Ryder on the Storm (19 page)

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Authors: Violet Patterson

BOOK: Ryder on the Storm
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“What about from my father? If I know what skills he has perhaps I can neutralize them with my own, if I possess them too?” Storm felt hands on her shoulders and went rigid in response, until she realized they belonged to Ryder, the warmth seeped into her muscles and his scent saturated her senses turning the soft flutter in her stomach into a roaring inferno.


“I could read you to see what you are capable of.” His velvety voice hit her as she registered how close his lips were to her earlobe. A flood of memories and fantasies washed over her. Storm closed her eyes and suppressed a moan but nodded in agreement. Ryder sighed and gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. Storm registered what he was trying to tell her, he wouldn’t be able to read her in front of the others. That would mean more time alone, and the need to break away.


Storm stood and stretched. “You know what, never mind. I really don’t think I can take anymore today. I need to process all of this, it has been,” she paused for effect and feigned a small yawn, “enlightening and draining. Could we take a break and maybe I could get a little sleep? There are plenty of guest beds for all of you and I truly hope you will all stay.”


“Everybody stays. We will take turns protecting the house.” Ryder’s voice sounded foreign with such a hard edge to it, no hint of the velveteen she loved.


The Scots nodded in unison and muttered something about first shift on the perimeter. Lucian nodded and volunteered for second shift. Dan looked at her, his eyes full of many unspoken things, most of which she doubted she’d want to hear. “Shane and I will take turns outside your window, just in case.”


“Yeah, babe, I am going to catch a few Zs but I will be in the room next to you.” He looked to Ryder, an unusual hardness evident in his gaze. “If you need anything, holler.”


Storm looked to Roane, her grandfather. Maybe if she said it enough times it would sound less foreign. He smiled in response, she could see what Damarra must have seen in him. He could be dashing if he tried to be less severe. When he smiled at Storm, she saw pride and affection. How odd. “Roane, I mean, Grandfather, I – what should I call you?”


Roane laughed, a strange sound, not warm but not creepy like his speaking voice, “Why don’t you call me whatever you feel comfortable with. I am not weary, my dear, so I will patrol with Kell and Pollux. We can speak more in the morning?”


She smiled and nodded, fatigue truly claiming her body and mind more quickly than she imagined possible. He stood and took a step forward, hesitated and started to walk out. Storm walked to him and grabbed his arm. When Roane turned, Storm put her arms about his waist and hugged him tightly. She felt his body tense and then relax into the hug. He sniffed her hair. Her grandfather smelled of the outdoors, no other way to describe it, like fresh cut grass and salty ocean air mixed with dried leaves and pine dust. When she released him, he smiled down at her, his face relaxed even further.


“Storm, you are an amazing child. I expect wonderful things from you.” He winked and walked off leaving her alone with Ryder, again. Dammit. Could she do this?






“That was creepy.” The words came out before he realized it. Why could he not stop offending her?


“What?” She turned to look at him, fatigue etched across her face, her eyes glittering with excitement. Gods, he wanted her. Everything inside him yearned to scoop her up and have her against the bookshelves, on the sofas, the rug before the hearth – he pushed the memories aside and moved to adjust his growing arousal.


“I found it strange to see Roane behave in that manner. He has always been aloof at best.”


“Oh, I thought you said something about him being creepy.” She raised an eyebrow knowingly but half smiled at him. “It doesn’t matter, I get it. Let’s get this reading done. What do I have to do?”


“Nothing, really. I just need to touch you to be able to focus on just you and block all of the other supernaturals milling around.” Ryder really did not need to touch her now that they stood alone in the room but she did not need to know that. Just one more touch, perhaps on her bare arms to feel her soft, smooth skin, that would suffice. “Would you rather move to your bedroom so that you can go to sleep if you like? You seem tired.”


Storm eyed him suspiciously. Then she shrugged and nodded, “might as well. More comfortable up there.”


They headed for the door but before exiting, she turned to face him, misjudged how close he’d been, and they crashed into each other. She backed up, a slight dazed look on her face. Storm must have felt it as well, electricity flooded him when they touched. His arousal had returned in full force that very instant. She stood so close he could smell her. Her energy pulsed through the air around them heightening the intense attraction even further. He could not take it. Ryder wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in, inhaling her scent deeply as her hair brushed under his chin.


“What do you think you are doing?” Storm’s voice muffled against his chest did little to hide her irritation.


Ryder loosened his hold slightly and she tried to break free but he refused to let her. Instead, Ryder turned her, moved her to the bookshelf to their left and held her against it, at just the right level. Before she could protest, his mouth found hers. Ryder started strong but not too forcefully, his hands found her hips and rolled downward until he could pull her legs up around his waist. He kissed down her chin to her neck and back to her earlobe. She moaned loudly in response. Ryder pressed against her. He never wanted anyone so much.






She moaned. Dammit. She wanted this. She wanted him. Hell, she needed him. Her skin felt like fire and Ryder’s hands and lips only fueled the burning. He cupped her bottom and pulled her in closer. She could hear herself panting with need. He stopped without letting her go.


“Storm, look at me.” That voice, not a command but a request, soft and sincere but edged with lust.


She looked. Ryder’s eyes blazed silver. “I want you Storm Sullivan. I want you to be mine. I want you in every way that a male wants a female. I have never in all my lifetimes wanted a woman as I want you. Will you have me?”


