RW1 Ravyn's blood (23 page)

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Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #MM Fiction

BOOK: RW1 Ravyn's blood
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After Alex had banished the demon back to Demontia, the two sat side by side on the pavement.

“This is the alley, isn’t it?” Alex whispered, holding his lover close. He cradled the Ravyn in the curve of his arm while Dageus’s lips sucked on the wound Alex had made in his neck. Dageus knew the vampire’s blood would renew the energy the Dove had used up in the struggle between the two demons.

“Hmmm?” Dageus murmured, lapping more of the life-giving essence. He was distracted by the taste and energy that he was getting from his lover’s blood. Normally Alex was just as distracted, but something was keeping him from immersing himself in the moment with him.

“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked.

“This is where the demon kidnapped you.” Alex stated it that time, pulling Dageus’s eager face away from his neck. “Kal, answer me.”

Dageus pulled back and sighed. “Yes. Okay? Yes. The demon took me from here.”

Alex’s eyes took on a curious light. “Why did you come here? Why come here to this place of awful memories?”

Dageus shrugged. “I wanted to face my demons, so to speak. I wanted to stand here where the worlds meet and know that if a slaver came to take me, I would be strong enough to fight back. I would be the one to fight free of the monsters. Someone worthy of your affection and love.” Dageus laughed aloud. “Funny that I nearly was taken again. I guess I’ll never be invincible.” Alex hugged him close.

“You are my heart, Kal. It’s not about worth or affection. It’s about us. One day no demon will be able to challenge you. I’ll give you every power I possess.”

Dageus crowded closer. “It’s not going to be easy, Alex. I’m still a Ravyn. My first duty is to my Prince.” Alex chuckled at the slight hint of defiance in his voice.

“And my first duty is to you,” Alex murmured, kissing him soundly on the lips. Dageus glanced toward the gate that would lead them to Demontia.

“You know, the Doves will be back. Now that they know where our Prince is. They will return to finish the job…”

Alex sighed, but his voice was steel. “And we will be waiting, my love.”


“Beautiful, love,” Alex commented for his lover’s ears alone as Dageus took his rightful place on center stage. The Ravyn was naked from the waist up, and Alex thought his was the best costume on set. His pants hugged his sculpted ass, which was courtesy of Santiago’s slave-driving practices and Tony’s hard-core training sessions. Alex smiled as he turned and looked over his right shoulder in his starting pose. Alex shuddered at the thought of those pert ass cheeks beneath him. Yeah, he was sending Tony and Santiago three dozen roses. When Dageus started to dance, Alex sucked in a breath of pride.

“Gorgeous,” Santiago murmured to his right. “He moves like sex, blood, and warrior all in one. You were right, Alex. He is perfect for Amadeo’s part.” Alex smiled in agreement. “Damian will be back from New York next week. I made him go during all the hubbub with the kidnapping and whatnot. Maddy talked him into it. When he returns, he will finally be able to see his son again. What will you do?”Alex did not like the direction that this was going.

“He will have to accept us. He is my Bride.”

Santiago raised an elegantly manicured eyebrow. “I sincerely doubt it will be as easy as all that.”

Alex raised a hand to silence him. “I’ll let tomorrow worry about itself. Damian will come. Kal will find his father all over again. We will deal with it together as a family. As we always have.” Santiago nodded and continued to watch the performance.

Alex was speechless as he watched Dageus. Dageus leapt through the air in a perfect circle, his arms graceful and lean. He arched his back as he landed, thrusting his hips against a phantom lover.

“He improvised that,” Salvatore said, laughing. He had been present for all of the practices to make sure the Master vampire wasn’t distracting Dageus from his duties and his play, though he’d allowed Alex to whisk him away a time or two.

God, if Alex got any harder he’d bust the button on his jeans. Jeans that Dageus had talked him into buying last Saturday for this event, despite Alex’s protests. Dageus was dancing for him, he realized. The sexy sway in his hips was for him. Amadeo was a character of lust, literally a demon of temptation. Dageus simply directed it toward him instead of the audience. He couldn’t wait to see him take out that energy on him after the show.

When the final act was complete and the final encore was called, the entire balcony was on their feet. Dageus’s brother Ravyns catcalled and jumped up and down and generally made a ruckus in the high-class theater where most patrons were used to polite, scattered clapping. Alex and Salvatore shared a secret smile and shrugged, knowing that Dageus blushed harder because of their outrageous behavior. The crowd threw roses at the feet of the actors, and after twenty minutes, Alex finally couldn’t stand the wait any longer. With a thought, he was in front of his Ravyn.

When Alex wrapped his arms around him, Dageus was already smiling. The brothers catcalled even louder as Alex’s lips crashed down on his.

“Let’s get out of here, baby,” Dageus murmured against Alex’s lips.

“You think you should stay and receive your admirers?” Alex teased. Dageus grabbed his ass in full view of the crowd.

“Hell no, Master. Take me home.”

* * * *

Salvatore shook his head and smiled. “Let’s go home, boys. They’ll be occupied for the rest of the evening.” He conjured a bottle of demon wine for all of them. The color of the wine reminded him of the bartender’s lips all those months ago. He recalled the piercing that decorated his bottom lip and suddenly had an impulse to see him.

“Shall we go to the club?” he asked the boys as they walked out of the theater.

“Hell yeah!” a chorus of replies sounded.

The Doves had not been sighted since the last night more than two months ago. They were all praying that Desmond had finally gotten over his obsession with ending Salvatore’s life. Though they doubted Desmond would give his obsession up so easily. The Ravyns had loosened up slightly since moving into the entertainer house. After all, what was living if one’s life was a prison? With a house full of vampires, they had double the force to use against Desmond, and it gave them all room to relax. Salvatore smiled and hoped the man on his mind was working tonight.

* * * *

Kal fell into the silken sheets a moment later. They slid against his naked skin, causing him to groan.

“What about, ah, our, ah, clothes?” he attempted to ask as Alex began to lick and suck at his exposed flesh.

“Useless,” Alex growled. “Got rid of them.” Dageus had no protests for that. He was hot from the dance, throbbing from the unspent passion.

“Alex!” he gasped as the vampire slid home into his hot core. Alex’s eyes burned into his with love and desire.

“I love you, Kal,” he said, kissing his soft pliant lips tenderly. His thrusts seemed to carry his words into Kal’s soul.

“I love you, Alex!” Kal replied, kissing along Alex’s jawline. With every moment they spent together, they grew more confident in their love, and as they fed off each other, long into the night, they knew that their love would carry them into eternity.




Jana Downs lives in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina with three cats, one dog, several dozen fish, and a very understanding partner in crime who hates to read but makes exceptions for her stories.

You can usually find her either watching bad reality TV, buying way too many books on Amazon, or dreaming up another man or two to occupy her time because life is good, but several drop-dead gorgeous, nonexistent men is just better.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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