Safe in His Sight (17 page)

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Authors: Regan Black

BOOK: Safe in His Sight
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“Keep it up and we’ll do this right here in the car.”

She licked her lips, contemplating the potential of that idea. As combustible as she felt, it was better to do this inside. One car explosion was more than enough for one lifetime.

He leaned across the seat and gave her a tender, bone-melting kiss, completely at odds with the need and excitement surging through her system. “You’re sure?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice. At the moment she didn’t care what had brought them together or what was propelling them forward. Adrenaline, attraction or simple survival response, she wanted Mitch. Now. Desperately. The relationship analytics could wait.

His smile teased her senses as he took her under with another slow, dazzling kiss. “There’s more where that came from,” he said, nudging her toward the door she hadn’t noticed him opening.

By some miracle, her legs managed to hold her up as they left the car and hurried into the house. Once they were inside, Mitch slammed the door and locked out their troubles. Here, now, it was only the two of them and the need arcing like lightning between them. Coats, shoes and clothing disappeared between hot kisses and tantalizing touches, leaving a trail through the house from the back door straight to his bedroom.

She sighed when her hands met his bare skin, and she paused to admire the view of his powerful chest and sculpted abs. The soft evening light caught on the dusting of hair on his chest. She pulled her hands back, suddenly scared to touch him, scared the moment was too good to be true and he’d simply evaporate before her eyes.

“You’re stunning,” he murmured, his gaze raking over the lavender lace of her bra and panties. “Better than my dreams.”

His confession made her bold. “You dreamed of me?”

“Every night.” The buttons of his fly popped one after the other and he pushed his jeans and boxers down to the floor. Nude, he pulled her close, his erection snug between them, his heat and masculine scent surrounding her in a cloud of desire. “You didn’t dream of me?”

“Yes. From that first night.” She’d never been so open with anyone before. “I worried my tossing and turning kept you awake.”

The grin was all masculine pride and pure sin. “It did.” His palms cruised up and down her back, erasing any judgment out of the statement. With each touch, he made making her feel beautiful and feminine. Her body went soft and pliant, eager for every hard inch of him.

Words were forgotten as a needy kiss took her deeper into new pleasures. He unhooked her bra and eased her back to his bed, nudging her down and stretching out over her. She grazed her short nails up his biceps, over his shoulders and down his back, pleased when he arched into her touch.

The give and take of discovery melted her from the inside out, smoothing every jagged ache from her past. He rained kisses over her face, feasted on her throat, then moved lower to learn the shape and feel of her breasts. With fingers and lips, tongue and teeth, he brought her to the very edge of a climax, kept her perched there, deliberately spinning out every sensation.

She ran her hands through his short hair, across his shoulders. No need to rush anything. There would be time enough to return the favor. His hands teased her thighs and her legs fell open for him. “Love me, Mitch,” she murmured, bucking her hips against the fingers sliding over her slick center.

His big body rose over her, his sexy grin replaced by such open need that she thought she could hear the last of the walls around her heart crumbling. Lifting her hips, he entered her in one smooth thrust. She cried out, delighted, her body clutching his. She hugged his lean hips with her legs, her hands reaching for his shoulders while he rocked in and out of her.

The pleasure swelled, amplified by nuance as they found that precious, sensual rhythm. Faster and wild, she clung to him, her breath fractured on gasps of passion. The orgasm rocketed through her system. His body shuddered a moment later and he fell forward, bracing himself on his elbows to kiss her thoroughly before he rolled to the side.

She nestled into his embrace, utterly content as his heart beat under her cheek. It felt so perfect and true, she snuggled deeper, trusting him enough to give in to the exhaustion and sleep right there in his arms.


Chapter 12

itch listened to her fall asleep, smiling to himself as her breath settled into a gentle, intermittent breeze across his skin. Her silky red hair sifted over the back of his hand as he caressed her shoulder. Did she have any idea what she’d done to him?

Love me, Mitch

God help him, he did. The signs were obvious; there was no sense lying to himself about it. He didn’t plan to say the words anytime soon, but he knew they’d be true the moment she was ready to hear it. She might not realize what she’d said in the heat of passion.

He kissed her hair, telling himself to slow down. As a firefighter, he’d been trained to avoid the misplaced infatuation of rescued victims and still managed to get tangled up with the wrong woman. Julia was different, despite how they’d met. She wasn’t a victim looking for a hero—she was a fighter. Falling in love with her wasn’t a mistake.

Not like Leann. Despite knowing better, he’d accepted an invitation from a rescued woman to have coffee after shift. They’d made it a weekly habit and after a couple months, it seemed completely natural to ask her out on a real date. For six months he’d been sure Leann was “the one.” His mom had disagreed, though not outright. Those conversations had been left to his dad and older brother.

Mitch had ignored every warning from his family until it was nearly too late. Fortunately Leann’s true nature showed itself just before his sappy plan to propose on Valentine’s Day. Looking back, he could see what a nightmare he’d escaped. He tensed at the memory, and in her sleep Julia’s palm smoothed over his chest. She had a lovely, compassionate instinct that warmed him body and soul. Behind those sharp heels and cool gazes, she had a generous, tender heart.

