Rythe Falls (20 page)

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Authors: Craig R. Saunders

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Sword & Sorcery

BOOK: Rythe Falls
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Renir sat up. He felt dry blood in his nose, around his lips.

Tirielle was there, right beside him, and he found himself glad.

Over her shoulder, Roskel and Selana watched him wake, too.

Friends, those living...and those dead.

He looked Tirielle in her eye.

Make a friend now...right now. Be true.

'Thank you, Tirielle,' he said. His words were simple, but his intent was more solid than words, and she granted him a smile that warmed his heart after so long in the vision with the dead.

And yet, crossing the worlds, here were two ghosts who still moved.

Selana and Roskel. Lovers, yes. Dangerous...but...

'Selana, sister to Caeus. Roskel, friend to Tarn,' he said with a careful smile. 'Well met. Shall we? I think we have work to do.'

Renir felt a new kind of confidence that had nothing at all to do with the crown.

Selana stepped forward, and in her hand Renir saw that the undead-witch held a large, simple sack.

From within she drew his armour and his axe, as though the weight of the steel she carried were no more than a missive and the quill with which it was written.
And it is,
he realised.
It is a message, from her. An offer of friendship...of her allegiance.

'Haertjuge...' said Renir, and found that his hands were hungry for his blade.

At what cost do I take the undead's hand in friendship? Is it a cost a mortal can pay?

Renir eyed his armour and his blade warily. She understood.

'No cost,' said the witch. 'No price. This is...a service. For you. The new king of Sturma. We are to be...friends...I think.'

The woman drew more out into the fading firelight. No simple sack, after all.

Of course,
thought Renir. Why would he think that the undead sister of the Red Wizard would demean herself to carry something mundane?

From the sack came a small and simple repast. Apples, autumn-ripe, and a bottle of crisp water.

Not the first time Renir had eaten food brought by magic from elsewhere...he did not balk at the thought, nor, even, of eating here in the dim depths, with the undead lovers and their friend's corpse watching them all. And that, too, probably not the strangest thing he'd ever done. He remembered the priest Drun, his apparition naked in his dreams. Shorn and he, professing their friendship for each other in a circle of fire. Smoke wheels in distant cities and being carried like a babe by a great white beast, fighting in the heart of a volcano...

He took a bite of the proffered apple and found it sweet.

He sat, Tirielle to one side, the Queen and her consort before them.

They spoke of much and little. Renir ate and drank together with Tirielle, and somehow he conveyed to Tirielle without words that he understood precisely why their hosts had no need of sustenance.

Finally, recovered, he belched and Roskel actually laughed.

Renir grinned.

'Time,' said Selana, no glamour needed anymore now that they all understood who they were and that their purpose was entwined.

Even without the glamour, though, the undead Queen was...stunning.

'Time to return?' he said.

She nodded.

'Then I'm ready,' he said. He had his own armour strapped about his body - armour he'd earned, not the shining false armour gifted to him by The Order of the Sard. His axe was firm and true in his fist and the Crown sat easy on his head.

For now, at least.

'Tirielle,' he said, making no attempt to keep secrets from Selana or Roskel. 'I know your doubts. The crown showed me secrets, though...trust the Queen and her consort. They are true. They are friends to my...line. And my friends are theirs, too. Trust...' he managed to say, but then, Selana and Renir were simply...gone.



Chapter Forty


'So much to impart...so much knowledge...and who, even those of us with power to burn, can tell what will be needed and what will not? No one...not I, not Caeus...can hold it all.'

Selana spoke briefly in the short space of time it took to travel through the deep earth, up and into the breezy air once against. The feel of it, even through Selana's magic, pulled something in Renir.

It felt as though the wind called to him.

He found he yearned for the air, for the dirt, for the sky and the clouds and the suns and the moons of Sturma all the more.

'What is important?' Renir shrugged, uncomfortable, but happily so, pressed against the undead Queen's body as he was. They travelled within some kind of sphere that seemed to be darkness made solid. 'Love, maybe...goodness? In the scale of time so grand to a man like me...maybe love alone, yes. How a man, or a woman lives. How they die, what they do with their time...'

