his innocence.

Then again, how innocent was he now that he’d experienced one release with Valen?

“Do you need help?” Valen asked.

Before Aaron could answer, Valen took his hands and eased him onto his back. “What are you doing?”

Valen caressed Aaron’s cheek. “I like the idea of bringing you in here.”

Aaron was confused until Valen tucked his hands under Aaron’s shoulders then began to drag him into the den.

Valen was careful, and Aaron didn’t get any bumps or scrapes. He didn’t get to say anything, either, because Valen was stretched out on him within seconds.

“Now,” Valen all but purred, “where should I start?”


Chapter Five




The way Valen saw it, he had the time to spend a few hours with the sexy man who so clearly wanted him. There was no timetable for when Valen had to be settled somewhere, and even if there had been, Aaron was enough of a temptation to have him changing plans.

Now, with Aaron writhing under him, Valen wondered if one night would be enough. It would have to be. While Valen had no schedule, it was a certainty that Aaron would be missed and people would be coming for him.

But not yet. Valen deepened the kiss as he let the flavor of Aaron infuse itself with his marrow. It felt like that was what happened, as if something was bone-deep right about them being together in that moment.

Valen rolled them, putting Aaron on top so he could palm the firm swells of his ass. Aaron was thin, the skin on his back warm and smooth, the knobs of his spine prominent. Surprisingly, his butt had a nice shape to it. Valen kneaded that flesh and debated what he wanted to do.

Throwing Aaron down and fucking him wasn’t going to happen no matter how much Valen wanted to bury his dick inside Aaron’s heat. Valen was positive that Aaron was a virgin, and Valen had neither the lubricant nor the patience to relieve Aaron of that title. Not anally at least. He’d certainly make sure Aaron lost all his other cherries.

Starting with the sweet, warm mouth Valen was still plundering.

Then he had plans for another part of Aaron’s sexy body. He wanted to do everything he could to the man’s ass. Lick it, finger it, fuck it. Any one or all of those things.
If Aaron wants that, too.

Oh, to feel the smooth, hot skin of Aaron’s butt! The way the muscles there flexed and hardened as he shimmied his clothing down.

Then Aaron was nude, and his wet-tipped dick was a temptation Valen had no need to resist. There was also no reason to rush. Valen cupped the back of Aaron’s head with one hand while keeping the other on Aaron’s delectable ass. Aaron’s long, silky hair spilled over to tickle Valen’s cheek.

The kiss became more ardent, with Valen nipping at Aaron’s tongue and lips while squeezing his buttock with more force. He wanted to do everything to the man, take him in every position he could think of and make up some of their own.

It wasn’t going to happen, Valen reminded himself. He did brush his fingers down Aaron’s crease, let the tips brush over his hole.

Aaron moaned and rocked his hips urgently against Valen’s.

Valen put them back on their sides. He pulled his mouth from Aaron’s and sucked at the delicate skin under his ear.

“Oh,” Aaron panted. “Oh gods, don’t stop!”

“Not going to.” Valen sucked until he had brought up a purple mark, then he put Aaron on his back and began licking and kissing his way to Aaron’s nipples.

Aaron mewled for him, parting his legs and thrusting his leaking cock up against Valen’s belly.

“I don’t… Don’t know what to do,” Aaron rasped, bending his legs so that they framed Valen’s shoulder and torso.

“Just listen to your body.” It sounded like stupid advice. It wasn’t. “Trust it.” Valen licked down Aaron’s soft belly. He didn’t have the ridged muscles there like Valen did, and that was another intriguing difference he appreciated. There was the faintest sprinkling of golden-white hairs leading to Aaron’s navel.

Valen rubbed his lips over them before dipping his tongue into Aaron’s belly button.

“Valen!” Aaron squirmed and grabbed onto Valen’s shoulders. “That tickles!”

“Mmm.” Valen grinned as he lapped at it again. He’d never given a shit about tonguing any past lover’s belly button, yet he found doing so to Aaron incredibly rewarding, not to mention hot. He liked the way Aaron squirmed, pushing into the wet licks then pulling away, as if he couldn’t decide whether the sensation was more pleasurable than not, but he was wiling to allow Valen the luxury of helping him figure that out.

And there were the sounds Aaron made, so intriguing for reasons Valen couldn’t pinpoint. He didn’t try, either. Instead he just let them fill him with a joy he’d not experienced before.

Aaron giggled and the sound of that warmed Valen in an entirely different way than arousal did. He lipped the sweet skin below, making a pink trail that led down to Aaron’s sparse pubic hair. His dick was full and thick, tempting, but Valen kissed around it and licked the heated skin where Aaron’s thigh and groin met.

“Valen, I can’t… I need…” Aaron moaned and buried his hands in Valen’s hair. He tugged, trying to get Valen’s mouth closer to his shaft.

Valen nipped his thigh, then sucked until a dark purple hickey was raised up. He took a hold of Aaron’s hands and peeled them from his hair.

Then he pushed at Aaron’s elbows. “Keep your arms above your head.” He didn’t like having his hair pulled, and he needed to be in control.

Aaron whimpered as he did as Valen had ordered.

For a reward, and because he wanted to do it so badly, Valen licked Aaron’s leaking slit.

“Ah!” Aaron yelped, his hips bucking. “Gods!”

Valen grinned and did it again, at the same time wrapping a hand around the base of Aaron’s cock. He pushed his tongue against that tiny opening and Aaron went wild for him, shouting and moaning.

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