Safeword: Matte - In Training (5 page)

Read Safeword: Matte - In Training Online

Authors: Candace Blevins

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #training, #martial arts, #anal, #bdsm, #spanking, #fighter, #mma

BOOK: Safeword: Matte - In Training
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“Okay, Darlin’. I need to strap the harness
onto you. Can you pull your knees up just enough to give me a few
inches to get under you?”

“I think so, Sir.”

She shifted the rest of the way onto her
stomach as she bent both legs and pushed her bottom into the air.
Deft hands ran the strap through her legs and under her stomach,
and straps were wrapped around her waist.

“I had this made so the lock will go on your
right side, since you usually sleep on either your left side or
your stomach.”

“Lock, Sir?”

“Yes, Darlin’. This doesn’t come out until I
say it does.”

“Or until I safeword?”

“Why would you safeword?” He sounded
exasperated. “It’s not very big around, and you’ll soon get used to
the length. You’ll feel like you need to take a shit all night, and
you’re likely to have some bowel spasms here and there, but nothing
you won’t be able to handle.”

Sam kept her face looking
away from him as she said, “Well,
, if you don’t want me to
safeword all you have to do is take it away from me.”

“Ah, you think you can force my hand? Is
that it? If you safeword, the dildo comes out for the night and
we’ll have to start over with it tomorrow night. It’ll mean the fun
plans I have for tomorrow night won’t happen. If you safeword
tomorrow night, we’ll have to do it Sunday night. You can either
have this in your ass two or three times a week, all night long, or
you can take it every single night and safeword out of it to make
your little juvenile point. Of course, then we won’t be playing at
any of the stuff you enjoy.”

Sam didn’t think she could respond with
respect, so she kept her mouth and eyes closed. She really wasn’t
sure she’d be able to sleep with the damned thing in.

Ethan sighed and popped her on the ass with
his hand — not enough to hurt bad, just enough to get her
attention. “Well discuss this further in the morning. For now, I
need you to gently roll over on your side. I’m tempted to take away
your speaking privileges, but I want to hear what you have to say.
You’re skating on thin ice though; don’t make me pull out the ivory
soap. Can you roll over to your back? It’s time I showed you a few
special features of the harness.”

Pushing with her right hand and right leg,
Sam gingerly rolled her body. She kept her eyes closed, not sure
she could look at Ethan without her impertinence showing in her
eyes. He’d more than earned her submission, but sometimes it was
still hard to give.

He sighed, but it wasn’t exasperated, and
his voice was compassionate when he said, “I know you aren’t happy
with me at the moment, and I know you’re not looking at me because
you know how much trouble you’ll be in if you open your eyes and
shoot daggers at me. Do you want to talk about it? I’ll give you a
little leeway to show some anger if there’s something you need to
get off your chest.”

Sam knew she could take him at his word; if
she were to open her eyes and unleash on him he wouldn’t punish her
as long as she showed at least a little respect by using Sir
without spitting it at him when she said it. However, he’d also
promised a conversation about it tomorrow, and she’d be able to
argue her points better without this damned snake invading her
bowels. She shook her head and kept her eyes closed. “Thank you for
the offer, Sir, but tomorrow morning will be a better time to
discuss it.”

Her voice sounded normal, without all of the
conflict she was feeling inside, and it helped calm her.

“It’s okay to be mad at me; it’s not okay to
let it fester.” He paused and said, “You’ve heard me say this
enough, what comes next?”

“Being mad at you doesn’t give me license to
be disrespectful. Sir.”

“That’s right.” He caressed her thigh. “Your
torso seems to have relaxed, which should mean your colon is
adjusting to accommodate the dildo. I’d like you to keep your arms
above your head, though. If they drop down I’ll tie them off to the
side straps and you’ll lose the ability to roll onto your side or
stomach to get more comfortable. You might want to grab the
headboard and hang on, so you can remember to keep them up

“Can I fold them under my head, Sir?” She
opened her eyes and hoped she could keep her face composed.

