Read Running in Fear Escaped Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Running in Fear Escaped (11 page)

BOOK: Running in Fear Escaped
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“What happened, baby?” Dane asked, pulling her onto his lap. Shelly stepped back and ran to her mate, who pulled her into his arms.

“He called. Curt. He knew your number. He said that my mates can't stop him, that I was his,” Jaycee mumbled into his chest, hugging him tightly.

“I can't go through this again, Dane. Please don't let him get me.” Jaycee cringed at a memory of him smacking her around when she was fifteen.

“He won't get you, baby. I promise. We have guards all around. We're not going to let you out of our sight until we catch him.” Dane caressed her, holding her tight. She peeked up and saw Mark and Pierre pacing back and forth.

“I'm sorry I am being a baby. I can handle this. Just give me a minute, okay?” Jaycee said, sucking in a big gulp. She tried to sit up, but Dane wouldn't let her move.

“I know you can handle this, but I just need to hold you.” Dane kissed her lips softly.

“Dane, the phone call came from one of the cabins. It wasn't from outside the limits. All the outside lines are cut,” Guy snapped, coming from the phone.

“Well, it seems he has come to us, then. Call the men in. We need all the women and children safe in the pack house. I want extra guards around the house. And send out the scouting team,” Dane ordered.

Pierre started to leave. “Pierre, where are you going?” Jaycee got up and stared at him.

He turned to look back at her. “I am part of the scouting team I have to go,” Pierre said, walking to her and covering her lips in a heated kiss.

“We'll get him. You stay safe here with Dane and Mark.” He grabbed his coat.

“I don't like you going out there, Pierre. He could target you. Stay here with us, please,” Jaycee asked, staring at him. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stepped in front of him. He opened his arms and held her.

“You promised to show me your new toys,” Jaycee begged, looking up into his face.

“Baby, I have to go. It's my job. I'll be all right, and I'll be back before you know it,” Pierre said, stepping back as Mark pulled Jaycee into his arms, holding her. Tears slipped down her cheek. She knew something had was about to happen. She could feel it.

* * * *

Remi stared down at Dane's pack house, knowing that they were now on high alert. He had spoken to Dane earlier when he'd helped him with the hot house. He would have never believed he could share a mate with any man, but Dane was the exception. Now he had to inform his little brother and Jaycee about the bonding.

The front door to the cabin opened, and Pierre walked out, changing instantly into his beast. “How do I tell you, little brother, that your bond is just that… a bond, not a mating?” Remi watched his brother slip away and into the woods to hunt. To think Pierre and everyone else were now hunting the same men he had forced out of the bar two weeks ago. “I should have killed the pricks then, damnit!”

Remi let the beast take over and moved in the opposite direction of his little brother, searching for this man, James.
Soon, my little mate, you will be able to relax.

“Hank, follow Pierre. Make sure nothing happens to him.”

“NO!” The scream of his mate came from the cabin below.

I'm sorry, big brother. I guess I'm not as good as you with tracking. Take care of Jaycee. She'll need you now more than ever.

Pierre, where are you?
Remi's gut tightened, and their connection began to fade. “No, Pierre,” he whispered. His body began to shake as anger poured through him, and he welcomed it.

Chapter Twelve

Jaycee paced back and forth across the living room. Shelly, Kate, her father, and both mates stood by and watched. Two hours had passed with no word from Pierre or the others.

“Shouldn't they have checked in yet? It's been two hours, Dane. And he won't talk to me.” Jaycee's voice rose with her frustration.

“Baby, he has to cut himself off. He can't concentrate with interruptions. It would be too distracting, and he could get hurt if he heard you. They'll contact us in another hour. Now come over here and relax,” Dane said and picked her up.

She squirmed in an attempt to get down.

“Dane, I can't just sit. I have a bad feeling about this.” Jaycee looked around the room. “Hey, where's Button?” Jaycee asked as Dane sat down and held her.

“I don't know. Maybe he's upstairs? I'll go cheek.” Shelly got up to go, but Jaycee jumped up and stopped her.

