Sabrina's Clan (5 page)

Read Sabrina's Clan Online

Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #MMF Menage Vampire Gargoyle Urban Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Sabrina's Clan
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“I did figure it out,” he said evenly. “Don’t apologize. That’s the most fun I’ve had at a business meeting in…forever. My uncle would rather pull out his own toenails than admit it, but he was enjoying himself, too. You’re an interesting woman.”

“So why did you get dragged along to the meeting tonight?” she asked, trying to move the conversation away from her. “You don’t have an official role in the corporation that I know of.” She took another bite of the toast.

Jake leaned against the counter, his back to it. He grimaced. “My uncle thinks it’s time I gave up my irresponsible ways and joined the family firm. It’s so clichéd it’s nauseating. It’s also my life.”

are irresponsible?” She was amazed. He looked so conservative he put choir boys to shame.

“In my uncle’s eyes, yeah.” He shrugged. “You don’t need to hear how woeful my life is. I’ve got it good compared to most people. I know that perfectly well. It’s part of the problem.”

“A problem a thousand people would take off your hands in a heartbeat,” she added. She picked up her coffee once more.

“Walk a mile in my shoes, then say that,” he said and for a moment his face darkened.

Sabrina nodded. “You’re right. I don’t know you at all. Everyone has issues. Yours just aren’t money-related like most everyone else’s are.”

“Or, if you look at it that way,
my problems are related to money.” He grinned. “Too much of it. Not too little of it. It brings…expectations.”

“At least you’ve got a family that
expectations,” Sabrina said shortly. Then she gripped her mug. Why had she said that? Self-pity wasn’t her style any more than it was Jake’s, apparently.

Jake’s eyes narrowed. “No family, huh? You’re lucky.” He straightened and picked up the jelly jar with a jerk and took it back to the fridge, keeping his back to her.

Sabrina stared at him. No one had ever told her that before.

She put the mug back down carefully. Her coordination was back. Even though she felt straight she wondered how sober she actually was, considering how her mouth was running in high gear. “I should get going,” she said to his back.

He shut the fridge and came around the counter. “I’ll phone Daniel. He can bring the car around.” He reached into his pants pocket for his phone.

“No, it’s not necessary,” Sabrina said quickly. “I can get a cab.”

“At this time of night?” He shook his head. “Not on your own.” He was thumbing out a text message.

“Alone is the only way I travel,” she said shortly. “I’ll feel embarrassed if I make your driver take me home.”

“It’s not you making him,” Jake replied. He had stopped texting, though.

“Really, a cab is fine. I live in Soho. I’ll be home in ten minutes.”

“Soho?” He put the phone away. “You’re doing better than I thought.”

“I have rich friends,” she said truthfully, then realized how it sounded. “I mean…well, it’s complicated.”

“I get the impression that with you, nothing is simple. Nothing is what it appears.”

She shivered. How right he was. “Well…” She picked up her briefcase and pulled the strap over her shoulder. “Thank you for the coffee.”

“You’re welcome.” He was back to leaning against the counter, his arms crossed. His blue eyes were very intense in this all-white kitchen.

Sabrina moved past him and his hand came out to halt her. He didn’t touch her, though. His hand hovered for a second, then he pulled it back. He was frowning heavily, as if he was fighting a mental battle of his own. Then he shook his head. “You’d better go.”

Instead, she turned and put her arms around his neck and kissed him. There was no thought it in. She was operating on instinct, her body obeying commands from another source beside her normally logical and ordered brain.

As her lips pressed against his, she wondered why she was doing it. It didn’t last long, because he took control of the kiss. He pulled her up against him even more tightly, so their bodies were sandwiched together from knee to chest. His arm was around her, holding her there.

The kiss was fantastic. It was electrifying. Every nerve came alive in a fizzing wave and she suddenly felt completely sober, her brain working overtime. Even as common sense reasserted itself, she knew she wasn’t going to stop this. She wasn’t going to step away and apologize. The kiss was too good.

Instead, he lifted his mouth from hers. He was breathing heavily as he looked at her. “Wow,” he breathed. “What happened there?”

“Then it wasn’t just me.”

