Read Sage's Mystery Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

Sage's Mystery (14 page)

BOOK: Sage's Mystery
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Mercy pushed away from Brody, his eyes rolling as he crossed his arms over his chest, studying Brody as if he were a mere irritant. “Oh, geez. Some megalomaniac is on the loose and determined to do what, convert every human on the planet?”

“Something like that. I don’t give a shit about him. I want the cure, and I’m going to find it!”

Sage howled when Brody’s arm swung wide, stabbing him in his side as he tried to roll away. Sage quickly overcame his shock of Brody’s bold move as he fought with the sick bastard, clamping his teeth down hard on Brody’s throat until he heard a distinctive snap.

Monterey kicked at the dirt with his boot as he placed his hands onto his hips. “So now we know why werewolves are coming here.

Do you think it’s true?” he asked the group.

“I’ve never heard of a cure. Besides, the six of us were born wolves, not converted,” Jeremiah reminded him.

“I’m more concerned with whoever is out there trying to explode our population,” Isaac said as he began to walk away. “We already have a hard enough time trying to hide who we are without someone going around biting the shit out of every human he comes into contact with.”

Sage slowly changed back to his human form, his clothes hanging on him in shreds as he glared at the two werewolves still tucked

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behind the building. The werewolves gave Sage one last glance before taking off.

He let them go. Tonight was already a clusterfuck of a mess and Sage had no desire to kill any more of their kind, even if they were deluded assholes.

* * * *

Santana watched as the five men walked through town, heading back to the home they had been working on. He lifted his binoculars to see the house more closely and saw the young human standing on the front porch with another man.

He lowered the binoculars and then grabbed his cell phone, punching in the code that only a handful of people knew.

“Talk to me.”

Santana slid further back into the shop as he spoke softly.

“They’re here. I’ve been watching them for a few weeks now, and it’s them.”

“Stay put. I’ll send someone out there to confirm your sighting.”

The line went dead. Santana slid the phone back into his pocket as he crept from the barbershop. He wasn’t sure why he dealt with the prick on the other end of the phone. The guy was nutty as hell and in it for the glory.

Santana was in it for revenge.

Revenge against the beasts that had killed his parents so long ago.

Beasts that had taken everything from him. He had learned long ago that another had survived as well. William Conrad. Santana was determined to find William and pull him in, pairing up with the man to take down the creatures that roamed the earth, killing innocent humans.

He shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked down the dirt road that led out of town. His car was parked there, hidden behind
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some brush. He’d be back tomorrow, and soon, those foul creatures would be no more.

* * * *

William woke with a start when he felt a hand glide over his hip and then travel around his waist and span over his belly. Sage was spooning behind him, his cock hard and pressing into William’s back.

The warmth of Sage’s hard chest was intoxicating as William spread his legs, stretching one behind him and overlaying it on Sage’s firm thigh.

Sage brushed William’s hair from his neck as he laid soft kisses across his skin, his light shadow of a beard teasing and scraping his flesh. William’s skin began to tingle and pulse as Sage nibbled his way down to William’s shoulder, taking light bites of William’s skin.

Shivers of delight followed Sage’s touch wherever the large fingers roamed.

William’s head rocked on his shoulders as he felt like he was free-falling. Sage’s hand glided over William’s pelvis, his nails gently scraping and raising goose bumps all over William’s body. Sage’s hand slid up William’s belly, all the way to his nipples, his finger circling around the hued disk and then pinching each one as he sucked deeply on William’s neck.

Groaning, William pressed his ass into Sage’s groin, his hips rocking as he became lost in his mate’s touch. Sage curled his fingers around William’s wrists, pulling them above his head as he rolled William to his belly, grinding his cock into William’s mounds.

Light kisses were placed down his back as Sage tightened his hold on William’s wrists. He’d never had anyone love him so thoroughly before. Sage knew every hot spot on William’s body and didn’t hesitate to nip, lick, and suck each pleasure point.

