Running In Fear: Coming Home (10 page)

BOOK: Running In Fear: Coming Home
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Jaycee shrank back. She felt like he had just slapped her. Jaycee took off running towards the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it. She couldn't catch her breath as she hopped back into the tub, wrapping her hands around her body. She could hear her mates yelling at each other.

Jaycee sunk down in the tub, washing her hair and body. She dressed quickly, slipping on the dress and her shoes. She slipped out the bathroom. They were still arguing when she pressed the elevator button. When it opened, her guards were there, waiting for her. She pushed the button for the main floor, then Jaycee turned to her guards.

“I'm going down a little early. I need some air, so don't worry. I'm not leaving the building.” Jaycee smiled at her guards. She knew they could see the bruise and her swollen eyes, but she didn't care.

Jaycee made her way out of the elevator, walking towards the lounge that was attached to restaurant.

Kate sat at the bar with her guards.

“Hey, what are you doing down here by yourself? I would have thought my father kept you busy,” Jaycee grumbled.

“He tried. I locked him in the bathroom, got dressed, and came down here. He might be sorry, but he's still a jackass. No offense,” Kate grunted “So, what's your excuse?”

Jaycee turned around, showing her back and Jaycee heard her gasp. “How did that happen?” Kate asked, looking into Jaycee's face.

“While I was running from my mates I saw a trap and tired to jump it, but I didn't make it so I turned so I wouldn't land on my stomach. Well, you see what happened. Now, Remi is again accusing me of trying to kill the babies. I just couldn't stay. They were fighting upstairs, so I got dressed and came down here to think.” Jaycee sat down next to her, ordering a diet Pepsi.

“Boy, aren't we a sorry pair.” Kate laughed and Jaycee joined her.

Jaycee where the hell are you, now?
Remi demanded.

I'm sitting down here in the lounge talking to Kate, oh mighty alpha!

“I swear if he barks at me one more time, I'm going to turn him into a toad.”

“You're going to turn who into a toad!” Remi growled behind her, still in his jeans, his eyes glowed red.

“Back off Remi. I took my guards, I didn't go anywhere or run! And I didn't try and kill our babies again. Are you happy!” Jaycee demanded, and glared at him.

“Let's go. We're not done talking!” Remi's alpha voice crawled over her body. Jaycee's head flew back and her body listened viscerally, pulling her towards him.

“Remi don't, please.” Jaycee pleaded as tears ran down her face.

He didn't say anything, but picked her up. He stomped up to the elevator and entered it, pushing the button. He waited, not saying a word until the elevator opened. He walked into their bedroom, slowly removed her dress, and lowered her to the floor.

“Why did you leave Jaycee?” Remi stared at her naked body. Mark and Dane stood back watching.

“What else is there to say, Remi? You'll always blame me for the child we lost, and I couldn't stand to hear you three fighting. You've won. I've given up. Is that what you want to hear? Do you want me to crawl and ask forgiveness?” Jaycee got down on her hands and knees, crawling to him, her head lowered.

“Is this better, or do you want my body, too? I can lay on the bed for you.” Jaycee got up and walked to the bed. She lay down, her ass up in the air in a submissive position, waiting.

“Get up Jaycee, and come here,” Remi sighed, sitting down in a chair.

Jaycee made her way towards him. She stepped up to him; he grabbed her and cradled her in his lap.

“I was wrong to say what I did. You make me crazy. I have never felt so at a loss as when you left. Mark and Dane were arguing because they knew I'd said too much, and they were right. I guess we all have our problems, baby. Please be patient with me. I'll try.” Remi stared down at her face, his hands holding her tight.

“I'll try Remi,. It hurt when you said that. Don't you think I blame myself enough for all of this? If it weren't for my actions, our other child would be alive. Hell, Pierre and your other brother would be alive. Sometimes I just feel that if I wasn't around, your families would be better off.” Jaycee whispered into his chest and laid her head down.

