Safe with You (24 page)

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Authors: Shelby Reeves

Tags: #Saved #1

BOOK: Safe with You
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“That’s not what I meant by that!” I snap.

“It’s okay, darlin’, we all know I’m the brother you really want.”

Picking the football up from the ground, I chunk it as hard as I can at Bo. I’m happy to report I have good aim.

“Geez, I’m just messing with you, Cassie. You don’t have to injure me,” he says, rubbing the sore spot on his arm.

“Bo, you don’t listen unless someone makes you,” I point out.

“Truer words have not been spoken, darlin’,” he smirks. “This has been fun and all, but now I have to go and get ready.”

Walking up to J, I slink my arms around him. “Got a hot date, Bo?” I holler at Bo as he starts to walk away.

He grins widely. “Well, she is hot, but it’s definitely not a date.”

Before I could get a word out, J says something that makes my jaw drop to the ground. “Tell Jess I said hi, will you?”

Jess? My best friend, Jess? That little wench didn’t say a word to me about this! And here I thought she was my best friend?

“Shut your trap, darlin’, it’s not a good look on you.”

That’s it, I’ve had it with his jokes today. J must’ve sensed what I wanted to do because he suddenly cages me in his arms, holding me against him so I couldn’t charge after Bo, who just chuckles and walks into the house.

“I hate your brother,” I grumble to J who shakes his head.

Letting one arm fall away, J starts walking us towards the porch. “Come on, Cass, let’s go get cleaned up and ready for supper.”

I rush through my shower so I can hurry downstairs to help Jane finish preparing tonight’s dinner. After the first couple of times needing a change of clothes, I started bringing my own. Nine times out of ten, I will need to change.

Stopping to take one last look in the mirror to make sure I look acceptable, I freeze when I notice the large purple blemish on my right cheek. J warned me about this and he was right.

Moving the collar of my shirt to the side, I check my shoulder to see if I have one there as well. Sure enough, I do, and it’s slightly bigger than the one on my cheek.

How in the world will I be able to cover this up? I haven’t worn makeup in like a year.

Guess I will just have to let everyone see it.

Walking out of the bathroom, I run smack dab into J. “Whoa there, babe. In a hurry?”

I smile up at him, taking a moment to gaze into his honey-colored eyes. “To see you.”

He smiles in approval. “Can’t say I blame you. I came up here to kiss my girl before all I get to do is sit next to her and maybe hold her hand while we are at the dinner table for an hour.” His voice is a mixture between sounding annoyed and amused.

I have to catch myself from swooning in front of him. He knows just what to say to me.

“Well, then kiss me already,” I demand as I cup the back of his neck to bring his mouth to mine.

“So greedy,” he laughs, then obliges happily to my demand. “So beautiful,” he rasps, his lips grazing mine with each word.

I melt into a puddle of mush in front of him, my body falling into him on its own accord.

His hands dive into my hair, tilting my head up so he can kiss me deeper. Each kiss sends me up in flames. So far, we have only messed around a couple times. I’ve gotten a taste of what he could do to me, and now I want more. The more his mouth coaxes mine, the more I’m sure of it. I want J to make love to me, except I’m not sure exactly how to come out and say it.

I’m not as confident as I used to be. Yes, you can blame my parents for that as well.

A small whimper escapes my lips when his lips leave mine.

He doesn’t pull away, instead, he rests his forehead on mine, gazing longing into my eyes.

“Tonight, you, me, and our spot,” he promises, causing my stomach to flip.

The only response I can give is a nod. J has left me utterly speechless and full of nerves.

Placing a lingering kiss to my forehead, he sighs and draws back completely. His hands fall away from my hair, one dropping to my hand. He threads our fingers and leads me out of the bedroom.

Tonight needs to hurry.



Chapter Thirty


“Tonight,” I whisper hoarsely one last time. She nods once then slides out of my truck.

Just before she closes the door to my truck, she stops. “Oh, here is your phone and charger back. Thank you for letting me use it.” She places it on the seat neatly.

I really wish she could keep it so I have a way of contacting her whenever I want, but I can’t keep sharing a phone with Bo. I’m gonna have to talk to Mom and Dad about adding Cassie to their plan as long as I agree to work to pay for it.

“See you in a bit, babe.”

She climbs back in, stretching across the seat for another kiss before climbing back out.

“I love you, Cass,” I blurt out before she shuts the door.

Her face flushes. “I love you, too.”

I smile at her as she shuts the door and walks to her house. As usual, I wait until she is inside before leaving.

Cassie has me strung up worse than a freakin’ bull with a lasso around its legs.

Driving home, I try to come up with romantic gesture for tonight. Tonight will be a big night for our relationship. I don’t know how much experience she has had. Not that I want to imagine another guy touching her, but other than Ellen and one other girl, that’s all the experience I’ve had.

I only have a few hours to come up with a plan and to set it up. I guess I better get started.


I park my truck farther back than I normally have as a precaution. It’s midnight and I am nervous as all get out. A sinking feeling settles in my gut and I’m not sure exactly why until I reach the tree line. Cassie is standing by the window, arguing with someone. I can’t tell who just yet, but I’m definitely gonna find out as much as I can without being seen. As much as I want to barge in there, it will cause both of us hurt. Her parents will know I came to sneak her out, which will ruin the future ones. Plus, I’m sure they won’t let me see her again. I’m not putting us in that position again.

Getting a closer look at her, it looks as if she has been crying. Man, I wish I could walk up there and fix her hurt.

She argues with the other person I can’t see for a few minutes until she moves away from the window.

A minute later, I hear the front door open and slam shut. I shrink back into the shadows farther, my fists curling at my sides when I make out Zack’s features.

