Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7) (8 page)

BOOK: Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7)
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Chapter 44

Tested Hearts




In that surreal moment of half disbelief and crazed reality the look I gave Draven was one that spoke volumes, even if he didn’t know who I really was. It was as easy to read in my eyes as the whispered
‘It can’t be’
from my lips and that was my crushed heart and now battered soul.

It was done.

It was finished.

It was over.

And I had failed for good this time. Because how could I love a man who was about to give the order for my torture? How could I lie with this man and be expected to give him the piece of myself that I had only ever reserved for one man? Because having sex and making love were two entirely different things and with Draven, even at the hottest and wildest of times, it had always been done with the deepest of love between us. I could give a lot in my life but I couldn’t ever taint the love I had for him, not even to save the world…
because I just didn’t know how.

It would be like sleeping with a different man just because the Fates told me that was what I needed to do. And right now, looking into those cold black eyes, I knew there wasn’t one shred of the man I knew looking back at me. And then he spoke and sealed my fate, along with what could be the future of the world.

“It is time to show our newcomer what happens to those who disrespect their King and one who has shown them such generosity.” I ripped my gaze from his and unfortunately it landed on his poisonous bitch. The evil grin rivalled any Demonic being I had encountered who had been intent on killing me and I had to wonder in that moment if this hadn’t been her plan all along. Maybe if she thought she had scared me enough with her threats that she could get me to run from Draven? Because either outcome would have worked for her. If I had made it then I would simply be one less female to worry about stealing her King’s affections. And if was caught, well I didn’t really need to state the obvious as that was happening now. But from the sick look of glee on her face then this choice was definitely the more favourable one for her.

Well I wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction she craved and I certainly wasn’t going to let this darker version of Draven see my tears. No, I was stronger than that…
or at least I would try to be.

But then Draven spoke and sparked a glimmer of hope,

“Unless the act was committed for reasons I do not yet know…a threat of life perhaps?” I looked up and in his eyes what I saw was clear, he was willing me to speak up, which made me wonder…did he know what had been said to me in the pool? Was this a test? I looked towards the guard who was standing at the ready and had his hand on the whip coiled against his thigh. So that would be my punishment if I didn’t speak up? If I didn’t lie and blame his chosen favourite for her actions, actions that in my heart I knew wasn’t the reason for me trying to flee.

I couldn’t lie and say that the thought didn’t appeal to me…
She was a bully and quite possibly a murderer but did that give me the right to condemn her to the same punishment I was about to receive? Draven always spoke about my kind clean soul and up until this point I never really thought much about the true meaning behind those words. Yes, I had sought revenge against those who had hurt me and those I cared for but that was from direct actions taken by another. But now I had the choice to hurt someone and draw that first line in the sand before stepping over it and becoming someone I knew I wasn’t. Could I really make the man I loved a liar by my actions? Could I darken my soul to save myself some pain?

It felt like another test and this one I
fail, because…

I wouldn’t lie.

I don’t know who was more shocked when I shook my head, Draven or Stateira, who up until now had looked almost ready to bolt for the door. I watched as Draven took a deep breath in defeat and said,

“Very well.” Then he nodded to the guard and this time I didn’t fight. I just let myself be pulled over to the wall like last time and when my hands were raised, I didn’t resist. Because I knew that this wasn’t just my test but it was Draven’s as well because if he let this happen, then I knew within my heart of hearts that he would have failed, just as I would have done if I had lied. After all, he had picked this clean soul of mine to love and now he could choose whether to darken his own or not. And as the shackles were firmly shut around my wrists I knew the soul I had chosen to love was growing darker by the second.

My front was pushed against the stone and I couldn’t help but yelp out in surprise when I suddenly felt my tunic being ripped open from behind, baring my naked back for maximum punishment. I took a deep breath trying not to think about the burning slash of pain that I knew was coming and instead raised my head up in a forced bravery, gripping onto the chains to hide my hands from trembling. I tried to block out the sounds of the guard behind as he obviously uncurled his whip from his belt. I heard it snap against the floor as if he first needed to test his swing. I tried not to flinch but couldn’t help it.

Then I heard it. That mighty swing overhead cutting through the air at speed and I tensed waiting for the lashing pain to hit me…

But it never came.

Instead I heard the crack of the whip landing on skin but it wasn’t mine that it hit…

It was Draven’s.  

“ENOUGH!” He shouted and I looked to the side and over my shoulder to see he had stood in front of me like a protective barricade, putting himself between me and the guard. He yanked the whip from the guard’s hand and uncurled it from the arm he had used to take the blow. Then he threw it to the side angrily and I started breathing heavy, my chest heaving as my heart beat wildly at the knowledge that he had just saved me.

“My King?” The guard questioned, obviously confused.

“I think I made my point,” he said in that authoritative tone that was not to be messed with…well, by smart people anyway.

“But my King, she needs punishment! Think of the disrespect she shows you! The disloyalty, the…”

“Like the disrespect you show me now as you question my judgement?” When he said this Stateira instantly started to back track and I couldn’t say I blamed her, not with the barely restrained anger in his voice that was clearly directed her way.

“I…uh but no…I just worry for others who will see such mercy as a weakness,” she said sounding surer of herself as she continued.   

“Is that so?” Draven asked her, crossing his arms over his chest and even I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was leading her into a false sense of security.

“I do my King, for my loyalty is always by your side.” Hearing her kissing ass this way meant I had to force myself not to make a gagging noise.  