“Oh, baby, none of that was your fault. Where do you think we would be if we didn't have you? We would be lost. We love you,” Remi whispered, his lips traced hers and his tongue pushed slowly into her mouth. His hand caressed her breast.

“I want you, baby,” Remi whispered, wrapping his muscular arms under her legs, then lifting and carrying her to the bed, placing her in the middle of it. Remi ripped out of his pants and crawled slowly up her body, his cock finding her secret haven. He pulled her legs up onto his shoulders, stared down at her face, his thick, long cock slid into her slowly, stretching her. He watched her pussy suck his cock in.

Dane and Mark stood in the back of the room, stroking their cocks. Remi pulled her body up, his cock still inside her. Sitting back on his legs, he pushed his cock further into her. His eyes never left hers.

Jaycee wrapped her arms around his neck, her tongue licked along his chin and slipped into his waiting mouth. Her small hands traced his back, scratching him.

“God, you're beautiful, baby!” Remi whispered, leaning her back and sucking on her nipples.

Jaycee loved every moment he made love to her. His hands and mouth traced everywhere they could; his cock locked onto her g-spot and sent her body into tremors. His seed gushed into her, his muscles tensed up and he slammed into her hard.

“Mine! I'll never let you go!” He growled, and gave her one last passion-filled kiss. He pulled back, smiling down at her.

“I'm going to go hop in the shower. I believe you have two other mates who want to show you how sorry we all are.” Remi kissed her nose and slipped out of her.

Dane crawled on the bed next to her and pulled her onto him, his shaft slid into her already hot pussy. Mark crawled up behind her and opened her butt cheeks, sliding into her ass slowly.

“You have been through so much. I want to lock you up in our room and never let you out of my sight again,” Dane whispered into her neck and bit it.

Dane and Mark proceeded to show her how sorry they were for the next half hour.

Jaycee smiled up at her mates as they walked around getting dressed. Getting up, Jaycee looked at the clock and yelled. “Damn it, you guys. We're going to be late again! I hate being late! Mark get that list of houses and grab my laptop.”

Jaycee ran for the bathroom, taking her dress with her. After washing up and brushing her hair, Jaycee slipped on her dress again and her shoes. When she came out of the bathroom, all three of her mates stood dressed in dark blue suits. Jaycee sucked in her breath, looking at them. “God, you guys could be models for the stories I write. Man are you hot!” Jaycee fanned her face as they laughed, circling her.

“And you're even hotter, baby! Wow, how are we supposed to behave with you looking so good?” Dane whispered, as he rubbed his hands on her ass.

“Hey, stop. We have to get going.” Jaycee laughed as she walked to the elevator with her mates following, their hands rubbing all over her. By the time they were down in the lobby, Jaycee's face was hot, along with her body.

“I can't believe you guys did this to me. Now what am I going to do? I can't concentrate on anything.” Jaycee looked up and stopped mid stride. Standing next to the front desk stood one of the snake people. Jaycee shivered as he stared at her.

Chapter Ten

“Baby, what is it?” Remi asked, stepping up close and looking around. Then he spotted the man.

“What the hell?” Remi growled.

Jaycee watched as her father walked up to the man, shook his hand and led him towards the dining room. “Remi, I can't eat with them. They give me the creeps.” Jaycee hugged herself again.

“Mark, why don't you take Jaycee to the lounge with her guards while Dane and I find out what's going on.” Remi looked down at Jaycee, cupping her face. “Let us take care of this, baby.”

Mark stepped up, pulling her body to his and walking her to the lounge. Shelly and Kate were already sitting there with their guards. They looked up, smiling at her as she and Mark made their way to the table.

“So, why are you two here? I know why I'm here,” Jaycee said, shivering again.

“I think it's the same reaction we had when we found out about the snake shifters being here. I couldn't believe your father asked them to come to talk to the National Council after what they did,” Kate replied, shaking.

