Running in Place (Mending Hearts) (26 page)

BOOK: Running in Place (Mending Hearts)
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Damn it.

Nothing, and I mean
, breaks a pinky-promise with these girls. Fortunately, Noah doesn’t know that. That little bit of information I will be keeping to myself. Payback for his little “secret” with Rylie.

Entering the house, I hold the door open as he follows me inside, not smiling as wide anymore with my little threat. I laugh to myself.

Closing the door behind him, my eyes scan the living room. I noticed Harlow’s car outside, and I pray that Trace isn’t here. We’ve had enough family drama this morning without adding our issues to the mix. I know that I’ll eventually have to talk to him, just not today.

Immediately we’re met by Cooper, who is wearing Rylie’s Hello Kitty nightgown this morning. The poor dog. The girls giggle as they run around the living room, chasing him as his tail wags from underneath the pink ruffle at the bottom.

Laughing, I turn to Noah, who clearly has never witnessed a dog wearing a night gown before. “Like I said, never a dull moment.” We watch together as the girls follow Cooper into the kitchen and open the back door to let him outside, squealing and shrieking the whole time.

“Girls! Calm down!” Alex yells. Looping my arm through Noah’s, I jerk my chin toward where everyone must be congregating this morning, as the smell of eggs, bacon, and coffee lingers in the air. Stomach rumbling, I take a step toward the delicious aroma, only to find myself whipped back around, face-to-face with Noah.

Placing both hands on my cheeks, he lowers his mouth and gently brushes his lips against mine. My fingers land on his chest as my body sinks into his, suddenly forgetting about breakfast, my hunger now for something entirely different.

“See, Mommy?” I hear Rylie and open my eyes. Breaking our kiss, I slowly turn, praying that what I think is happening isn’t really happening.

Sadly, it is.

Standing right in front of us is the entire Morgan clan…and Harlow. No Trace in sight, thank God.

Rylie — pointing in our direction, giggling as her eyes light up with pure joy, most likely that someone else has been caught doing something they shouldn’t be.

Alex — her brown eyes full of shock as she cups her mouth with her hand as she holds J.D with the other, hiding a huge grin based on the dimple caving in the left side of her face.

Blake — also smiling, although not as extensively as his wife as he reaches down to shield Rylie’s eyes.

Nycole and Kyndall — making gagging sounds while looking at each other and laughing.

And Harlow — mouth open wide, clearly dumbstruck, her green eyes darting between Noah and I, before narrowing them at the both of us. Not out of anger, more like she’s assessing the situation.

“See?” Rylie says, peeling Blake’s hand away from her face. “That’s Noah! He told me a secret, and now we’re friends!”

Bouncing her way over to him, Rylie grabs Noah’s hand and pulls him up the stairs. “Come on! Let’s go play with my new tea set!” He throws me an anxiety-ridden glance over his shoulder and I just wave back at him, laughing.

Once he’s gone, everyone goes about their business as they head back into the kitchen. Except Harlow. She lags behind and when I pass her, she places her hand on my shoulder, prompting me to turn around.

“I guess some rules were broken then?” she inquires with a smile.

“Yes. It turns out Noah is a closet rule-breaker,” I grin back at her.

“I’m glad,” she says. “You two look happy together.”

Her face turns solemn as she inhales deeply. “Is he still planning on heading to school this month?”

My breath hitches in my throat, not ready to face the reality. “Yes,” I say softly.

She steps towards me and pulls me into an embrace. “Well, sweetie, you never know. Life can surprise you sometimes. But, just in case,” she releases me, peering into my eyes, “I’m going to give you my number. You call me anytime you need too. For anything. Or nothing at all.”

I nod back at her as she takes my hand, leading me into the kitchen. As soon as we enter, Alex turns and begins to say something, but Harlow shakes her head slowly, cutting her off. Alex’s face falls into a pout, her bottom lip poking out at she turns to pay attention to the bacon sizzling in the pan on the stove, clearly not happy.