Everyone had scars and secrets. In her profession, he’d assumed she’d realized that basic fact of life. He wasn’t afraid of showing his to Julia. Good grief, if he had proposed to his cheating ex in February, he wouldn’t be free to help Julia now. The idea of her dealing with her trouble alone, or with someone else from the club, made him want to punch holes in the nearest walls. He couldn’t stand the idea of another man teasing that bright laughter out of her or making those green eyes go dreamy with a kiss or passionate touch.


She’d resist the concept out of habit, but he could convince her they were good together. Not just together until the stalker was in custody, but for the long haul. He could happily spend a lifetime helping her shelter and protect that soft center hidden under the shark-lawyer layers.

He rubbed his foot along her calf and felt the chill on her skin. Carefully, he shifted enough to catch the edge of the sheet and pull it up over them. Julia sighed, her arm sliding around his waist, keeping him close. He liked that innate reaction. He wouldn’t do either of them the disservice of thinking it was too much. It felt exactly right.

When she woke, she’d likely return to that tendency to take the blame for bringing her stalker so close to his family home. It was nonsense, of course, but she had that big, caring heart deep inside her. Mitch’s mind raced, wondering how to expose her stalker. If—
—he identified the jerk, would she agree to trust him enough and let him stick around? Maybe for life?

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, breathing deeply. The spicy fragrance of her shampoo reminded him of Thanksgiving and autumn leaves blanketing yards in a riot of sunset colors. She’d fit in around that boisterous dinner so naturally.

He could kill the stalker for ruining the day before she had a chance to realize it. Reluctantly, his thoughts drifted back to her case. Since his car had been the initial target, the police questions had revolved around him. Julia’s relief at being ignored had been palpable. She wouldn’t have wanted to lie to the police, but she could hardly give an honest answer that wouldn’t piss off the stalker or her boss. How long did she expect to hold out against this threat?

Although he respected her theory of a disgruntled coworker, he didn’t think it was the right direction. The men they’d identified were borderline matches, not exact enough to give him confidence. Based on the bios and the work ethic he’d encountered at her office, he didn’t think anyone at Marburg had the wherewithal to bomb a car on a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Yes, people could do crazy, irrational things. He’d put out more than one fire started on purpose and he’d seen enraged people try to prevent rescues out of spite or vengeance. That bomb hadn’t been placed or detonated by an irrational person. He recognized it as a message—a direct threat against him for coming between the stalker and Julia.

Why had the bastard fixated on her?

In his arms, Julia stretched languidly, her short nails tracing a path down his side, over his hip. “You’re awake,” she murmured against his chest.

“You, too.” Her voice, husky with sleep, slid right into his bloodstream, giving him more of a jolt than a double shot of espresso. He forgot the stalker as she rolled on top of him. Her hair tickled his cheek, his chest as she scattered kisses over his face, throat, and lower still. She straddled his waist and sat up, the sheets pooling at her hips. Under the sensuous ministrations of her mouth and hands, he wasn’t a bit cold. Inside or out.

With a sultry smile, she gave and gave, every touch setting off fireworks through his bloodstream. He’d never been so completely entranced. She took him deep into her body, bringing his hands to her breasts as she rocked up and down in long, tantalizing strokes.

, he thought. Letting her set the pace, he savored the view, his body taut as a wire. When she arched her back, his name a low moan on her lips, he knew there was nothing in the world as glorious as Julia reaching a climax and bringing him along with her.


Julia felt a disorienting contentment waking in Mitch’s arms, and it made her happy to have the feeling follow her throughout her morning. Even the expected check-in text messages on her new cell phone couldn’t penetrate this strange happiness. She’d had no idea her life could sparkle this way.

They’d shared a shower before breakfast and on the way in, Mitch explained his plans to stick close to her building when he couldn’t actually be in it. She still didn’t trust herself not to say or do something that would break this fragile, budding relationship, if that was even the right word. It must be, since her heart had fallen right into his hands from the moment he’d woken her with a warm smile and tender kiss.

She was in her cubicle, trying to keep her mind on the case when her original cell phone hummed with a text message.

Don’t be upset. The car was empty.
The gloating words didn’t bother her nearly as much as the picture of Mitch that came through a moment later.

Mitch had found a spot at the bistro just up the street, watching the building as promised. From the angle it seemed as if the picture had been taken not far from Marburg’s front door. She forwarded the message and photo to Mitch, hoping he had some idea how to handle it.

His message came back to her original cell immediately.
. A smiley face followed, along with a note that Grant was sending the sketch artist to meet Mitch at the bistro.

Julia applied herself to the case work her boss had assigned, though it felt like a futile exercise. This morning, after looking at all the possibilities, she had to agree with Mitch’s assessment that no one she’d known in law school or met here at the firm would blow up a car.

It was hard to believe someone other than the stalker would choose this particular moment to blow up his car. And the closest thing to an enemy in Mitch’s life was a bully from high school and the allegedly negligent father who’d picked a fight with him at a fire.

