Rylin's Fire (4 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard

BOOK: Rylin's Fire
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Her whispered command unleashed whatever restraint he had. Rylin began a slow thrust and retreat, his hands braced at the sides of her head. Dara swallowed back a needy moan, enjoying the sight of his neck arched above her, every muscle straining.

He’d warned her about his growls, but the noises he made were much more. Snarls and grunts added to the symphony of passion. Her nails dug deep, no longer afraid of hurting him.

“Yes, more,” she begged.

Rylin hunched over her as their hips slammed together. Desire coiled into a mass at the center of her belly, wetness soaked her thighs and slickened the friction between them. Dara enjoyed sex. Loved the powerful feelings and the sensations, but nothing had ever felt as good as Rylin driving between her thighs. She lifted her legs higher around his hips to take all he had to give.

Each lunge and retreat built an out of control blaze until Dara knew the orgasm coming would be blinding.

“Harder!” She just needed a little more.

“Let go, now!” His teeth clamped down on her throat. The aggressive bite was so unexpected it sent her spinning on a whirlwind. Dara screamed as her nails raked his back, hips grinding as her release poured forth.

Rylin’s climax roared through him and she whimpered as he pumped into her tender flesh. He groaned against her, lips trailing kisses up her neck as he continued to shiver. Liquid heat spurted inside and Dara swore he came again.

Now she realized why her friends bragged about good sex. When done right, you wanted to share the gloriousness with anyone willing to listen.




“Stay.” Ry ran his finger over the crinkles between her black brows.

“What?” Dara’s fingers trembled on his chest where she lay beneath him.

Ry clasped them between his own and tipped his head down to see her eyes. “Earlier you said you were thinking about returning to your world. I’m asking you to stay to give what we have a chance. It’s why you came.”

“We just met.” She licked her lips nervously. “We’ve known each other less than a day.”

Ry understood her reticence, but he wanted her for far more than a moment. “I think this is one of those times when you go with your gut. I want you, Dara. Stay and see if we fit.”

He could see his words affected her. Dara’s hands tentatively came around his back, her palms pressing lightly. When the tips of her fingers brushed his mantle, a growl rumbled forth despite his best attempts to muffle the sound.

Ry ruthlessly squashed his growing arousal and leaned back without letting her go. “Vovin isn’t a bad place.”

He wanted to stress the point since he wanted her as his
, and she’d live here.

“I didn’t think it was.” She stroked his back once more, lighting a fire beneath his skin.

He focused on the point he wanted to make. “We’re a fierce people. Emotions get the better of us. Fights break out and tempers flare, but don’t ever worry that I’ll let anything harm you.”

“I trust you, Rylin, King of the Black Dracol.”

He relaxed. “Then you’ll stay on Vovin and not return to Earth?”

If he had any doubt, she wiped it out. “I’m staying on Vovin.”

“Thank you.” Nothing meant more to him.

Dara rolled up to her knees suddenly, and climbed over him, knocking Ry flat on his back. She bracketed her legs about his waist as she smacked loud kisses on his face. “This is crazy. You know that, right?”

Ry chuckled, hands cupping her rear. “Crazier than having sex with a Dracol you’ve known for one night?”

She leaned back, hands on his shoulders, her hips nestled against his. “You just wait, your majesty. I think we’re on to something beautiful, Rylin. I already know we’ll fit.”




Dara couldn’t believe she was doing this. Hours ago she’d contemplated returning home to Earth. Now she planned to stay on Vovin. Her heart pounded out an uneven rhythm, but never had anything felt more right. She and Rylin belonged together, Dara just knew it. Getting to know one another would only solidify those feelings.

“We need to get back,” he said, sliding her from atop him, then rose to his feet and helped her up.

Dara stood still as Rylin searched for her underwear, then returned and guided them up, kissing her legs along the way. Next, he held her dress, fingering the slinky fabric. “I hate covering you up.”