Jaycee heard Mark growl behind her, pulling a chair out for her. “If he did this, Remi and Dane are going to have a fit!” Mark growled, just as Remi and Dane stormed in.

“Come on, baby, we're going out to eat tonight. I've called the steakhouse down the street and made the reservations. I will be damned if I sit at the same table with those fools,” Remi stated, and pulled Jaycee up into his arms, walking her out of the lounge.

“Thank you, Remi. I hate to be prejudiced, but they give me the creeps,” Jaycee whispered, leaning into his body. Dane on the other side of her held her hand and squeezed it.

Then Jaycee stopped dead in her shoes, “God, Remi he wouldn't invite them to move near us, or tell them where we live, would he?” Jaycee's voice shook with fright.

“No, baby, I told your father under no circumstances were they to let them, or anyone, know where we live. If anyone does reveal that information, I will personally hunt that person down and destroy him. They don't want a war started, baby.”

“Remi, wait a minute!” They heard her father shout at them, stopping them again. Jaycee curled up next to Remi, not letting go.

“What do you want, Guy? We have dinner reservations,” Remi growled, and held Jaycee tight against his chest.

“We didn't invite them to your town. We need to know if we could just set up a meeting with their leader, get a feel for how many there are, and where they stand towards other shifters.” Guy said, staring down at Jaycee. “Jaycee, are you okay?”

“I'm fine, but I won't go near those men, Dad. Remi, can we go? I don't want to see him again.” Jaycee looked up into his face.

“Let's go, baby.” Remi picked her up, cradling her against him. A white limo pulled up, and Dane's brother Ralph stuck his head out of the door.

“Are you coming? We're going to be late.” He smiled.

Jaycee laughed. “You are so bad!”

“What? I came to the rescue, didn't I? When Remi called, telling me about those creepy snake guys, I could see why they give you the creeps because they sure as hell do me.” Ralph shook his head and crawled back inside, helping Jaycee into the limo.

“Let's not talk about them, shall we. I want to be able to eat tonight, and the babies need food,” Jaycee replied.

Ralph tried to pull her into his lap, but Remi growled and pulled her away from him.

“Get your own mate and leave ours alone,” he said, slapping Ralph's head.

“See how he is with me when I bail him out all the time? He was even this mean when we were small.” Ralph pouted, looking at Jaycee.

Jaycee busted out laughing, and the others followed.

“Bo and Shelly are coming,” Remi stated.

Shelly crawled into the limo, followed by Bo. Shelly smiled at Jaycee and sat next to her and Remi. Bo pulled Shelly into his lap, sitting in her seat.

Shelly rolled her eyes, smiling at Jaycee, and they both laughed. “I kind of feel guilty leaving Kate there alone to deal with this. I asked her to come with us, but she said she couldn't. She said she had to stand next to your father even though she doesn't agree with it.” Shelly shook her head.

“I know I don't know why Dad is acting so stupid. He's going to lose Kate and Sam if he keeps this up.” Jaycee frowned. “It's like he's not thinking straight.”

“Hush, baby, there's nothing you can do now. We have to just wait and see what happens.” Remi and Dane rubbed her arms. When Jaycee's stomach grumbled, they all burst out laughing, and Jaycee buried her head in his chest.

“God, that's embarrassing,” Jaycee mumbled.

“Well, you don't have to wait any longer, baby. We're here.” Jaycee looked out of the window and, sure enough, they'd pulled up to the restaurant.

“You guys go ahead. We need to talk to our mate alone for a few minutes,” Dane stated, staring down at Jaycee.

She heard Ralph's laugh and Shelly's giggle in the background. Dane and Mark kneeled in front of her and Remi. Each one placed a hand on one of her knees and stared up at her.

“There is one thing we need to do before we go any further. It won't hurt the babies, but we want to join our life line with yours.” Remi pushed aside her hair and kissed her neck. “We want our souls to merge, to be connected as one. It's only done, when mates are sure there is no mistake and are willing to commit their lives to each other.” Remi's hands slipped under her blouse and stroked her breasts.

