Safe Harbor 2: Hiding in Plain Sight (10 page)

Read Safe Harbor 2: Hiding in Plain Sight Online

Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #LGBT; Contemporary

BOOK: Safe Harbor 2: Hiding in Plain Sight
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“Two fingers coming. Try to relax and push back on them.”

At first it burned, and Vlad hissed, but Joey kept moving forward.

“How’re you doing?”

Vlad took a moment to assess things. “Good.”

“The burning fades after you get through those muscles. That’s why I didn’t stop.”

Joey pushed both fingers in, scissoring them, and Vlad felt an ache inside, but it wasn’t as bad as he’d thought. Then the man nailed his prostate with both fingers.


“One-word vocabulary, huh?”

“Never thought it would be this way. Feels so good. So much.”

“Give it a minute, and it’ll feel even better.”

Vlad very much doubted it could as Joey was currently launching an all-out assault on his prostate as far as he could tell. Joey began to fuck his ass with his fingers, going over that one completely awesome spot again and again, and an orgasm reared up.

“Gonna come.”

“Do it, baby.”

He began to work his own dick in counterpoint to Joey, and soon his balls drew up tight. “Joeyyyyy!” White ropes of semen burst from his cock and fell on the bed. Joey didn’t let up, hitting Vlad’s prostate over and over again until finally Vlad gasped and stopped him.

“I’m taking my fingers out. It might smart a little.”

Slowly Joey pulled out of his body, and Vlad collapsed on the bed, not even caring he was covering his belly and chest in his own spilled cum. He heard Joey washing up, and soon a warm washcloth gently cleaned him. He sighed. “So good.”

“Roll over, baby.”

Vlad did, and Joey worked the sheet off the bed.

I really like the way he calls me baby.

“I’m guessing you have a washing machine around here somewhere.”

Vlad waved in the general direction, eyes still closed.

“You’re a mess, babe. Just lie there and let me take care of you.”

“Next time we see each other, I want you to fuck me.”
I can’t believe I said that. I can’t believe I
. The aftershocks of the orgasm told him he was making the right choice, though.

“I won’t argue, but I want you to be absolutely sure you’re into it.”

“I am. I will be.”

Vlad heard the splat of the washcloth and figured Joey must’ve tossed it into the bathroom. The bed dipped, and Joey spoke directly into his ear.

“Remember how I said I could make you come without touching your cock?”

“Mmm, yeah.”

“I didn’t touch it. And it was your second go for the night.”

Vlad finally opened his eyes. “You are amazing.”

“Keep talking, and I’ll have a huge ego.” Joey stared down at him, his head propped on his hand.

“You should. You’re hot.”

“So are you. I mean, look at this body.” He motioned from Vlad’s head to his toes.

Glancing down, Vlad shrugged. “I’d rather look at yours.” He nodded toward Joey’s left hand. “How is it? Okay?”

“Fine. There’s no pain, just the numbness and the loss of strength in my grip. But as long as I get enough rest and don’t try to overdo it, the stupid thing really isn’t much of a problem. More like an annoyance.”

“I can imagine.”

“How’s the ankle?”


“Want some ibuprofen?”

“You really do not have to wait on me.”

“You’re not supposed to be walking. Where are they?”

With an exaggerated eye roll, Vlad said, “Yes, the ten-foot walk to the bathroom would definitely be too hard for me.”

Joey lifted him and pushed him onto his side before placing a hard smack on his ass before setting him back down. The whole thing was over before Vlad even responded to it, which was something, given the reaction time required of a professional hockey player.

I like this side of Joey. What does it mean? What does it make me? Will he still let me fuck him if I tell him I like it when he smacks my ass?

“So, bathroom medicine cabinet?”


After disappearing for a moment, Joey returned with a bottle of water and three pills. “You’d better drink this too. You’ve lost a lot of fluid in the past couple of hours.”

“Ha-ha.” Vlad took the pills and followed them with several swigs of water. Joey took the bottle from him and set it on the nightstand. “Can I ask another question?”

“You don’t have to check with me first, babe. Just ask.” Joey climbed back into bed and settled down.

Vlad rolled onto his side so he and Joey were facing each other. “Right after the Olympics, I applied for US citizenship. I have been living here for ten years and have had a green card for over five years, so I was allowed to pursue it. I am expecting to hear soon whether or not my forms were accepted. Would you help me study for the test? I assume someone who was in the military is pretty good at US history. I think I will do okay on the language part of the test, but we can practice that too. You can talk dirty to me, and I’ll see if I understand it.”