Her cheeks ached from smiling so hard. Unable to resist, Dara caressed his bare, muscular chest. “I’d hate having to cover this too.”

He chuckled and the handsome view of his face was blocked as he slid the dress over her head. 

Chapter 6


“What’s that?” Dara leaned over and pointed.

Ry craned his neck to the side, blinking to sharpen his raptor vision. Below, hidden beneath the cover of trees, he could make out a bit of red. Without conscious thought he flew downward, angling between trees for a better view. The red became a tangled dress about a figure.

Ry slowed and prepared for descent.

“It’s a body,” Dara announced, her hands tightening on him.

Rage burned. Not just a body, a female, and from the scent in the air, she was dead. Ry circled the clearing once as a precaution before landing in a crouch several feet back.

Dara slid down and he caught her about the hips when she flailed. Carefully he placed her on her feet on the grass and opened his clawed fingers. She brushed at her short, windswept curls and pushed her dress down.

Ry shifted to two feet and strode toward the woman, his nudity unimportant. Dara scrambled to keep up, reaching his side as he knelt by the fallen female.

“Oh, God. What happened? Is she…?”

 “Dead,” he muttered, squatting beside the body.

The female lay face down, the back of her red dress shredded. Ry leaned closer and stiffened. A symbol had been carved on her upper right shoulder blade. The marking similar to the one on the other female found dead by him and Mikal. Ry noted the scratches on the slim legs, her bare feet scuffed.

Dara gagged and backed up a step. “Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Who would do such a thing?”

Ry gritted his teeth and scanned the area. He had no idea, but this was Black territory and his responsibility. “I don’t know.”

Nothing moved in the trees, the forest animals remained quiet. He inhaled deeply but whatever did this was long gone and left no scent trail behind. With a respectful touch, he brushed back the tangled blonde hair to get a better look at the face and froze. He knew her well.

“Shara,” Ry whispered. Her mate, Devon, would break from this news.

Dara crept closer and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Do…did you know her?”

“She’s one of mine.” He rose to his feet and scanned the darkness around them. The quiet bothered him. An eeriness to the silence drew his attention.

Ry eased his arm about Dara’s waist, concerned by the chill coming from her. He increased his core body temperature to warm her. “I’ll take you back and bring men out here to investigate.”

“This is terrible,” she whispered, eyes on the dead female.

Ry turned her away. “I need to get you away from here, Dara.”

His senses crawled, agitating his Dracol. Unseen eyes watched and the gaze burned with vivid hatred. This was the first time Ry had come upon a kill so close to the time of death.

Dara must have realized his discomfort. “What is it, Rylin?”

Ry shifted his hands to her shoulders and massaged lightly. He didn’t want her to panic, but he wanted to leave this place and come back with reinforcements. The mantle called for him to act on the injustice.

“Nothing. Yet.” He kissed her brow then stepped away and shifted.

His Dracol roared to the forefront, protection upper most in his mind. He’d allow nothing to harm Dara when he’d just found her. Ry lowered himself flat on the ground and dipped his head. Thankfully, Dara didn’t hesitate. She toed his forepaw and he gently helped her to regain her seat on his back.

As soon as her legs hugged his neck, Ry leaped into the air.  




Dara wasn’t sure what was going on and a litany of curses rolled through her mind. Forget cleaning her language up. Not after seeing that poor woman’s body. She’d be lucky if she didn’t mutter every bad word she knew. Twice. The return flight wasn’t as exhilarating nor did Rylin seem in the same mood that inspired his playful antics of earlier.

He didn’t return them to the party as she expected. Instead, they landed on the front of a massive castle built into the side of a mountain.

An honest-to-goodness castle. Her eyes hungrily took in everything only to stop on the guards who raced toward them. Men in leather pants and sleeveless vests belted about the waist surrounded them. Rylin shifted and the blond man in the front glared.

“The guards are looking all over for you at the mating party,” the blond grated out harshly.

