Running on Empty (35 page)

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Authors: L. B. Simmons

BOOK: Running on Empty
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Obviously annoyed, he crosses his arms over his chest and shifts his weight to his other leg.

“Okay, so, I came here to tell you I’m sorry. For everything. I never really gave you an honest chance. I know that now. I think in the back of my mind, I was waiting for something to happen so I could push you away. It just happened sooner than later. And I’m sorry for that.”

He doesn’t say anything so I continue.

“Blake, you deserve so much better than me. The way I treated you in the past, up until how I treated you a couple of weeks ago...I’ll understand if you choose to
move on
after this conversation, but I need you to know something before you do. I need you to know that you make me feel whole. Before you came back, I was empty. Completely empty. I thought I could live like that but I was wrong. You have given me hope that I can be happy again. That I can love again. That I can feel again. The warmth I feel when I’m around you…it soothes my soul. You have given me life again. Your love fills my heart with such joy; I can’t even put it into words.”

I take a step forward to gauge his reaction. He steps back
. Okay – more convincing needed.

“I love you, Blake. I love you and I don’t want to lose you. So I had to come here and fight for what I love. I want you. I want you in my life every day. I want to kiss you every day. I want to fall in love with you, over and over, every day. I want to live the rest of my life showing you how grateful I am that you saved me. You saved me from allowing myself to live a life with no emotion. No happiness. And I’ll live everyday in debt to you for that. So if you don’t choose me, I get it. I understand. But I had to come here and tell you face to face that I love you. And that I don’t mind
needing your help
for the rest of my life.” I say the last sentence with a smile.

When I finish my speech, I take a step backwards. I take off my jacket to show him the last ditch effort to get him back. I chuckle to myself, watching the glitter as it falls onto the floor. Nycole loves her glitter.

“The girls and I made you something and I would like you to see it before you make your decision. It’s no G.I. Joe replacement, but hopefully it will do.” With my back to the door, I let him read the front of the t-shirt we crafted.


Top 10 Reasons We Need Blake Morgan:


“I’m going to turn around and let you read why we need you in our lives. If you still feel that you want to move on, I’ll understand. I’ll walk out this door and you won’t see me ever again. I’ll go willingly, knowing that I gave everything I had to get you back. So when you’ve finished reading, I need you to tell me whether to stay or go. I won’t be looking at you so it will be easier for you if you need me to leave.”

I let my eyes graze his handsome face for a few seconds. Once I’ve burned his image into my brain, I turn slowly and allow him to read.

10. He pushes me high like a collar roaster. – Rylie

9. He’s super tall. He can get candy off the candy shelf. – Nycole, Kyndall, Rylie

8. He has big muscles like Superman. He can protect us forever. – Kyndall

7. He makes Mom smile. – Nycole, Alex

6. He gives really good hugs. – Alex, Nycole, Kyndall, Rylie

5. He gives really good presents. – Alex, Rylie

4. He’s willing to watch Barney so I don’t have to. –Nycole

3. He takes really good care of Mom when she’s hurt. – Nycole, Alex

2. Sunday Breakfast Dates!!!! – Alex, Nycole, Kyndall, Rylie


1. He reminds me every day that when you’re running on empty, you won’t ever get where you
to be. Both in Life and Love. (And sometimes Suburbans…) – Alex


I remain facing forward for a few minutes letting him take his time to read all the work that the girls and I put into this t-shirt. My heart’s pounding so hard I’m worried I might actually pass out.

I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Finally, when he doesn’t say anything, all hope leaves my heart.
I’ve lost him.

I wait a little longer… nothing.

Still facing the door, I ask him, “Well…what do you think?”

He says nothing, but I can hear his bare feet crossing the floor. Then, I feel him standing directly behind me. The warmth of his body behind mine.

“What do I think?” I wait for another couple of seconds. I almost start to take a step towards the door, when his hand runs all the way up the words on my back. Then he slowly makes his way to my hair and moves it aside.