What is doing at Cassie’s, especially at this hour? Zack is cussing up a storm as he slides in his car. He peels out of the driveway, slinging gravel. Scanning the front porch and all the windows, I make sure I do not see anyone before making a run for Cassie’s window. Her bedroom light is off now, but I can hear her softly crying through the window.

Praying that it is safe, I lightly tap on the glass, my heart pounding in my chest.

I hear shuffling then the window is slowly rising.

She is still sniffling again. “Cassie, baby, what’s wrong?” I whisper, asking the question I’m dying to know the answer to.

“Let me make sure they are asleep first, then I will tell you.”

She disappears again, then is back a couple minutes later.

Cassie swings her legs out of the window, and I rest my hands on her hips, guiding her down until her feet touch the grass.

We sprint through the trees, her hand firmly clasped in mine, not stopping until we reach my truck.

I hope like hell, Zack didn’t see my truck. Heck, I’m not even sure which way he turned when he left the drive, I was too busy worrying about Cassie.

He’d rat us out for sure.

After making sure Cassie is seated inside my truck, I run around and jump in.

Once I crank my truck, I turn on my headlights. Cassie and I both let out a scream. Zack is standing in front of my truck with a scowl on his face.

Shit, this isn’t good. Not the fact that he has caught us, and definitely not the fact that he is staring me down like he wants to put a bullet through my skull, it’s the fact of him running back to her parents.

I let out a string of curses, this night just keeps getting worse.

I drop my truck in reverse and hightail it away from him.

“Buckle up, Cass.”

She hurriedly brings the seat belt across her lap. When I hear the buckle click in place, I stop, drop it in drive, and mash the gas pedal.

The backend of the truck slings around then lurches forward.

“Are you okay?” I ask her, hoping I just didn’t scare the shit of out her.

“I’m fine,” she replies sounding anything but.

“Answer me honestly, Cass,” I plead softly. I want to hear the truth from her.

“No,” she breathes, her voice cracking. “I’m not okay, J.”

My heart clenches at her pain, needing to know who and what has upset her. Zack clearly had a hand in it, just not sure how much.

I reach over to link my fingers with hers, hoping it gives her some sort of comfort.

Occasionally, I glance in my rearview mirror, checking to make sure we aren’t being followed. Dad is working night shift tonight at the police station. Bo knows to cover for me in case Mom was to wake up.

Some of the tension leaves my shoulders as I turn down the trail to our spot. I check one last time to be sure no one is behind us. Satisfied there isn’t, I slow down, stopping when I know for certain the trees are sheltering us. Throwing my truck in park, I turn to Cassie.

“Come here, baby. Let me hold you,” I murmur softly. My voice must break her resolve because she bursts into tears.

I unbuckle her and pull her into my lap. I let her cry, just comforting her the best I can.

Using my shirt, I wipe away the tears coating her face. “Talk to me, Cass,” I implore.

Choking back a sob, she sinks lower into my embrace. Bringing my hand up, I brush away the damp strands that have fallen in front of her eyes.

“My parents think you hit me,” she murmurs so low I almost didn’t hear her.

“What? Are you freakin’ serious?!” I am murderous right now. I will NEVER lay a hand on, Cassie. She knows it, I know it. Heck, everyone is this town who have been here since I was born will know it.

“I wish I was kidding, J. I have done nothing but try and defend you ever since they saw the bruise. They wouldn’t believe me. Then Zack didn’t help any. Apparently my parents invited him over for dinner again and then another round of arguing started. I finally just went to my room and ignored them for a while, but then Zack started in again about how you’re no good for me and that it should be him. It’s been an awful night.”

So, Zack was who she was arguing with. Why is he so persistent? Hasn’t he gotten the hint, yet?

Placing the truck in drive once again, I follow the trail the rest of the way to my favorite place in the entire world. Nothing will stop me from making love to Cassie tonight, especially not some jealous, ex-boyfriend who isn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer.


Parking my truck in the normal spot, I kill the lights surrounding us in the darkness. Grabbing the flashlight from the door panel, I let Cassie out first, then I follow her. Tonight, I placed all of the blankets and pillows into two totes so they wouldn’t fly out.

After I get everything set up the way I want it, I turn back to Cassie. I help her up then pull her against me, bundling us up under the covers on this cool night. While holding her, I make sure things are set, especially our alarm.

Luckily, it isn’t pitch black out here. The moon in the starry night sky is shining down on us, revealing our features. Gazing down at Cassie, I notice she looks lost.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, I murmur, “Forget about what’s going to happen when you get home, Cass, because tonight is just about you and me, nothing else.” I try not to think about it. Knowing I’m probably going to be banned from seeing her again makes me want to run away with her or hide her in my closet. Somewhere where I can still see her beautiful face, her breathtaking smile, and hear her angelic voice.

Her hand comes up to cup my cheek, her thumb grazing the light stubble on my jaw. “Kiss me,” she murmurs softly.

A smile breaks out on my face. “I’d be more than happy to, babe.”

Leaning down, my lips find hers, soft and teasing at first. Her hand that was on my cheek, drops to my shirt, fisting it in her small hand. I lean over her small, petite frame when she yanks me closer.

I groan at the feelings overpowering me. This girl beneath me is sweet and sassy. I love what comes out of her smart mouth. Cassie will insult me in one sentence and compliment me in the next. I love that she is always up for anything.

Her kiss tastes sweeter than honey, and I’m addicted like a crackhead on drugs.

I kiss down to her neck as my hands slowly raise her shirt up her torso. Letting go of my shirt, she leans up just a bit for me to fully remove her shirt. I toss it to the side and resume my assault on her neck. Cassie tilts her head back, her lips part slightly, a small gasp escaping them.

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