Runaway Groom (27 page)

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Authors: Fiona Lowe

BOOK: Runaway Groom
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“I was on beautiful beaches watching glorious sunrises and sunsets and I was miserable.” His green eyes begged her to understand. “I thought about going home to Australia but it didn’t feel like home anymore and I couldn’t work out why I’d been happier amidst the fall colors in Whitetail than I was on any beach. I thought I was missing Whitetail but I wasn’t. I was missing you.”

He walked around the counter and stood in front of her. “I never wanted to allow myself to fall in love again but then you happened. You hit me with that torch and you hit me with your love. I’m sorry I wasn’t ready to hear you when you told me you loved me, but know this. I love you, Amy Sagar, and I’ll always be here for you.”

The plea in his voice, the earnest expression on his face and the worry in his eyes made her sob but she still needed more. “Be with me here in Chicago?”

“Your job’s here so I’m here.” He gave a hopeful smile. “I’m sure in the home of the skyscraper they need engineers.”

Her heart hammered hard at his offer and she wanted so much to accept it but there was one more thing holding her back. “And what if there are times when I’m not brave and I want to hide behind you?”

His green eyes filled with understanding. “I’ll stand
to you, Amy, and hold your hand.”

He loves me
He really loves me

She reached out her hand toward him and he grabbed it as if it was a life jacket being thrown to him. Then his arms were around her and his face was buried in her hair and she felt the sob in his chest before she heard it.

“I thought I’d lost you.” His hands cupped her face and he gazed down at her.

She gave him a wobbly smile. “I know how you feel.”

His arms tightened around her. “I’m so sorry for being so idiotically slow to realize that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“I love you, Ben.” She smiled up at him, feeling his love wrap around her like a cloak. “But I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you there have been days these last three weeks when I didn’t want to love you, but the thing is, I have no choice. You’re part of my heart.”

“I promise to take great care of it.” His lips came down onto hers in a seal of commitment, his love infusing her with its heady mix of care and unconditional support. She leaned into him, giddy with amazement that she was so fortunate to have this wonderful man in her life.

A few minutes later when they finally came up for air, Amy led Ben to the couch and snuggled into him. “I need to tell you something.”

He frowned. “What?”

She laughed. “Don’t look so worried. If anything I should be the worried one because what I’m about to tell you will probably make your head swell. From time to time in Whitetail, you told me I was hiding from things and as much as I didn’t want to hear it, I now confess you were right. It had become a habit I didn’t even recognize.”

He wound one of her curls around his finger. “It’s always easier for an outsider to have perspective. You had me pegged about being scared to love so I guess we’re good for each other.”

She nodded, sucking in a breath. “And you and I, we’re about the truth, right? Well, the truth is, I didn’t actually fight Jonathon to get my job back. I fought him for the rights of a little girl with cerebral palsy who needed a wheelchair but along the way I learned something about myself.”

“What was that?”

“That I’m in the wrong job.”

He stared at her in surprise. “You don’t want to be a lawyer?”

“Oh, I do. I just don’t want to work in corporate law so I’ve quit my job at M.M. that they
to offer me.” She laughed. “I’m sure they’re secretly relived about it.”

“So the packing boxes are because you’re moving for a new job?”

“Not exactly.” Her fingers fiddled with the zipper on his leather jacket. “My stuff’s going into storage and my plan was to do some traveling before finding a job in disability advocacy. I realized what I loved most about working at M.M. was my work with the Kids Plus Foundation.”

“Good for you.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Have you told your parents?”

She gave him a wry smile. “Yes, Ben, I’ve told my parents and they’re totally on board. Turns out we were all a bit misguided but we’ve talked it out and everything’s good.”

He grinned down at her. “So you want to travel?”

“I do. I’ve worked continuously for years and I deserve some adventure.”

“Where are you planning to go?”

“Australia. I figured if I couldn’t have you, I wanted to see where you came from.”

His heart, already full, overflowed. “My parents are going to be beside themselves with joy when I bring you home.” He paused, struck by a thought. “When you and your folks were having your heart-to-heart did you mention the travel?”



“Ah, what?”

“Your dad’s already told me not to take you away. He’ll have my balls.”

She laughed. “I doubt it. Visiting Australia has always been on Mom and Dad’s wish list.”

“Would they come for a wedding?”

Amy sat up fast, her heart thundering so hard she was sure Ben could hear it. “ that a proposal?”

He blinked at her in surprise as if he couldn’t quite believe he’d said the words. His eyes darkened, overflowing with love. “Yes,” he said firmly.

The next moment he was on his knees, on the floor and holding both her hands. “Amy Sagar, will you have me for better because you already know the worse, for richer although possibly financially poorer if we keep traveling, and in sickness and in health for the rest of our lives?”

She leaned forward, loving him so much. “Given you’re a health freak, I’m guessing it will be more health than sickness.”

“I’m hoping so. I plan to live to a hundred and you better keep up with me. Marry me, Amy.”

Tears overflowed. “I will.”

“Thank you.” He grinned at her, his handsome face radiating love. “I never thought it was possible to be this happy.”