Harlow rips a piece of paper from a notepad by the kitchen phone and then heads back to me. After giving me another small hug, she stuffs the paper in my front pocket. “Anytime. Day or night. I mean it.” She pats my cheek with her hand before walking to where Alex is cooking, still sulking.

Turning toward the table, I head over to where Blake now sits with J.D., bouncing him on his lap while Nycole and Kyndall play an intense game of “Go Fish”. Taking the baby from him, I take a seat next to Blake, holding J.D. by the waist to help him balance on his chubby legs, his beautiful green eyes are watching my earrings as he reaches for them. I take his hands and his fingers curl around my thumb as he continues his balancing act, cooing and smiling back at me.

Breaking my stare away from him, I’m met by a much older and wiser pair of identical eyes. Blake clears his throat as he leans forward, setting his elbows on the table as his fingers form a steeple in front of his lips. “Well, that was
,” he chuckles. “When did you and Noah start seeing each other?”

“Last month.” Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Alex moving everything she needs to plate up for breakfast to the island so she can hear our discussion. She’s determined, even if she’s not allowed to say anything.

Blake watches her over my shoulder and just shakes his head. Moving closer to me, he lowers his voice. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. According to Alex, it was going to happen sooner or later. He’s a good boy, Tatum. You deserve that.” He laughs under his breath as Alex growls, giving up her mission and walking back over to the stove.

Even with her out of ear shot, he moves closer, his caring, gentle eyes holding mine. “Now this is purely
gut instinct and not Alex’s.” His eyes dart to his wife before continuing. “Things are going to happen with Noah that you will question. Try to keep in mind that everything happens for a reason. It’s all about timing. And when the time is right for you, in your own life, you’ll understand the reason things happen the way they do.” He grazes my chin with the tip of his knuckle. “Just remember that, kiddo,” he says, reclining back into his chair.

I give him a half-smile and nod. Maybe coming over here wasn’t such a good idea. I’m kind of depressed now.

I know he’s talking about Noah leaving.

I know Harlow was talking about Noah leaving.

I know that Alex wants to, but is not allowed to talk about all.

But me — I don’t
to talk about Noah leaving. I want to spend the rest of the summer with him,
talking about it.

So, that’s what I plan on doing.

“Hey, Blake,” I hand J.D. back to him over the table. “We came over to wash Noah’s Jeep. Do you mind?”

“Wash the car?” Kyndall jumps up. “I’m going to get my swimsuit on! Woo-hoo!” she screams and runs out of the kitchen. “Rylie! We’re gonna wash the car!” I hear her yell to her sister, running up the stairs.

“Not until you eat breakfast, young lady!” Alex yells after her. Looking down at the plate in front of her she says to herself, “I don’t even know why I bother.”

Rising from the table, Blake walks up behind his wife, nuzzling her neck as he places one arm on the counter by her side with the baby in the other. She lets out a giggle as he whispers something undoubtedly romantic and sweet in her ear.

Just watching them together makes me grin to myself. Turning my head to look over at Nycole, my smile turns into laughter as she watches her parents, the facial expression displayed on her face clearly indicating that she does not appreciate their P.D.A as much as I do.

Bumping her arm with my elbow, I gesture towards the stairs. “Go get your swimsuit on and let’s go wash a Jeep.”

She shakes her head, then glances at me as she rises, the seat scooting across the floor behind her. “Yes. Let’s,” she says, sounding just like her mother.

As she heads upstairs, she passes Harlow who’s grabbing her purse off the counter, keys in hand. “I’m out. Thanks for breakfast,” she says, heading into the living room. Glancing back at me over her shoulder as she opens the front door, she gives me a wink, then exits the house.

Standing up, I decide to leave Alex and Blake alone and head upstairs to save Noah. As soon as I reach the top of the stairs, I hear Rylie’s contagious giggle coming from her room. Just barely cracking her door open, I poke my head in just as Noah’s head turns in my direction. At least I
it’s Noah.