“How come I haven't heard of this before?” Jaycee asked, and rested her head back against his chest. She glanced at Dane and Mark.

“It is only talked about in the higher circles of Council. Only mates with extreme power can do this. It would enhance our life span and join our powers when there is need,” Dane said and slipped his hand up her thigh, tracing her nether lips with his fingers.

Mark lifted one of her legs and placed it over Remi's thigh, spreading her open for their view. His gaze intensified as he stared at her mound. He pushed her skirt up around her waist.

Remi lifted her so her ass, and her pussy hung open, spread between his thighs.

“What are you doing?” Her heart raced, juices leaked out of her, dripping down her thigh to land on the leather seat.

“The only way for us to join is for you to be the throes of an orgasm. And then we will drink from you. I will drink from your neck.” Remi scraped his teeth against her neck, sending chills down her spine.

“I will drink from your pussy lips,” Dane whispered, his fingers traced her clit, making her squirm.

“And I will drink from one of your large, beautiful breasts.” Remi lowered the straps of her dress, exposing her breasts to him.

Jaycee's breath hitched under their heated scrutiny.

“Will you let us join with you?” Remi's hot breath whispered into her ear.

“There's something you're not telling me … something, I can feel it.” Her gaze lifted to Remi's. “This joining would give you complete control over me, wouldn't it?” She felt the heat of anger rise in her and pushed her legs closed, pulled her dress down and her straps up.

“Jaycee, we all ready control you. You're ours.” Remi growled. When she moved, she slipped out of his arms and onto the seat away from them.

“You do this out of control, not to be connected. You still don't trust me.” Hurt vibrated in her words. She slipped out of the limo and slammed the door in their faces. The woods in the back of the restaurant called to her. Taking one last look at the limo door, and making sure no one was around, she shifted. Her wolf sniffed the air and took off.

Jaycee, get back here, now!
Remi demanded.

You lied earlier! You told me that you trusted me.
Jaycee slowed down to a trot, tree limbs hung low and glittered bright with ice. The cool air soothed her muscles, but nothing eased the hurt that pounded through her mind and heart. The crunch of snow behind and around her signaled her mate's presence. She crawled under a big tree and waited, knowing they could out run her if she took off. She wouldn't risk the health of her babies.

Sitting down, she listened to the night, Remi slipped behind her and growled. Dane and Mark appeared in front of her and all three wolves glared at her.

Tell me something? What does being a mate mean to you shifters? Do you know what it means to me? To me, it means someone who holds me when I'm scared, someone who is there, to talk to.
She glanced up at Remi, tears slipped down her muzzle.
To trust and love a person no matter what they have done. Do you know why I run?

All three men shifted back to their human form and crouched down next to her. Dane's black jeans hugged his muscular thighs. Remi's chest was bare and his black chest hair glistened with sweat, and Mark's long hair blew in the wind.

Jaycee shifted, covering her body in jeans, a sweater and a warm down coat. A thick waterproof blanket lay under her.

“I did a lot of thinking last night. Did you know I first started running when I was three years old? My mom and dad were fighting about who would watch me. Both of them were too busy and didn't have the time. I can still remember it.” Leaning back against the tree, she stared down at her hands.

“All my life I've had trust issues.” She laughed. “So you see nothing you do, even this connection thing, will stop me from running.” Her stomach grumbled and she looked up. “We better go eat before our babies have a fit.”

Remi extended his hand to her. She stared at it for a minute. She knew she had to trust someone sometime, but could they trust her? Her small hand slipped into his larger one, and he pulled her up into his arms. His big black eyes gazed down at her. Dane and Mark surrounded them from behind, hands stroking her. She knew they were trying to calm her, but she felt so trapped.

“We'll wait for the bonding, if it means that much to you. But, talk to us, baby. When you feel the need to run, grab one of us and demand our attention. We'll listen.” Remi kissed her forehead and placed his head on top of hers.