“No, something's not right. He should be down here, especially since we have food around us.” Jaycee called on her beast and smelled it… blood. She followed the scent and walked around the stairs. A trail of blood led into the next room.

“Dane!” Jaycee whispered, but he heard her and came running.

“Mark, take her back to the sofa.” Dane pushed her to Mark, who carried her back to the couch.

Jaycee watched her father, the guards, and Dane follow the bloody trail.

“It's okay. We don't know what it is, baby.” Mark held onto her. When Dane carried the puppy to her ten minutes later, he wasn't moving.

“He's alive, but barley. Someone stabbed him in the leg. Your dad stitched him up, and I wrapped his leg. He should be okay, but we have to keep him still,” Dane barked, and put the puppy in her lap.

Jaycee petted the dog and tried to keep it calm. His little tongue licked her hand, and then she realized that someone had been in their home. She looked up at Dane; anger swirled in his gaze.

“Someone knows how to get in, Dane. He has all the security codes. They need to be changed, and each room needs to be checked,” Mark barked. Two guards followed him, and they began to search the rooms downstairs. Jaycee tried to keep an eye on Mark, who moved from one room to the next. She didn't want to lose anyone.

“Jaycee, you want something to eat or drink?” Kate asked, sitting next to her on the sofa. Dane was working on the security system off the living room.

“No, I'm fine. I am still stuffed from all the ice cream. I want to go up and change clothes, though. It looks like it's going to be a long night. Would you hold Button for me?” Jaycee looked at Kate.

She smiled and pulled the puppy into her lap. Two guards followed her upstairs. Even with the extra guards, she still didn't feel safe as they checked the room before they allowed her to enter.

Jaycee walked to her closet and froze. Most of her clothes lay in tatters on the floor. The smell of urine reached her, and her befuddled brain realized someone had pissed on every one of her clothes. White hot anger billowed through her and caused the beast to rise.
Why hadn't the guards warned her?
She looked over her shoulder and turned around.

Several guards stood behind her, identical evil grins on their faces. Her eyes widened in horror as they closed and locked the bedroom door. Her wolf rose closer to the surface, muscles popped and she felt the strain on her tendons.

What's wrong?
Dane demanded.

I found our traitors. It's my guards! They've locked the bedroom door.

We're coming. Don't do anything!
Dane snapped as she faced her enemy.

“So who do you work for? Curt or James?” she barked, and faced them.

“They work for me.” James stepped out of the bathroom behind her.

Jaycee spun around and glared. She assumed a defensive position and watched the guards with her peripheral vision. Her mates banged on the door, its hinges creaking, ready to break.

“We don't have time for this. Grab her and let's go!” James shouted, and stomped to the balcony window. The guards advanced in on her. Concentrating her powers, she slammed the balcony doors shut and stopped James’ escape.

One of the guard's claws tore at her dress as he tried to get a hold of her. The bedroom door flung open, and her mates stormed in, followed by her father.

“Go downstairs, Jaycee. Now!” Dane wrestled with James, but James didn't stand a chance. He was slammed up against the balcony door.

Jaycee shook her head and opened a dresser drawer on the way out with her powers. Jeans and a sweater flew into her hands as she made her way downstairs. Let her men take care of the problem. Shelly stood at the bottom of the stairs.

“Are you okay?” both Shelly and Kate asked.

“I'm fine, but I'm still worried about Pierre. Has anyone heard anything?” Jaycee asked, and slipped her jeans on under the dress. They shook their heads. Jaycee tried again to contact him through her mind, but there was no response. As she went to pull off her dress, she realized it was ruined. It was literally hanging by a thread.

“Shit! I liked this dress,” Jaycee groaned, and threw it into the fireplace.

“I'll buy you another.” Dane came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “James and the two guards are being taken downstairs to the basement. I have a cell down there. Your father will decide what to do with James. Since he's not one of us, we have to tread carefully. If I had my way, we'd kill the bastard, but, since he's human, we have to get the Council's approval first.” Dane snarled.