Sitting at Rylie’s tea table, he’s donning a red boa and a huge floppy hat on his head, holding a tea cup with one hand, and the accompanying plate with the other. Rylie, of course, is wearing one of her many dress-up outfits, this time playing the part of Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Pouring his tea, she looks up at me. “Wanna play, Tatum? Noah and I are having tea.”

Noah gives her a smile that stops my heart. “Yeah, Tate.” He looks back at me. “You should join us. Rylie’s tea is delicious.”

She giggles as she sets the pot on the table and pats him on the back. “Why, thank you, sir.”

Laughing, I reply, “Well, although you do look beautiful,
of you, I thought we would wash Betsy while we were here.”

He gives me a thankful nod before pushing himself up from the table. “Rylie, would you like to wash my Jeep with us?” he asks.

Her eyebrows press together on her forehead. “You named your jeep Betsy? That’s just ridiculous.” His stunned expression as he stares back at her makes me giggle even harder.

“My thoughts exactly, Rylie,” I say as I walk over to her drawer and pull out her favorite Hello Kitty swimsuit. “Put this on. Come get me when you’re ready, okay?” She nods as she takes the swimsuit from my grasp, heading to the bathroom.

I glance back to Noah, who’s removing his tea apparel. “Well, that was interesting,” he says, pulling the boa from around his neck. “Never in my life have I played tea party. It was surprisingly enjoyable.” After removing the hat, he walks over to me, and laces his fingers with mine. “Thank you for bringing me here. It’s been…fun.”

His dimple barely appears with his as the corner of his mouth lifts. Leaning forward, I press my lips directly on top of it. “You’re welcome.”

Opening the bedroom door, we’re greeted by the little girls in swimsuits, holding their towels. Rylie wearing goggles is a bit of a shock, but I just go with it.


They all clap and turn away from us, heading toward the stairs. “Don’t run!” I yell.

Noah glances as me and then smiles as he looks down at the floor.

“What?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Nothing.”

Stopping where I stand, I squeeze his hand with mine. “What?”

He turns to face me, same sexy grin on his face, while he gently runs his fingertips down my cheek. “It’s just you’re good with them — comfortable and confident. It’s nice to see that side of you.”

Under the scrutiny of his stare, my face warms and I look away, clearing my throat. “Yeah, well. I’m more comfortable around kids than adults.”

“Is that why you wanted to be a teacher before you dropped out of school with only a semester to go?” he asks. Surprised, my eyes dart back to his as he laughs under his breath.

“How did you know that?” I ask.

“Well, Tate,” he says stepping closer to me and releasing my hand, “I know a lot about you because I’ve been watching you for a very long time. At first I observed you because you intrigued me. I didn’t understand you.” He takes another step, and I counter backwards, only to hit the wall behind me. “Then, I studied you because you captivated me. I found everything you did absolutely fascinating. And now,” he takes one more step and then places his palms flat against the wall, one on each side of my head. Leaning in, his warm breath hits my ear as he speaks. “Well, now I live and breathe you because you own me.”

After placing a tender kiss on my cheek, he presses himself back, taking my breath with him as he moves away from me. Removing one hand from the wall, he cups my cheek and I place mine on top of it as I close my eyes, leaning into his palm, without saying a word.

Unfortunately, the girls seem to have plenty to say.

“Noah!” Rylie yells from the bottom of the stairs. “Let’s go! We’ve been waiting forever!”

He glances in the direction of her voice and then back at me, lop-sided grin on his face. “I think we’d better get down there.”

After a brush of my cheek with his thumb, he drops his hand, and I slide my fingers between his, knocking his shoulder with mine as I giggle. He shakes his head and chuckles under his breath as we resume toward the stairs.

Hand in hand we walk together, no words being said.

None need to be.

He just spoke for the both of us.



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