Dara flinched, but Rylin waved a hand over his body and a black bit of cloth materialized to cover his hips to just above the knee. The magical gesture stopped her in her tracks, but he reached for her hand and tightened his fingers. “I left.”

Rylin strode toward the entrance where a larger crowd grew.

“You left? Couldn’t you have informed your guards?”

He didn’t slow. “I’ve discovered another body, Mikal. I’ll need to see Devon before we talk.”

Mikal, Dara assumed, came to an abrupt halt, then hurried to keep up. “Ry?”

Rylin paused and their eyes connected over her head. “Later. When everyone isn’t listening. Trouble has come to the Black Dracol.”

Chapter 7


Various members of the Black gathered in the throne room. Females and males gazed at him, curiosity adding a glow to their amber stares. Children tumbled about the polished floor. Dozens of Dracol resided in his home at any given time while hundreds more chose to make their homes on the plains.

After what Ry shared, word would spread to them all. One death could be perceived as an accident, two would raise suspicion, but three confirmed his biggest fear. He paced in front of his dais, occasionally glancing behind him where Dara sat at the base, legs curled beneath her. He hated the nervous look in her eyes and the twitches she couldn’t hide when one of his people turned their attention toward her. Unfortunately, he couldn’t tend to her yet.

Mikal and Sana entered, a clear foot separating them from one another. Sana’s glare when Mikal immediately headed toward Ry’s side couldn’t be missed. Ry’s mouth firmed. Each time the two appeared of late, distance grew between them. Their only daughter, Ari, ran to join her friends without a backward glance at her parents.

Grunting, Ry focused on the bigger priority. Murmurs in the crowd rose as many responded to the urgency of his arrival. Freeing his essence, Ry searched for Devon. The presence of so many Blacks in one room increased his abilities and Ry sensed the male moments before he rushed inside.

Brown hair standing on end, dressed but without shoes, Devon came to Ry and dropped to one knee.

“Pardon, King Rylin.” Tears glistened in his reflective eyes. “I can’t reach Shara. She called to me and our mating bond faded. Something’s happened.”

Even years later, Ry could still recall the shredding pain of his bond splintering when Sana officially dissolved their mating. He couldn’t imagine what Devon must have felt when Shara died.

“We’re going to talk somewhere quiet, Devon.” Ry halted the others who tried to follow and guided the male to a small alcove off to the side.

Devon hesitated, his eyes flaring wildly before he settled and strode forward. Ry signaled Dara to wait and she responded with a brisk nod.

Away from prying eyes, Ry placed a palm over his heart. As King, responsibility fell on him to deliver the sad news once more to another one of his males. The weight slayed him; there was no easy way to say this. “Devon, I’m truly sorry.”

Devon shook his head. “No. No, Ry.”

Ry reverted to the friendship they’d always maintained prior to the mantle. “I found Shara in the fields by the north end. Not far from the lakes.”

Devon’s chest heaved as he took a step back. His eyes flared, black lines bleeding into the gold. Ry pulled hard on the force of the mantle in case he needed to block the grieving male from shifting in here and allowing his Dracol to rampage.

“I…I spoke to her earlier. We laughed. And…and then she cried out to me moments before our connection snapped.” Devon turned bewildered eyes on him. “How is this possible?”

“I promise you I will find out.” Ry owed him that. He would find the menace devastating his people.

“You’re…you’re sure she’s gone?” One last gleam of hope sparked.

Ry could only nod. There was no mistaking a female he’d often spent time around.

When Devon continued to stand there, staring blankly, Ry opened the door and signaled to the men standing there. “Take Devon to his rooms.”

Bejon and Rafin entered slowly, questions in their gazes, but they helped the distraught male and escorted him from the room. Devon stumbled until Bejon braced a shoulder, supporting his weight. Mikal waited as Ry stepped out before demanding, “What in the Fates is going on, Ry?”