Jaycee grabbed her stomach and screamed, “No! Pierre!”

Dane lifted her into his arms. “What is it?” He stumbled as he sat down with her on the couch and gazed into her face. Jaycee couldn't move. Pain ripped through her stomach, and she knew that Pierre had just been gutted. The knife had entered his stomach from behind and slid up his stomach.

I love you! He'll take care of you, baby. Give him a chance,
he'd whispered in her mind right before he'd slipped away. His words gurgled, and her mind caught visions of the blood flowing from his mouth.

A dark, metallic taste coated her tongue. She reached up and touched her lips, then examined her finger. Her vision blurred while she focused on the red that painted her fingertip. A strange ringing invaded her ears. The room started to spin, and her head grew light. She tried to catch her breath, but the ache in her chest seemed to trap the air outside of her body. Her wolf hovered near the surface and howled its loss into the night. She started to fight Dane's hold seconds before the crackle of the radio sounded in the room.

A static-covered voice reached her ears. “We have a man down. Pierre is down. Jesus, Dane, do you read me? Dane, answer the radio!” The words rang in her head over and over again. She had done this, brought this evil here, and now one of her mates was dead because of her!

Jaycee flew out of Dane's arms when he answered the radio. He roared his answer while trying to hold onto her, but he lost his grip.

She ran towards the front door, flung it open and ran outside. Dane and Mark were right behind her. Jaycee knew exactly where to go. Her beast needed to see her mate one last time.

“Jaycee, stop!” Dane snapped, and grabbed her around the waist. He pulled her into his arms, but she didn't hear him as she thrashed around, trying to get loose.

“Let me go! I need to see him, please. It's my fault! Oh, it hurts, Dane!” she screamed out and collapsed. Her body shook, tears streamed down her face, and her body shifted back to its human form.

Dane's fur-covered body sheltered her, and he led her back to the house.

“It's okay, baby. I have you.” Dane's grief broke free in a mournful wail, and the rest of the pack joined him in the distance. Each member felt a sense of loss. The pack now had a large, gaping wound, and they realized the significance of Pierre's death. Their brother, friend, and mate had been stolen by the evil that plagued their homes.

“Mark, take her into the house.” Dane glanced down at her face, kissing her, and placed her in Mark's arms.

“Help is coming. This will be over tonight, I promise.” Dane spat out before turning and running back out into the storm.

“Where's he going? He can't go out there. I'll lose him, too!” Jaycee shouted, and tried to take off after him, but Mark held her tight.

“He's gone to meet Pierre's older brother. He's Alpha of another pack. He's been around to keep an eye on Pierre. You'll meet him soon enough. He'll destroy the one responsible for this, I promise,” Mark stated and entered the house, heading right to the fireplace to sit on the floor with Jaycee.

He rocked her back and forth. Jaycee's body was numb… there was a hole in her heart, incomplete, like part of her was destroyed.

“Will the pain go away? It hurts so damn badly, Mark. I experienced every moment with him. The bastard gutted him like a pig,” she whispered into his chest while she clutched him tight.

“I know, Jaycee. I felt it, too, but not like you. We'll just have to comfort each other. We'll make it through this.” Mark's voice comforted her. He rubbed her arms and grabbed the blanket his sister handed him. Jaycee felt the warm cotton envelop her, but it didn't fight the chill that had invaded her soul.

Everyone went still. Tremors moved through their bodies as the sound of a woeful cry filled the air. A murderous roar followed the sound of grief. The battle cry shook the windows of the house. Jaycee looked at Mark, and she watched tears form in his eyes.

“Pierre's older brother has been told. He's out for blood, and nothing will stop him now,” Mark told her, and Jaycee cringed. “He's going to blame me,” she whispered.

“Don't worry about it. He'll see it's not your fault,” Mark said.

The living room door flew open. Dane and another male strolled in, followed by two others who were carrying Pierre's body.

