Runestone (19 page)

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Authors: Em Petrova

BOOK: Runestone
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Blood surged into his cheeks.

“He needs to be moved to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.” Will’s gaze tenderly ran over Sean.

“We’re about two miles from one. This village is a small suburb. I’ll go see if I can find a car.” He started out of the pew.

“Amsdell.” Will’s hand clasped over his forearm, staying him. “Be careful.”

Evangeline watched the man’s face transform. The creases on his forehead relaxed and a smile spread over his handsome features.

“Always, my friend.”

After Amsdell had gone, Sean clicked his tongue. “Such a playboy.”

Will bowed his head. “I’m sorry, Sean. I didn’t mean for it to happen. And it takes nothing away from you or Evangeline.”

The corner of Sean’s mouth lifted. “I know. I have some things to be sorry for too. I’m sorry for marrying Evangeline without you being there. It was an impulsive decision. I didn’t consider that you’d be hurt by it—”

“I’m not. I told her that before I cut her off.” Will encircled her in his arms and ducked his mouth to her tattoo once again. White hot pleasure washed through her. “I’m not angry. I’m happy you’ve gotten the bond you needed. But there’s one little problem.”

“What’s that?” Evangeline tipped her face up to his.

“There are two sets of bonds, and three of us. But I think I have a solution.”

Chapter Seventeen

Tropical flowers of all hues spilled over fat white vases and dotted the main living space of the villa. In the corner, a small three piece band was set up, playing a soft ballad. The immortal friends Sean had come to love were seated comfortably on various plush chairs and snuggled together on sofas.

Sean shifted from foot to foot. His new shiny dress shoes pinched his toes, but it was all he could find in such short notice. At least his tux fit well. The lines clung to his broad chest and thighs like it was made for him.

Across from him, Will flashed a wide grin, decked out in a matching tux. His shaven head lent him a James Bond air, and all too well Sean pictured him gunning down anyone who dared to threaten those he loved.

A collective
came from the onlookers, and Sean glanced to the foot of the stairs. Evangeline appeared wearing a simple white lace gown, cut low over her full breasts, and snug at the waist. It flared over her hips beautifully, falling to the tops of her silver shoes. Wrapped several times around her slender wrist was the shell bead necklace Acan had given her on the mountain. Long, cascading diamond earrings grazed her shoulders, and her hair was a wreath of smooth curls. The violet streak at the front dangled alluringly into the corner of her eye.

Sean sucked in a sharp breath, and heard Will do the same. His heart pattered as she drifted forward to stand between them.

Dante took his place before the group and raised his voice. “We’re gathered here to witness the joining of this beautiful trio, Evangeline, Sean and Will. Their love knows no bounds. They’ve seen one another through joys and hardships, bolstered one another through sad times and good. As a former captain of many glorious sailing vessels, I have been asked to join them as one, and I do so with much pride.”

Sean shifted his shoulder slightly. It was still stiff, but it was mending after the bullet had passed cleanly through, leaving little damage.

He drew Evangeline’s hand into his, and grasped Will’s with the other. They stood in a circle of boundless trust and love and devotion as Dante continued to speak the traditional words that bound people in marriage. Sean’s heart thrilled. At last he was getting what he wanted. If he couldn’t be immortal, this was the closest to it. Being joined to his lovers for eternity was all he needed for now.

In the back of the room, Amsdell sat watching with a half-smile on his face. At first, Sean had worried about the man’s place in Will’s life. But Will had given Sean and Evangeline his all since they’d returned to the villa.

The construction was finished—the walls painted the perfect shades of a mountain dusk, the marble floors gleaming and the furniture perfectly placed. Every guest room was filled, and Amsdell had been given the comfortable sofa in the library as his bed. But he was good-natured through everything, as accepting and joyous about the upcoming wedding as the others were.

Sean was brought from his musings as Dante added his special flair to the speech. “These special immortals, Evangeline and Will, were given tools at their Makings which helped them find one another despite high odds. And the link was a mortal man who was driven to unite them. May you all live your lives exploring the love and joys of one another. And without further ado, I pronounce you husband, husband and wife.”

Sean’s heart surged with passion for them. He slid an arm around Evangeline and Will, drawing them near. For a long moment, they met each other’s eyes, speaking volumes through their happy gazes. As one, he and Will lowered their mouths to Evangeline’s. She turned her mouth against Will’s, and then Sean’s hungrily. Sean stroked her lower lip with his tongue and Will added his to the mix.