He shook his head. His thumb stroked her jaw. “I want to kiss you again, to see if it’s the same.”

“Yes.” She dropped her briefcase and leaned back against him once more. “Please.”

His body was hot against hers. Hot and hard. He lowered his head and kissed her again. This time the pressure of his lips was as hard as the rest of him, pressing her mouth open. His tongue swept into her mouth.

It was the best kiss she had ever experienced. It was heady, making her feel drunk all over again, except she was more sober and more aware than she had been for days. Every nerve was alive. Every inch of her skin was rippling with the sensations of air against it, or the brush of her clothing.

Her pussy was throbbing, but there was time for that. She wanted more of him—against her, tasting her, touching her. If every touch of his fingers was going to send ripples through her as the stroke of his thumb against her jaw had done, then she could live forever on just his touch alone.

He was standing up, bringing her with him.

“No,” she protested softly. “More of this, first.”

“Agreed,” he said, his voice low. “Just not in this sterile room.” He picked up her hand. “Will you come with me?”

She nodded and he drew her out of the kitchen and back through the small foyer. On the other side of the foyer from the apartment door was a pair of blank, black double doors. One of them stood open and he pushed the other side and pulled her into the room.

There was no endless tract of white in this room. Instead, the walls were a soft, pale gray, while the floor was a dark hardwood, scuffed and worn as though it had been there for centuries.

The bed was unmade, the cover thrown back like someone had just gotten out of it. Better still, there were clothes on the floor, the closet door stood open and there was an untidy pile of books on the nightstand.

The best thing of all was the surfboard standing up in the corner, the attached leg rope trailing across the floor.

“Sorry about the mess,” he said. “It’s warm in here, at least.”

She shook her head, looking at the surfboard once more. “It’s perfect,” she said honestly. “I can see the real you.”

He looked at her, startled. “Hell, that’s not good. I don’t want you running away.”

“Out there, a moment ago, I might have,” she said, stepping closer to him. She looked up at him. “Not now.”

“Good.” He kissed her again and this time it was even better. She relaxed and let herself fully enjoy the kiss and the delicious sensations his hands were producing as he stroked her. She shrugged out of her jacket when he pulled at it, then kicked off her shoes.

“Better,” he said gruffly as she came back to him.

She yanked at his tie, tossed it away, then undid the last of the buttons on his shirt. His chest was smooth and tanned and rounded with muscle and she laid her hands against the hot flesh, feeling his muscles flex beneath. “Much better,” she agreed.

He stripped her while she stood with her hands against him. When he came to the silk teddy she wore beneath her suit, he groaned. “Gorgeous.” His breath warmed her skin. He eased the tiny strap off her shoulder with his teeth and removed the teddy as well, leaving her naked.

“Can I do that to you?” she asked.

In the semi-dark, his smile was brief. “I’m not wearing one of those things.”

She rolled her eyes, even as laughter touched her and made her shake with it. Then she tugged at his shirt, sliding it off. His skin gleamed in the low light and the urge to lick it all touched her. Instead, she ran her hands over his shoulders. “All that surfing,” she murmured. Her palm slid over rough skin and she tilted her head to look at the crescent shaped scar on his arm, where the biceps curved.

“Scuba diving, too,” he said softly. “That was a stingray tail. Just a love tap.”

“Stingray? Then you don’t dive around here.”

“No,” he agreed easily. He didn’t expand on it. She didn’t mind not knowing, because his answer would probably be the Caribbean or the tropics or somewhere exotic and beautiful and completely beyond Sabrina’s hope of ever seeing it.

She distracted herself by reaching for his belt. The flesh above the belt was firm and flat and made her mouth water. He was a delicious man. She wanted to linger and explore, but the pulsing ache in her core was driving her onward.

“You’re teasing,” he breathed as she paused with the end of his belt in her hand.

“I’m savoring,” she said truthfully. “You’re gorgeous.”

“Ditto. Which is why I’m having trouble just standing here and letting you do what you want. If you don’t hurry up with your savoring, so I can have my turn touching you, I’ll explode.”