“Then perhaps your devotion and loyalty are easily proven. Tell me, should I have you take her place and receive the same punishment for showing me an equal level of disrespect?” I wasn’t the only one who seemed shocked by his threat as there were a few in the crowd who sucked in a surprised breath, but it was Stateira’s reaction that held my attention. She looked as though he had slapped her as she took a step back as if recoiling from the mental wound he inflicted.

I couldn’t see his face but the look he gave her must have been one that required an answer.  Knowing Draven, if I had to make a guess, it would be an expectant raised eyebrow, one that prompted her to shake her head indicating a firm no.

“Clearly those feelings of devotion and loyalty don’t run as deeply as you would have me and everyone else believe. I suggest in future you pay more attention to your own actions and be less willing to relish the punishment of those whose actions could well be by the force of others.” Draven said cutting straight to the point and no doubt doing so in a way that made others believe what he himself obviously wanted to believe…that it was because of her threats that had got us all here in the first place. Of course, only I knew the truth and that it was actually through his own actions that had made me run from him, but I didn’t think it wise to voice this now…or ever for that matter. Hell, my soul might be clean but I wasn’t saying it was squeaky!

“Now get out of my sight before I change my mind!” he snapped turning his back to her and focusing his gaze on me. I met his dark eyes for only a few seconds before he looked down the length of my exposed back and when he fixated on my bound ribs that’s when his expression turned hard once more.

I didn’t know what to do or say, not that there were many options for me to do right at that moment. But what I tried
to do was flinch when he took those few strides needed in order to reach me. He didn’t touch me, not right away and I wondered if it was because he was worried that he might frighten me. I don’t suppose my reaction was going to help him dispel that thought as I purposely looked down, unable to meet his eyes with him standing so close.

He towered over me and his body became an imposing force behind me. I could feel the wall of solid muscle at my back and as much as I hated to admit it, I couldn’t help but find a familiar comfort in knowing that such strength stood between me and this brutal world. Let’s just say that the feeling was more than a little conflicting considering it had only been minutes ago that he was the man calling the shots in this brutal world against me.

“I hope you have learned your lesson, little Lamb of mine?” I still couldn’t look at him when he asked me this but knew it was not the time to push the limits on his mercy, so I decided a nod would be the safest way to respond. But this wasn’t enough for him as it was obvious he wanted to look into my eyes. His thumb and forefinger gripped my chin gently as he raised my head up so that I had no choice but to look back up at him.

“Then I suggest this time you tell me the truth,” he warned and everything about his demeanour told me I was in big shit because he wasn’t letting this go. I was just thankful that we were interrupted.          

“Should we take her back to her room, my King?” A guard asked approaching from behind. Draven’s reaction was a protective one as a hand shot to my uninjured side so he could pull me closer to him, yanking me back hard against him as if feeling a threat. He no doubt didn’t miss the sharp breath I took.

“No! She remains with me. Order your men back to their posts, Commander.” And as much as his actions had been one of protection his voice was clearly one of a possessive nature.

“Yes, my Lord,” the obedient Commander said before bowing in respect and doing as he was told.         

“That’s enough now, the King has spoken! Get yourselves back to bed all of you!” Parmida shouted clapping her hands and reading the signs that her King had obviously had enough of an audience.

“Ready to sing, little bird.” His voice in my ear was like a warm caress against my skin and I could feel his smirk an inch from my neck as he felt me shiver at his touch. He knew how much he affected me even after witnessing this frightening side of him. But being only a second away from experiencing his wrath as a violent lashing against my flesh wasn’t something I could easily forget or forgive.

I bit my lip to hold in my whispered plea and given his greater height he could easily see it.

“I warned you about that lip once before and also what it would do to my restraint,” he told me and I instantly let it slip from my teeth, telling him without words that I didn’t want him to lose control. Once again he must have found this amusing because I braved a look back at him and saw that smirk for myself this time.

“What is it, Parmida?” he asked not taking his eyes off me but obviously hearing her approach before I did.

“My King, if I may speak with you a moment?” Draven didn’t reply to her but instead ran a single finger down my cheek and said,

“Don’t go anywhere.” And then with his other hand he rattled the chains I was still attached to. I wanted to growl back at him but didn’t think it wise to show my sass, not in a place so open as this where I knew prying eyes still watched.

I looked to the side as Draven walked a short distance away to speak in private with Parmida and I couldn’t help but wonder what was being said. Thankfully whatever it was it didn’t take long before he was back as my arms were quickly starting to ache being held above my head for even a short time.

“Is the room ready?” I heard him ask as they both approached and suddenly my pulse rate doubled. What room was he talking about?

“It was prepared the moment you informed us of your late arrival, my King.”

“Good. See that we are not disturbed,” he told her curtly in reply.

“Yes My King of Kings,” she said and was swiftly gone, no doubt to issue her own orders. Well whatever it was I didn’t have long to think on it as Draven’s presence was once again behind me, making himself known with a power that simply pulsated from within him.

He didn’t say anything but when he ran his hands softly up my arms I knew he was finally releasing me. I didn’t know what it was about the act that made it feel so sexual or whether that was just nature’s way of saying that two souls meant for each other would find that sexual chemistry in anything they did. But being this close to him and having all choices taken from me whilst being completely in his control was doing strange things to my feminine core. Even the skin on my arms felt hypersensitive, leaving tiny bumps in a trail he left behind from his touch.

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