“Neither did I.” She thought her heart would burst from joy. This amazing and wonderful man had literally ridden into her life and changed it in ways she could never have imagined. She wasn’t naive enough to know there wouldn’t be bumps along the road but she knew down to the tips of her toes she was loved and adored, and she loved and adored him back. This was their insurance. This was what would cushion the road ahead for both of them.

She dropped her head and kissed him, excited to start the rest of her life.

* * *

Melissa rushed into the Monday town meeting, waving photos. “Ben and Amy got married!”

Al grinned and slung his arm around Ella’s shoulders. “Don’t be too disappointed, Ellie. Fortunately, you’ve still got me.”

Ella rolled her eyes. “Don’t you worry. I’m planning on enjoying the view of all the young bikers in their leathers who we meet on our trip,” she said as she leaned into him with a smile.

“Why didn’t they get married in Whitetail?” Nicole said disappointedly. “After all, they met here and we would have thrown them an amazing wedding.”

“Ben wanted something really quiet,” Melissa said softly.

A collective
of understanding went around the room. No one knew the full story, but they all knew Ben had been jilted once before.

The photos got passed around while Melissa read out a letter from Amy.

“‘Ben and I got married on a beautiful tropical island off the Australian Queensland coast. It was a glorious day, the sky was blue, the sea the most amazing turquoise green and so clear that we could see fish. Apart from Ben and me and the marriage celebrant, the only other people present were my parents and Ben’s. As you can see from the photos, Ben was beyond handsome in a white linen, open-neck shirt and rolled-up chinos. I chose a simple, full-length chiffon sheath.’”

Melissa laughed. “Ben has crossed out
and added

Everyone smiled.

“‘I didn’t have a bouquet but wore frangipani in my hair until my curls tossed them out. We held hands and stood with our bare feet buried in the warm, white sand and pledged our love to each other. Ben gave me a Russian wedding ring because he says the three intertwined rings of white gold, gold and rose gold, without an obvious beginning or end, mean never-ending love. I cried. So did he. So did our parents.

“‘Our favorite photo is the one of us standing inside a huge love heart, which my dad drew in the sand for us. After the ceremony we drank champagne, ate crayfish—which is like lobster—and then we all went snorkeling. It was an amazing and special day and I hope you and Scott have one just as special next year.’”

“Hear, hear,” John Ackerman said as everyone joined him in agreement.

“There’s a bit more,” Melissa said, continuing to read.

“‘G’day, everyone, Ben here. Now I’ve got a ring firmly on Amy’s finger, I’ve decided that weddings aren’t that bad after all. We had such a great day we want to do it again, only this time with Amy’s sisters, my brothers and all our Whitetail friends. As Amy’s promised Melissa she’d make her dress, we’ll get married again when we return and we want to use Whitetail Weddings That Wow as our preferred wedding company. Al, start putting together a group of vintage Harleys for our wedding transport.’”

“I know a guy with a 1969 pearl-white classic. Now that would be perfect for a wedding,” Al said.

“I’ll come with you to make sure a bride in a wedding dress can fit on the pillion seat,” Ella said.

“Shh,” Nicole said, “I want to hear the rest of the letter.”

“‘Could you also contact the Rasmussens and ask them if they’d rent the house to us because when we add up all the Sagars and the Armytages, it comes to a lot of people.

“‘I’d love to write more but my wife’s just put on her running gear and I can see her bending over and lacing up her shoes. I best go catch her up.

“‘Take care and we’ll see you all soon.


As Melissa put down the letter, everyone sighed and then clapped. Whitetail Weddings That Wow had another wedding to plan and the town couldn’t be happier.

* * * * *

In the mood for another heartwarming small-town
romance from Fiona Lowe?
Then check out
Boomerang Bride
Saved by the Bride
Picture Perfect Wedding
—available now!

Boomerang Bride

Matilda Geoffrey had risked it all for love.

She’d left Australia to be with Barry—the man who had swept her off her virtual feet. Now, wearing a wedding dress, she’s alone on Main Street in small-town Wisconsin, and things aren’t working out exactly as planned...

In town for his annual family visit, Marc Olsen had never seen a bride quite like Matilda—staring into a storefront window, holding a tottering wedding cake and looking desperately in need of a groom. He doesn’t have many warm feelings for his hometown, but meeting Matilda just as she discovers she’s been scammed by her online “fiancé” stirs something in him. But as unlikely circumstances throw them together, can they let go of their misconceptions and risk their hearts for love?

Saved by the Bride

As acting mayor, Annika will do anything to revive the economy of the town that’s been her refuge ever since her art career imploded and her fiancé walked out. Even if it means crashing an engagement party to talk business with the bride’s billionaire father. But the evening starts with a kiss from a gorgeous stranger—and ends with a night in jail.

Picture Perfect Wedding

Erin Davis will do whatever it takes to be
photographer for high-end brides. So what if
capturing the moments of people’s lives means she has no time for her own. Nothing will get between her and the security she craves, not even the gorgeous farmer refusing to let her shoot in his sunflowers...

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