'You think the dead don't love?' said Selana, her soft, velvet lips nearly pressed against Renir's ear.

'I know they do,' said Renir. 'I know they do.'

Selana pulled back a little way within their tight sphere, so she could see the new king's face. 'Then you know more than most, King Esyn of the ancient line of kings, the first of the Sturmen.'

She placed a kiss with those soft, cold lips on his mouth and he felt some wonderful kind of giddy magic pass from her stale breath into his warm lungs.

'For sustenance,' she said. 'For the battle.'

'Thank you...but...
What battle?'

She grinned, and somehow, in that grin, impish and full of humour, Renir saw a hint within the dead Queen of the care and hope she held for humankind, small and insignificant though they might be.

'This one,' she said.




Renir found himself alone in a smoking and ruined city, in the midst of a terrible battle. The silence he had grown used to over the last few (
) disappeared, and the sound of battle suddenly hammered at his ears.

Fire burned bright and smoke drifted across the city.

'For sustenance,' she'd said. And now he knew why he would have need it.

Angry, hate-filled faces surrounded him. He knew those faces...hoped he'd never see such again. Draymen and women, some wearing Sturman armour, some hefting Sturman swords. He turned on his heel...taking them in.

Their rage was calmed for a second or two by the shock of finding him suddenly in their midst.

All the grace I'm going to get
, he thought.

Seventeen warriors, he counted. Once, he'd have pissed himself with fear to face but one warrior. Flailed or ran or cried for help.

'For sustenance,' she'd said, and she hadn't lied. Her kiss had been filled with strength and heart.

His limbs should have ached from the walk. He should have been tired from the lack of food and water. A few apples and what little he had drank could not have filled him with the energy he found coursing through his limbs. His fingertips near enough tingled and itched, ready for work.

He should have been blinking in the smog, from the brightness of the fires in the night and the smoke. But he was not afraid. He was not surprised.

He moved before they could.

Crushing Haertjuge overhand into a woman's head, splitting helm and skull. Yanking his blade free, cutting into the chest of the next underneath their raised arm. Dead, their weapon dropped to the littered ground around them.

his base mind told him.

A sword passed mere inches from Renir's own chest.

The crown on his head proved no hindrance, the tiredness he should feel was completely gone.

Only power remained in Renir's limbs.

A pike thrust and a spear together, intend to impale and hold him. Haertjuge through the haft of the pole-arm, one-handed. He caught the head of the spear on his gauntlet and deflected it into the midriff of a thin young warrior who gurgled as the spear head took out his guts. A rusty sword thrust at him, and a narrow dagger. The Draymen's weapons were pillaged, and random. Both men died.

A hard punch from a wild-haired woman caught Renir's shoulder, but he shrugged it off. Three Draymen broke and ran, and Renir span to find another seven (he'd lost count) were running, too, seeking an easier kind of slaughter this night. Renir wouldn't let them off so easy.

He stalked the bastards, through the fire-lit night, smoke swirling in a blustering wind that came and went. The King did not laugh or grin, took no pride in his hunt. It was grim work.

And then, as Haertjuge dripped Drayman blood in the dirt, he rounded a corner and saw a familiar sight, and one that, finally, brought a smile to his smoke-darkened face. Bear.

His friend Bourninund was there, twin short swords spinning, whirling, slicing. Overwhelmed, but fighting like an old man who'd forgotten to die and just kept right on forgetting.

'Bear!' Renir shouted, his voice powerful and loud even over the squeal of steel. 'To me!'

Bourninund, and Renir now, too, were entirely cut away from the main fighting. Renir, in some distant part of him, was aware that the greater concentration of screams and shouting and the greater stench of fear and pain and fury was further in, closer to the castle. He and Bourninund were a long way from safety.

Then, three dead men down and maybe six living warriors before Renir could reach Bear, the King saw his friend cut down. A great barbarian with a shaggy mane of braided hair had caught Bourninund with a heavy old rusty axe, a single-bladed thing made, perhaps, for felling trees.

