Safe With You (14 page)

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Authors: Kirsten DeMuzio

BOOK: Safe With You
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It was a good twenty minutes later before either of us moved.  Wyatt had rolled slightly to the side so he didn’t crush me, and I poked his shoulder.  “Are you alive?”  He chuckled, “Barely.”  I grinned, happy with the fact that I almost killed him my first time out of the gate. 
The sun was setting by the time we finally moved from the bed, and my stomach growled loudly.

“Hungry?”  Wyatt asked as he put his
jeans back on.  I was still sitting in bed, clasping the sheet to my chest with one hand.  The look on Wyatt’s face was mesmerizing as his eyes traveled over me.  My hair was a mess of ratty tangles from rolling around, and my cheeks warmed from his intense gaze, but I had never felt more beautiful.

“Don’t move.  I’m going to go grab some food from the kitchen and we’ll eat in bed.”  I saluted him. 
“Yes, sir.”  When he left I did run to the bathroom to clean up a bit and run a brush through my hair.  I would have felt a little silly eating dinner naked, so I grabbed a pair of underwear and Wyatt’s t-shirt that was still lying on the floor.  It fell to my upper thighs, just covering my ass.  I hadn’t heard him come back in, but Wyatt’s arms came around my waist and pulled me back against him.  “I thought I told you not to move,” he murmured, pushing my hair to the side and kissing my shoulder and up to my neck.  “Mmmm,” I moaned.  “Although I really like you in my shirt…”  The sun was all the way set by the time we got back to eating – this time naked.

The next morning Wyatt let me sleep in, and there was a note on his pillow when I woke up. 
Dammit!  One of these days he would be there when I woke up.


Taryn – Went fishing with my dad.  See my mom when you wake up.  Love you, baby.  W


I showered and dressed in a sundress and braided my hair in two pigtails before finding Anne in the kitchen making pies.  “Good morning, dear.  Did you sleep well?”  I blushed and nodded, thinking about my night with Wyatt that didn’t involve a whole lot of sleeping.  I spent what was left of the morning and most of the afternoon baking pies with Anne.  Actually Anne baked while I helped a little.  I was just pulling an apple pie out of the oven when Wyatt and Robert came home.

Wyatt came over and wiped a bit of flour off my nose and then tugged on one of my braids.  “Have I mentioned how much I love these?”  I wrinkled my nose and pushed him away.  “Have I mentioned
how much you stink?”  He laughed and went to take a shower.

That night for dinner we ate some of the fish they had caught and sat out on the patio with his parents, drinking beer and wine and listening to stories of Wyatt and Derek as children.  I
smiled over at Wyatt who seemed so at ease here with his parents, and he squeezed my hand.

The next day Wyatt took me around his hometown, showing me where he went to school and where he used to work and all the places he used to get into trouble.  That last one took most of the day, but I didn’t care.  The only thing I cared about was seeing him so happy.  I hadn’t realized how much tension and stress used to show around his eyes until it wasn’t there anymore. 
We were going back to the city the next morning, so we spent the evening with Anne and Robert again.  The next morning they both hugged me tightly, and I promised to bring Wyatt back for visits often.  And I meant it – I loved it out here in the country away from the hustle and bustle of the city I had grown up in.





Most of the next month was spent working on my research paper, spending time with Wyatt and helping Lindsay avoid a nervous breakdown.  While I had been fine with abandoning our apartment and moving back home, Lindsay was less than thrilled about moving back in with her parents.  And her summer internship at her father’s law firm was boring her to tears.

There had been a lot of media speculation about the assault charges facing Ryan and my father’s rumored run for
the Presidency.  Because of all the hype my dad had decided to announce his candidacy earlier than planned - right after the 4
of July instead of late August.  The election was not until the following November, but Primary season started in January, and my dad wanted to get his name out there early.  Or rather Blake wanted to get his name out there early.  A fundraiser where the announcement would take place was scheduled for July 6

My parents had hoped to keep me out of the spotlight, but the media was fascinated with me for some reason.  It was public record that I was adopted, and there had been dozens of false claims by “long lost relatives” of mine.  My fashion style had also been a matter of national interest lately, so Lindsay had insisted I work with a personal stylist who approved all my outfits before I stepped outside the apartment.  We were going for youthful elegan
ce, and several tabloids had compared me to Princess Kate.  Now that was one headline I didn’t mind reading.

Needless to say I didn’t leave the apartment much.  I made a lot of progress on my research paper and by the week before the 4
of July it was over 80% done, which was great because I knew there wouldn’t be much time to work on it after my dad’s announcement the following week.  Blake had managed to book me on a special primetime news show airing a few days after the fundraiser, where I would tell the story of my childhood before and after my adoption.  I was extremely nervous about being on national television, but I knew this would help my dad’s image immensely.  So I agreed and nobody but Lindsay and Wyatt knew exactly how nervous I was.

Even with the extra time spent on my paper and prepping for my interview and trying on and approving outfits, Wyatt and I still managed to spend a lot of quality time together.
  Dominic still lived at the apartment with us, although when evening came and I was done with writing and Rosa had gone home he made sure to disappear so Wyatt and I could have some semblance of a normal relationship.

One such evening in late Jun
e after the sun had set Dominic had made it clear he would be in the gym and then in his room watching TV.  Wyatt was in the shower, so I left him a note on his pillow.


Meet me in the pool.  Swimsuit optional.  T


Beside the note I left my bikini.  Piling my hair on top of my head I wore my robe out to the pool and tossed it on a lounge chair before dipping into the pool up to my shoulders.  Five minutes later Wyatt walked out – in his swim trunks, apparently he didn’t get the memo – with my bikini dangling from his finger.