“Yes.” The word came out before Storm even realized it. Ryder’s eyes flared and then they were on the floor before the hearth, her pants long gone and his as well. The moment he entered her everything glowed gold, she exploded in ecstasy beyond anything she ever could have imagined. Crying out his name she dug her nails into his back which only engaged him further. He rolled them over so that she straddled him and instinct took over. Storm rocked in a rhythm as Ryder wrestled her shirt off. His eyes flew wide at the sight of her in the violet lace bra. He shifted her and sat up so that he could kiss her cleavage, soft fluttering kisses that caused the tension to build again. Storm pulled his shirt off and bent her head to kiss his chest, nibbling at his left nipple. Ryder moaned and she felt him tense against her. She pulled back and looked in his eyes, silver pools like small moons. Storm kissed him, sliding her tongue in his mouth to caress his. He moaned again.


Then they were up, her back against the bookshelf, his head buried in her breasts, her hands in his hair. He entered her again using the bookshelf as leverage and started a faster rhythm. She cried out his name several more times. Ryder called out her name as they climaxed together. Storm collapsed into him, her body thrumming with the after-effects. Lifting her head from his shoulder she noticed her arm glowing golden. She tried to will it away but couldn’t even cause it to fade. Trying not to sound too alarmed or completely ruin the moment, she whispered in his ear, “Um, Ryder, I am glowing.”


He kept his head nestled in her shoulder, “I know. You do that.”


“Wait, what do you mean? I have done this before?” Storm felt the panic rising in her chest, she couldn’t glow gold every time she became aroused. She looked at her arm again, still not fading. Great.


Ryder pulled back and looked her in the eye, his still that lovely liquid silver. “Yes, you did it before when we made love. Your power is simply tied to your emotions. It is not a crisis, Storm, it is part of the goddess in you. I think you can change the color if you like but I am partial to the gold myself.”


“Wait, did you say goddess? You read me?”


“You knew you were part goddess. But, yes I read you, just now while you were having a meltdown about your glow.” Ryder let her down and walked over to collect their clothes. He started dressing in silence. Storm stared at him. Gods he could be the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. She actually found herself growing aroused again, just looking at him and recalling his hands on her, his lips fluttering along her jawline, his – no, not a good idea. Instead, she put her hands upon her hips and tapped her foot.
“Somehow, that does not have the same effect when you are naked.” Ryder chuckled and approached her, clothes in hand. He slipped the shirt over her head and kissed her nose softly as she pushed her arms through. “You are lovely. I like when you glow.”


“What else did you read from me?”


He silently handed her pants and undies over and stepped backward, leaning against the edge of the sofa. “Well, other than the Sight and your affinity for witchcraft, you have affinities for nature and fertility. It is very feasible that you could take immortality from my kind. In actuality, your purpose seems to be one of balance and healing. You can right any supernatural wrongs essentially.”


“That’s it? Really? So I can’t do anything special?” Storm felt her shoulders slump. Dammit. She had grown excited at the prospect of having some real talents. What a let-down. Everybody made such a big deal about the Emerald and how much power she should have but in the end, she really was just a witch with the Sight. She felt Ryder’s hand tugging at her chin and looked up to meet his gaze. The silver seemed to have faded slightly but he looked so intent.


“Storm, you are very powerful. I am not sure how you came to possess so much magic. There is so much that it seems generalized. Your magical fingerprint is completely unique. What I saw will make you valuable to any supernatural; however, I have no intention of sharing you.” Ryder smiled, a lopsided sexy smile that made her want to jump him all over again. He released her chin and stepped back, watching her dress. Storm took her time stepping into her pants and adjusting her attire, allowing the news to sink in.


“So, what you are saying is that I am a freak.”


Ryder approached her, cupped her face in his hands and studied her intensely. “You are no freak. You are amazing and talented and the most extraordinary woman I have ever known. Every male in this house wants you, wants to be near you simply because of the effect you have on us. Do you understand how stunning you are on every level?”


Storm felt the heat build in her cheeks. She lowered her eyes.






Ryder gazed at Storm, her innocence and humility made her even more attractive. She really had no idea just how intriguing she could be. Beneath her hard exterior she maintained an irresistible vulnerability. Granted, he certainly did not want to spend any more time on the receiving end of her wrath. The affection on the other hand, well, that he could live with. Ryder wrapped his arms about her waist and pulled her close, relishing the feel of her body against his. Her hair smelled amazing. The golden glow seemed to be fading slightly, probably for the better since Storm seemed so self-conscious about it. She’d have to get used to it, though.


“What are we going to do about my father?” She pulled back and looked up at him, wide eyed and curious but not afraid, not an ounce of fear in her.


“I am not sure yet. We will come up with something. Any of our kind would be satisfied with his death if they knew his intentions. I could call on the brethren to eradicate him.” Ryder had thought about that initially as the only option. He could not allow Storm to kill him and Roane would have the same problem. Kin-killers were tortured and executed in the supernatural community. Since Jasper had not yet crossed that line they could not call on the supernatural authority to intervene.


“If the brethren were to start arriving he would be alerted to their presence and flee. I don’t believe that is an option. I think we need to handle this ourselves.”


He saw the truth in her statement; surely Jasper would be watching supernatural movements in the vicinity, especially now that he knew the Immortals were involved. Ryder wondered if Jasper was aware that Roane had joined their company. It would certainly give them an advantage over Jasper if he remained unaware of Roane’s involvement but they could not rely on that.


“No, you are right; we have to assume that Jasper is aware of Roane’s involvement. We have to anticipate every possible move my father could make.”


Ryder looked at Storm, “What did you just say?”


“I said you were right?” Her face registered confusion. She did not realize what just happened.


“You read my mind.” Ryder paced the room. He had not seen that ability in her. How could he have not registered telepathy?


“I don’t get it? You said that we should assume Jasper knows about Roane and I agreed with you. Why are you getting so upset?” Storm’s pleas nearly broke him. She really did not know she did it.

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