A whimper fell from William’s lips as Sage released his wrists and began a slow descent down his body, his lips ghosting over

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William’s skin as his cock glided down the back of William’s leg. He shuddered as he felt the wet trail following behind Sage’s shaft.

William’s fingers curled into the blankets, clutching them tightly as Sage’s tongue lightly trailed from one hip to the other in a seductive manner. William was losing his damn mind. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could lie there immobile.

He didn’t have to wait long. Sage pulled William up from the floor and then lay on his back, keeping William’s back to him as William straddled Sage’s groin backward, giving Sage his back as he stared at Sage’s feet. He wasn’t sure what his mate was doing, but damn if the man didn’t have sexy feet.

William placed his hands on Sage’s knees as his mate stretched him, his fingers sliding in and out of William’s ass, his thumb rimming the outer skin of his puckered hole. William’s head fell back as he rocked on Sage’s fingers. William leaned forward, whimpering when he felt their cocks glide next to one another. He gasped in sweet agony as Sage pulled his fingers free. William was mourning the loss.

He wanted to feel Sage inside his body, and it didn’t matter if it was his fingers or his cock just as long as his mate kept loving on him.

William glanced behind him when he felt pressure between his shoulder blades.

“Lean forward, slim.”

William turned back around and leaned forward, feeling Sage’s fingers on his hips as his mate lifted him from his seated position.

William moaned when he felt the blunt tip of Sage’s cock pressing at his entrance. He slowly impaled his ass, gently sliding down the hard pole until he seated himself. His fingers dug into Sage’s thighs as his mate lifted him up and then brought him back down.

It was slow and torturous, but William wasn’t protesting a damn thing. He’d never had sex in this position, and he found that he loved it.

“Give me your hands.”

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William sat up straight, bending his arms behind him as Sage wrapped his hands around William’s wrists. “Now lean forward again.”

If Sage let go, William was going to fall forward onto his face. He trusted his werewolf, though. He knew Sage wouldn’t let go. Sage raised his legs up and planted his feet on the floor as he began to thrust up into William’s ass. The position made Sage nail William’s prostate on every forward thrust.

“Oh, god, Sage,” William cried out as he stared at his mate’s knees. His cock was bouncing freely between his legs as Sage’s hips snapped harder. William was dying to turn around and see his mate’s face, but he wasn’t willing to make the all-consuming pleasure stop.

Although his arms were being pulled behind him, William leaned a little further forward, grinding his ass harder as Sage fucked him wildly.

His ankles tightened into Sage’s sides as William began to bounce, pushing Sage’s cock further inside of him, making him scream louder as his ass slammed down into Sage’s pelvis. He could feel pubic hairs tickling his ass as Sage’s hands released William and grabbed his sides in one fluid movement, catching William before he fell face-first onto the floor.

William’s balls smacked into Sage’s as he wrapped his arms around Sage’s knees for leverage. William could feel a golden wave of passion and love flow between them, their bond strengthening as Sage’s fingers bit into his skin, gripping him tightly as William rocketed closer to the edge, his orgasm racing to his balls.

He moaned aloud with erotic pleasure as Sage snapped his hips in frenzy. William slid forward, his fingers curling around Sage’s ankles as he shouted his release, his mind and body exploding with such force that William wasn’t sure he was going to survive his orgasm.

His entire body was electrified as waves of fierce pleasure shot him forward, careening out of control as his seed jetted forward from his cock. “Sage!” William cried out as Sage stiffened under him and

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then roared his release, slamming so hard up into William that he feared he would be tossed across the room from the upward momentum.

Sage jackknifed, wrapping his arms around William’s body as he pulled him down onto his hard and sweaty chest. His mate’s breathing was labored as he wrapped his arms tightly around William.

William blinked a few times, gasping for air as he wondered what in the hell had gotten into Sage. He had fucked him like a dying man.

William’s brows furrowed as he felt a light weight on his finger. He raised his left hand and cried out as he saw a golden band wrapped around his finger.