By the time they drew away, Sean was hard and aching, his trousers uncomfortably tight.

Everyone surged forward to embrace them and congratulate them while Dante popped a bottle of champagne. The golden liquid creamed into the flutes. Sean accepted one from Gracie with a grin.

“Congratulations,” she said, leaning near to kiss him on the cheek.

He held her briefly, and clinked glasses with her. She still wore the strain of losing Javier in the battle, as she was closest to him. They’d buried him properly in the village cemetery, and notice had been sent to his home village, and especially to Acan. Javier’s death had been hard for all of them.

Sean still worried that there were more members of the army out there—that they’d merely annihilated one cell—but Will felt certain the army was finished.

As he looked up into Evangeline’s glowing blue eyes he knew peace like never before. She’d given herself to him in every way possible. Every way except by sharing her blood. And while he didn’t need it as badly anymore, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t harbor a small hope that someday they’d Make him immortal too.

Will’s lips were at his ear. “Eat fast.” He gestured to the sideboard where the women had prepared a small wedding feast. “I need you and Evangeline in my bed.”

The fine hairs rose on Sean’s body at his words, and excitement stirred his cock. He leaned in and caught Will’s earlobe in his teeth. “It can’t come fast enough.”

Evangeline stepped into their combined arms and Sean nuzzled her throat, relieved to know she wasn’t shaking. She wore the glow of a happy bride. But he couldn’t wait to bring that sex flush to her beautiful pale skin.

* * * * *

Will brought the champagne bottle to bed with them, and Evangeline carried the glasses. Sean climbed the stairs behind them, alternately watching Evangeline’s little ass sway in front of him, and Will’s sculpted buttocks before hers.

“I can’t wait to get out of these shoes,” Sean groaned as he navigated the wooden and metal treads of their modern staircase.

“You’re going to get out of more than the shoes,” Will promised in his low voice.

When they reached their master suite, Sean kicked the shoes off and quietly closed the door. His feet sank into the plush carpet, imagining laying his lovers out on it and stretching atop them, of drinking champagne from each mouth.

Will set the bottle in an ice bucket which sat atop the nightstand and removed the glasses from Evangeline with a tender smile. “Welcome home, my lovers.”

Sean grabbed them around the waists and walked them back to the big bed. High and wide and piled with down pillows, it looked more than inviting. After weeks of sleeping on the ground, he was ready to climb between the layers of comfort.

Will clasped hands with Sean on Evangeline’s lower back. His rough fingers spreading around Sean’s shot him with desire. It had been so long since he’d felt the pleasures Will could give him. But he would miss the feel of his long hair on his body.

Gripping his nape, Sean drew his head to his lips. He kissed the small circular pattern of numbers visible on his skull. The sight of it had been a shock to him and Evangeline, and while Sean thought it sexy as hell, he wished for Will’s auburn mop.

Evangeline stroked each of their cocks through their pants. “My beautiful men. My husbands.” Her beatific smile kindled a flame in Sean’s heart.

With a growl, he claimed her mouth. He kissed her passionately, thoroughly working her tongue and gently pummeling her lips until they were delightfully swollen.

“My turn.” Will took over and Sean dipped his mouth to the back of Will’s neck, tasting the firm, musky skin.

When they drew away, they exchanged a glance, and then began to strip her. Will tackled her zipper while Sean dropped to his knees and removed her dainty feet from her high heels. Her gown fell in a cloud around her ankles, and Will held her hand as she stepped from the wreath, wearing only the tiniest white lace bra and thong, garter and hose.

Sean pushed his cock into her hip. “I’m going to ravage you before we can even get those hose off.”

“Mmm.” She kissed Will ferociously. Playing the voyeur ratcheted up Sean’s need. He adored watching them make love.

They fell into bed in a tangle of arms and legs and writhing bodies. Sean turned his attention to Will’s mouth for long, mind-blowing minutes. He didn’t fault Will for taking Amsdell as a lover. He was gorgeous and interesting and manly, and Will was alone.

While Sean was very thankful to have had Evangeline with him, he desperately missed the touch of a man.

He unleashed his passions, pouring them into his rough, demanding kiss. Will met him stroke for stroke, pushing his tongue deep into Sean’s mouth and flipping him into the mattress.

Evangeline stroked each of them. She loosened Sean’s black bow tie, letting it hang off his collar. Her playful touch on his shirt buttons and the buttons on his wrists drove him wild. She popped each with excruciating slowness. His skin tingled beneath the thin white cotton in anticipation of her touch.