“I think…”

He slowly places feather light kisses all the way up my neck. My body reacts instantly.

“I think you look good, wearing my future.”

I smile to myself, immediately recognizing the quote. I half expect my children to show up, disappointed that they didn’t keep me from hearing it, but I must say that nothing will ever compare to hearing it come out of Blake Morgan’s mouth. I think he might have actually ruined all of my future viewings of that movie, or just guaranteed that it will forever be my favorite part of any movie.


I let out a relieved sigh. I turn to him with tears in my eyes and put my arms around his neck. It might not be the best time, but I take a few seconds to gloat.

you that’s the best line ever and that you might need it one day!” I giggle upon my realization. “I guess that makes me the woman of your dreams.” He nods at me. I watch the corners of his mouth turn up into a sexy smile and I notice the small crinkles around the sides of his eyes. God, I love his eyes.

His words start to settle in my head. “Blake, are you
you want this future?”

He leans and barely touches my lips with his. “I’ve
wanted this future. I was just waiting on
to catch up.” I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight.

I now understand how truly empty my heart had become. Because right now, in this very moment, my heart is completely filled with my love for this man.

And with that knowledge, I find the courage to open my book and start my second story.

Knowing that I’ve finally found my happy ending.





This book exists because of some pretty great people. I would like to take some time to say a much needed “Thank You” to those who were involved in helping me get my story onto paper.

First and foremost, my husband Dustin – Thank you for believing in me. You have been there every step of the way and I owe you everything. Without you, I wouldn’t have had the courage to keep writing. Your support, your opinions, your advice…well, I couldn’t have done it without you by my side. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you.

Megan, Janie, Alison, and Jena – You have all been
Harlow at some point in my life. Thank you for being there for me no matter what craziness was going on in my life. Girls’ nights out, “Danceparty” at my house, shoulders to cry on, and lots and lots of laughing. These are all things I think about when I think out you. I love each of you dearly. Thank you for showing me the meaning of

Jena – A special thank you is needed just for you. Thank you for listening to me talk, and talk, and plan, and talk, and deliberate, and talk about this book. You’re support amazes me. You are my rock. I owe you more than you could possibly imagine.

Amy Burt, Deana Wolstenholme, Jonda Liles, and Jillian Dodd – Thank you for reading my baby and giving it such high praise. I would not have taken the steps to publish if it hadn’t been your belief in my story. Thank you for taking the time to read it and giving me your feedback. Your suggestions helped make my story even better.

Sarah Hansen – Thank you for creating such a beautiful cover. It’s absolutely perfect. You looked at each of my million ideas, found the perfect one, and just ran with it. You’re a freaking genius. I can’t thank you enough for giving me something that represents my book perfectly. You are so talented my friend, in more ways than one. And I am so lucky to have met you.

Jennifer Roberts-Hall – Wow. There is so much I have to say to you, it would be a completely separate book on its own. Thank you. Thank you for not only doing a beautiful job editing my book, but also for taking the time to love my characters as much as I do. Thank you for your never ending patience…You are a saint. Regardless of how many times I wrote you with random questions, told you to stop editing because I made revisions…again, called you when I needed guidance – you were always there for me. Always. And I love you so much for that. I am so glad we met and I am so lucky to have you in my life.

Gail Marino-McHugh – There are just some people you meet in your lifetime that you know you are destined to meet. Those people that you know as soon as you meet them, you have created a lifelong friend. You are one of those people for me. Thank you so much for making me laugh, believing in me, the continuous support, and just being my friend. I love you.

And to my readers – Thank you for taking your time to read my story. I hope you love their journey as much as I loved writing it. And I hope each of you can take something from it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and believing in this book.



L.B. Simmons is a graduate of Texas A&M University and holds a degree in Biomedical Science. She has been a practicing Chemist for the last 11 years. She lives with her husband and three daughters in Texas and writes every chance she gets.


Learn more about L.B. Simmons and her books at:
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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen


About the Author

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