“Sure, just make sure they don’t come below
your shoulders.”

He reached for the harness strap at her
pussy and separated it. What she’d thought had been a single band
was actually two straps, and he ran them inside her pussy lips and
then spread them wide apart at her waist until the straps pulled
much tighter and held her pussy open. He flipped a snap at her
waist on both sides, and everything stayed in place when he let

“Mmmm. Beautiful pussy, with the lips spread
wide open.” He reached behind him and retrieved a butterfly
vibrator. “I retrofitted this a little, so your harness will hold
it over your clit. Don’t come unless you have permission.”

He situated the butterfly over her clit and
attached it to the harness, and when the vibrations started, Sam
gasped and felt her eyes go wide.

His hand caressed her inner thigh. “Is that
enough to make you come, or just enough to keep you on edge?”

Sam moved her hips a few times and gasped as
she felt the dildo deep inside of her rubbing against the wall
again. God, she was so full, and the vibrator on her clit… she
desperately wanted something in her pussy.

“I don’t think it’s enough to make me come,
Sir, but that may change in a few minutes.”

“I know you don’t have as
much control over clitoral orgasms as you’ve gained over the
vaginal kind, so tell me you’re close and I’ll turn it down.” His
eyes flashed a warning and his voice dropped an octave as he added,
“But do
orgasm until you’ve been given clearance.

Sam’s heart sped and her insides fluttered
at his tone. “Yes, Sir.”

She wanted to call him Master sometimes, and
now was one of those times. She’d tried it a few weeks back and
he’d stopped her, said it wasn’t time yet. Funny, it’d only been a
few minutes since she’d wanted to glare at him, but now she wanted
to bow at his feet to gift him with her submission.

“Roll to your stomach and pull your legs
together. Careful your hands don’t stray.” His voice was more
caution than warning, as if he truly wanted to help her stay out of
trouble, and it made Sam want to work that much harder to please

She straightened her arms
and gingerly rolled, moving up the bed a little so she could reach
the headboard. She grasped the bars, felt her body stretch, and
the feel of his belt on her ass.

Sam humped the bed a few times and realized
she was dangerously close to an orgasm. “Sir, I’m close. The weight
of my body pressing on the vibrator makes it more intense,

“Thanks for telling me.” He turned it down a
little and she breathed out in relief. “As a reward, I’ll give you
your choice of implement. I plan to go to town on your ass, do you
have a preference?”

“Can I have a little warm up with the purple
flogger and then have your belt, please Sir?”

“You may, but I’d like to give you four
strikes of the belt before I warm you up. Not because I’m punishing
you, but because I want to hear you scream. I’ll give you two from
this side, and then two from the other. Keep your hands wrapped
around the headboard and your legs squeezed together. If you move
you’ll get an extra strike from both sides.”

Ethan pulled his belt through the buckle and
Sam turned her head away.

“No, Darlin’. I want you to watch me take if
off and wrap it around my hand. I want you to watch me raise my arm
and bring it down, and lay still while it’s coming at you. You
don’t get to look away, Samantha.”

Shit. It was going to be
nearly impossible to stay still for the third and fourth strike.
Not being allowed to watch, not knowing when the next strike would
hit, could be its own version of hell… but watching it come was
when you
were expected to lay still for it. Luckily, she was horny and
looking forward to the strike. She took a breath and looked at him,
raised her ass a few inches to show him she was ready and intended
to give him what he’d asked.

He smiled and pulled his belt though the
loops. “Good girl.”

Sam humped the bed a few times as he wrapped
the belt around his fist; and she raised her ass until her thighs
lifted away from the bed when he moved into position to strike.

He took a step back and lifted his arm over
his head as he rotated forward and lashed his arm down. The belt
landed flat across both cheeks and fire shot through her as nerves
transferred the pain signals through her body.