Joey laughed. “I would like to think I’m good with US history, though I definitely wouldn’t call that an across-the-board thing. There are different levels of intelligence in the military, but I can say one thing for certain. Delta Force doesn’t attract or put up with any dumb-asses.”

“So would you?” He bit his lip, feeling kind of dumb asking the other man for help.

“Of course.”

“Oh. Well, thanks.”

“You were expecting me to say no?”

“I was not sure what you’d say.” Vlad gave a little shrug with the shoulder not bearing his weight, knowing he was probably blushing again.

Joey reached up and cupped his face. “Considering where our various body parts have been, I think we’ve gone past polite.”

Vlad’s blood heated at the memory of Joey riding him and having the other man send him into space.

“You have a point.”

Joey leaned in for a kiss, and Vlad opened to him immediately. Pushing Vlad onto his back, Joey climbed on top, never letting Vlad’s lips go. As Joey continued to drive his tongue into Vlad’s mouth, Vlad found his dick waking again. How was it possible?

“You got a third leg I don’t know about?” Joey asked as he pulled away.


Joey rubbed their pelvises together. “Someone’s ready to play again.”


“What are you sorry for?” Joey tilted his head to the side, then slid his tongue up Vlad’s neck. “Do you have any idea how much of a turn-on it is?”

“How I am like a horny teenager who cannot control his dick?”


Joey bit down on Vlad’s ear.
Why the hell does that feel so good?

“How you want me so much you’re still hard after all we’ve done.”

Leaning down, he swallowed Vlad’s half-hard cock, and both of Vlad’s hands flew out to grip the man’s head. “Sensitive.”

Joey pulled back, licking gently. “More your speed right now, maybe? A little lighter touch?”

“Why does you doing it feel so much better than a woman doing it?”

“Because I have a cock, and I know exactly what to do,” Joey said before licking around the head.

Vlad arched. “Can’t take any more. Want to.”

“You should probably conserve some energy for getting better, so you can get back on the ice. I’m a bad influence, I know.”

“Anytime you want to ‘influence’ me, just let me know.” Vlad grinned, arching both eyebrows.

Joey barked out a laugh. “So, um, do you want me to get out of your hair?”

“Would you stay? I’ve never…”

“Slept with a man before?”

“Well, besides roommates, and they have their own beds. Plus, ewww.”

“I can stay, babe.”

Vlad once again marveled at how much he liked the way Joey called him “baby” and “babe.” Never in a million years would he have thought an endearment would make any difference to him. There was only a couple of years’ difference in their ages, but Vlad felt special to Joey when he used those endearments. Probably a foolish romanticized thing, but hey, this was Vlad’s first relationship.

“I promise I will let you sleep in a minute. But I have one more question.” Taking a deep breath, he asked, “Do you think we’re in a relationship?”

“Hmm.” Joey set his chin down on Vlad’s abs and seemed to be considering the idea.

“Never mind. It was stupid to ask.”

“No, no. I want to answer.” He looked up and studied Vlad for a moment. “I don’t want to see other guys. Do you?”

“Oh shit, no.”

“So we’re seeing each other exclusively.”


“Which is oftentimes how a relationship is classified. So yes, we’re in a relationship.” He kissed Vlad’s stomach and looked up once more. “Are you all right with that?”

“Yes. Yes,” Vlad answered with a slight nod, as he was still flat on his back with a heavy man mostly pinning him to the bed. “I just need to be very, very careful.”

“I know, baby. I don’t out people against their will. I was trained to withstand torture. No one’s getting information from me.”

He smiled, but the expression looked forced and didn’t show in his eyes. Vlad wanted to ask him if he’d ever been tortured. There were various small and large scars on the man, including one that looked like a bullet hole, but Vlad had a lot of scars too, not from torture, but from playing and even horsing around as a kid, so maybe they didn’t all come from Joey’s time in the military. Plus, Vlad did understand about confidentiality—it was practically how he’d lived his life from the beginning.

“Let’s go to sleep.”

“You okay without a top sheet? Someone got spunk all over yours.”

“Come here.” Vlad opened his arms, and Joey spooned into him.
I could get used to this.