“Uh, I think you forgot something?”  I slowly shook my head, “Nope, I didn’t.”  He chuckled and tossed my bikini next to my robe and dropped his swim trunks before diving into the deep end.  He swam underwater until I felt his hands on my legs, then my ass, then my waist as he
rose out of the water, dragging his hard body against mine.  I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him playfully, nipping at his lower lip then running my tongue over it.  He growled, literally growled, and grabbed my thighs urging my legs around his waist.

“I want you right now,
Taryn,” he murmured against my mouth while walking us over until my back was pressed against the side of the pool.

“Fine by me, baby.
  I’ve been ready since you dropped your trunks,” I whispered in his ear pressing myself against him.  He groaned at my words and moved me slightly so he could thrust into me.  My smiled faded into a gasp and my head fell back.  It didn’t take long until we were both on fire, the water lapping around us doing nothing to cool our desire.  In our signature moves, I cried out his name and he buried his face in my neck as we careened over the edge together.  The only coherent thought I had in that moment was that I would never get tired of Wyatt burying his face in my neck and surrendering to me.  We splashed and talked in the pool for over an hour before heading to my room, where, this time, we took our time building the fire that was always on a slow burn inside of us.

During our trip to visit his parents last month I told Wyatt that I hated waking up without him, so ever since he has been beside me in the morning.  I know he still gets up early to exercise and look at the paper, but he always makes it back to bed before my eyes open.  That’s one of our favorite times together, just snuggling under the warm covers and talking
about anything and everything.

Today we were talking about my upcoming interview, and how much I would say about our relationship.  In the press release right after Ryan attacked me, Blake mentioned that I was in a long-term committed relationship with the man in the newspaper photo, bu
t he didn’t release Wyatt’s name.

“So, I’m sure she will ask me about my ‘long-term committed relationship’.  What do you want me to say?”  I asked Wyatt while I rested my head on his chest.  He brushed his fingers through my hair and down my back.  “Say whatever you feel comfortable saying,
Taryn.  I have no problem with everyone knowing my name or that I’m your bodyguard as well as your boyfriend.  But if you want to keep that private, I’m fine with that too.”  I traced light patterns over his chest and shoulder with my fingers and he shivered at my touch.

I teased.  “Definitely not cold,” he said roughly.  “I guess I’ll just see what she asks and what I feel like saying in the moment.  It’s not like it’s some big secret anymore.  And when I’m out and about more, I’m sure someone will get a picture of me kissing you.  Because I just can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”  I said as my hand made its way down his stomach and beyond.  He grabbed my hand and rolled on top of me.  I guess Rosa will have to warm up my breakfast for me a little later than usual.

On the last day of June I was in my room trying on several dresses that my stylist, Selena Fox, had brought over.  We were trying to choose one for the fundraiser and another for my interview
, and Lindsay was due any minute to give her opinon.  Half an hour later I texted Lindsay to see where she was.  I didn’t want to keep Selena here too much longer.


Me:  Where r u?

Lindsay:  Late.


Well, no shit you’re late.


Me: ETA?

Lindsay:  30


I sighed and dropped my phone back on my bed.  “She’s not going to make it.  Let’s decide without her,” I said to Selena.  Selena was as tall as me with long black hair and dark green eyes, and being a stylist, she was always impeccably dressed.  When I first met her I was a little intimidated – by her confidence and beauty.  But I quickly discovered she was great – down to earth and sweet.  And we usually had the same ideas about what I should be wearing.

“This one for the fundraiser,” she said holding up a sea
foam green chiffon cocktail dress that perfectly matched my eye color.  “And this one for the interview,” she said holding up a simple navy blue sheath dress in her other hand.  I nodded, “Perfect.  Thanks, Selena.”  She took the dresses with her to get a couple of alterations and to find the appropriate shoes and accessories before next week.

I walked Selena out to the foyer and we chatted until the elevator arrived.  Wyatt was
in the living room on his phone and I could tell he was talking to his mom.  When Selena was gone I walked over to sit next to him on the sofa.  “Tell her I say ‘hi’,” I whispered motioning to the phone.  He nodded and then put his hand over the mouthpiece.  “Are you still okay with spending the 4
at my parents’ house?”

“Of course,” I replied.  We had been back once since our initial visit, and I was looking forward to a small town celebration – parade, cookout and fireworks.  Their house was the perfect escape from the city.
  In the month since we had first visited his parents’ house, I had seen a vast improvement in Wyatt’s ability to deal with his brother’s death.

Our first week back, I convinced him to join me at my weekly session with Dr. Flannigan, and he has joined me every week since.  I think it has helped him to put aside some of the guilt he felt, and he has been talk
ing about Derek more and more.

Dominic came in from the kitchen where he had been stealing bites of dinner behind Rosa’s back.  “
Soooo, Taryn,” he hedged stretching out on the other side of the sectional sofa from where I was curled up next to Wyatt.  I knew Dominic pretty well by now, and we had developed a kind of brother/sister relationship.

“Yes, Dominic?  What’s on your mind?”  He gestured behind him toward the foyer, “
So what’s the deal with the dress girl?”  Wyatt scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

“The dress girl?
  Really Dominic?  Her name is Selena, and she is my stylist.”

h, okay.  So what’s her deal?”

I threw up my hands in exasperation, “I don’t even know what that means.  But I assume you’re asking me if she’s single and if she’d be interested in you?”  He nodded at me expectantly.  “Yes, she’s single.  And I have no idea if she’s interested.  But you’d better learn her name before you make your move.”
  He rubbed his hands together.  “Thanks, Taryn!”  He left the room and I looked over at Wyatt.  “I should probably warn Selena.”

“Yeah, good idea.”

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