She smiled and stepped closer, so the heated tips of her breasts brushed against his chest. Both of them drew in sharp breaths at the contact. “There, you’re touching me,” she breathed and unfastened the belt, sliding it out from between them.

His trousers dropped to settle even lower down on his hips.

Sabrina moved back far enough to see. His bare chest and the barely holding trousers was an enticing combination. With a sigh, she reached for and unfastened them, sliding the zipper down slowly not to tease, but to make these moments linger. She let the trousers drop.

His undershorts were skin tight, a dark color hat didn’t disguise the thick ridge of flesh beneath them. Sabrina stroked the ridge, letting her fingers slide over the length of it.

Jake hissed, his hips shifting.

So she burrowed her fingertips beneath the fabric, until she found his heated cock and stroked it.

“God…!” he breathed and gripped her wrist and withdrew her hand. “Enough,” he said firmly. He stripped the rest of his clothing off with sharp, impatient movements, then swept her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing, forcing Sabrina to cling to him.

Her heart was a runaway steam train, pumping furiously and it leapt even harder as he put her on the bed and pulled aside the covers, leaving it bare except for her. He knelt on the end of the bed, looking at her. His cock was ramrod stiff, jutting from his thighs, dark with blood and pressure. He didn’t reach for her. Instead, he leaned over and pulled the drawer open on the nightstand and reached inside.

A sliver of icy shock touched her chest and made her belly clamp. It wasn’t as though she needed the protection anymore and she was disease free, only he didn’t know either of those facts and if he was smart he wouldn’t take her word for it. She didn’t know his history, either. So she stayed silent as he eased the condom over his cock.

He settled himself on the bed, not over her, but on his knees between her thighs. It was a suggestive position. He ran his hands across her flesh her from shoulders to thighs, circling her nipples as he progressed and letting his fingers bump over the very tip of them in a series of little tugs that made her gasp, her chill forgotten.

“You’re gorgeous,” he breathed. He leaned over her, taking his weight on one arm. The other pushed under her hip, lifting her up, making her breath catch again. He wasn’t pressing against her at all, even though she could feel his body heat radiating against her.

She didn’t know if her heart would withstand the anticipation. “Hurry,” she breathed.

He didn’t seem to hear her. He was looking down at her, taking in her whole body, as his hips flexed. His cock pushed up against her pussy, pressing it open. He watched as he slid slowly inside her.

Sabrina closed her eyes. It was a slow, seductive sensation of growing fullness that was astonishingly good. It felt as though all her muscles were rippling around him, making way, preparing themselves.

She shuddered as he slid all the way into her, until he drew still. His breath was rough and hurried as he looked down at her. Apart from the pressure of his pelvis pushed up against her, he was holding all his weight off her, which left her free to shift and experience the sensation of having him inside her. The walls of her pussy clenched around him involuntarily.

“Mmm, yes, like that,” he said and pulled his cock from her in another long, slow movement. “Squeeze me and wriggle. Let me feel you squirm. There’s nothing better.” He pushed back inside her, with the same controlled movement. He was driving her pleasure, his hand under her hip holding her just enough to stay inside her.

It was impossible to stay still as she would have if he had been leaning over her the normal way, with their hips locked down. Her nerve ends shrieked as he thrust in long, smooth strokes, the head of his cock sliding up against her at odd angles, caressing her from inside.

Sabrina closed her eyes and forgot about trying to control her reactions in any way at all. She opened herself up to the sensations and let her body move in whatever way it needed to. She was pulsing with the building climax and moaned in desperate need, arching so her head pushed back into the pillow and her breasts thrust up high into the air.

It felt as though she jittered apart around his cock and the sensations he was giving her, yet he didn’t once touch her clit or do anything other than move his cock in and out, with masterful beats.

Her climax tore through her, ripping a scream from the back of her throat, gripping her with an intensity that stopped her breathing and perhaps even her heart for a long moment. Every muscle in her body locked taut, squeezing and rippling through the climax.

As the peak subsided and the pleasurable aftermath washed through her, letting her heart slow just a little, Jake stiffened, his hips shifting in hard, short movements. He drove into her, his breath coming in harsh gasps. He sounded driven. He sounded almost as if he was in agony.

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