“Sage!” William shouted and then turned over, kissing every inch of his mate’s face. “You remembered.”

Sage cupped his face, looking deep into William’s eyes as he smiled. “How could I forget, slim? I love you.”

As hard as he tried, it was useless. The tears came no matter how hard William fought for them to stay away. Someone finally loved him. It was something William had looked for his entire life. It was a dream come true and William was the happiest man on the planet at that moment.

“I love you, too,” he confessed as he laid his head on Sage’s chest, his hand stuck out in front of him as he admired the wedding band. He didn’t care that they didn’t have a ceremony. He belonged to Sage, and Sage belonged to him. That was all that mattered in William’s eyes.

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Chapter Twelve

Sage was in a great mood. The large bed had been delivered, the electricity was on, and his house was becoming a home. It was about damn time things were going right around here. He just prayed it stayed that way.

“Okay, what do you want?” Monterey asked as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing something from the fridge. “What’s the powwow for?”

Sage grinned at his friend and gave him a wink. “We wait for everyone.” Sage didn’t want to repeat himself to everyone who stepped into the room. He leaned against the counter, tucking his arms over his chest as he watched the room fill.

“Did we order pizza?” Isaac asked, being the last one to come into the kitchen. Sage pushed from the counter, waiting for the rowdy bunch to settle before he cleared his throat.

“I have a proposition for you gentlemen.” And he used the term loosely. All five of his friends were good men, but gentlemen they were not.

“Aw, geez, Sage. I’m flattered, but I think your mate would have a problem with that,” Patrick teased as he took a seat at the table Sage had purchased from some dime store. “Besides, you’re not my type. I like my men a little less moody.”

“Since when?” Monterey asked as Patrick cut him a glare.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, Pat,” Sage said and then continued. “I’m proposing that each of you buy a business here in Mystery.” That would help Sage’s pocket and make his friends feel more at ease knowing they were a part of this town as well. He loved

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having them around and the free labor, but a man needed to feel like he could lay roots somewhere.

“Are we talking about the same town?” Isaac asked. “The town a mile down the road that is falling apart?”

“So,” Sage said as William walked into the kitchen, Terror close on his heels. His mate’s finger looked great with his ring on it. Sage was happy he had made the right decision to buy them. He was still getting used to the weight on his finger. His thumb played over the band as he spoke to his friends. “This house was ready for condemning, but look at it now. You don’t have to give me an answer right away. I just wanted to toss that idea out there.”

Sage knew he had to do something to bring some money into this town or his dream of fully restoring it was going to be flushed down the drain. He hadn’t expected the town to be this much in disrepair.

Hell, he hadn’t expected it to be falling down, period.

No wonder it was so dirt cheap.

That would teach him to impulse shop.

“I want the diner. I want the diner,” Patrick shouted as he jumped up from the table, waving his hand in the air. “I call first dibs.”

“I don’t think anyone is going to fight you over it.” Jeremiah chuckled.

“They better not.” Patrick narrowed his eyes at everyone. “No one can cook to save their life around here.”

“This is going to be interesting,” Mercy said as he walked out of the room.

Sage grabbed his phone as it rang at his hip. He flipped it open and answered. “Sage.”

“Hey, Sage, it’s Samuel. I just wanted to let you know I found the electrician. It turns out he also has a gambling problem.”

Sage grunted. “Thanks for letting me know. We have electricity, so I won't be needing him.” And there was no way he was going to let the guy work on his house.

“Not a problem. Talk to you later.”

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Sage hung up and followed the men from the kitchen.

One mystery solved.

* * * *

William swallowed hard as he walked through the town. Too many memories were coming back to him and he didn’t like it, but he knew the only way to get over his past was to embrace it with a new future.

If he made good memories here, then they would replace the bad ones. At least that was what he was hoping. It sounded logical.

“You doing okay, slim?” Sage asked as they walked into the diner that looked as though the weeds and wildlife had taken over. William had never seen a diner with plants growing out of the floor before.

BOOK: Sage's Mystery
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