When his shirt hung open, she pulled the tails from his pants. As Will pummeled his mouth, Evangeline’s silky hair covered his chest. Her warm, rough tongue flickered over his nipple, raising a groan from him. He cradled the back of her head in one hand, and drew her to the other one. Her sharp little teeth closed around it, and he bucked.

Will released his mouth and took over where she left off, his tongue swirling maddeningly around his taut nipples while Evangeline’s kiss traveled lower. She kissed the flat planes of his abdomen as she deftly opened his fly. He twisted his hands gently into her hair, struggling to keep from pulling her up his body and forcing her to mount his cock. But he craved the feel of her hot mouth on his erection. If he was lucky, Will would help.

One-handedly, he discarded Will’s tie and unbuttoned his shirt. He peeled the cotton off Will’s muscled shoulders. Will reared up on his knees with a grin to remove his cuff links. They pinged off the floor, and Evangeline gave a soft laugh.

Sean yanked him back down for a harsh kiss just as Evangeline’s mouth closed over the tip of his cock. He stopped breathing. White heat clawed his core, shooting through his balls and infusing his limbs. If she wasn’t careful, he would blow too soon.

Abruptly, Will abandoned the kiss and took his place next to Evangeline. Sean looked down his body at the two beautiful heads touching one another. With a pop, she released his shaft. Her fingers curled around the base, cupping his balls tight to his body, and Will went down on him.

Sean issued a ragged groan. He had to admit, Will gave amazing head. Fleetingly, he wondered if all men did, or only Will. But then he lost himself in the two tongues that melted against his rod. Will milked him hard, drawing a drop of pre-cum to the tip. He removed his mouth and Evangeline lapped it off.

The sight of her pink tongue stroking his swollen head sent him over the edge. He grasped their heads as he stiffened. Torrents of passion broke over him.

“Oh, fuck!” Scalding come erupted from his cock, arcing in a pearly stream into Will’s open mouth. They shared the spurts between them, sending him off the deep end. He continued to come, pulsating though he was empty.

Depleted, but with his nerves singing, he caressed their heads, lifting Evangeline’s tresses and letting them slide through his fingers, and stroking Will’s coarse scalp.

They lifted their heads and gave him dual grins. Sean lifted a brow at Will, and watched as the corner of his mouth quirked up higher in answer. Without a word, they reached for Evangeline, stretching her between them. Sean began at her head and Will her feet.

“Yes, my gorgeous studs,” she gasped.

Sean pressed small nipping kisses to the corner of her eye, on the stars which had guided them to Will and to the forces they needed to defeat. She quivered at his touch, and he continued downward, licking each rune and star. He brushed his lips over the corner of hers, prodding the seam with his tongue.

She opened to him, sucking his tongue into the salty depths of her mouth. Sean could taste himself and also Will’s unique musky flavor. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Will nibbling the insides of her thighs through her hose. She cried out, her hips lifting off the bed as he worked toward the thin lace patch covering her pussy.

Sean drew away to watch, kneeling with a thigh on each side of her head. His cock danced against his belly as he slowly pinched her tight buds through her lacy bra. Her lips were pink and swollen, her small rasps drying the moisture from Sean’s kisses.

He gently pulled her hard pearls, stretching them inside her bra. “Please, please, take it off,” she rasped, thrusting her mounds into his hands.

He reached beneath her and found the clasp. The fabric loosened and he eased it off her, abandoning it on the floor. The sight of her full breasts and the straining pink nipples speared him with fresh need. His orgasm a few minutes ago felt far off and miniscule in comparison to the forces brewing in him.

Writhing beneath Will’s mouth and Sean’s hands, she started to talk dirty. “I can’t wait to feel your big cocks filling me. Filling me in unison. One in my tight pussy, the other in my tight ass.”

Will moaned. His fingers dug into her round hips as he drew her pussy to his face. Sean stretched on the bed so he could watch Will eat her while sucking on her nipples. He drew one hot bud onto his tongue, raising a gasp from her.

Licking her needy flesh, he watched Will’s tongue smooth over the band of her thigh high pantyhose. The plump flesh quivered with each stroke. And when he licked the thin strip of fabric covering her labia, she cried out. Will wet the lace until the seam and her full lips were clearly visible. Sean’s rod beat his navel, dying to sink between those lush bumps. He met Will’s gaze. Electricity shot through him as he watched his lover suckled Evangeline’s clit through her panties.

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