Jaycee pulled out of Mark's grasp. She wrapped the blanket around herself and approached to Pierre's body. They'd laid him down on one of the extra sofas. Jaycee kneeled down by his head and brushed his long hair away from his face. Tears rolled down her face as she stared at him. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “You promised to show me your new toys. I'm so sorry, Pierre. It's entirely my fault. I should have never come back, but I wouldn't change a thing. I love you.” Jaycee held him close to her heart. Tears covered both of them.

“Jaycee, I want you to meet Pierre's brother, Remi LeBlathe.” Dane pulled her away from Pierre's body and held her close.

She looked up to an almost mirror image of Pierre. He had blonde hair where Pierre had had brown. Their eyes were the same, but their bodies were different. Remi was huge, twice the size of Dane. Standing at least seven feet tall with a huge chest, her gaze shifted to his hands. Claws, instead, greeted her. Fangs and bright red eyes glared at her. Jaycee tried to step back, but Dane held onto her.

“You were bonded with my brother and brought this evil here?” He snarled at her, not caring that the others growled at him. Jaycee inhaled and took a deep breath. She boldly met his gaze and took a step towards him. She lowered her head in a show of respect.

“Yes, I was bonded to him. It's my fault – that they followed me here. I should have never come here; none of this would have happened. I'm sorry. I only knew Pierre for a short time, but I loved him,” Jaycee whispered, and glanced back up at him. He took a small step forward, growling, and sniffed the air around her. She waited, not moving.

“You tell the truth. I'll find these men again and destroy them. We'll talk then,” he snapped, glancing down at his brother's body one more time. He left the house at a run. A howl pierced the night as he shifted to his beast form.

Jaycee shook as she turned and placed a blanket over Pierre's body.

“Your brother loves you very much. I'm sorry, Pierre,” Jaycee said and covered his face, turning to go upstairs.

“Where are you going?” Dane came up to her on the stairs.

“I need to lie down, Dane. I'm tired,” Jaycee said, glancing upstairs.

“Baby, I don't want you upstairs by yourself. Come down here. We can curl up on the couch until this is over. Turk has my men and Remi has his. He'll finish this soon.” Dane pulled her into his arms and carried her over to the sofa.

Mark picked up the puppy and laid him down by the fire. Dane sat on the sofa, wrapping the blanket tightly around her as she curled up with both of her mates.

“When will we bury Pierre?” Jaycee asked, her eyes closed.

“As soon as this is all over. The Council ordered James’ death along with the guards. We can't let word get out about us,” Dane whispered into her ear. A howl rang outside.

“Shit, they left. We lost them again,” Dane snapped and placed her into Mark's arms.

“This is never going to end. Maybe I should just leave, and then the pack would be safe.” Jaycee got up and poured herself a glass of wine.

“You're not going anywhere. This isn't your fault, Jaycee. We have half the problem taken care of. We'll find Curt,” Shelly announced and held her hand.

“Shelly, can I borrow some clothes? Mine are ruined. Just a pair of old jeans and a tee-shirt would be great.” Jaycee walked to the window. Snow billowed in the air.

“Sure, let me go get you some. We can go shopping soon as this snow lets up.” Shelly left the room.

Jaycee first noticed his eyes, the feral red piercing through the white snow. Remi was back, and he was furious. Shelly came up next to her and stared nervously out at the snow, seeing Remi come towards the house.

“What's wrong? You have nothing to fear from him. He's mad at me,” Jaycee stated and held her hand. They watched him stalk through the storm like an avenging angel.

“Dane has told me so many stories about him, that he has special powers and that he is very powerful. He's never taken a mate. It is said no woman interest him, because no one can take his size.”

Jaycee smiled at her friend. “I'm sorry, but that's nothing to be afraid of. If anything, that would excite me more. Pierre was big,” Jaycee said as the front door slammed open. Remi stomped the snow off of his biker boots. Some of his men followed him into the house.
They were all huge; wherever they came from, they sure grew them big.

BOOK: Running in Fear Escaped
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