'Bastard!' Renir roared himself hoarse in shock and rage and with a cold mind...to turn the barbarian's attention from his friend to himself. The giant turned. Renir swiped away the remaining two warriors between them. Darkness and light danced across the shattered rubble and tumbled walls that was all that remained of the inner city.

Bourninund's killer really was a big one. Half as big again as Renir. The man's rusted axe was twice as long in the haft as Haertjuge. Idly, Renir wondered if the savage had named his long axe.

He shrugged. The man looked confused. Renir didn't care. He was angry and his heart was numb from watching his friend die while he fought like a hero, out here alone and unsung.

The barbarian kicked Bourninund, the man just a bloody corpse there on the ground, then the monster raised his massive axe over his head, like Renir was nothing but an annoyance, getting in the way while he was busy cutting Bear clean in two.

Renir would never reach the giant in time.

Combat has no rules...

He threw Haertjuge overhand with all his might, nearly tearing his own shoulder loose in the socket. The monstrous man was forced to swing his long-hafted axe, but to deflect the blow, not to further maim Bear. He turned his attention to Renir, who spat.

“Come on then, you great oaf. Let’s see what you’re made of.”

The barbarian merely snarled. He obviously didn't understand Renir, but sometimes words don't matter if the intent is clear enough. And Renir intended to kill the bastard barehanded, if he had to. The man stepped over Bourninund, his massive axe held in one hand, unwavering, like it weighed no more than a dirk. Renir smiled warmly, watching the man come closer.

For a second, the barbarian faltered. It wasn’t often people smiled at him.

Then, without much preamble, his attention turned to the blade protruding from his ribs. A startled gasp passed his lips, and he crashed to the ground with a thump loud enough to be heard over the demented roar of battle all around.

Bourninund dragged himself to his feet, spitting blood and a cracked tooth out. He wobbled for a second, cracked his back straight again, then grinned.

“I thought I told you never to give up your weapon.”

“Well, thank you, too,” replied Renir, and strode to where his axe lay. “A little bit of gratitude wouldn’t go amiss.”

Renir pulled Bear into his arms, then, and hugged the old man so hard he thought he heard a rib crack.

Bear was still grinning, though, his face a mess, lips split and his front teeth sheared in half.

'Good to see you, youngster,' said the old mercenary.

The clatter of heavy-shod feet over the cobbles and rubble forced them to turn, weapons ready. All around them, men poured into the street.

Sturmen. Maybe twenty, but footfalls giving a hint of more some way behind. Every man had a weapon of some sort, a few leather armour, or chain, and one or two even had plate.

'Who's in charge here? Brung men from Gern's Crest on the Thane's say so.'

'And you are?' said Renir.

'Sutter. Thane's men, this lot. Soldiers and bastards. Looks like no bugger knows what's what. Messiest damn fight I ever saw. More Draymen on the way in. Castle's best bet 'til more arrive. You know who leads here?'

Bear nodded toward Renir.

'Him, I should think,' he said with a grin. 'The daft bastard with the shiny crown.'

Sutter and few of the others looked at the corpses of the Draymen strewn around. 'You're work?'

'Ours,' said Renir.

'Mostly his,' said Bear, still grinning.

'Well, shiny crowns I don't know nothing about, but you know your business, alright. I'll follow you to the castle, at least. Don't be expecting a curtsy, eh?'

Renir laughed. 'I should hope not. Sutter, and your friends...welcome.'

'Aye. My...Lord?'

'King, man. King.'

'Bear...give it a rest, would you?' said Renir with a sigh.

'My King...' said Sutter, unsure, still. Sturma hadn't had a king for so long, the man had no idea what a King should sound like, or look like. But the fellow had a big axe and gold on his head.

Good enough for him.

Renir felt for the man. Must be confusing. Hells, he was confused himself.

'Welcome, Sutter, and your men, too. A man with a good sense of timing's always welcome in the midst of battle, eh?'




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