No, it had to be her stalker making it obvious he was in control, making it clear others would be hurt if she didn’t cooperate. As if she needed a reminder. She’d tried and failed again this morning to regain control of her financial accounts. The credit card payment date had come and gone, and an email had arrived this morning about the late payment. Thank goodness Stephen was subletting the apartment.

The stalker had proved his control and ingenuity time and again. He could clear a building with a single phone call just to access her computer. Although no one found any evidence of tampering, she was sure he’d searched her laptop. The timing of the car bomb, just after they had a potential identification was no coincidence.

Another text message set her phone vibrating on her desk again. She braced herself before she swiped the screen to read it.

Her entire body relaxed at the sight of Mitch’s cell phone number.
Hey beautiful. How about dinner at Baglio’s Riverview and dancing after? Escape is hosting that band you love.

Her heart did a silly pirouette at the endearment. Dinner out sounded like a real date. The club afterward for dancing, that must be code that Grant required a face-to-face update. There weren’t any local bands she knew well enough to love.

It’s a date
, she texted back immediately, wishing it could be. Mitch must be laying a trap for the stalker. She hoped whatever he had in mind involved sufficient backup. Yesterday had proved to her that they weren’t strong enough to stop the dangerous creep.

She headed downstairs at lunchtime, meeting Mitch in the lobby as planned.

“We’ve got to make it quick today,” he told her as they passed the information desk. “I have an appointment this afternoon.”

“No problem. I can use every extra minute today.” She paused on the sidewalk just beyond the door, her gaze sifting over the faces near the bistro across the street, before Mitch took her hand and guided her in the opposite direction, toward the park.

She ordered a salad at the food truck, anticipating a delicious, indulgent dinner. “You saw the picture, right?”

He nodded, biting into a cheesesteak sandwich. “Has he demanded anything?”

“No.” The single syllable carried the weight of her mounting frustration. “Did Carson show up for the sketch?”

“That was just a line to annoy your stalker,” Mitch replied. “I’ll catch up with him later. We’ll get an ID.”

She nodded, poking at her salad. “When do you think he’ll force my hand?” When that moment came, she was increasingly afraid she would cave to the right leverage.

“I don’t know,” Mitch replied, his voice grave. “You’re not alone in this. We won’t let him win, Julia.”

“I just want it over with,” she admitted. “I’d like to get back to my routine.”

“Careful what you wish for.” Mitch slanted a grin at her. “I’m walking you back, all the way to your desk today,” he said when they finished eating.

She couldn’t hide her pleasure at that gallant declaration.

When he held her hand, she felt as if she were protected by some invisible shield. Nonsense, of course, but she wanted to tuck the feeling deep in her heart so she could take it out later, when he was gone. At her desk, he gave her a sweet kiss goodbye and headed out quickly, as if he really had somewhere to be.

She sank into her chair, relishing the warmth of his touch lingering in her hand, and the gentle tingle on her lips. Her foolish heart had fallen right at his feet and the rest of her was eager to join it. She’d grown accustomed to having him around, with his wit, thoughtfulness and determination. Her sudden wish that it could last, that they could hold hands and grow old together, sent her heart knocking against her ribs.

They were so different, yet the more time she spent with him, the more she noticed what they had in common besides the sizzling, satisfying chemistry. People thought of firefighters as community heroes and often lumped defense attorneys into a heap labeled
community scum
. People weren’t entirely wrong about either generalization, she thought, frowning at how unlikely they were as a couple.

She’d enjoyed meeting his family, enjoyed discovering that families could be warm and sincere, thoughtful and kind, instead of cold and calculating. She’d been shocked that they’d been warm to her, even after hearing where she worked. And she’d repaid them by leading a car bomber to their street.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she reached for the phone to call Stephen’s garage. Directly responsible or not, her problems had spilled over into his life and she wanted to apologize for the destruction of his truck. The phone rang and rang, but no one picked up. She hoped that meant he was working, rather than avoiding her. Assuming she was invited back, she could get used to spending Sundays around the Galway dinner table.

She waited for the dread to rush in and chase away the idea, more than a little shocked when it didn’t. This was risky thinking, though she couldn’t seem to stop the formation of a gentle, muted picture of being with Mitch beyond the purpose of her safety. As if there’d been any doubt, her racing, erratic thoughts proved sex changed everything. What would happen if she told him she was in love with him?

Her desktop computer chimed with an incoming email, drawing her away from the daydream of life with Mitch as a real boyfriend. As she opened the message, she thought about how quickly he’d left after lunch. She hoped his appointment had something to do with his suspension.

Every time she thought about that incident it bothered her knowing Mitch was paying an unfair price for another man’s negligence as a parent. Mitch’s situation was one more example of why she’d chosen to practice as a defense attorney. People needed someone to help them navigate life’s raw deals. From everything she’d been able to learn about that fire, the fight at the scene and the disciplinary action against Mitch, he’d gotten a raw deal all around.

Mitch’s problems were pushed to the back of her mind as she read and reread the email. Her boss had called an emergency meeting on the Falk case. She had less than an hour to prepare an update on her research progress.

With an oath, she shifted into high gear to meet the new demand. Unwilling to take any chances this time, she gathered her personal belongings and took them upstairs with her.

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