The headboard spindles were hard in her
fingers as she squeezed tightly, and her feet pushed into the
mattress as she pressed them down to keep from moving. She was
still dealing with the pain of the first strike when she saw his
arm rise again, and it was all she could do to remain in position
as the scream left her throat before the belt landed a second

Still trying to keep from rolling away, she
moved her weight to her knees and humped the butterfly vibrator
into the bed in an attempt to take her mind off the searing pain
across her ass.

He disappeared from her vision and within
seconds his voice came from the other side of the bed. “Look at me,
Samantha. Two more.”

Sam’s right cheek rested on her right bicep,
and she lifted her head and turned it, resting left cheek on left
bicep. Her gaze met his and her insides quailed. She recognized his
look, and she raised her ass again, to show him she wanted the pain
he was about to deliver.

His arm raised and lowered quickly, the belt
a blur as it whipped up and back down. Sam sucked in air to scream,
but as his arm shot above his head her body instinctively rolled

She reversed direction as soon as she could
stop her momentum, and made it back in time for the belt’s tip to
land in the center of one ass check, and lay a strong line on the
other cheek. She squeezed the headboard rail with all her might to
be sure she didn’t let go.

“I’m sorry, Sir! My body did it without
checking with me.”

The belt slammed across both ass cheeks for
the final strike, and she shrieked at the blistering pain but
managed to stay in position. Ethan leaned down and traced the lines
on her ass, and she opened her eyes to look at him.

“I’m not upset with you, Samantha. You’ll
get two more strikes, as we need to convince your body to follow my
orders and not just your mind. Thank you for apologizing, it’s good
to know you didn’t disobey with intention. Let go of the headboard
and roll over on your back.”

Ethan turned the butterfly vibrator off and
handed her the straps from the side. “You did well, holding onto
the headboard, so I won’t bind you. Just hold onto them, and make
sure you stay on your back for this. Squeeze your legs together,
Darlin’. I know how much you hate this, but consequences aren’t
supposed to be pleasant.”

Sam realized he intended to strike the
fronts of her thighs, and she started begging, “Please don’t, Sir.
Oh god, I can’t… Please don’t!”

“One from both sides, so you’ll have a
little time to recover between. No closing your eyes, I want them
focused on the belt.”

She watched the heavy leather belt fly into
the air and lost it in the blur as it descended to lay a line of
fire across the front of her thighs. The pain was so intense it
stole her breath, and she used her arm muscles to pull at the
straps to either side of her and stay in place.

Ethan made his way around the bed and didn’t
make her wait for the second strike. She began screaming as he
raised his arm, and screamed through the strike, and long
afterwards, only pausing to gasp in more air so she could scream
some more.

When she finally quieted he sat on the bed
and gently stroked her face. “I love you so much. Thank you. Let go
and roll over, I'll get your favorite flogger. Put your hands
wherever you want, and you can orgasm whenever you want, just let
me know when you do.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

The fronts of her thighs were hot and
swollen against the mattress when she rolled over, but she didn't
complain. She pulled her arms under her and folded them beneath her

He turned the butterfly back on before he
started, and the first falls of the flogger were barely more than a
whisper across her already striped ass. Ethan slowly added to the
intensity, and Sam found herself raising her bottom to meet the
striking leather.

“More, Sir. Please.”

“You'll get more when I say. Just take what
I give you.”

Sam lost track of time, but thought it must
have been at least fifteen minutes later when he switched to the
braided flogger. As the first strikes fell an orgasm rushed through
her body and she screamed, “I'm coming! Sir!”

He switched to the belt and flayed her
through countless orgasms before gently turning her over and
positioning himself to enter her. Sam wasn't sure how he planned to
fit himself in with the long-assed dildo buried in her, but knew
better than to ask.

The head of his cock pushed in a little
rougher than Sam was used to for a first entrance, and she

“Take it, Samantha. I won't give you more
than you can handle, but I need you to just take it for me.”

His voice was ragged, and Sam realized he
was holding onto his control by a thin thread. She nodded and
spread her legs wider, trying to make more room for him inside

As he drove in she moved her body to try to
accommodate him, but only said, “God, I'm so full, Ethan.”

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