“Let's get some food into you,. Then we can go home and plan our wedding,” Dane cooed into her ear.

She glanced up at his big hazel eyes and smiled. Her knight smiled down at her, Mark nibbled her neck. Their magic and power stroked her body.

“Where is home, Dane? Will we live at your cabin?” Jaycee asked while they pulled her towards the restaurant.

“For now, yes, but we want to build a home away from the pack house for you. I think we need time away from the packs. We're going to turn my cabin into an extension for the pack house,” Dane answered.

She smiled, keeping her secret. “But what about all your carvings? You can't leave them there, they're part of you.” Jaycee looked up at Dane.

“Baby, I can do more, plus I think the pack would love to be part of it, learning the old ways, teaching them to the children. You're more important.” He smiled down at her.

Jaycee gulped down the emotion that rose in her throat. They were willing to give up their homes for her. All three of her mates hadn't pushed her for the bonding. They walked back to the restaurant in silence. Her mind was a whirl of emotions. She'd been running for so long, in fear of life.

Entering the restaurant, Remi led her towards their table. Shelly scooted a chair out next to her place and smiled. “You know this will be the last time we'll see each other till your wedding.” Shelly had tears in her eyes. “You've been like a sister to me since I first meet you, Jaycee, and now you are my sister. I'm just sorry we'll live so far away from each other.”

Jaycee grabbed the napkin and wiped the tears that fell. Remi rubbed her back as Bo did the same for Shelly.

“Okay, you two, stop it,. You can use my jet anytime you want. Just stop crying already. I can't stand to see two beautiful women cry,” Ralph grumbled.

She glanced at Remi and then at Ralph, smiling. “Anytime Ralph? Is that a promise?” Ralph's head shot up and he grinned, gazing at Remi. He knew where she was going and he played right into it.

“Yep, so anytime that dickhead near you gives you shit, you just call me and I'll get the jet ready for you.”

Remi growled and reached across the table to grab him, but he scooted back laughing.

“Not this time big brother, I have to get on the good side of my sister-in-law. She has a mean streak in her, and I sure don't want to be turned into a toad, thank you.” He shook. “I refuse to eat flies.”

Jaycee burst out laughing as Dane grumbled, “I don't think that's funny. I still shake when I think about that.”

Remi's phone rang and Jaycee sighed. Just once she would like to not be interrupted by those things. Remi squeezed her leg and answered it.

The waitress came and Jaycee ordered the biggest steak they had. Then Remi handed her the phone. She looked at it and frowned.

“Mom wants to ask you something.” He shrugged.


“Listen, I know you can't talk, so just listen. I have had the crew working non-stop for the past three days just in case. It's up, I just wanted to ask about the carpet in living room and family room—dark blue, right?” Remi's mother asked.

Jaycee smiled. “Yep, that would be good.” Jaycee took a sip of her diet Pepsi as Remi frowned at her.

“Good. Also, I have had all the pictures hung up and your bedroom set already put in the master room, the appliances are there too. So when you get home tomorrow, you'll be all set, except for the final touches. And don't you worry about your wedding. Kate called me. You're still going to have it on Christmas Eve. We'll just have the bonding ceremony early. They can wait for the wedding,” she snapped. “Now, let me talk to my son so I can give him a piece of my mind.”

Jaycee laughed and handed Remi the phone. “Your mom wants to talk to you.” She laughed again and glanced at Ralph.

He glanced at Remi and saw him flinch. Ralph laughed. “Mom's yelling at him. How cool is that?” He laughed so hard that people turned to stare at him.

She shook her head and glanced at Remi who slammed the phone shut. “You knew she was going to yell at me, didn't you?” he accused.

“Hey, she's your mom, I can't control her.” She grinned. “I can't help it if she happens to agree with me.”

BOOK: Running In Fear: Coming Home
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