Chapter Six

Joe rolled over and encountered a large lump.
What the fuck?
He turned his head and opened one eye.
Oh, Vlad
. The man had flung an arm out to the side, and Joe had just landed on it. Smiling, he scooted away and studied the still-sleeping figure in front of him.
Fucking gorgeous.

Idly he thought about surprising Vlad with a morning blowjob, but his bladder nixed the idea for the moment. After taking care of his immediate need, he sneaked back into bed. Given his training, he wasn’t worried about waking the guy up, but the thought of Vlad being none the wiser gave him a little kick. Gently, he moved the blanket away from Vlad’s leg to get a look at the bruise.

Shit. I’ve seen shrapnel hits that looked better. If he thinks he’s getting back on the ice in a game or two, I’m pretty sure he’s mistaken.

His gaze wandered up to the morning wood lying against Vlad’s stomach. The whole “waking him up with a blowjob” thing was sounding better and better. Besides, maybe it would soften the blow of seeing what his ankle looked like. Joe had to be at work later, only for a half shift to cover for a buddy, so unfortunately he couldn’t spend all day licking up and down the man’s body like he was a life-size ice-cream cone. It was really a shame. A physique like Vlad’s was meant to be worshipped.

Not like he needed a reason or justification to stuff Vlad’s fat cock in his mouth. Mind made up, Joe moved down the bed and began to gently lick and suck at the head of Vlad’s cock. Mmm, he tasted good. He watched Vlad and knew the moment he became conscious. He took him deep, and Vlad lifted his ass right off the bed.

“Fuck me.”

Pulling off with a
, Joe said, “Later.”

Vlad finally opened his eyes. “Today?”

“I thought today maybe you could wear one of the plugs you have, since we never got to that last night.” Vlad reached down and ran his fingers through his short hair.

“I want you inside me today.”

Joe studied him, sighing. “I’m not sure you’re ready, baby. The last thing I want to do is hurt you or turn you off to bottoming.”

“Can you find my prostate with your cock?” Vlad asked, both blond eyebrows going up.

He laughed. “Of course.”

“I want you to fuck me. I want it right now.”

“Hold on there, slugger. Someone wore me out last night, and I’m not as young as I used to be. I need breakfast before I can consider any hardcore bedroom gymnastics.”

“Fine. I suppose I should feed you.”

Vlad looked at him with a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, and Joe waited him out, smirking back.

“I keep lots of things here. We have to eat a good breakfast. Do you like eggs? I can make a really good omelet. I tried over and over until it came out right. Took me almost a year.”

“You keep forgetting you’re not supposed to be on your feet.”

“You’re worse than my trainer.”

Joe threw him an exasperated look. It really was amazing how much professional athletes were like military men. “I want you to heal.”

“Can I at least take a shower?” Vlad asked, sitting up. “I feel kind of sticky and gross.”

“A short one,” he answered, choosing not to react to Vlad’s choice of words. “I’ll go root around for breakfast stuff.”

“Wait for me. I will make food after I get out.”

Joe cocked his head. “What’s with this ‘I don’t want to let anyone do something nice for me’ attitude? Or are you afraid to let me look around your kitchen? Got a body buried in there? Or a woman hiding in the pantry?”

“No, God, no.” Vlad looked down, picking at an imaginary spot on the blanket. “I-I’m not used to people taking care of me. And my mother…”

His voice cracked on the last word, and Joe reached out, offering silent support. Vlad cleared his throat.

“My mother taught me to be a good host. She made all the big dinners for our family parties and stuff.”

“Do you miss them?”

The other man shrugged, but it was obviously not something he took casually. “Yeah, but I’ve only been back to Russia four times since I came over here to play. And my parents won’t come here. They pushed for me to come to North America to play, but they won’t leave Russia.”

“Did they ever say why?”

“They do not feel comfortable. They don’t speak English at all, and since I’m the youngest, they are already in their sixties. My father says they are too old to travel. I send them and the rest of my family some money to make their lives easier, but I do not think they’ll ever see me play professionally.”

“So they’ve never seen you play in the NHL?” Joe was incredulous. It wasn’t like his family was going to sit around the campfire and sing “Kumbaya,” but if Joe were a professional athlete, they’d sure as hell figure out a way to get to a game. One game was not much to ask at all in his opinion.

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