“I’m not sure.” Ry shoved a hand through his hair. “A short while ago I discovered Shara’s murdered body.”


“I need a team to fly out with me to investigate,” Ry continued in a lowered tone.

“Is it the Green?” Mikal asked.

A likely choice. Varyk, King of the Green, made no secret of his dislike of the Black. This could potentially open another feud. Something Ry would do everything to prevent.

Ry dropped his gaze to the floor, his bare feet reminding him of something else. Someone else. He scanned the throne room, relaxing when he spotted Dara where he’d left her. “I don’t know. But there’s more.”

Mikal studied him with an intent expression. “You think it’s the same as the others?”

Ry exhaled sharply. “There is no such thing as coincidence. Fate doesn’t act in such a manner. We’ve lost three of our own in as many weeks.”

Mikal muttered a curse, drawing Dara’s attention. Her sudden jerk had Ry turning in her direction. He extended his hand toward her. She jumped up and joined them, dress swaying about her legs. He frowned. She, too, walked barefoot. Ry pulled her close as she pressed one hand to his chest, the other holding him at the hip.

“This is Dara Fletcher from Earth.”

Mikal grimaced. “Is this the time and place, Ry? Perhaps you should send her back…from where she came.”

Dara flinched and Ry’s anger stirred. To make matters worse, Sana chose to come over. The years had been kind to his former
. Her red hair flashed beneath the lighting of the room. Her lush form glided more than walked and several interested males watched avidly.

Mikal, however, remained immune. Or at least pretended to. Lines creased his blond brows, and other than the stiffening of his body, he didn’t react further to his

“Ry.” Sana placed a hand on his chest perilously close to Dara’s face. Sana’s nails pricked his bare skin, leaving half-moon marks. “What’s going on?”

Mikal reacted at last and snatched his
back, his glare full of reproach. “Sana.”

She struggled in his hold and tripped, bumping into Dara. Ry caught Dara about the waist and righted her.

Pouty lips twisted in a half-snarl as Sana tried to push away from Mikal. “Release me!”

Mikal wrapped his arms securely around Sana, keeping her back pressed to his chest, and spoke over her head. “I will go with you.”

Ry expected that and ignored Sana’s theatrics. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into her lately but Mikal would need to address the problem sooner or later. “Gather a few others. No more than five of us. I’ll get Dara settled here then lead.”

“No!” Dara spun to face him. “I don’t know anyone here.”

He palmed her jaw. “I need you safe. As my potential
I can’t have anything happen to you.”

?” Mikal and Sana spoke simultaneously.

Sana recovered first. “You can’t be serious.”

Mikal released her to clasp Ry’s shoulder and grinned. “I’m pleased for you. I thought she was…uh.” He stopped mid-sentence, red staining his cheeks, and cleared his throat. “Congratulations.”

Dara leaned into his side, not taking her gaze from Ry’s face. Her glare spoke volumes. “I’m not staying here without you, dragon.”

Ry groaned. Her tone implied a resistance he hadn’t expected. Unfortunately several others closed in on them, keeping him from explaining why he didn’t want her to accompany him. Before Ry could delve into a lengthy conversation with her, Nolan joined them.

“Is it true, King Rylin?” Nolan asked. “Is Shara dead?”

Word was already spreading. Nolan was an invaluable member of the Black. Without his guidance, the sheer weight of the mantle would have crushed Ry in those early days. The powerful blend of energy from the Goddess had not been tolerant or patient with his need to learn how to handle his new role or the tremendous gifts that came with it.

“Rylin.” Dara’s pleading eyes stared up at him.

He didn’t have time to argue. Ry dragged his hand across the satin of Dara’s cheek. Urgency returned and the loss of one of his own bit sharply.

“Yes, Nolan.” To Dara he said, “You must stay close to me.”

Her visible relief was worth the fear that Shara’s death was bigger than a random act of aggression from the Green.

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